Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 506: wizard tower, access, surveillance


Vivica's eyes lit up.

Eli glanced at him and said, "Dylan and I will go in later, and you and Mia will stay here!


Hearing this, the eyes of the two froze for a moment, and Vivica puffed up her mouth even more!

It's not negotiable!" Eli was also very determined, he couldn't bring two bottles of oil.

"All right!"

Vivica knew that she would definitely not be able to enter this time, and nodded dissatisfied. Mia didn't have much thought, but she regretted that she couldn't enter.

ten minutes later!

In the sky.

Eli and Dylan looked at each other, then took out the key.

Accompanied by a burst of fluctuations from the key, the space in front of him rippled like water waves, and a crack in time and space slowly opened, as if connecting somewhere.

Eli and Dylan stepped inside without hesitation.

Then the space crack slowly closed.

On the ground, the two were hiding in the shadows, waiting silently.

. . . . . .


When Eli opened his eyes again, the scenery in front of him had changed.

There is a starry sky in front of me, and the light of the stars does not know where to illuminate the place. There are a large number of meteorite fragments floating around, including various flying war wizards, and even Eli saw several damaged sky warships. city.

And Eli's eyes only concentrated on these for a few seconds before turning his eyes not far away.

In the empty starry sky, there is a huge "planet"!

It was a silver-white planet, its huge size was comparable to the moon in the wizarding world, probably not much worse than the previous earth, and on it, Eli saw countless mechanical creations.

The entire surface of the planet was covered by huge weapons like a forest of steel. Eli saw huge fusion element cannons tens of thousands of meters long, and elemental energy lakes like oceans.

Of course, this is not all, there are three huge rotating rings around it, covered with countless runes, including space runes, and runes that accumulate power and explode. Eli doesn't know the function, but his instinct Tell him that if this thing is used, even the world will be torn apart!

"Is this the Gray Wizard's Tower?" Eli took a deep breath, feeling deeply shocked in front of this huge "Wizard's Tower".

Dylan nodded and looked at Eli's "That's right. The three rings are called Wrath of the Star Ring. Firstly, they are devices that drive the wizard tower to move in space. The second is to attack. One ring The attack is comparable to the seven rings, and the three rings erupt together, which is powerful enough to destroy a Medieval Fruit!"


Hearing Eli's description, Eli gasped.

The first ring compares to the seventh ring, and the third ring destroys the world!

He can't even destroy the fragments of the world, let alone the world. That was indeed a dimensionality reduction blow.

"My lord, let's enter." Dylan urged.

"Don't worry, let's talk about the dangers inside and what to pay attention to." Eli turned to Dylan and asked.

"Dangerous?" Dylan frowned, and said: "The key itself has certain authority, although the adult cannot directly control the wizard tower, but there is no need to worry about the attack of mechanical creations on it, and you can leave at any time." In Ma Secret Realm, the only thing to worry about is the great war that year, there may be some creatures left by the ruler, this may need to be paid attention to!


Hearing this, Eli looked towards the wizard's tower, but found that there were indeed some faint black spots on the silver "planet", as if they were still moving.

"Then you really have to be careful!" Eli said that he has the key to advance and retreat freely, and he can avoid most of the dangers here, which is equivalent to authority dogs, but those black mist creatures don't care, after all, they were

Is the enemy of life and death!

"It's different this time, but how about the members of the Warlock Alliance to help us explore?" Eli said with a smile.

"Oh, by the way, my lord has the key. When we land on the ground, we should be able to master some basic permissions, such as surveillance permissions, or control some basic mechanical items." Dylan seemed to remember something, and suddenly raised his head road.

"Oh, that's interesting, let's go straight down!

Eli nodded, and together with Dylan secretly flew towards the wizard tower. The huge star ring did not move at this time, but when Eli traveled through and saw the three star rings, he was still very shocked. In front of these behemoths , They are as small as an ant, and the size is not even bigger than a rune on it. It is hard to imagine how the wizarding world builds these creations.

And the closer to the ground, what Eli observed was a little different.

He found that the planet seemed to be full of metal, and Dylan explained that the body of the wizard tower was actually transformed by a metal life form. It was the body of the master who was accidentally killed by the wizard world. Of course, most of the strangeness has been lost at this time, but There are still some special features, such as automatic repair.

So in fact, the surface of the planet is still very neat, and only the creations of the wizards are damaged. In fact, the wizard tower that has gone through that battle, plus thousands of years of no maintenance, nine percent of the wizards' creations Parts of fifteen have been damaged and need to be repaired before they can be used.

This also made Eli understand that the wizard tower was very fast, and under Dylan's guidance, they were getting closer to the ground.

They landed in an unremarkable area.

It is also an extremely dilapidated scene, a huge broken metal factory, a huge fusion element cannon broken in half, and mechanical tissues everywhere!

Even until Eli landed on the ground, feeling the metal, he understood that this was a dilapidated mechanical planet, and of course the surface was also the so-called "wizard tower".

As soon as it landed, Eli saw some mechanical creations standing on the ground not far away turning, and even a few tens of meters of mechanical robots appeared on the ground in the distance, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

But it was only a few seconds. After the light swept for a few seconds, it fell into silence again.

"Hey, my lord, I told you that we have authority. Creatures here in the mainland will not attack us!" Dylan smiled triumphantly, and then saw his body change, a mechanical tentacles stretched out, directly inserted into the ground.

The ground suddenly rippled like water waves, and then the earth fissioned, and a passage leading directly to the ground slowly emerged in front of Eli and Dylan.

Eli was puzzled, and Dylan opened his eyes: "My lord, this is the passage leading to the supervision room, and it is also the area I was in charge of. You will have to rely on your lord to unlock it later in the day!

That's it!

Eli nodded.

Soon, the two walked down towards the inside, and after walking for a few kilometers, they suddenly realized.

This is a huge underground space, which is hundreds of acres in size, but it is dark at the moment, surrounded by countless screens, and not far from them, there is a huge console.

Dylan seemed to be very familiar with this place. He walked directly to the console, and then pressed a button. Immediately, the light in front of him brightened up, and on the console, a phantom like a female elf slowly appeared.

"My lord, this is an interesting low-latitude creature. It has no concept of lifespan. When the wizard tower was built, the wizards integrated it into the planet as an auxiliary creature. It is a life and death with the wizard tower. A creature, her name is Samir." Dylan said, and at this time, Phantom also opened his eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a layer of data flow slowly behind him, and then looked at Dylan, as if wondering, but his eyes widened in the next second.

"Little Dilan, you're back, wow, I didn't expect you to come back thousands of years ago, I thought you were dead, oh, it's just surprising, after all, you are so weak, you dare to participate with only the fourth ring War, don’t you think so, Little Dylan?” Samir’s illusory figure jumped in front of Dylan, chattering endlessly!

Little Dylan?

Seeing this interesting title, Eli frowned.

Samir also noticed Eli at this time, but unlike seeing Dylan, the moment she saw Eli, her eyes changed instantly, and she screamed loudly: "Someone invades, someone enters, and the surrounding walls instantly light up." , countless dark holes appeared, a little bit of energy seemed to be accumulated in them, and even a large amount of metallic liquid flowed from the wall, and instantly the humanoid robot exuded the breath of the four rings.

Eli's complexion changed, and the aura belonging to the high position of the fifth ring burst out instantly.

And Samir felt Eli's breath and eyes change. Over the years, the power of the wizard tower has gradually weakened. If it was the invasion of the five rings, she would have a way to deal with it, but at this moment, she can't stop such a powerful enemy at all, let alone the wizard tower. unowned state.

"My lord, my lord, take out the key. This is a matter of authority. You haven't obtained the authority here yet!" Dylan shouted loudly, because he forgot to remind Eli.

Hearing the reminder, Eli took out the key again and when he saw the key, Samir's eyes were repeated again. In the next second, countless machines retracted, and the two **** of liquid slowly melted into the floor, Samir complained. Looking at the two of them, he said, "Ah, really, don't take out the key if you have one. Isn't that almost a problem?"

The corner of Dylan's mouth twitched, and he quickly ran to Eli and said, "My lord, the creatures in the wizard tower are all above authority, and having the key automatically has the second-level authority here, which belongs to the second-level authority. I forgot to tell my lord.

Dylan apologized.

Eli also understands that it is too excited. In fact, Dylan has been in a state of excitement since he entered here with confidence. Samir looked away after knowing Eli's identity at this time and was a little curious. Did she know Dylan? Yes, but she has never seen the warlock in front of her.

Eli also briefly introduced: "Wizard of Five Rings and Thousand Flowers, Eli.

Hello, Lord Eli!" Samir nodded curiously, "Samir, my lord is here to obtain the permission of the Wizard Tower." Dylan said beside him.

"I understand!" Samir nodded, but then looked at the two of them in doubt, and asked curiously: "If you want to control the wizard tower, you can go to the core center tower, why did you come to me?

"Samir, isn't it true that you have all the monitoring on the Wizard Tower? We don't know what the current situation is in the Wizard Tower, and at this time, a group of illegal warlocks broke into the Wizard Tower in an attempt to gain authority. We That's why I came here!" Dylan said.

"? What, illegal intrusion?" Samir's eyes widened.

In her eyes, Dylan is Gray's personal student, and Eli has the owner's key, so it is orthodox, and intruders are naturally illegal intrusion, which needs to be stopped!

In an instant, Eli only saw hundreds of thousands of screens lighting up one after another, and a picture after another appeared on it, showing the current situation of the wizard tower.

A few seconds later, a screen was seen moving in front of their eyes.

On the screen, many warlocks are working with a large number of mechanical warlock alliances.

Seeing this scene, Samir's face changed, and he seemed a little flustered, and the figure walked around: "Ah, what should I do, what should I do? Someone really invaded.

She spoke hurriedly, then looked at Dylan and said, "Little Dilan, you have to stop them for us, if you allow them to obtain the final authority, then you will be in trouble!"

"Of course!" Dylan nodded, and then said: "Actually, our purpose this time is to stop them, so I came to you not only to monitor them, but also to obtain the authority of other departments. I know you It is possible to contact every witch spirit, Samir, we need your help!

Samir hesitated. "Discussion..."

At this time, Dylan pushed Eli out and said to him! "The owner of the key has a second-level authority, and as the only wizard here, according to Article 361 of the regulations, he automatically obtains all second-level department authority. This is legal!

Hearing Dylan's words, Samir hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay then.

In the next second, a ray of light came from Samir's eyes.

With the middle light on, he scanned Eli up and down, especially staying on the key for a few minutes.

Eli also kept calm. At this moment, Eli finally understood Dylan's purpose. He deserves to be a local!

Soon, Samir gradually recovered, and a stream of data flowed out of his body, slowly flying towards Eli. Eli felt that there was no harm, and accepted it directly.

A few seconds later, Eli finished receiving "How is your lord?" Dylan seemed to know what happened, and laughed.


Just now, he obtained many permissions of this wizard tower, including but not limited to all surveillance rights on the wizard tower, control of accidental robots in the core area of ​​UU Reading, various weird permissions, etc.

Of course, most of the authority is only outside the core area, that is, the so-called core center tower, but this is enough. Of course, I also know more about the wizard tower since then, such as there are a large number of evil creatures inside and outside the core area, and Contaminated mechanical artifacts, etc., are also not in the control area.

Of course, what Eli cares about is the polluted mechanical creations and evil creatures.

Even if Eli feels this, it is very troublesome. It seems that this depends on everyone in the Warlock Alliance!

Eli leaned back, and a liquid flowed out from the wall, dragging Eli's body, and the original screen suddenly enlarged, displaying members of the Warlock Alliance on it.

On the side, Samir and Dylan looked at the screen, "Let them preserve some of their fighting power. There are more internal troubles than one, and this weird creature is interesting. Let me observe it first if you lead one to it." Lai smiled. Laughing, two orders were issued.

And Dylan feels pity for all the warlocks!

At this time, they don't know what kind of situation they will fall into!

Compete with authority dogs?

Poor Warlock League!

When they get through all kinds of crises and enter the core area where it's finally over, they will find that they are just people who help to find the way, and the oriole is behind!

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