Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 531: The shock of all the races in the deep sea, the invitation of the royal court

"What? The Megalodon family was wiped out?

In the deep sea, in a submarine trench, there was an exclamation.

Suddenly the waves sucked back, and a huge squid-like creature slowly swam out, looking at a smaller squid not far from the sea hook, but it was still a hundred meters away.

They are the star squid, a race adjacent to the mermaid race.

They also knew about the megalodon invasion this time, even the mermaid family's request for help had been sent to them, but after considering the pros and cons, they still refused.

"Yes, Patriarch, and this time the crisis is solved by a mermaid named Poseidon, who is said to be the uncle of the queen of the mermaid clan, whose strength is above the five-ringed Chiba! The one-size-smaller Skystar Squid Road send.

The giant squid sucked back a mouthful of sea water, a swirl on the bottom of the sea.

"Above Chiba, the mermaid clan has such combat power, how is it possible? Is it worthy of being one of the dominant clans in the wizarding era?" He murmured, his tone extremely regretful.

There is no doubt that the mermaid clan will rise again.

A Sea Clan above Qianye can change too much!

"Hey, take some gifts to congratulate the mermaid clan, and give them the piece of sea in the north as he said." angry, and then said.

"Yes." The little squid opposite nodded, also looking helpless.

This time, they were not the only ones who were wrong. When the news of the victory of the Mermaid Clan spread throughout the surrounding waters, all the Sea Clans who had been asked for help at that time also regretted it. , See if you can mend the relationship.

The fame of Mermaid Wave Cold Winter also gradually spread in the deep sea.

. . . . .

The deepest part of the deep sea.

Here stands a huge submarine continent, a giant pillar, and a huge open-air submarine hall on the bottom of the sea stands here.

And here is where the Royal Court of the Sea Clan is located, and is now the center of the Sea Clan.

A large number of Sea Clans are wandering around here, and there are also Sea Clans inside, most of them are not weak, but suddenly a swordfish flies into the sea clan's royal court, and quickly paddles across the water.

His speed was very fast, and he came to the palace in the blink of an eye. Passing through the stone pillars that looked like the residence of gods and demons, he came to the main hall.

A huge long table in the hall stands in the sea water, and at the head of the long table sits a "human being, but if you look carefully, you will find that his hair is tentacles, and there are circles of black and purple around his body." pattern.

"Master Kelin." The Sailfish Sea Clan did not dare to overstep, bowing their heads respectfully.

The Sea Clan in front of me is a member of the Bada Royal Family Sauron Giant Chapter, a powerhouse at the Wanhua level, and is also the person in charge of the Eight Royal Clans who are here on duty during this time.

Let me tell you that the Imperial Court was established by the Hai Clan Alliance, which is just an alliance, and this is only the central point of communication between the various clans, so one of the eight royal families will take turns in charge every time.

During this period of time, it was the Sauron Juzhang family who were in charge.

"What happened?" He raised his head and asked as the sailfish's arrival also attracted his attention.


Sailfish's throat moved slightly, sending a shell up to Kelin to pick it up, and then his consciousness went in.

"Mermaid family, mermaid above Chiba, Poseidon!

Kelin browsed through the information, his eyes gradually opened wide.

After a full minute, he put it down.

Then he pulled out a scroll from the side of the table, glanced at it, and threw it aside, and the content was about the request of the mermaid clan to quit.

"Although this matter is claimed by the Demon Whale Clan. They used to be vassals of the Mermaid Clan, but this has nothing to do with me. However, the Mermaid Clan still has such a strong person. It is worthy of being the famous deep-sea royal family in the wizard era. Surviving all kinds of setbacks.”

Kelin lamented that today's eight royal families, in fact, most of them used to be lower than the former mermaid clan.

On the contrary, they, the Great Chapter of Sauron and the Mermaid Clan, were once the deep-sea "noble creatures".

Clan", so seeing the rise of the mermaid clan again made him feel a little happy.

Of course it's just him, there may be other races who are unhappy, and then they don't seem to be calm. Of course, if they can get over it, he doesn't mind contacting this race!

. . . . .


Easily killed a hidden sea snake at the stage of the sacred tree, and Eli put away its corpse.

Behind him, there were dozens of mermaids, all looking at him in awe, including Ivar.

"Lord Poseidon, this is the fifth sea creature with five rings and above that you have killed in the past three months, and it is also the first sacred tree. I am afraid that no sea tribe with five rings will dare to touch it in the future. .”

Yvars came out, his eyes full of agitation, and he was doing something wrong.

The last three months have been extremely turbulent three months.

Due to Lord Eli's sudden arrival, the situation of the Mermaid Clan is instantly different. It not only stabilizes their position in the imperial court, but also makes the Mermaid Clan's reputation soar again.

No, many wandering sea creatures and some powerful races appear around the mermaids from time to time, but fortunately most of them are well-behaved, but there are also a few sea people who are not very good at dealing with this, the sea snake in front of them is, this is already This is the fifth Sea Clan killed by Eli, and I'm afraid it will be very stable in the future.

During this period of time, his avatar has been staying here to search for a lot of unique resources, as well as the corpses of the sea clan and the mermaid clan to help find some knowledge about the six-ring wizard.

"My lord, it seems that the knowledge clues of the six-ring wizards you want have been collected, and they are at His Majesty's place. Do you want to go back and have a look?" At this time, Ivar suddenly said.


Eli turned his head, his eyes lit up.


Soon, Eli returned to the mermaid palace, "Brother Eli!" Laura hurriedly got up to greet him, tell me, what's going on!"

Eli waved him to sit down, and he went to the other side and sat down.

"About the knowledge of the sixth ring, I asked some sea tribes who looked at each other. For your sake, most of the sea tribes generously gave us wizard information." Laura said with emotion.

If it wasn't for Brother Eli, how could these races pay attention to them.

It was during this time that she thoroughly understood the importance of combat power, so she was even more grateful for Eli's arrival, especially when she thought of the agreement between the two, she even smiled.

Eli's eyes were weird, why did the kid still laugh "Um!" Laura also realized it, and adjusted quickly, then continued the topic: "Although the wizard resources have been sent a lot, the sixth ring is still too high-end after all, it's not But there are some clues, some races in the imperial court may have!"

"Oh?" Eli's eyes lit up.

As expected, the Hai Clan really had what he wanted.

But how to get it seems to be a problem.

"Oh, by the way, my lord, the Saul giant chapter family has thrown an olive branch to us, hoping that we will join their They are also like the mermaid family, a big family in the wizard era, and a relatively moderate family, Do you think we should join?" Laura suddenly asked, "Sol's medallion? Do they have the knowledge of the six rings?" Eli asked.

"It's not clear, but there is a high probability that there is, and they shouldn't mind giving us this kind of resource, after all," Laura said. It is a reproducible resource.

"Okay, if there are, then promise them.

Eli nodded.

These days, he also learned about some of the composition of the imperial court. There are mainly two rows. One is a deep-sea demon whale family who are violent and advocate the annexation of the world.

If you want to join one, it is naturally the latter. "Then Laura understands." Laura nodded, and then looked at Eli: "Oh, by the way, Klin from Sol's Grand Chapter wants to see the Lord, I don't know what adults think.

"Push it." Eli refused directly.

Just kidding, let Laura do this kind of thing "Well, it's okay, here are all the wizards we collected


Laura sent a crystal ball over. This kind of cheap and easy-to-use thing is also used by the Sea Clan.

Eli took it casually, and then quickly browsed through most of the knowledge he knew, but there were also some that he didn't understand. Although it could not directly improve his combat effectiveness, it could increase his knowledge.

It can only be said that this trip to the Sea Clan was indeed not in vain.

As for the next step, it is natural to continue to improve the status of the mermaid clan in the sea clan, but this has to be done slowly, there is no rush, anyway, the sea clan is temporarily stable, so there is no need to worry too much.

Of course, he didn't have time to manage the Sea Clan at this time, because as half a year passed, the experiment on the law of light on the main body's side finally succeeded after many years.

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