Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 61: soul imprint

Cold and dark.

Arya Kazan took a deep breath and stretched out her hand, feeling deep powerlessness and sadness.

Looking towards the front, this is a dilapidated hut, so simple that there is even only a wooden bed, and the only light source is a candle that is about to burn out.

It was a house in Turin's largest civilian area, and one of the few places that was safe for him.

He spent the past three days here.

In fact, he was going to find his aunt three days ago, because his father gave him a list of people he could trust before his death, and his aunt was one of them.

But halfway through, he decided to change places first and come here to hide.

Aunt can indeed believe it, but maybe his uncle will just take advantage of this and put eyeliner around those people to wait for him to fall into the trap.

And in his mind, the person he met three days ago, the mysterious person, the "business" they were talking about.

Now that three days are up, will he come?

And he doesn't have his address, how he can find him.

"Like a magician?" Arya suddenly remembered the man's grace and calmness that day, as if everything was at stake.

But to be honest, he didn't have much hope in his heart.

Because he always felt that it was a bit like a dream.

"Three days have passed immediately, it seems that I think too much."

Arya glanced out the window, it was getting dark at this time, and then glanced at the wooden door not far away, motionless.


Suddenly, the wooden door moved.

Hearing the sound, Arya's eyes widened and her heartbeat accelerated inexplicably. His first reaction was not that Eli was here, but that his uncle had found him, but that's impossible, it should be safe here, how could it be possible find him.

"You look a little nervous!"

But it was not a rough mercenary's voice that entered Arya's ears, but a calm voice.

"It's you!"

Moonlight streamed in through the crack in the door, and Eli was dressed in black and had a cane in his hand.

"Nice place, but it looks like you haven't had a good three days!"

Eli glanced around, and then said to Arya Kazan, if it weren't for the mark of spiritual power, this place would not be easy to find!

"You, did you find me." At this time, Arya was already stupid. He didn't expect that Eli actually found him.

Could it be that Eli has actually been spying on him these days?

"As agreed, I brought perfume!" Eli seemed impatient to listen to him and threw a bottle over.

Arya: ? ?

Arya took the bottle in her hand, and the liquid she was looking for was flowing in the bottle.

He was stunned for a moment. Could this be the perfume mentioned earlier?

He unscrewed the bottle, and immediately, the smell of the bottle penetrated into his nose. As the original heir of the Kazan Chamber of Commerce, his ability to identify perfume is naturally good.

This smell, at best, is middle-to-high, but when he smells this smell, he seems to be able to feel an urge, an urge to approach, it is a collision originating from the spiritual level!


Elijah smelled and smelled helplessly, people were stunned, and it seemed that he could not understand how there was such a strange perfume, but then there was ecstasy. With such a great perfume, he would definitely be able to win the support of the nobles after the Chamber of Commerce. .

Once he has her support, and the people in the chamber of commerce who already support him, as well as those swingers, then he can use this to regain control of the chamber of commerce.

As for why he is so confident in the energy of the nobles behind him.

Because standing behind the Kazan Chamber of Commerce was the largest noble in the Lorraine Kingdom, Queen Cynthia, and only she could not even care about the benefits of a large Chamber of Commerce.

Arya held the perfume tightly in her hand, as if it were the last straw.

"Wait a minute, are you forgetting something?" Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Eli whispered on the opposite side.

"Oh, yes, business, I remember you said, this is a business!" Arya also woke up like a dream, and asked Eli hurriedly:

"Then what do you want?"

"There is a principle in business, called the principle of equivalence, you know?" Eli approached Arya slowly and said.

"Of course, don't worry, I'll give you the equivalent of this perfume." Arya was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly said.

"No, that's not how the account is calculated." Eli shook his head.

Isn't that how you count? How does that count.

Arya was a little confused.

"You got into my car by accident, so it's fair to say that I should have saved your life, so it makes sense that your life should be mine next." Eli looked at Arya and smiled analyzed.

Arya: ? ? ?

He was stunned.

He didn't quite understand what Eli meant, but he generally understood that Eli was giving everything to him, whether it was his life or the Chamber of Commerce he might have in the future.

"Impossible, you are too greedy!" Arya's eyes widened.

"No, you got in my car, and the transaction has already started." Eli shook his head, and at the same time, the wizard's hand appeared instantly, and directly grabbed Arya who was close at hand.

Arya's eyes widened, but she couldn't resist at all, she could only watch Eli slowly stretch out her hand and put it on his head.


Just for a moment, Arya felt as if his brain was pierced by countless needles, and an invisible but seemingly mysterious connection was formed between him and the man in front of him.

This process lasted for five minutes before Eli stopped.

After all, soul branding is not some simple witchcraft.

Witchcraft - soul imprint, zero ring witchcraft, the function is to engrave the soul imprint in the target consciousness, so as to achieve a complete understanding of the target's thinking and enslave the opponent's witchcraft

Requirements: Second-class apprentice or above, there is a huge gap in mental power, there can be no excessive resistance, and it is necessary to leave a mental mark on the target three days in advance before implementation.

This witchcraft Eli is also using it for the first time, because the conditions for using this witchcraft are really troublesome, and with his current mental power, he can perform at most three.

And the reason why he booked for three days was also because of this sorcery. As for when he left the mark, he lightly patted Arya on the shoulder before leaving the carriage.

"What did you put in my head?" At this time, Arya was already slumped to the ground, looking at Eli with fear.

He even had a feeling that Eli could fully understand what he was thinking at this time, and even killed him directly.

"Didn't you already think of it?" Eli looked down at Arya.

He planned to do this from the very beginning. After all, if he really just relied on self-consciousness and waited until Arya got the Chamber of Commerce, would he really be able to fully satisfy Eli's conditions!

In fact, Eli felt that the pact was the most unreliable thing.

Contracts on paper are floating clouds, and those engraved in mind are much more reliable.

"Impossible, how could there be such a method!" Arya's face twitched.

"Then try?" Eli asked, looking at Arya.

Arya's eyes widened.

the next moment.

As if the brain was torn apart, and the soul was burned by flames, while being pierced by countless needles, Arya let out a painful This is the pain he has never experienced.

Compared with physical pain, the pain of the soul is ten times, a hundred times more terrible.

The torture lasted only five seconds, but Arya felt as if hundreds of years had passed.

"Do you want to try again?" Eli asked again, but in Arya's eyes, it seemed like a whisper of a demon.

"No, no, no," Arya said inarticulately.

In just five seconds, he already fully understood his situation.

Where did he get into the tiger's mouth before, this is completely jumping directly into the bottom of hell!

"From now on, you are my "slave", everything you have is mine, do you want to? Of course, you have another choice, that is, I will remove the brand and kill you, you can choose ." Eli looked down at Arya and said.

Does he have a choice?

Tears welled up in Arya's eyes, and he understood that he had no choice at all.

He suddenly remembered what his father once said. All gifts have already been marked with prices in secret. He didn't understand before, but now he seems to understand, but it's a little too late.

"I do!" After a few seconds, Arya finally nodded in resignation.

He chose to live.

"Very good, it's easy to accept!" Eli's relaxed voice came: "Relax, I'm almost thirty, you are only 19, when I die, you and your descendants will be free. "

A little light flashed in Arya's eyes, and he slowly got up from the ground.

"You're in good spirits." Eli smiled, squatted down, looked at Arya and said:

"Then let's talk about the nobles after the Kazan Chamber of Commerce, and how you plan to get back the Chamber of Commerce that belongs to me."

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