Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 73: Weiss' legacy

It's midnight when the team arrives in King's Landing!

So when they arrived at the starting point, there was no one but a group of soldiers and some noble supporters.

Eli and Lemon asked the driver to send them back at this time. As for whether it was a reward or someone wanted to see them, that would be discussed later.

Soon, with the sound of hooves, Eli returned to his house.

The pitch-black house stood in the darkness, and the vines clinging to the railing told Eli that everything was fine.

Eli asked the coachman to carefully remove the box, and then asked the coachman to help move it in.

"Okay, sir, of course!" The driver nodded, glanced at the house, and always felt that the darkness was extraordinarily terrifying, but it was just a gentleman, what could there be.

He loaded the box and walked into the small courtyard.

Whoa whoa whoa!

He seemed to hear something crawling, making bursts of friction.

The driver's heart beat faster, and he glanced, and found that there were some small animal corpses under the vines not far away, and he couldn't help but be more terrified.

"Just move here." Eli said suddenly.

The driver, as if receiving amnesty, immediately put down the box, almost ran out of the yard, then got into the carriage and galloped away.

"What's wrong?" Eli shook his head suspiciously, and then he suddenly realized when he glanced at the vines.

It's been three months since he was away from home, and he hasn't fed the vines.

But these are all minor issues, and I'll talk about it tomorrow, Eli can't wait to see what's in the box!

Take the box into the lab and close the door.

Eli directly opened the box.

In an instant, the contents of the box were displayed in front of Eli's eyes.

A crystal ball, and three books.

Big harvest!

Absolute big hit.

There are not many things, only books and crystal balls, but it is enough to surprise him.

Eli directly picked up the books, the three were "Bloodline Selection of the Bloodline Warlock", "Advanced Potions", and "Advanced Alchemy"


Seeing the names of the three books, Eli opened his mouth the most. These books are purely knowledge-based. They were all the things he lacked the most and wanted the most.

He first picked up Advanced Potions and immediately read it.

In an instant, looking at the knowledge in the book that was familiar but at a higher level than what he had learned, Eli trembled with joy, as if looking at the holy book. Lai felt as if a new world had opened up.

Eli flipped through the pages voraciously, and stopped reluctantly after reading it for two hours.

He almost forgot today's task, he has to sort this out first!

Immediately, he picked up another advanced alchemy technique and read it carefully. He was also pleasantly surprised, because he could see how crude his original technique was.

Every wizard has an instinctive quest for knowledge, even Eli.

For him, this harvest is far more precious than a chamber of commerce.

"Oh, and one more." As if remembering something, Eli picked up the last book.

Eli was really curious about this book.

Because Sarin Metatlin's notes actually contained very few records about the future of a ring wizard, so he seemed to vaguely know that the bloodline wizard seemed to be part of the wizard's learning.

He didn't know much about blood.

Open the book.

It is found that there are various bloodlines, their advantages and disadvantages, and comparisons, as well as how to choose a suitable bloodline, and what bloodline should be incorporated into the promotion!

? ? ?

Promotion into the bloodline?

Seeing this line, Eli showed a strange expression, what does this mean.

Isn't the promotion only requires the spiritual power to reach the standard, and then solidify a ring of witchcraft in the spirit? Why does it need to be integrated into the bloodline?

That's not what Sarin Metatlin's notes say.

Could it be that there is something wrong with Sarin Metatlin's notes?

Eli is one head and two big.

There are all kinds of doubts, but I can't figure out why it is directly integrated into the bloodline. If so, is it equivalent to directly abandoning the spiritual power of the wizard, and other aspects, specializing in the bloodline warlock?

But do wizards really do that?

Isn't this a complete violation of the wizard's code, the principle of spiritual power first!

In addition, if this is the case, it is completely narrowing the path of the wizard. Even Eli suspects that he can only use the power of the bloodline. For the wizard, this is a complete weakening, and it is a big weakening.

Can't it be integrated into the bloodline after the promotion!

"It's really weird!" Eli looked at the book and didn't see the author.

"Strange, let's see what's in the crystal ball." With doubts in his heart, Eli picked up the crystal ball beside him.

This is where the magic power fluctuations come from.

The crystal ball is generally an important auxiliary tool for wizards. It is often used to record this kind of information, as well as experimental data, etc. It is also the part that Eli is most looking forward to. He feels that there will be some clues about Sarin Metatlin.

Spiritual power instantly connected.

The contents of the crystal ball were also displayed in Eli's consciousness.

Ignoring some experimental data, Eli found Wes's log inside and learned about Wes from it.

It turned out that Weiss didn't come from the so-called wizarding place. He was a student accepted by Sarin from a place in the east, and became a wizard apprentice, following Sarin Metatlin all the way here.

After coming here, I started to look for a relic, but I couldn't find it. Salin Metatlin actually directly enslaved more than a dozen great Then a group of people directly established the Byrne Empire, help find.

He was in charge of the area of ​​Orison Kingdom, and then found that there might be clues here, so Sarin Metatlin directly assassinated the king and some leaders of Orison Kingdom, and destroyed the country, but he didn't find it, but He died unexpectedly.

That's it? ?

Eli blinked, it seemed a lot less than he thought!

There is no real information either, the only certainty is that what Sarin Metatlin seems to be looking for is a relic.

"That's it?" Eli was a little disappointed.

He thought he would know more about Sarin Metatlin!

But it seems very reasonable, after all, Weiss is just a random student on the road of Sarin Metatlin, and he is only a second-class apprentice (from the crystal ball), how can he know how much, I am afraid Sarin Metatlin Lin didn't even take him seriously, he was just looking for a tool man.

"Looks like looking for something for Sarin Metatlin, take your time."

Shaking his head, Eli put those thoughts behind him.

Several books have given him enough surprises, and Eli feels that this is very good, and there is no need to expect too much.

And the broken staff, Eli intends to dissolve it in time, and then merge it into his staff and use it as waste.

However, the "Bloodline Selection of the Bloodline Warlock" still left deep doubts in Eli's mind.

Why does the promotion recorded in this book need to be integrated into the bloodline, but Salin Metatlin's notes are breakthrough spiritual power.

Is there something here that Eli doesn't know about?

In this regard, Eli remains cautious.

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