Eternals of the Wizarding World

Chapter 89: wait for a chance

After Severo died, Eli sighed, turned and walked outside.

Two guards are waiting.

"Let's go." Eli said directly.

"Okay." The guard nodded.

"Master Warden, how is Severo's condition now, should I go in and have a look." The prison guard was a little hesitant.

"His condition is not bad, let's see later." Eli changed into Karen's appearance at this time, calmly said.

"it is good!"

In this way, Eli was taken all the way out of the prison without anyone stopping him.

Eli got into the carriage and returned to the original road. On the way, Eli made an excuse, got out of the car, and left here directly. He secretly returned to King's Landing and went home.

When the guards wondered why the master still hadn't come back, three hours later, he finally realized that something was wrong, and he searched around, but couldn't find any trace.

"It's over." The guard felt wrong and prepared to leave and return to the manor.

When they arrived at the manor, after the report, everyone was shocked. The guards who had been guarding outside the door also mustered up the courage to open the door, and saw Karen who was **** and fell into a coma on the bed.

The Herman family was surprised.

Meanwhile, in prison.

When the guards returned and saw Severo Mesa, who had died, and the broken chain, they all understood that something big had happened.

The big knight in charge here is also stunned.

Immediately take a group of knights to the Herman family to ask for an explanation.

Marquis Herman was also dumbfounded, and the other side also knew about Karen who was in a coma, and everyone was stupid.

So he told the great knight who was stationed about it, but the great knight believed that his guards' ability was average, but he was not blind. How could so many people admit that he was wrong.

It was immediately believed that Marquis Herman was covering up Kevin and reported directly to King Byrne VII.

Byrne VII is furious!

Kevin was ordered to be arrested. At the same time, the Herman family was also in bad luck. They were directly searched, and a large number of violations of the laws of the empire were found. Then the title was directly cut off, and the entire family was searched.

And when Kevin, who just woke up, saw a dozen knights around him, he was immediately stupid, and when he learned what "he" had done, everyone was even more stupid and quickly denied it, but no one believed it at all. , or that the king did not want to believe it.

In this way, when Alex woke up, he heard the news that his old enemy was arrested, and people were also confused.

When people sleep at home, good things come from heaven.

As for why Byrne VII reacted so fiercely, there is naturally a reason.

First of all, what was dug was the imperial mausoleum, which represented the dignity of the royal family, and this matter was also publicized. The king had to give a tough answer. As a result, the Herman family met the muzzle of the gun, and naturally it did not end well.

Ordinary nobles care so much about their face, not to mention the biggest nobles in this country!

The second is that everyone is watching. If he doesn't give a reasonable treatment, then the prestige of Byrne VII will be reduced again. This time even he has no choice and must do it.

Of course these are later stories.

Day three.

The Imperial Library jointly retrieved Severo's body and buried it in the library's mausoleum.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but it rained a lot.

Eli presented Severo with a bouquet of flowers, then stood in the crowd watching the priest read his prayers.

A woman who looks like a thirty-year-old crying pear blossoms brought rain. In the rain, she did not hold an umbrella, and let the rain hit her body. Everyone could see her sadness.

He is Severo's daughter.

That's right, Severo's daughter is already thirty years old. After all, Severo is almost 60. How could her daughter be so young, but although she is thirty, she is very beautiful.

"Hey!" Eli sighed.

In a way, Severo is a real pity.

He actually has a very high wizard talent, but unfortunately he was born here, but Eli, who is generally gifted, got the wizard inheritance, which is really a mistake.

His first twenty years were miserable.

The middle twenty years were brilliant.

For the next two decades, it has been pursuing.

This is Severo's life, bright and brilliant.

After the banquet, the others left.

Eli followed Severo's daughter and quickly caught up with her.

"Hello, I'm your father's friend. I'm also very sad when your father died, but King's Landing is not suitable for you to stay for a long time." Eli said directly.

"Uh." The woman was also shocked, but when Eli took out a bracelet that Severo had taken from Severo before leaving, the woman nodded.

It was the necklace that my father always carried, and it was impossible for outsiders to get it.

"Okay." The woman is also very straightforward, she understands that King's Landing is indeed not suitable for her.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements when the time comes, just go home and clean up." Eli said directly.

The two separate.

Now that he has promised Severo, Eli will naturally do it.

three hours later.

A convoy with a large amount of goods departed from the Kazan Chamber of Commerce, and the destination was the Kingdom of Lorraine.

in a carriage.

"You will be safe when you arrive at the Lorraine Kingdom. Someone will take care of everything. You don't need to worry about money for the rest of your life." Eli said to the woman in the not bad. "The woman was a little hesitant, getting so many benefits for no reason, sending her away, and everything was arranged.

If she remembered correctly, his father was in a state of hardship for a long time, so how could he be able to pay in advance.

"Don't worry, Severo has paid me enough." Eli said, seeming to see what the woman was thinking.

Severo has indeed given his pay.

That's a 90 percent chance that Sarin Metatlin's legacy will remain.

For Eli, that's enough to be worth a manor.

What's more, Severo sacrificed his life for it.

"This is what I should do, I will send it here, and the journey is smooth." Eli said goodbye.

"I will definitely repay you in the future." The woman thanked her face.

"No, I just did what I was supposed to do." Shaking his head, Eli got out of the car directly.

There are many people on the road a few kilometers away from Jun's Landing.

Glancing at the long convoy, Eli turned back to King's Landing.

Although Severo died, he left behind a very precious piece of information.

Salin Metatlin's remains are in the palace, and it is still underground in the main hall.

It was impossible to excavate without any movement in that place, and even the number of great knights in the palace was unknown, even Eli, it was absolutely impossible to escape in the hands of more than a dozen great knights.

Therefore, this matter must not be reckless, and must be fully prepared.

If it was Severo, he might sneak into the palace immediately.

And Eli's thinking is.

wait! Been waiting!

Always wait for an opportunity.

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