Eternity in the darkness

Chapter 21:Chitchat- Part 2

I was going to turn eighteen finally in less than a week. For me, birthdays were always something to look forward to, anyone that matter. More new clothes, celebration, gifts, and food. It was as if I was a princess for a whole day. But this birthday was going to be a little different I knew that. Me being in the castle, my parents and friends coming to visit and not to forget the whole mate thing.

I felt a bit wary about the whole thing. I was attracted to him and he spoke to me with so much affection, it felt like I was on top of the world, I mean who wouldn't be when it was a gorgeous man like Adonis.

I could see the ground from here, students working out and playing. I saw Kyle and Derek on the ground playing soccer. Derek was yelling on the field looking a little annoyed at his teammates. He was a nice person.

After the whole Scarlet incident, I had to withdraw from the sports club and enroll my name in the art club. In the beginning, it was quite boring, well we had to just draw, and paint or do something creative. I made three friends there.

Something caught my eye as I watched people play. It was Trent. Not that he was looking my way or anything but, he had this big black mark around his eye as though he was punched. I wonder what did he do to deserve that, maybe terrorizing other students, serves him right. My lips curled at it.

"What are you smiling at?" Lizzy sat down next to me with Bella.

"Just thinking. Your classes are over?" I asked them. I remembered they had a full day class.

"Nope," Bella said happily, "We skipped classes."

"Oh," I said my mouth forming an O.

"Here," Lizzy said giving me a packet of Cheetos, "I think it's going to rain today," she said looking at the sky.

Opening it, I began munching. Lizzy put a mouthful of it in her mouth which was not ladylike.

"You know if the elder saw you now you would get an earful to listen," Bella said laughing.

"Elder?" I asked surprised, "I thought they were extinct". I had read about them in books, they were the wisest among any kind and had many rare abilities. All the elders held different abilities.

"There are very few left, hardly some ten around the world. Her name is Annesana. It's not like they are extinct or anything, I don't know how it works like its rare an elder being born," Lizzy replied.

"Oh," I said.

"So," Lizzy said to which I looked at her waiting for her to complete the sentence, "Are you going to tell us how the kiss was," I was caught off guard by her question. Taking my time in swallowing the Cheetos, I then replied.

"It was good."

"Only good? By the looks of it, it looked damn good," Bella, said suggestively making me feel embarrassed now. Not knowing what to tell I gave them a smile and they laughed.

Kyle waved at us grinning across the field. He was really a cheerful person. Derek saw Kyle waving to see whom he was waving at, seeing as he smiled then barked something to the boys making them run on the field and continue to play.

"Liz?" I called her.

"Yes hon, what is it?" she asked.

"Is it possible for a vampire to have a bruise?" I asked her.

"Not exactly, but if the vampire is of lower rank it takes time to heal maybe a day or two for maximum," she explained it to me, "The bruise then vanishes."

"Oh okay."

"Are you talking about Trent?" Bella asked me to whom I nodded, "He's a lower vampire. I heard Kyle say that he had it since yesterday morning. Maybe that will put some sense in that tiny brain of his."

We laughed agreeing to it. Hmm, I wonder who he hit him though. We went out together later to grab some pizza.

Lizzy told me she and Bella had a surprise for my birthday and that is when I told them that Jessi and Rini were coming. Both of them were ecstatic at the news I gave them telling we would have fun that day.

After dinner, I went walking around the castle. I came to the place where I had met Ruka that night during the ball. It made me smile thinking about the turn of events.

"Remembering something?" I turned to see Ruka; he walked and stood next to me. Leaning on the railing, I could see the garden and the maze I had visited a few days back.

"I have made arrangements for your parents and your friends to be here," he said. He was worried about my parents and had sent them on a world trip after that attack. Having them in the castle would raise suspicion.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you," I said looking at him. I wonder if Lizzy had told him about my friends coming.

"You don't have to thank me for such things Eve," he told me, "William is a good friend of mine and he informed me about his beloved visiting here," he said. So that's how he knows I thought.

"When are you leaving and going to come back?" I asked him.

"That will be the day after tomorrow and be back by Sunday," he replied and continued, "Before that I want you to meet someone," he said.

"Who is it?" I asked curiously.

"The elder here, she's wanted to meet you for some while now," he said.

"Oh okay." He took hold of my hand and kissed it like a prince, "Goodnight Eve," and he zoomed out of here.

After some while, I walked back and saw Grenda walking with a cloth and vase in her hand.

"Goodnight Grenda," I wished and received a warm smile from her.

"Goodnight Miss Eve," she said and carried on walking where she was going before.

I saw Megan standing there near the stairs and let me tell you she did not look a tiny bit happy.

"How dare you even after I warned you!" she said angrily stomping her foot.

"What?" I asked.

"I saw the kiss!" she whisper-yelled. Crap. She saw us kiss in the carnival, the French kiss.

"Ah..." I did not know what to tell.

"I'm sure you did something, else he wouldn't have kissed your hand!" she said, wait did she say hand? I let out a breath hearing this but she went on her rant.

"I bet you have spread your legs for-" what was she talking now. I was about to talk back when Sebastian interrupted us.

"Megan, Ruka asked for you," he said to which my heart dropped.

"I guess he's already bored with you," Megan smirked at me and went.

"I'm sorry you had to hear that, I can kick her out if you want," Sebastian said trying to cheer me up. Not getting an answer from me he sighed, "Eve, your heart is pure, don't let her words get to you."

"Yeah," I replied to him softly, "Did Ruka really ask for her?" I asked.

"Who knows," he replied shrugging his shoulder.

"He didn't?" I was surprised, "But she went to meet him and-"

"And get scolded by him? She's dumb to figure out that Ruka doesn't like her and in fact, it's the opposite," he said.

"You're the best," I hugged him.

"I know," he said grinning like a Cheshire cat, "Now let's catch our beauty sleep, shall we?."

"Yeah," I smiled at him.

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