EVE: Start a Space Station

Chapter 86: Doomsday Marshal

Miniature wormhole technology, that is, a variant technology that includes subspace transitions and hyperspace transitions, but the difficulty of research is not at the same level.

Now the miniature wormhole technology can make the spacecraft appear on the battlefield within the jumping range in a short period of time, and it is not limited by the induction. Now this technology is still the main technology of angel civilization and demon civilization. Judging from the news released so far , both sides have developed plug-in jumping engines that can jump within 1,000 kilometers.

This is already the technology used by the current top wormhole technology.

You must know that in a battle, a distance of a thousand kilometers may turn the entire battle situation around!

And the battleship in front of me was able to come to me across a distance of more than 5,000 kilometers, which represented that this New Eden had not only achieved a breakthrough in the field of micro-wormhole technology, but could even be installed in the battleship. How terrible it is!

And after seeing the battle information report of his battleship, Harry also understood why his Void Demon fleet was beaten like this.

This is not a level fight!

Harry was about to issue orders to his subordinates, but found that his warship had been scrambled by strong electronic interference, unable to link to the communication, and he could not issue any orders, so he could only watch.

Fortunately, after seeing that they were being pinned down, the regular guard fleet left behind directly attacked the battleship in front of them. Countless missiles, energy rays, and hybrid guns attacked the shield of the marshal class, stirring up the shield for a while. Waves, even some places were sunken downwards after being attacked.

But so far, no matter how they attack, the shield of the marshal class that has just dimmed suddenly lights up in the next second, and then the shield returns to its original state.

The marshal-level self-study ability is also top-notch!

"Your Highness, what should we do next?!"

Facing the tortoise-like battleship in front of him, the captain of the pro-guard questioned Harry feebly, but he was destined not to get an answer under the Marshal-level electronic interference.

After waiting for a full minute, seeing that there were only five battleships left on the main battlefield in the distance, the captain of the personal guard knew that he would not be a match for these people, and then he gritted his teeth:

"Turn on the induction, and in the name of His Highness, order the main fleet to enter the battlefield!"


Then another round of induction appeared on the battlefield.

In the next moment, hundreds of warships appeared on the battlefield in black!

This was originally planned by Harry for the main fleet of the Killing Angels. Unexpectedly, the plan was wrong, and the main fleet was outside the range of induction. In the end, only the Sombra Special Service Fleet came to support, and the Killing Angels also cautiously did not dispatch a large force Come, so that the main fleet has no meaning to come.

Unexpectedly, the battle situation that was supposed to be crushed by the void demon fleet turned into being crushed, and the main fleet had to come to rescue.

Seeing that round of inducements light up, Harry really wanted to give the captain of the bodyguard a big hug, and when he returned safely, he would definitely give him a title!

Seeing that His Royal Highness was held down by a battleship, the commander of the fleet ordered to focus fire on him without even thinking about it. Seeing this, the Marshal immediately turned on the miniature jump engine and returned to the main force after being prepared. .

After getting rid of the marshal-level electronic interference, Harry's sanity has been a little out of control, and the plan has frequently made mistakes. If the battleship was not equipped with weapons, he would have died here just now. What a shame and humiliation!

So after the communication was restored, Harry immediately took over command of the fleet, gritted his teeth and gave the order:

"Surround all the offal in front of you, don't let any one go!"

The lesson learned just now, this time Harry didn't stay in the rear, but stayed in the center of the fleet, attacking together.

"This time, let's see what you can do to block it!" Harry looked at the marshal thousands of kilometers away and the monitor-level who was still in the induction zone, and his angry eyes revealed greed that could not be concealed.

"Damn it, the main fleet!"

Shi Man looked shocked at the dark fleet not far away.

But fortunately, the jump engine of this large passenger spaceship carrying more than 10 million Dolutes is finally fully charged, and it can leave at any time.

Under Aura's control, the 30 large passenger spaceships that were holding back finally leaped to leave the battlefield, and now there was no need to worry about the future.

"Ola, get out."

Shi Man looked at the dark main fleet of the Dasaszo Civilization in front of him. The many black muzzles on these battleships were not easy to mess with. No matter how strong this marshal is, there are no more than twenty ships, and he cannot stand up to the entire main fleet. what!

"Commander, don't worry, this is the main fleet of the Dasaszu civilization. If it is wiped out here, it will directly weaken the offensive of the Dasaszu civilization!" Looking at the Dasaszu civilization's The main fleet, Ola obviously has a different view.

"Twenty vs two hundred and fifty-five?" Looking at Aura, Shi Man was speechless, "How to fight?"

"Hey." Aura turned her head and smiled mysteriously, "Your Excellency Commander, you forgot that our induction is always on!"

Shi Man looked at Aola, and immediately understood Aola's meaning, and a smile appeared on his face.

Watching the enemy approaching with confidence.

Just when the main fleet of the Dasaszo Civilization was less than 2,000 kilometers away from the Stone Man, there was a wave of space within hundreds of kilometers centered on the Monitor class, and hundreds of blue-gray flat battleships appeared beside the Stone Man. Wrap it tightly.

The main fleets of the entire two Maude regiments all jumped over by accelerating the orbital lock-inducing beacon!

"Your Excellency, Maud is here to support you!"

Maude's heroic voice came from Shi Man's communication channel.

Seeing Maud's rough and heroic voice, Shi Man heaved a sigh of relief, and scolded with a smile:

"If you don't come, I will be torn to pieces by these guys."

Maude touched his head when he heard the words, showing a ferocious smile: "Your Excellency, Commander, leave the rest to me."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, it was full of data streams, without any emotion, a mechanical voice without any emotion came out of Maude's mouth:

"Anyone who intends to harm the commander will be killed without mercy!"

The propellers of all the warships started suddenly, allowing the warship to reach the highest cruising speed in just three seconds, while the missile launchers mounted on the hull were opened one by one on the way, and the dense missiles flew towards the opponent with tail flames like a rain curtain go.

Looking at the fleet that suddenly appeared around the stone man, Harry felt as if he had eaten shit. Where did this fleet come from!

But facing the missiles flying towards him all over the sky, Harry couldn't care less about anything else.

"Prepare for air defense!!"

The large number of missile launchers and super-fast rate of fire of the Bargais-class battleship brought a rain of missiles like a meteor shower across the starry sky. With a long tail flame, the missiles rushed towards the Dasaszu civilization like covering their heads and faces. fleet.

In Harry's horrified eyes, these missiles with their own induction systems have a certain ability to dodge anti-missile missiles and close-in defense guns, so most of the missiles have broken through the interception, standing out at the forefront of the Dasaszo Civilization Fleet Explosions in the battleship group of the Ministry.

The explosions one after another formed a huge explosion zone that surrounded the forward of the fleet, so that he who was located in the center of the fleet could receive the shock wave. The forward was in danger!

"This is why the missile is so fast!"

The black hidden special service ship with incredible electronic warfare capabilities, the micro wormhole technology, and this weird missile, all the things exposed in New Eden shocked his heart.

But at this moment, and it was too late, dozens of Mastiff-class heavy interceptors rushed into the formation under the cover of the explosion, and the leap interference positions with a radius of 250 kilometers surrounded the fleet of Dasaszo civilization , and the two main fleets of the Moder regiment turned on their engines with all their strength, and with their super maneuverability, they completed the double-teaming of the enemy from left to right.

Afterwards, Maude commanded the fleet centered on Harry's car~www.readwn.com~ and started a covering attack, but Harry's personal guards turned on the air defense mode to defend, but it was still a drop in the bucket. In the end, it was worth quickly controlling the battleship to surround Harry Stay and use yourself as a cover to protect Harry.

As the explosion surrounded Harry, Aura, who had been waiting for the right time, turned on the micro-jump engine and commanded ten Marshal-class ships to Harry's side, and then the familiar plot again.

Harry looked at the familiar battle report of the battleship, and after detecting ten super-powerful energy reactions, he was very desperate.

"Do not!!"

Afterwards, ten super-powerful energy rays shot out from the ten marshal-class ships, passed through countless wreckage and battleships, and severely hit Harry's battleship.

Under the scorching energy rays, Harry's battleship shield was instantly pierced, and then the armor dissolved, and he didn't know anything.

Shi Man couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw the battleship melted into molten iron in the ten thick energy beams, and Harry, whose space capsule was instantly wiped out.

"Doomsday weapon???"

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