EVE: Starting with a Space Station

Chapter 67: Earning Money with Tears

After the game update was completed, Shi Man and Delke Ellis went online immediately.

After leaving the space station and coming to the battlefield last night, they saw that the starry sky was empty. There was no more tragic wreckage before the maintenance, and the tranquility of the past was restored.

"My heart hurts so much"

Delke Ellis looked at the empty starry sky and said heavily while pressing his chest.

"Me too"

Shi Man slapped the table in frustration, then jumped up with a "wow" and shook his slightly swollen right hand, while the titanium alloy table was still as smooth as a mirror.

Because after the system is maintained every day, some data will be processed, so all the wreckage before the maintenance will be refreshed. They both knew this but also hoped to go online to see.

Unfortunately, the result did not change. All the wreckage was refreshed by the system, which made the two of them a little distressed.

You know, there were still many Titan wreckages that were not salvaged before the maintenance!

How many IKS did they lose!

"Forget it, be content with what you have." Delk Ellis was the first to recover from this regret. He turned around and smiled at the pile of flagship equipment and death force equipment in the space station.

He kept clicking on the few officials he picked up yesterday to radiate heat, with a happy expression on his face: "Barbarian, how much did you pick up last night?"

Shi Man was the one who got the most PIBC Titan Fleet wreckage, and he must have picked up more than him!

"Not much, not much, I should have picked up a little more than you." As he said, he opened the warehouse and looked at the equipment inside with a happy look on his face.

Forty-three flagship equipment of the forces, the lowest can be sold for more than 10 billion ISK, the highest 30 billion, and even some can be sold for 70 to 80 billion even if they are discounted.

In addition, there are more than 40 pieces of death and official equipment, and most of them are the most valuable all-resistance and weapon enhancement (generally refers to equipment that increases weapon damage), only a small number of worthless single attribute enhancement equipment.

Of course, the most valuable equipment is the dozen or so officers' equipment, and the most valuable of them are the two [Estamel's Improved Multi-spectral Shield Enhancers]. This thing is the officer's equipment with the highest shield resistance in the game, and it is also the most valuable equipment.

When Shi Man and Delke Ellis opened the cave, they got the [Weipas Improved Multi-spectral Shield Enhancer], which belonged to the second officer, while this [Estamel's Improved Multi-spectral Shield Enhancer] belonged to the first officer. Not only are there certain differences in attributes, but the value is also very different.

The current price of [Weipas Improved Multi-spectral Shield Enhancer] is between 80 billion and 85 billion. Although it is rare, it is also sold on the market.

But this [Estamel's Improved Multi-spectral Shield Enhancer] is different. This thing is generally digested internally after shipment, and rarely leaked to the market. In addition, the output of this thing is very small, and it may not be possible to get one out of twenty officers, so the price is very high.

In Shi Man's impression, the market price of this thing in the middle and late stages of the second test is more than 250 billion!

That is the price of a whole Titan!

Because of its high attributes and high price, this [Estamel's Improved Multi-spectral Shield Enhancer] has almost become an exclusive equipment for Titans or Dahang, and only the rich dare to use it.

Of course, this price is so high because of the inflation in the second test market.

But Shi Man likes this high price!

Save money quickly!

Because there was no wreckage to pick up, the two drove the strategic freighter back to the legion base with things one after the other. Because Shi Man had more things, he made another trip.

After everything was put back in the base, Shi Man was relieved. At this time, X Dark Blood KratosX came online.


Seeing that he had just come online, Shi Man sent him a communication, and X Dark Blood KratosX couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

"Barbarian, you've been fighting all night, aren't you sleepy?"

If Delk Ellis saw this news, he would definitely complain that Shi Man was fighting a fart battle. He was the one who participated in it. This guy never came online during the whole process and waited until the battle was over before going online!

"Isn't this just to wait for you to come online to discuss business?" Shi Man rubbed his hands, looking a little mercenary.

XDark Blood KratosX was a little speechless about this. It's just a few tens of thousands of ISK. There's no need to fight so hard, right?

"Okay." XDark Blood KratosX didn't think about it anymore, and reported a number to Shi Man, "Three trillion, buy your Komodo blueprint."

Three trillion, the normal market price of Komodo blueprint, but it doesn't meet Shi Man's mental price.

"Boss, can you give me a little more? After all, a large-scale battle of Titan level broke out for this map!" Shi Man said pitifully, trying to sell it for a little more money.

XDarkblood KratosX thought about it and raised the price: "3.5 trillion, that's my final price. If you want more, go find someone else."


A premium of 500 billion, which is almost enough to unlock the technology of a dreadnought. How could he not be satisfied if he only expected to add a few hundred billion?

After the blueprint was sold to XDarkBlood KratosX for 3.5 trillion and the transaction was completed, Shi Man looked at the jumping numbers on the account with joy.

But after looking at a pile of flagship equipment and official equipment in the warehouse, his eyes turned and he tapped on the keyboard: "Boss, is this Komodo ready to be equipped as a Titan of the power?"

"It hasn't even been built yet." XDarkBlood KratosX said as he checked the next market. He is now preparing equipment for this Komodo, "Prepare to use better equipment for it, after all, the price of this ship is here."

After all, Komodo is a Titan of the power, and the price of the finished product is more than 3 trillion. How can this equipment be made more luxurious, otherwise how can it be worthy of its value?

So Shi Man recommended in a timely manner: "Boss, do you need a full set of flagship equipment for the power, as well as [Estamel's Improved Multi-spectral Shield Enhancer] and [Estamel's Improved Ballistic Controller]?"


Looking at Shi Man's message, XDarkBlood KratosX fell into silence.

Wow, it also comes with supporting products?

"Okay, as long as the price is right, I'm too lazy to pay." Since this guy has such top-level equipment, it's easy for him.

XDark Blood KratosX quit the game market and paused. He thought of something and said again: "Do you have Sodiyo?"

He couldn't build this map, and he needed the Sodiyo Engineering Complex.

Only sovereign forces can build Sodiyo, and there are certain requirements for sovereignty. It's not built just like that.

"Yes!" Shi Man's eyes lit up. It seems that this is the rhythm of winning over this big guy. "All the industrial facilities of my legion are complete, and we have inventions and manufacturing reactions. Do you want to come down and play?"

XDark Blood KratosX was a little hesitant in the face of Shi Man's invitation. Since PIBC dominated, he came to Gao'an from 00. It has been many years now, and he doesn't want to get involved in the mess between forces anymore.

Seeing his hesitation, Shi Man hurriedly introduced his legion

"Boss, there are only two of us in our legion now, and the main force has gone to the international server. In addition, it is the second test, so the management is very loose. Do you want to consider it?"

In short, it can be summed up in a few words: complete facilities, more land and fewer people, and no trouble. Come quickly!

XDark Blood KratosX thought about it and finally agreed. After all, it would be great to be able to make the Komodo flagship by himself!

Then XDark Blood KratosX quickly joined the group, and Shi Man contacted Zheng Goudan who was struggling in the international server and gave XDark Blood KratosX Sodiyo manufacturing rights.

In order to save time for the boss, he sold a whole set of flagship components needed for Komodo Titan manufacturing to XDark Blood KratosX, plus a full set of flagship equipment and official equipment for the faction. Shi Man couldn't refuse the boss's enthusiasm, and earned another 2 trillion ISK in tears.

Just when Shi Man was ready to visit the exclusive mall with a huge sum of money, Aura sent him a communication

"Commander, an angel has awakened and wants to see you!"

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