EVE: Starting with a Space Station

Chapter 96 Meeting (Part 3)

For this kind of issue that does not involve much of the interests of the angel civilization, everyone gave Wang Yan face, and the proposal for New Eden to join the Justice Order was quickly passed unanimously.

After learning that the princess would leave for home soon, the meeting ended.


Wang Yan stretched her body, revealing her seductive curves, and shook her head thinking about the deal.

"Only you can do this. I, a small diplomat, can't convene such a meeting in a short time." Martz Candis looked at Wang Yan and said with a smile in his eyes.

Then he looked at this playmate who grew up with him with some hesitation.

"Yan, you are tying New Eden to your own chariot by doing this. It's not that I don't believe you, but is the strength of New Eden really enough?"

Martz Candis asked Wang Yan as a friend.

You know, the current king of the Angel Civilization is about to retire, so it's time for the heirs to show themselves. So when Wang Yan pushed New Eden into the Justice Order at this time, it was undoubtedly like announcing to everyone that this was hers.

"What can I do? He saved me and just wanted to join the Justice Order and get some resources. This is not difficult for me. How could I not help?"

Wang Yan sat on the sofa with her legs together, one hand supporting her cheek, looking at Maltz Candice with helplessness in her eyes.

She could now imagine how her three sisters would tease her after knowing that the first force she chose was actually a small and unknown force.

But she really just wanted to repay the life-saving grace!

Seeing their own prince punching the sofa cushions, the guards turned around wisely and pretended not to see it.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Wang Yan straightened her clothes and instantly regained her cold and sharp look. Martz Candis also sat beside her and looked at the door.

"Come in."

A Dorut man came in and saluted the two before inviting them.

"Your Excellency the Special Envoy, Your Highness the Princess, our Majesty asked me to take you to the conference room for consultation."

"Lead the way."

In the conference room, Wang Yan sat down as soon as she entered, and then put out an e-mail.

It was the document that agreed to New Eden joining the Justice Order.

"I've helped you get it done, and our contact ends here."

Seeing Wang Yan staring at him, Shi Man didn't care about it. Instead, he happily received the document and read it carefully.

As long as the goal is achieved, it doesn't matter if he gets some cold eyes.

Finally, it was Maltz Candis, a more diplomatic person, who spoke:

"Congratulations to New Eden for joining the Justice Order. On behalf of all my comrades, I welcome New Eden."

Ola also smiled and stepped forward to shake hands with Maltz Candis.

"Our New Eden is a force full of justice, so of course we have to join the same justice camp."

After confirming their eyes, they were the same kind of people, and their smiles became even brighter.

The subsequent meeting was basically a special session for Ola and Maltz Candis, while Shi Man and Wang Yan stayed in the main seat and listened quietly, occasionally interjecting a word.

The topic then turned to New Eden joining the Justice Order and wanting the Justice Order to provide resource support.

"Impossible!" Maltz Candis looked at the list given by Ola, and couldn't help but stand up and shook his head, "So many mineral resources, your appetite is really big!"

Not to mention Maltz Candis, even Shi Man couldn't help but be amazed when looking at the list.

Although these mineral resources are not scarce, they are in large quantities!

The resources on this list are enough for Chelm Solan to form two elite Sasha fleets, and the "Sasha Invasion" plan is not hopeless.

Aura smiled at Martz Candis's angry expression.

"Your Excellency, our New Eden joined the Justice Order before this camp war, and we are undoubtedly at the forefront of the war. We should apply for more support, right?"

"Impossible, now that the war is coming, we can't afford so many mineral resources, but I can convert the second-generation angel warships and weapons and equipment drawings into the third-generation and give them to you free of charge."

Martz Candis looked at Aura with a helpless look, saying that there were not so many resources, but as compensation, the third-generation angel warship technology and weapons and equipment drawings would be handed over to New Eden.

But how could Aura not know this routine?

It is just to use the high technology of other civilizations to impact the technology tree of these civilizations, destroy and impact their original technology. When these civilizations really use these technologies in large quantities, they will find that they have to rely on them.

It can be said to be a soft knife that does not see blood.

But the technology of New Eden is not inferior to that of Angel Civilization in most areas, and even better in some areas. These technologies can only serve as references and will not be used on a large scale.

"No, no, no, our noble envoy of the Mod Corps should also know that we only need resources now, not warship technology."

Ola rejected Martz Candis's "good intentions" and made up his mind to only have resources.

After hearing Ola talk about the Mod Corps, Martz Candis knew that he had seen through his tricks, so he stopped being slick and spoke directly.

"We have resources, but they are prepared for the civilizations in the justice order who will be on the front line of this war. You said so much when you opened your mouth. I agree, but these civilizations will not agree.

How much food you eat, how big the bowl you hold, this is the truth I hope you New Eden can understand, it's not that I don't want to help you."

In the battle of the camps, both angels and demons rarely go to the battlefield. Most of the time, the civilizations under the order go to fight, and the role they play in most wars is to provide logistics for warship weapons and equipment.

Because the industrial capacity of these civilizations is low and the main battleships are different, the angel civilization has reserved a large number of basic mineral resources in advance and can start manufacturing at any time.

Aura looked at Shi Man after hearing this. After Shi Man nodded, he turned to Martz Candis and said, "Then my New Eden is responsible for the defense of the entire Alpha Star Region. Isn't this enough to exchange for these resources?"

"Are you kidding? Do you know what kind of battle the entire Alpha Star Region will face at that time? I'm afraid that when you see the warships like waves, you will be scared and turn against your side."

Martz Candis smiled helplessly, feeling that the two guys in front of him really dared to say anything for resources!

Aura did not say anything to Martz Candis, but gave an order to Chelm Solan, and then replied: "Sir, since you doubt the strength of New Eden so much, then we will prove it to you."

"Oh, then we will wait and see." Martz Candis sat upright in the chair, smiling and looking at Aura.

But in less than five minutes, a message was transmitted to her Cherubim system.

'The Dark Night Angel Fleet has been exposed and has been besieged. Apply for the next step. ’

After hurriedly asking the Dark Night Angel not to act rashly, she looked at Aura with a pair of eyes that were somewhat shocked: “How did you do it?”

Aura did not answer, but sat on the chair by herself, with a familiar smile on her lips:

“Sir, this time, let’s start from our strength, can we have a good talk?”


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