Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 145: Father and son

Conte burst into the second **** instantly!

"Stop!" Kong Xuan shouted with a cheeky face. A six-colored light burst into the second hell.


Suddenly, a dragon claw appeared, crashing into six colors of light.

"Kong Xuan, now your opponent is me!" Ao Ying said coldly.

In the distance, Da Riru suddenly glanced at his eyes, saw that something had happened in the distance, and didn't have any thoughts about tangling with five Jiang Rulais, and was about to make a full shot.

But I saw that the ancient sea in the distance suddenly wiped his brows with his fingers.

That small movement, ordinary people thought that the ancient sea was going to open the small movement in front of the sky, only the big day was clear, that was the secret code given by the ancient sea to itself. Hold on!

Slow down?

Da Riru came for a moment. Although he didn't understand the meaning of the ancient sea, he was not in a hurry to try his best. He did more than he did just now.


A copy of Jiang Rulai was beaten and flied out, as if Dalai Rulai had gone all out, but still entangled.

Ancient sea sword did not work.

Above the sky, Mr. Wuxing manipulated the stars again.


Once again, a star blade slashed down towards the ancient sea.

"Huh, look for death!" Gu Hai's eyes glared, once again into the sky.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise again, and the void shattered countlessly.

Between Mr. Wu Xing's sleeves, more and more stars popped up, like a star storm rushing towards the ancient sea.

"I don't care who you are, block my Dahandi Dynasty's affairs, be a grandma!" Gu Hai stepped into the sky.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

The ancient sea blade and the star blade collided again and again, and the void collision became stronger and stronger. Countless stars circled around the two people and quickly rotated, forming a large vortex at high altitude. Among the vortex, countless fragments, a piece of turbidity, gradually unable to see the interior. The sight is over.

"Your Majesty!" Kong Xuan called anxiously.

However, Ao Ying stopped in front of him, and Kong Xuan couldn't leave for a while.


In the storm of stars, countless explosions came. From the perspective of everyone, the battle between Gu Hai and Mr. Wu Xing was extremely fierce.

But no one could have imagined that the center of the star storm was quietly stopping at the moment. Above this star. Gu Hai, Mr. Wu Xing did not kill, but stood very peacefully together.

Mr. Wu Xing knelt down: "Gu Ming is not filial, show my father a gift!"

"Gu Ming? It's really you, how could you be in the rhubarb heaven?" Gu Hai sighed.

"In the past, the child went to the Dayan Dynasty with the third brother. Later, the child was selected by a certain force and gained a skill and was not the child's wish. After entering the Rhubarb Dynasty, the child must be renamed. The child was named Wuxing. Yuexing, Wuxing is the Ming, but these years have been involuntarily, and until today, they have not met their father! "Mr. Wuxing was a little excited.

Gu Hai lifted up Gu Ming, took a closer look, and finally nodded: "If your mother sees your achievements today, you will be relieved!"

"Father! The child is incompetent, and he has been unable to save his mother these years!" Mr. Wuxing said bitterly.

"Anyway, your mother, save yourself for your father. What are you doing here?" Gu Hai asked.

"Ji Dihong wants to grab the soul of Sange Gutang one step ahead of time so that he can beat his father in the future!" Mr. Wuxing said with a resentful expression.

"Oh? Find Xiao Tang's soul? Jiang Rulai controls the eighteenth layer of hell, but he doesn't know where Xiao Tang's soul lies. How did Ji Dihong know? Kong Di just went to Xiao Tang?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Yes, Ji Dihong's men have a lot of strangers and strangers. One of them, Cangjie, is able to estimate the position of all people in the world! Not long ago, the position of the eldest brother in Lingshan City was calculated by Cangjie, and then Kong The emperor leaked to Jiang Rulai, and now, it is even more accurate to calculate Xiao Tang's position! It is extremely accurate! Terrible! "Mr. Wu Xing shook.

"Cangjie? Calculate the position of everyone in the world? This, how is this possible? The six cactus dominate the world, can't it be so exaggerated?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"It's true. Unlike the Six Immortals, Cangjie can only calculate, and if the child guesses well, he should be Shouxiu!" Mr. Wuxing solemnly said.

"Shouxiu? Isn't Shouxiu the eight-pulse? The north-south and northwestern four-pulse practitioners, the spring-summer autumn-winter four-pulse repair? Does he ...?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Cangjie is not one of these eight pulses. The eight pulses are just the inheritance of the Ming Dynasty. In fact, the life repair is more than just these eight people! Fortunately, the child who repairs it today is also one of the life repairs!" Mr. Wuxing explained.

"Oh?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Shouxiu is the inheritance of Fuxi. 800,000 years ago, Fuxi fell, but the child has a feeling that Fuxi should be resurrected. The specific resurrection should be related to ours. Xiuxiu! Father, be careful!" Wu Xing Mr explained.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Father, Ji Dihong's suspicion is particularly serious. You see, only me, Ao Ying, and Conte came, but if the child guesses well, there are people from Ji Dihong waiting in the dark, Ji Dihong's work is not leaky. It is impossible for us to have only one line. Rather than let the other line get the soul of the third brother, let ’s get Conte! ”Mr. Wuxing explained.

"You mean, there are people lurking in the dark, staring at you and me?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, this big day is coming. I do n’t know where my father came from. It is so powerful. Would Ji Dihong only send us three to take it? Even if the three of me were originally hidden in the dark and acted cheaply, but Ji Dihong We won't be assured of us. Moreover, the position of the third brother, I don't even know, only Conte knows that we can be careful with his work! "Mr. Wu Xing said in a deep voice.

"After this time, follow me back to Dahan!" Gu Hai looked at Mr. Wuxing.

Mr. Wu Xing shook his head: "Father forgive me, the child can't leave the Dahuang Tianchao now. The child still has something to do, it must be done!"

Gu Hai looked at Gu Hai, and eventually nodded, but did not force it.

"Father, the child asked Kongdi to quietly get the third brother ’s soul, just in order not to be obtained by another passerby sent by Ji Dihong. The child is sure to borrow the third brother ’s soul from Kongdi, and then he can exchange for the third brother, please father Help me! "Mr. Wu Xing solemnly said.


"I remember, my father had a copy of the third brother's soul?" Mr. Wu Xing looked at Gu Haidao.

There is indeed a copy of the ancient Tang soul in the hands of Gu Hai, which Jiang Rulai lied to himself at first.

"Good! In my hands!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Forcibly competed with Conte. The baby was worried that he would hurt the third brother ’s soul. It is not appropriate to use strong. Please ask my father to give me the fake third brother ’s soul. I ’ll look for a chance in exchange for the third brother ’s soul! Concealed Cangjie! "Mr. Wu Xing solemnly said.

Looking at Gu Ming, Gu Hai nodded: "You are still so attentive, this is for you!"


As soon as Gu Hai waved his hand, there was an extra jade box in his palm. Within the jade box, there seemed to be a blue energy swimming.

"Thank you father!" Mr. Wu Xing took it in an instant.

"Three brothers, leave the father to me. Mother's side will bother the father!" Mr. Wuxing solemnly said.

"Your mother, I will do my best!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Also, father, be careful of Jiang Rulai, especially in the second hell, Jiang Rulai's nest is in it!" Mr. Wuxing worried.

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

"My father should have seen the second brother? I heard that the second brother is the reincarnation of Lingru holy land, but my father has heard the second brother say that the bottom of the mountain is fine?" Mr. Wuxing solemnly said.

"The bottom of Lingshan is thin? It seems not!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Because the second brother himself is not clear, he is just a shard of the soul of the devil, and then reborn. The soul of the land has two points of good and evil, and the soul of the land is reborn into Jiang Rulai. . This is good and evil, such as come, but Rulai Tianmo more than that! "Mr. Wuxing solemnly said.

"Oh? You say, is there another way?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"This involves the direction of the practice after the great completion of the Heavenly Palace. For example, the devil chose the method of separation from the spirit of the six immortals, and the six true monarchs eventually turned into ten major avatars. The same is true for Jiang Rulai. Unfortunately, I heard Ji Dihong said that he had a problem with his practice, or that was how he repaired it. In the end, anyway, he only had three souls in one, and the heavens and souls came into being. The souls and souls came into being. There is the earth Soul turns, good is coming, evil is coming! "Mr. Wuxing explained.

"That is to say, there are four Rulais, in addition to the ancient Han, there are three, namely Tianrulai, Renrulai, and Jiangrulai?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, Tian Rulai and Ren Rulai never showed up. The elder brother knew them, but presumably did not know what they were practicing. The two men never communicated with good and evil, until Jiang Lianshan formed an alliance with evil. Conspiracy began, so the second brother should be isolated by them, they don't know the details! "Mr. Wu Xing explained.

"Oh? What do you mean, in this second layer of hell, in addition to Jiang Rulai, there are‘ Tian Rulai ’and‘ Human Rulai ’who do not know the details?” Gu Hai's face was dark.

"Yes! Moreover, Ji Dihong is not clear about this secret, knows very little, everything is the plot of Jiang Lianshan!" Mr. Wu Xing explained.

"Jiang Lianshan's plan?"

"Yes, I heard Ji Dihong said that the evil Rugao was born as Jiang Lianshan's son. As a voter, Jiang Lianshan was assured of him, and he saved his capital against the sky in Jiang Rulai!" Mr. Wuxing recalled.

"Jiang Lianshan's capital against the sky? What does it mean?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"For example, this copy of God's blood was from Jiang Lianshan. When Jiang Lianshan was alive, Jiang Rulai could not use it at all. Only Jiang Lianshan died and Jiang Rulai could use it. I heard that there is another treasure that Jiang Lianshan hides in Jiang Ru. Jiang Lianshan was alive, and Jiang Rulai couldn't do it, but now it may be ...! "Mr. Wu Xing frowned.

"Why should Jiang Ru come from?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Because the treasure is so heavy, the breath is too heavy, and I am afraid to alarm the Six Immortals. If Jiang Lianshan suppresses alone, he has no skill and ca n’t go to the other. Therefore, he formed an alliance with Jiang Rulai. The breath of anti-sky heavy treasure. Of course, at first it could only be suppressed and could not be used, but nowadays, Jiang Lianshan slumped, anti-sky heavy treasure may be able to use! "Mr. Wuxing dignified.

"Replicating the blood of God? There are still treasures against the sky? Jiang Lianshan is preparing to come to Japan against the sky?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yes, this second layer of hell, as well as Tianrulai and Renrulai, so father, please be careful ...!" Mr. Wuxing explained.

Gu Hai finally knew why the Dragon Warring Power of Jiang Rulai was just the tip of the iceberg.

Heaven is coming, people are coming? These two are complete souls, each of which is equivalent to the combination of good and evil. Secondly, there is the copy of Jiang Lianshan that is hidden in the sky and the copy of the **** blood. This copy of the blood has exaggeratedly copied five gingers. Is it even more powerful?

"This is also the reason why Ji Dihong won the battle for Shinto Scriptures and won the Shinto Scriptures, but he still doesn't want to slam Jiang Rila on. Father, you must be careful. The matter of mother, come to Japan! "Mr. Wu Xing solemnly said.

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