Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 153: Scarlet Sky Eye

The entrance to the first **** and the second hell!

Kong Xuan waited anxiously.

"Sir, the entrance to the second floor is shrinking!" A demon army exclaimed suddenly.

"The entrance is shrinking?" Kong Xuan also suddenly changed his face.

"Your Majesty once said that, relative to the outside world, only one hour is turned on and eleven hours are turned off every day, wouldn't it be this time, the next time it opens, it will take nearly a thousand years? And within the second hell, His Majesty Come out, need to wait for two thousand years? "Said an anxious army.

Kong Xuan's eyelids jumped wildly, and he kept looking at the second hell, but he could not see anything at this moment.

"Sir, do we want to go down and inform your Majesty?" The demon army worried.

Kong Xuan's eyes changed for a while, and finally shook his head: "Your Majesty also knows the attributes of the eighteenth layer of hell. He is waiting so long for His Majesty to come out!"

"But, just in case ...!" The demon army worried.

"In case, isn't your Majesty thinking about things, isn't you thoughtful?" Kong Xuanshen said.

"Yes!" The gods and demons stopped talking and continued to guard the Quartet.

Kong Xuan looked anxiously at the ever-decreasing entrance: "Your Majesty, you have to hurry up, otherwise, you have to stay in it for nearly two thousand years!"


In the mysterious sky.

The world of man-in-law manipulation manipulated by people is about to overwhelm the world of man-in-law marriage in Da-ri, but at this moment, the outside Gao Xianzhi immediately ordered the killing of all Lingshan disciples. Scattered.

"Well, what's the matter?" The mother-in-law shouted at the mother-in-law world. Slap at the same time.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A loud noise, the source of the mother-in-law in the sky, the ‘卍’ gold rune burst into pieces, and a huge force rushed into it.

"Break!" Ru Rulai's face changed, and in a hurry, she could only protect it with Jiupin Jinlian.

"Buddha shines!"

Prompted by the person's arrival, Jiupin Golden Lotus bloomed with tens of millions of light, resisting this rush.

"Boom ~!"

It couldn't be stopped at all. With a loud noise, Jiupin Jinlian burst into pieces, turned into powder, and scattered into the void. Of course, Jiupin Jinlian offset most of the power, and the rest fell into Ren Rulai.

Even so, Ren Rulai exploded instantly. In the air, the whole body's skin exploded, blood splattered, and a burst of anti-blood spit out. Ren Rulai smashed a mountain.

Day Sun Rulai once again victory.

Stepping on top of his own nine-pin golden lotus, the million Buddha seems to have formed a wall of people, isolating the three ascendants, and allowing the ancient sea to deal with the **** poisonous ants in the rear.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Da Ri Rulai read a Buddha's horn, and the whole body was full of golden light.

Ren Rulai crawled out of the ruins, and Jiang Rulai and Tian Rulai immediately approached.

"How is the injury?" Jiang Rulai cried.

Ren Rulai looked angrily at Jiang Rulai: "I blame you. A Lingshan holy land is not well guarded. Disciples of Lingshan, if they are still, then Dalai Rulai is already dead!"

Jiang Rulai was also seriously injured and wanted to refute, but could not speak.

Jiang Rulai didn't expect that the people in Guhai would be so fierce, five million Lingshan disciples, all killed instantly?

"Tianrulai, now you can only rely on you! I and Renrui have been seriously injured!" Jiang Rulai came to Xiangrui.

Tian Rulai nodded, looking at the huge mother-in-law world in the distance.

The mother-in-law is blocking the world. The three of them cannot approach the ancient sea at all, and they can only see the ancient sea above the **** ant's head.

"Oh, Baidi is dead, only her nostrils are out, and she's dead right away, Gu Hai, what do you think I do?" Jiang Rulai blushed.

In the distance, the head of the **** blood poisonous ant, with the exception of Baidi being dragged by the ancient sea, everyone else has already fallen into the swamp poison pool. Baidi also had only his mouth and nose outside.

"No need to pull me, husband, you go away, Xianer has troubled her husband! Fujun, please, go, go!" Baidi cried.

Gu Hai didn't dare to pull Baidi forcibly, because once it was pulled forcibly, it would completely tear Baidi's soul, and it would be completely over.

But today, there is nothing he can do.

Divine blood poisoning ants can't penetrate the sword, even this swamp poison pool, the spawning knife can only penetrate one foot, and can't go deeper.

go away? How is it possible that Fairy is right in front of her. Can Gu Hai give up?

The eyes of life and death opened. Suddenly, Gu Hai saw the outline of Baidi ’s body, and the dense poisonous lines in the swamp poisonous pool were like numerous steel needles piercing Baidi ’s body, even stabbing his soul.

The eye of life and death can see the trajectory of things, how many times have helped the ancient sea, but this time, but can't see through it, this black and white line has no rules at all, dense and black, that is, any A black line can put Baidi to death.

Gu Hai's eyes were anxious, but he didn't know where to start.

"If so, replace Baidi with my body? It may be possible to run the world's great tragedy!" Gu Hai stared suddenly.

"Mr. Gu, how are you?" Da Riru called.

But at this moment, Gu Hai made a very important decision.

"If Da Ri comes, protect yourself and wait for me to come back!" Gu Hai cried.

Between words.

Ancient Hai suddenly jumped into the marsh poison pool.


Reaching into the poison pool, the ancient sea hugged Baidi, and the whole person fell into the marsh poison pool.

"What?" Da Riru exclaimed.

Tian Rulai, who was about to shoot in the distance, also widened his eyes and was obviously shocked by this scene.

"Gu Hai is crazy?" Jiang Rulai exclaimed.

"The birth of the swamp poison pool, this is to enter the poisonous glands of the **** blood poisonous ant, he is crazy? If you go in here, you will undoubtedly die!" Ren Rulai was also surprised.

Sudden changes make everyone think that Gu Hai is looking for death.

At this moment, Gu Hai, holding Baidi, had completely entered the poisonous pond of the swamp.

"Roar!" The blood-blooded ant roared, seeming to be extremely satisfied.

"Gu Hai was crazy for Chen Xianer! She died for her!" Jiang Rulai said with a strange look.

Ren Rulai looked at Jiang Rulai with a disgusted look: "Did you see it? Did you see it? It's so simple to deal with Gu Hai. With Baidi, you can kill Gu Hai, but you have lost so many twists and turns, and you have Losing everything, stupid! "

Jiang Rulai could not refute. Who would have thought that killing the ancient sea was as simple as that?

"Mr. Gu!" Da Ri turned his head anxiously, as if to investigate.

"Well, Da Ri Ru comes, Gu Hai is dead, do you still not flee? Since you do not flee, then you stay!" Tian Rulai said coldly.

Under the voice of Tian Rulai, Da Ri Ru instinctively felt a death threat flooding his whole body. The three Rugao Demon, the most fearful of DaRi Rulai is this day. He's going to shoot.

But I saw that the scarlet thin line in Tian Rulai's heart suddenly cracked. As it cracked, the rolling blood cloud of the sky suddenly cracked a slit from the center.


At the moment when the slit cracked, a horrible power rushed down.

Obviously, the thin line of Tian Rulai's eyebrows controls the thin line of blood in the sky.

The strong breath in the cloud of blood was pressed down, and suddenly the face changed, and the whole mother-in-law world trembled. Even the **** venom, it was strangely quiet at the moment.

The blood poisonous ant slowly sinks into the sea of ​​Buddha's energy.

The big day is like an instant enemy.

As the crack got bigger and bigger, the powerful oppression became stronger and stronger, and the whole mother-in-law world was shaking.

"Jiang Lianshan's" Reverse Heaven's Treasure "?" Dari Rulai seemed to guess something.

"I know a lot!" Jiang Rulai sneered at a distance.

It ’s useless to know. Da Ri Ru Lai knows that when encountering something horrible, the crack is opened, and a little red light slowly overflows.

In the world of mother-in-law, millions of Buddha recites scriptures faster and larger.

"Viewing the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva, walking like a Paramita for a long time, seeing the five aggregates are empty, all the hardships, the relic ..."

"If I heard, the Buddha was in Shewei for a while, and the linden tree was given to the lonely garden, and the big bhikkhu ........."




The sound of the Buddha is huge, and the world of mother-in-law is getting stronger and stronger.

"Thousands of Buddhas!" Da Riru probed to the sky.

"Roar!" Million Buddhas shot at the same time.

Wanfo dynasty, the greatest force in the entire mother-in-law world, burst into the red light in the crack.

But at this moment, Tian Rulai's eyebrows suddenly opened.


A **** third eye suddenly appeared above Tian Rulai's brows.

At the same time, the fissures in the sky suddenly opened. At the time of opening, the previous Tianwei suddenly surged more than 100 times. A scarlet mile with huge eyes suddenly appeared above the cloud of blood.

Like the eye of heaven, the deterrence hit people's hearts.

The moment the Scarlet Sky Eyes opened, the red light that had previously been in it, rushed straight into the world of Wife, and smashed into the power of the Wanzong Dynasty.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise. The palm of a million Buddha exploded for the first time, and then, the huge '卍' gold rune exploded.

Then, millions of Buddhas soared into the sky, all blown to pieces in an instant.

The whole mother-in-law world collapsed in an instant. The remaining red light force came straight to the sun.

Da Riru's face changed, and he manipulated Jiupin Jinlian to meet him.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Jiupin Jinlian was instantly exploded into lotus root powder, everything shrouded in the world of mother-in-law was washed away by the red light, huge power, and even impacted the entire mysterious fairy dome into a large hole. Then, the second **** was shaken suddenly.

Under the control of Tianrulai, the mysterious fairyland quickly recovered.

All traces of the previous day of Da Ri Ru were completely destroyed by Scarlet Sky Eyes. Leaving the sky's **** sky eyes alone, glanced coldly at the entire mysterious fairyland.

"It's a terrific scarlet sky eye, that mother-in-law world is not its enemy at a glance, and the destruction is gone!" Jiang Rulai took a breath of air.

"This is what Jiang Lianshan used to prepare to go against the sky, wouldn't it be bad? Day to come? Oh, good death!" Ren Rulai sneered.

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