Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 169: Four reincarnation

Reincarnation pool?

Can open the entrance to the underworld of hell. Today, the eighteenth-floor **** is sealed by six immortals, and Gu Hai is counting on the reincarnation pond to help him open it.

Because Gu Hai understands that these eighteen layers of **** can train a lot of masters in a short time.

Yes, the reincarnation pool is gone?

"Impossible, I put it here with my own hands!" Gu Hai suddenly got up and quickly found it.

At that time, I was worried about being accidentally removed, so I put it on this stone platform intentionally.

Gu Hai went to Shitai and looked carefully, but the reincarnation pond was missing.

"Oh?" Gu Hai froze slightly, but saw that a layer of ash had accumulated on the stone platform?


It shouldn't be, there is matrix protection here, it should be spotless.

The ancient sea is thoughtful. The detective waved.


Suddenly, the book of life and death appeared from the void.

There is a faint energy halo on the book of life and death, and that layer of energy halo seems to be divided into eighteen levels.

"Is there a change in the book of life and death?" Gu Hai wondered.

Life and death book, three thousand pages, corresponds to the three thousand law avenues of heaven and earth. All pages have only a little pattern, which is the branch rule of Three Thousand Avenue. Only one page was filled with patterns, and that was the page on which the rules of chess were recorded.

As the ancient sea quickly turned, we crossed the rules of chess, and suddenly saw another page, and that page was also filled.

Although that page was only filled with weird patterns, staring at it with care, the ancient sea spirit was stunned, as if you saw eighteen layers of hell.

"Eighteen floors of hell? Reincarnation of Hell Road? This is, the law of Hell Road, Hell Road?" Gu Hai was surprised.

For a moment, there seemed to be a flash of light across the ancient sea's mind.

"I see, Reincarnation Pool? It is condensed by the laws of hell. It is not a rule, it is a rule. It is a perfect copy of the road of law. I do n’t know which predecessor in ancient times did it. It actually penetrated the secret world of hell. It is no wonder that it can open eighteen layers of hell. Because this cycle of reincarnation is originally formed by the trajectory of the law. The ash on the stone platform just now must be the layer of ash left by the impurities of the reincarnation pool after the law was extracted by the book of life and death. Haha, haha, I still think, How to use the book of life and death to enroll other law avenues, this **** is too easy? "Gu Hai laughed excitedly.

"Three thousand avenues, six cycles of reincarnation can form their own world. Presumably, if this **** avenue is completely revealed and integrated into the ancient fairy sphere, it will require more spiritual stones than the avenue of chess, but where can I find so many spiritual stones? That's trillions! "Gu Hai's face was ugly.

There is a way to enhance the ancient immortal sky, but there is no money to enhance it, and the ancient sea is also depressed.

Gu Hai sighed slightly, just before closing the book of life and death.

"Huh?" Gu Hai was surprised, and quickly turned.

But when I saw another page, I was also painted with strange patterns.

"It's impossible. In addition to the rules of chess and hell, how can there be another page?" Gu Hai revealed doubts.

Looking carefully at this page, between the ancient seas, it seems that Shura was tearing one by one.

"Asura's Law?" Gu Hai froze.

Quickly retrieved the book of life and death, and sure enough, found another two-page rule.

"The law of humanity? The law of beasts?" Gu Hai stunned.

Six reincarnation, humane, beastly, and Ashura?

"I see. In the past, the Dragon Warring States once forcibly deprived these three reincarnations from the outside world of Shenzhou and put them into the ancient immortal dome. Although they were eventually forcibly taken away by the immortals, there was this in the ancient immortal dome. Three traces of the law of reincarnation. In these days, the traces of death and life are slowly recording the traces! "Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

Six reincarnation, four of them are actually recorded in the book of life and death.

The ancient Hayes suddenly appeared happy, even though they did not have the ability to show them perfectly, but as long as they existed, it was enough.

"The principle of reincarnation pool is because it is a copy of the law of reincarnation in hell. Now that the reincarnation pool is gone, I have a book of life and death. The book of life and death also has the law of reincarnation in hell. Isn't it ...? The look moved.

The ancient sea stepped out of the ancient fairy heaven.

Slightly urged that page of **** in the book of life and death.


Suddenly, a void hole appeared in front of the ancient sea.

"Eighteen floors of hell, the entrance to the secret place of **** road?" Gu Hai's face was a joy.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

Gu Hai waved again, and another three entrances appeared next to it.

"Humanistic mysterious entrance? Ashura mysterious entrance? Animal beast mysterious entrance?"

Gu Hai waved his hand, and the four entrances disappeared.

"Book of life and death? Really good!" Gu Hai flashed a shock in his eyes.


The ancient sea returned to the ancient fairy dome again. Carefully touched the book of life and death for a while.

"Six reincarnation? I don't know where the remaining two are!" Gu Hai looked forward.

With a wave of his hand, the book of life and death disappeared into the void.

Lost a reincarnation pool, but Gu Hai found out more.

The detective took out the candlelight.

The candlelight blue lamp spurred, and a faint cyan flame emerged from the lamp mouth, which was extremely strange. This flame, Gu Hai could not even recognize the fire. The power is not great, but it is mysterious.

"Nothing, I can't study it for the time being. In the past, he promised the mosquito Taoist to give him a magic weapon of the ancient sixteenth National Congress, in exchange for the mixed Yuanzhu. Let the mosquito Taoist research it by himself!" Gu Hai turned away.

In the sky, Kong Xuan was still devouring Jiang Rulai's replica.

Gu Hai turned to look at a huge plain in the distance, where there are some transparent fragments, which are exactly the fragments of Jiang Rulai's mysterious fairy dome. At this moment, the shard of the immortal dome fell on the earth, slowly melting away, but the ancient immortal dome was digesting it.

"This secret realm is made by the free-spirited heavenly demon? How is it made? Can it actually supplement the space power of my ancient fairy dome?" Gu Hai thoughtfully.

In the middle of contemplation, I suddenly felt something, turned my head, and the ancient sea suddenly settled there.

But it was Chen Xianer who was out of customs. At this moment, a white fur gown was wrapped around his body by magic spells, and Qiaosheng stood there, looking at the ancient sea with joy and excitement.

"Xianer?" Gu Hai shouted with trembling.

"Fu Jun!" Xianer was excited, and the two lines of tears fell.

The ancient sea rushed to Chen Xianer, and Chen Xianer rushed to the ancient sea.


The two bodies slammed into each other, holding each other at the same time, and no one wanted to release their hands.

Holding Chen Xianer and smelling the fragrance of her hair, Gu Hai was so worried that all this was illusory. But the warmth in her arms told herself that it was all true.

"Xianer, for your husband these years, I miss you so much!" Gu Hai's eyes became red.

"Fu Jun, you are suffering!" Xianer curled up in Gu Hai's arms, with a trace of distress.

"No pain, everything is worth it!" Gu Hai said with a smile and cry.

The two kept hugging like this. Hold for a long time. The two people let go unwillingly. Under their release, their hands did not loose.

Sitting on the seashore, the two nestled together.

Gu Hai told Chen Xianer what happened over the years.

One by one, the ancient sea did not hide. Chen Xianer listened quietly.

"That means, in addition to me, you have Long Wanqing, Lin Wan'er, Bing Ji, Zang Yulian, and Taiyi, five women? Oh, and Long Wanyu who is attached to you?" Chen Xianer laughed.

"Xianer, these years, I ...!" Gu Hai just wanted to explain.

Chen Xianer sealed the mouth of Gu Hai with her finger, and finally smiled slightly: "Fu Jun, I didn't blame you, and I can return to you, it is already my hope!"

Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Actually, I'm kind of grateful to Xiaorou!" Chen Xian'er looked at the sea in the distance and took a deep breath.

"Too sloppy, Xiaorou?"

"Yeah, it was Xiaorou who used her death to open up your heart knot. To keep you from living in the darkness these years, it was her who made you well, shouldn't I be grateful to her? "Chen Xianer said gently.

"To save you, Long Wanqing pretends to lead you away from the unborn, to be killed by the unborn instead of you. In order to protect you, Lin Waner would rather sacrifice to death, and not let the superiors kill you. Yes, but it turned out for you, at the expense of all enemies, to bear the anger of everyone alone. Zang Yulian? Even pregnant with your own flesh and blood! Husband, each of them is not to be disappointed, I am not a jealous person! Leaned into the arms of the ancient sea.

"All these years, I do the jerk!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"The husband has grown particularly fast these years, hovering on the edge of life and death again and again. If it weren't for five of them, maybe the husband is already gone, husband, take them back soon!" Chen Xianer said softly.

Gu Hai felt a soft heart. Hold the fairy tightly.

There seem to be thousands of words to say, but at this moment, everything is in the silence.

When the two looked at each other, an unstoppable affection erupted in their eyes. When the affection was strong, Gu Hai kissed Chen Xianer's lips, and the husband and wife life separated after 40 or 50 years broke out again.

Holding Chen Xianer's hot body, Gu Hai stepped into the hall.


The gate of the temple closed and rose--

One day outside, ten years inside the ancient fairy dome.

Gu Hai accompanied Chen Xianer to spend a year in the ancient fairy sphere, spoke a lot, talked a lot, and remembered a lot. Only ready to return to the outside world.

But in the early morning, Gu Hai was lying on a big bed, stroking Chen Xianer's smooth back while he was asleep.


Chen Xianer trembled, and immediately woke up and stood up. The moment you stood up, you saw Gu Hai's figure.

"Gu Hai, you bastard, ah!"

An angry scream passed to the entire ancient fairy dome. Above the sky, Kong Xuan, who swallowed Jiang Rulai's replica, was shocked by the scream. The replica was stuck in his throat, and his complexion became purple. .

Gu Hai looked at Chen Xianer in amazement, and wondered what happened to Chen Xianer.

Chen Xian'er shuddered again, but he recovered as usual.

"Xianer, what's wrong with you? Just ...?" Gu Hai worried.

"Fu Jun, it was Baidi just now. I forgot to tell you that every ten days, Baidi wakes up, me, me ...!" Chen Xianer smiled wryly.

"White Emperor?" Gu Hai froze.

Every ten days, Chen Xianer changes to Baidi? What about the married life just now, and the married life every ten days before?

ps: Regarding the origin of Liudao Zhenjun, there is an article in the WeChat public account, which describes the origin of Liudao Zhenjun in detail. Interested to see. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add the WeChat public account program, open WeChat-click on the '+' in the upper right corner-click on 'Add a friend'-click on 'Public Account'-enter 'aiguanqi' search-add attention, the icon appears and I Concubine's wedding photo.

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