Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 180: World and Promise, Qiankun borrows the law!

Hades, far north! Huang Quanhai!

"Your Majesty, this Huangquan cannot fly at sea! You must go down!" Weisheng explained.

One side of the mosquito said immediately: "Your Majesty, no one is right, Huang Quan is at sea, the rules are disordered, the birds cannot afford to fly, and those who are not fully consecrated in the heavenly palace cannot fly!"

Gu Hai nodded.

A group of people landed on the shore of Huangquan, and a large number of skeletons surrounded them.

"Stop, who are you?" The skulls burst into drink, not letting Gu Hai and his party approach.

However, as long as the Heavenly Palace is not completed, who can stop Gu Hai and his party?

Dragon God 嬴 only waved his hands, and a multitude of skeletons were immediately blown out.

"Not good, fast, tell the bones!" Several skeletons jumped off Huang Quanhai, and disappeared instantly.

"They went to report, Huangquan Road is on the bottom of the sea. Your Majesty is careful, Huangquan seawater has almost no buoyancy, but it is as heavy as a mudstone!" Weisheng explained.

Gu Hai nodded.

With no one living, slowly step into the Huangquanhai.

Sure enough, this seawater is very weird. It is water, but it is so heavy that it seems to be dragging people down.

"It's a death, I heard that people who entered Huang Quanhai were not spared!" The Mosquito smiled bitterly.

Everyone quickly sank into the bottom of the Huangquan Sea. Once they entered the seabed, they suddenly held their hands one by one.

"This is a person who has recently been trapped in the ocean floor. As soon as they entered, they were suppressed by Huang Quanhai. When they saw someone coming down, they desperately arrested them, hoping to drag them up. Her Majesty, don't worry. With my strength, I can Walk under the sea, follow me, and arrive soon! "Weisheng explained.

Gu Hai and his party followed the unborn.

Huang Quanhai not only has no buoyancy, but the water is heavy. The rules here are extremely chaotic and weird.

However, nowadays, the physical body is arrogant. Moving little by little.

Soon, walked to a huge sea valley. In the sea valley, there is a vortex sea eye, as if absorbing Huangquan seawater into it.

"This vortex is Huangquan Road, Your Majesty, we jump into it and we will reach the flawed fairy sky!" Weisheng explained.

Gu Hai nodded.

The four jumped into it without hesitation.


In a blink of an eye, the four were drawn into the sea eye.

Upon entering, Gu Hai immediately felt a force tearing his flesh, but this tear was still within Gu Hai's tolerance.

Four people quickly shuttled through a tunnel and fell into infinite depth-

When the ancient sea entered the Huangquanhai.


Suddenly, the three figures suddenly fell on Huangquan Overseas.

But Pansi Tianmo arrived with the eighth and nineth.

"Six, you are not mistaken? Here?" The eighth surprised.

"This is the crystal ball!" Said Pansi Tianmo Shen.

"You mean, the four of the ancient seas came from the underworld to the underworld to Huang Quanhai and committed suicide by jumping into the sea together?" Lao Ba was disbelieving.

"Ji Dihong can't lie to us with this incident. Under this Huangquanhai, there must be a secret we don't know!" Pansi Tianmo Shen said.

"But, what about the vast Huangquanhai, if it goes on? The rules here are confusing, at all ...!" Laojiu frowned.

"Follow the crystal ball to guide!" Pansi Tianmo said.

"Huh? The crystal ball guide is gone?" Pansi Tianmo's face changed.

"Without guidance, is this a needle in a haystack?" Lao Ba anxiously said.


Not far away, many skeletons jumped into Huang Quanhai.

"Surely these groups of skeletons know? Follow them!" Pansi Tianmo said in a deep voice.

"it is good!"


The three stepped into Huang Quanhai-

Gu Hai and his team of four quickly shuttled along Huangquan Road. About a joss stick time.


The four of them suddenly appeared in a dark environment.

In the dark environment, there seemed to be a yellow enchanted pipe, and the four people quickly shuttled through the pipe.

"Here is it?" Gu Hai looked.

"Here is beyond the Six Immortals Dome, in nothingness. The water of Huangquan, however, paved a road or erected a bridge to connect the flawed immortal Dome. It is fast, and we can arrive at the maximum time again Now! "Weisheng explained.

"Where's the skeleton you just entered?" Dragon God asked curiously.

"There are eighteen Huangquan Roads. We are just entering one of them. Skeletons, another Huangquan Road may be found!" Weisheng explained.

The crowd nodded.

As soon as the incense sticks out, the dark environment disappears in a blink of an eye.

The speed of the four people traveling on Huangquan Road is getting faster and faster. By the time of the flawed fairy sky, the speed has reached the extreme.


A loud noise seemed to hit a sea.

Under great inertia, the four flew from the bottom of the sea to the surface of the sea and landed on the shore.


The four barely stood up and didn't fall, but even with this huge impulse, they still smashed several mountains on the seashore.

"Who is it!" In the distant forest, someone suddenly started to drink.

"Your Majesty, let's go!" Weisheng said immediately.

At the moment, Gu Hai's face was sinking, because the moment he entered this flawed fairy dome, Gu Hai and the Dahan Emperor's fortune had lost touch again.

"Your Majesty, let's go, those people are troublesome!" Weisheng urged again.

Gu Hai didn't bother, but looked up at the sky, and looked at the sea in front of her, and an anxiety flashed in her eyes.

Luck was dissipated, I wonder how Xianer's side.

But at this moment, five men in robes stepped on the sword and shot into the ancient sea not far away.

"Who are you? Dare to break into my 'Dashou Shinjyo' realm?" The first man in a robe said coldly.

"Unborn, just these five, Yuanyingjing, you say they're in trouble?" The Mosquitoist revealed a slight disdain.

"Yuanyingjing, a ghost? Unbelievable, brother, the origin of these people is unknown. They broke into the forbidden area of ​​this sect and let me take them down!" A man in a robe said.

"it is good!"

But he saw that one of the men in the robe took out his long sword, and suddenly a sword was cut at the mosquito Taoist.

The mosquito drew a finger.


The man's sword suddenly burst open.


The man's blood spewed out instantly, revealing horror.

"Brother, they, they are too strong, I want to ask the Lord to give me strength!" The blood-spitting man called.


"The heavens and the earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law, the six saints, give me strength!" The man vomiting blood yelled.

"Ha ha ha ha, still borrowing the law? Six lords? Give you strength? Power can be given to this thing? Who will lend you? By your vernacular?" Laughed the mosquito.

However, weirdly, the man's whole body suddenly disappeared without wind, and his voice seemed to go straight to Jiuxiao.

Above Jiuxiao, there were suddenly dark clouds, and the sky was dark for an instant. At this moment, among the dark clouds, a holy light suddenly fell from the sky, like the dawn of an immortal.

The dawn shrouded the man who vomited blood. Suddenly, the man burst into a powerful breath.

Yuanyingjing? In this blink of an eye, the breath reached the Xiatian Temple, in a blink of an eye, it reached the Zhongtian Temple, and even in the blink of an eye, it reached the Heavenly Temple.

"What?" Mosquito rubbed his eyes.

This is impossible. How can there be such a spell? In a word ‘give me strength’, strength comes.

"Boy, let's get hold of it!" The man snapped again at the mosquitoes.

"I don't believe it anymore!" The mosquitoes greeted him with a cold face.


There was a loud noise, and a void wafted.

The man was immediately blown out.

Mosquitoes do not move. Obviously, the mosquitoes are ninth in the heavenly palace, much stronger than this man.

"Impossible, really the power of the heavenly palace? The most powerful power of the heavenly palace? Wasn't he the Yuanyuan infant state just now?" The mosquito Taoist surprised.

"Brother! The thief is so powerful!" The man spit out his blood.

"Heaven and Earth Promise, Qiankun borrows the law, the six lords, give me strength!"

"Heaven and Earth Promise, Qiankun borrows the law, the six lords, give me strength!"



The remaining four were drinking for a while.

Then, the sky was overcast again, and the dawn fell again on the four, and the four of them suddenly changed their breath, all of which turned into the heavenly palace.

"Hell!" The mosquitoer exclaimed.

"Thief. Get your life!" The five of them rushed to Mosquito again.


The mosquito shook his hand and flew five people out. Everyone went to heaven, but they were still not rivals in front of mosquitoes.

"A thief is so powerful!" A man called.

"Signal!" The other cried.


Suddenly, a firework-like spell soared into the sky.

Then, the mosquitoes saw that in a distant mountain forest, hundreds of men in the robes suddenly flew out, one after another flying towards the crowd.

"Your Majesty?"

"I said, they may not be as powerful as us, but they will be annoying!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.

"Leave here first!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"It's not that easy to leave!" The five men suddenly stared.

Guhai big sleeves flung.


The five people were instantly included in the ancient fairy sphere, and disappeared in an instant.

Gu Hai and his party quickly left the place. When hundreds of distant disciples of Dashou Zhenzong came, Gu Hai and his party had disappeared.

"What about people?" Everyone looked around, but couldn't find it.

In the distance, in the middle of a forest, Gu Hai looked at a large number of disciples of Dashou Zhenzong in the distance, and frowned slightly at the unborn people: "What happened just now? Borrowing power? Where does this power come from?"

"Your Majesty knows the ancestral door opened by Liu Daozhen?" Weisheng asked.

"Sect of six true monarchs?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Dragon God aside wondered: "I have been there 800,000 years ago, there are no six true monarch gates?"

"No, there is a sect gate, called Holy Sect. Sacred Sect is 800,000 years ago, the first door, and why you did n’t see it 800,000 years ago, because Liudaozhen The monk brought all the disciples of the Holy Sect into this flawed fairy dome. All the creatures in this flawed fairy dome are mad believers of the six true monarchs. Although the major doors were opened, everyone worshiped the six master In each case, a statue of Liudao Zhenjun was erected. Every day, he worshipped and gathered the big faith on the statue of Liudao Zhenjun. They borrowed the power from the statue of Liudao Zhenjun. Liudao Zhenjun disappeared. 800,000 years, but everyone's worship of him has not only diminished, but even worse! "Weisheng explained.

"Mad believer, mobilize faith?" The mosquito Taoist suddenly understood what was going on just now.

PS: There are many things today, the update is a little late, forgive me!


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