Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 203: The source of the riot, General Chen!

"He is the second being, and he was once the master of heaven and earth. Did you just say that He has a strong desire to rule?" Gu Hai looked to Long Wanyu.

"Yeah, he paid more attention to his own strength. In order to perfect his cultivation system, he slaughtered all the living beings at that time, collected their souls, and practiced dharma. Later, a new spirit was born again. He ruled billions of souls, feeling too few and too weak, just like people dominate ants. Without sense of accomplishment, he went to nothingness and looked for other immortal vaults, but in nothingness, how could there be anything else? Xianqiong? Promise born of Taiji, Promise is nothing, Taiji is something, nothingness is opposite to our immortal sky! "Long Wanyu frowned.

"What would happen if I came back?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Well? Come back? Isn't he dead?" Long Wanyu frowned.

"If not dead?" Gu Hai solemnly once again.

Long Wanyu looked at Gu Hai in surprise, and finally frowned: "He will immediately take control of heaven and earth. Moreover, he treats Cang Sheng, which is more cruel than Yuanshi Tianzun and Liudao."


"Furthermore, with his strength, Liu Dao might not be able to stop him. He gave Xianyuan to me before he left, but he must have a second hand and it is not difficult to take back the control of Xianqiang!" Long Wanyu recalled Road.

"I see!" Gu Hai nodded solemnly.

"However, brother-in-law, most of you are dead. In fact, the most worrying thing is the general!" Long Wanyu smiled bitterly.

"General Chen?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, although I was killed by Liudao Zhenjun that year, maybe there is the shadow of a general!" Long Wanyu guessed.

"Why?" Gu Hai wondered.

"He is a source of riots!" Long Wanyu frowned.

"What do you mean? What is the origin of this general?" Gu Hai curiously asked.

"I also don't know. He came out 30,000 years after I left, and at that time, the world was peaceful. I was more peace-loving, but the generals always caused war and riots!" Long Wan Yu recalled.

"Why did he cause a riot?" Gu Hai wondered.

"He said that the sentient beings in this world are too weak to bear the wind and rain. He needs to make the people in the world strong. Peace cannot be strong. Only fighting and constant fighting can cultivate one after another. A peerless master. "Long Wanyu recalled.

"Cultivate peerless masters? Why?" Gu Hai exclaimed.

This gentleman does not want to seize the world, but is training the master of the land of Shenzhou?

"He seems to know the existence of Xun, so he hopes to cultivate a peerless master to deal with Xun." Long Wanyu recalled.

"Are there any enemies between the generals and the grandson?" Gu Hai said suddenly.

"Perhaps, but it ’s also very strange. I never met with Jiang Chen, and I have no idea. Oh, by the way, the Wu tribe was the one who trodden the minister and led a group of people to teach them weird. Gongfa, no, he just led the door, but let the witches fumble on their own, fumbling one after another, and then tore with the demons. He doesn't want results, he only needs the process, he only needs the strong, It doesn't matter whether it is a demon or a witch. He is not in command of the witch, but manipulates the war of the lich. He wants to use the war to make the strongest in the world stronger. "Long Wanyu recalled.

"It's no wonder that the Witch tribe was overwhelming in the past, and the general will stop fighting!" Gu Hai frowned.

"No one knows what Genchan thinks. In the war of the Lich, the world suffered countless lives and injuries. Of course I can't stand it. I went to Genchan's theory, but Genchan kept avoiding me. I don't know what he thought! He wants war, and I want peace. Perhaps the appearance of the six true monarchs is to help kick off the stumbling block for me, huh! "Long Wanyu smiled bitterly.

"You are right. In peace years, talents are people. In times of war, people are worse than dogs. Your peace policy allows all beings to retain their dignity." Gu Hai comforted.

Long Wanyu nodded.

"Yes, that day, you integrated the river figure into Jinlong's body, why ...?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"I think the body of Long Wanyu in this world is very good. Although they used the power of faith to help me reshape the body, but the body of Jinlong has a lot to do with my previous life. It's not the same at all. I don't want to . Sorry to let them go for a busy trip, I absorbed some of the necessary power inside, improved a bit, and gave it to Hetu! "Long Wanyu laughed.

"How much have you improved?" Gu Hai curiously asked.

"I am also repairing the Heavenly Palace now, and the Heavenly Palace is the second most important!" Long Wanyu said with pride.

"Okay, your own way, decide for yourself!" Gu Hai nodded.

"It's just a pity, that river figure looks pretty unlucky!" Long Wanyu said unfortunately.

"Yeah, I don't know what the result is now, but now that the flawed fairy is over, it's time to collect it, and we should go back!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Huh!" Long Wanyu nodded.


Liudaoxianqiang, the land of Shenzhou. Wanshou Taoism.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's hair was a bit messy, and the detective grabbed Jin Long and returned to Yuan Shidian.


Golden Dragon fell on the main hall square, and immediately smashed a large number of slate.

At the moment, it was blocked, and Jinlonghetu despaired: "How can I be so unlucky!"

"Meet the leader!" A group of Wanshou Taoist disciples came to worship in surprise.

Yuan Shi Tianzun did not bother, but looked up to the sky.


Above the sky, there were dark clouds in a blink of an eye, and the billowing power rolled straight down.


A crack was cracked from the center, and suddenly, the black heavenly eyes stared at Yuan Shizun below.


In an instant, all Wanshou Taoist disciples were all kneeling down under this heavenly might.

"Yuanshi Tianzun?" The sound of cold drinking from the six immortals came from the sky.

"Oh, the six immortals? Just now you know that I am capable, why do you want to fight again? Your body is still closed, you come out, the master and you fight again, how about it? Not at all, Sen Lu Han looked at the heavenly eyes.

Hearing the words of Yuanshi Tianzun, all Wanshou Taoist disciples shuddered. As for other people who are concerned about this place, they also show a stunned expression.

Is this Yuanshi Tianzun looking for death? How dare you speak to the Six Immortals?

However, the Six Immortals did not say anything, but they confronted Yuanshi Tianzun stubbornly.

For a time, Wanshou Taoism spoke into a weird atmosphere.

In the distance, Lingshan in the west robs the mouth of the temple.

The minister stood with his hands in his hands, and smiled at the distant Wanshou Taoism.

"Yuanshi Tianzun? Have you cultivated those auras left by You to such an extent? Hesitant even six?" Jiang Chen was slightly surprised.

It seemed to sense the gaze of the general. The distant eye of heaven suddenly deflected.

At a long distance, he looked coldly at the generals who seized the mouth of the temple.

"Huh, general? Yuanshi Tianzun? Oh, wait a moment, and enjoy it now, when the immortal exits, you two are dead!" There were six immortal cold hums from the sky.

"Then wait and see!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

The general in the distance also smiled slightly.


The eyes of heaven slowly closed, and the dark clouds slowly dissipated.

The Six Immortals finally left.

At this moment, the disciples of Wanshou Taoism are amazed, because from the words of the Six Immortals just now, they seem to understand a little, even if the Six Immortals, why can't they be the leader at this moment?

How strong should the leader be? Everyone was shocked.

It is so clear that there are those who are against the sky, but the Six Immortals cannot take shots. Only in the Warring States Period, can they be so domineering? The leader also has the strength of the Dragon Warring States?

Yuan Shitian Zun looked coldly towards the generals who seized the mouth of the temple.

Jiang Chen looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun, and there was a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and he smiled slightly at Yuan Shi Tianzun.

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the general with his eyes narrowed, which seemed a little puzzled, but he also understood the strength of the general and his true power, allowing the six immortals to compromise during the retreat of the ontology. That's true of General Chen?

"Huh!" He snorted coldly. Yuanshi Tianzun did not pay any attention.

Turning his head to look at the golden dragon on the ground.

"Become human, come with me!" Yuan Shitianzun faced Jinlong a little.


Jinlong was completely free from bondage, as if free.

Yuan Shitian respected his hand and entered Yuan Shidian.

Jinlong slowly transformed into a thin man, his appearance is exactly like the picture of the river map 800,000 years ago.

He Tu watched Yuan Shi Tianzun step into Yuan Shi Hall. At this moment, it was a good time to escape, but He Tu didn't dare. This is Yuanshi Tianzun, who doesn't even look at the six immortals, and he is in his hands, just like a chick, fleeing? Isn't that looking for death?

"Why am I so unlucky!" He Tu cryed sadly, followed Yuanshi Tianzun into Yuanshi Hall.

"Kuang!" The door of the hall closed suddenly.

Take the mouth of the temple.

Jiang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly: "There are signs of avenues in Yuanshi Tianzun's hands. Is it a pattern of rules? Oh, it seems that the strength of Yuanshi Tianzun has to go to the next level!"

"God, there is a Taoist figurine from Wanshou Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun, called the Six Immortals!" Long Aotian hurried.

Long Aotian, the son of the Dragon God, now follows the general.

"I already know!" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Yes, God is invincible!" Long Aotian respected.

"It seems that Yuanshi Tianzun should have fought with Liu Dao in the nothingness. And Yuanshi Tianzun got the Golden Dragon? Also, is it the source of immortality of the heavenly heaven?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"God, what do you say?" Long Aotian wondered.

"Long Aotian!" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Here!" Long Aotian looked suddenly.

"You set off immediately and headed to Huang Quanhai in the underworld, to help me inquire about the situation there!" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Yes, but, God, what news do you need?" Long Aotian wondered.

"Huang Quanhai? I haven't been there for 100,000 years. There are several Huangquan roads leading to the Holy Celestial Dome. It used to be something that Houtu was tinkering with. I didn't bother, but looking at it like this Well, all the water has been lost, and Yuan Shitian has a great benefit. The Holy Celestial Celestial Sky, presumably without the protection of Xianyuan, it is also destroyed. You can go and see if there is an abnormality. "" Chen Chen said lightly.


"I'm going to a place, so I don't have time to probe. If you're back, if I'm not here, just wait. I'll be back in a few days!" Jiang Chen said.

"Yes!" Long Aotian answered.

"call out!"

The courtier's figure flickered and disappeared.


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