Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 208: Hook

"Let me go!" Dongfang Shou and Chun Shenshou yelled in horror.

Although the unborn person wanted to capture the two, Kong Xuan's strength was eventually stronger. The first time, they completely captured the two.

Holding in their hands, the two were struggling and terrified.

"Master Kong, can you hand them over to the next level?" Weisheng expected.

Kong Xuan ignored them and grabbed them in front of Gu Hai.

"Your Majesty, these two do not know where they got the news from, they ambush us here, those little ghosts have been eaten by the subjects, these two culprits, give it to His Majesty to pay off!" Kong Xuan respectfully.

Seeing Gu Hai's eyes, the two were frightened. Want to escape, can't escape at all.

The heavenly palace's complete ban was not so easy to lift.

"Ambush us? Oh, I don't need to know everything, it's either the Heavenly Demon Holy Land or the Rhubarb Heavenly Kingdom!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Gudi, we are wrong, please beg your life. We were deceived by the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!" Chun Shenshou suddenly panicked.

"Yes, ask the ancient emperor to raise his hand. I will wait for the ancient emperor to loyal to the ancient emperor, please accept it!" Dongfangshou also panicked.

The ancient sea looked coldly at the two: "The two are truly capable, but I really admire them. However, the two are extremely disgusted. Chun Shenshou, formerly Sanshan City, the death of 200 million people, I have your share. Credit. As for Dongfang Shou? Haha, insidious villain, you and I haven't dealt with once, betraying the Lord for glory, I ca n’t afford you! "

"Don't, we dare not!" The two horrified.

"Your Majesty, are you going to kill?" Kong Xuan asked.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Wait!" The unborn suddenly anxiously.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

"Your Majesty, can you give these two men to be disposed of? The life master is very special. They all have a life soul, and the life soul is out of the body. Even if you kill these two people, it won't take long for them to emerge from other places A new Oriental birthday, a new spring birthday! "Weisheng said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked suspiciously at the unborn.

"Like the North Mingshou, the Dragon Warring Kingdom was defeated by the Six Immortals, wasn't it killed by the Six Immortals, but there is another Bei Mingshou in this world! So even if they die, there are new Dongfangshou and Chun Shen Shou was born, and he will avenge both of them! "Weisheng said.

"Whether or not there is a new Chunshen and Dongfangshou, these two people are extremely guilty and must die!" Gu Hai Shen said.

Apparently, the petition of the unborn was rejected.

"Your Majesty!" The unborn said again anxiously.


"Your Majesty didn't ask me that day, how to open the yin and yang channel, and to keep it at all times?" Weisheng solemnly said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai wondered.

Long Wanyu frowned, "Don't lie to my brother-in-law, and maintain a two-way passageway. Why don't I know?"

No one was a little bitter, this girl, her elbow turned outward.

"Can't it?" Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu.

"I don't know anyway!" Long Wanyu shook her head.

"Yes!" Weisheng said immediately.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at the unborn.

"That day, Chen said no, not really not, but rather a special method!" Weisheng said.

"What a special law?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Refine the two-entry entrance formation, and the formation of this formation is quite special, the world is hard to find, and ...!" Weiren sighed.

"What array?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Shoushi!" Weiren solemnly said.

"Shoushi?" Everyone was surprised.

"Yes, using people to form a formation and using the shoushi to make a matrix foundation, does not kill the shoushi, but is similar to suppressing the shoushi, suppressing the shoushi in the large array, making him unable to survive, unable to die, source. The Soul of the Heaven and Earth is constantly transformed into the energy of the entrance and exit of the two realms, opening the door of the two realms that never close! "Weisheng explained.

"Unborn, you, you, you must die!" Dongfang Shou and Chun Shenshou were furious.

Gu Hai looked at the two.

"Your Majesty, you give them both to the minister, who is responsible for refining the gates of the two realms. From then on, Emperor Dahan moved to the monarchs and the two realms to move freely, without hindrance!" Weisheng respected.

Gu Hai stared at the unborn person and said, "Why don't you say that day?"

"Chen is also a life teacher!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.

I have no intention of being born. I am also a shoushi. Do I have to say that I am going to make a battle by refining myself?

Of course, Gu Hai didn't believe the excuse of the unborn, but looked at Long Wanyu.

"I don't know. At the time when Shoushi appeared, my previous life has been ridiculed!" Long Wanyu shook her head.

"Your Majesty, please!" Weisheng asked again.

Gu Hai looked at Dongfang Shou and Chun Shenshou, and looked at the unborn again: "How long will it take?"

"If your Majesty sends someone to help, within six months, a big battle can be achieved!" The unborn person was extremely sure.

"Okay, I sent someone to help you!" Gu Hai nodded.

Chunshen Shou and Dongfang Shou made countless evils, but Gu Hai didn't care about their subsequent tragic situation. They blame it for themselves. If the two had not done too much wrong, Gu Hai would even accept them as His Majesty, unfortunately ...!

"Yes, Your Majesty, don't worry!" The unborn person answered.

Suddenly, no one came forward, put a ban on them in the two longevity divisions, and took the two from Kong Xuan.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

In Huang Quanhai, the roar grew louder.

At the same time, a complex array of light emerged on the sea, suddenly forming a towering suction.

Under the suction, everyone was suddenly sucked into that huge formation. However, everyone has done everything to the utmost, all stopped.

"No, this suction is only for us? Why aren't the grass, trees and rocks all around?" The mosquitoer was surprised.

"Ah!" "Help!" "Let me down!" ............

There was a scream of exclamation in the distance, but they saw that the ghosts of the underworld were drawn in from all directions and poured into the Huangquanhai.

As soon as he entered the Huangquanhai, he disappeared.

"This suction is only for the soul? What's underneath?" Kong Xuan sank.


With a loud noise, the large array split from the center, and the Huangquan seawater also split from the center. The weird one and two halves slowly exposed the bottom of the sea.

Countless ghosts sucked from the Quartet all entered the body of a blood robe man.

The man in the blood robe was holding a cane and could not see the appearance in the robe, but the blood-red hat gave a roar like a beast. The brim is a bottomless pit, sucking the billowing ghosts.

The blood robe man sat down, a coffin, the fading of the yellow spring water, and the weak water all entered the coffin. It is as if the coffin is endlessly absorbing Huangquan water.

The ancient sea on the shore sank, and the Huangquan seawater, even the ancient immortal dome, was extremely difficult to collect. What was in the coffin, and actually absorbed the essence of Huangquan's weak water?

"Who is the man in the blood robe on that coffin? How can I feel a kind of tremor?" The mosquito said in surprise.

The crowd looked at the man and the coffin in puzzlement.

"Elder Wu tribe?" Dongfang Shou, who was restrained in the distance, suddenly opened his eyes.

"What eldest elder?" Chun Shenshou asked in fear at the moment.

"Not dead? He wasn't killed by Jiang Lianshan? How could he be here? That breath, yes, that is the elder of the Wu tribe. He brought countless secrets of the Wu tribe to Jiang Lianshan. Big elder, save me, I am Dongfang Shou , Elder! "Dongfang Shou said with ecstasy.

In the distance, the blood robe man slowly stood up.

Standing up, slowly exposed the limbs, just looking at the limbs of the blood-robe man in the distance, all of them showed suspicion. The limbs had no skin, only **** muscles?

"Where is Jiang Lianshan? The time has not yet come, why open the formation!"

"Witch tribe?" Kong Xuan frowned.

"Sniff!" The blood robe man sniffed his nose.

"The demon tribe is perfect? ​​Are you from the demon sacred place?" The blood robe person said coldly.

"No!" Kong Xuan coldly said.

"It's just fine, ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" The blood robe man laughed.

"What's not good?" Kong Xuan frowned.

"It's not the old husband of White Tiger. I can eat as much as I want. Before the time is up and I haven't recovered from the peak, you can make my blood food!"

"Blood food? Hahahaha, Your Excellency is so confident!" Kong Xuan sneered.

The blood robe man did not rush up, but stepped slowly down the coffin. A respectful gift to the coffin.

"Next, I will take care of you if the witch can be revived!" The Bloodrobe man respected the coffin.

Next, gently urge the coffin.


The coffin lid was opened.

When it opened, a white cold air suddenly burst out from the coffin.


The white cold raged out, flooding the entire Huangquanhai instantly.

In a short five-interest period, Huangquanhai, which was tens of millions of miles away, instantly froze into ice.

Even colder air came towards the ancient sea.

Long Wanqing's face sank, and her detective waved.


The Styx came out, absorbing cold with water, and instantly blocked the invasion of cold air.

The cold froze Huang Quanhai, but the Huangquanhai, which turned into ice, suddenly gasified, and was all sucked into the coffin.

"Huang Quanhai is full of weak water. What is in this coffin that sucked all the weak water?" The mosquito Taoist was surprised.

"Huang Quanhai, was all swallowed by the monsters in the coffin?" Dragon God's face sank.

"There must be a monster in the water system, meow!" Mao Tianyun's hair exploded.

The white chill was all confined into the coffin. There was also a layer of frost on the Blood Robe, but a scene in the coffin was also exposed at this moment.

Inside, a little girl was lying quietly at this moment. The girl closed her eyes as if she was asleep, with a sweet smile.

"Jingwei?" Gu Hai's face changed, surprised.

Isn't this girl's appearance just Jingwei? Jiang Lianshan's young daughter Jing Wei. My sister. However, Jingwei is the soul, and she is in Lin Waner's body. But this is ...?

"Jingwei's body? Not eaten by fish and shrimp, but fell into Huangquanhai?" Dongfangshou was surprised.

"Jing Wei's corpse? In this coffin lies Jing Wei's corpse, what does Jiang Lianshan do?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Your Majesty, a heavy zombie aura!" Dragon God Aya looked surprised at the little girl sleeping in the coffin.


Looking at the little girl inside the coffin, his eyes slowly opened.


Within ten million miles, the temperature of the heavens and the earth suddenly dropped sharply. In the short time of opening the eyes, within ten million miles, snow like a feather fell quickly. From overcast to cold, land on the earth.

"Heavy snow flies for millions of miles?" Gu Hai suddenly frowned. I thought of the Emperor Xiyu of the former Emperor Yuan Dynasty, and practiced the body of the Hook to provoke millions of miles of snow.

Today, thousands of miles of snow cover the world.

"The seed of the zombie ancestors of the water system, 嬴 hook? In the past, I felt this breath, yes, it is 嬴 hook." Hou Qing in weakness showed a trace of shock.

"Yi Hou? Jiang Lianshan made the corpse of her young daughter into a zombie ancestor, Hou Hou?" Gu Hai's pupils shrank.


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