Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 8: Asking the Yellow Emperor

The Dahan Emperor Dynasty, Hena Baichuan!

Gu Hai didn't think that anyone could use it, and nobody could use it. As long as it was beneficial to Dahan and he could hold it, it was all available.

From the perspective of outsiders, the masters of the six forces are very dangerous. After all, the six have deep roots and involve too much. However, from the perspective of ancient seas, this is not much.

As long as there is sufficient defense mechanism, people do their best, but it is most urgently needed by Dahan.

Although the heads of the army are powerful, what they have to face is also a group of peerless powerhouses. Naturally, they need help.

Gu Hai didn't hide much about the town's national army, so Mo Yike told the six again.

After listening to the six people, they all looked at the bronze bell. At the same time a stormy sea set off in my heart.

This ancient sea is bigger than the appetite of the Dragon Warring States. Two thousand cities have been inadequate. Does he want to unite the north of Shenzhou? Half a world?

However, shock was shocked, and everyone was excited. After a careful comparison, this Dahandi Dynasty did have a huge capital. Talented people emerge in large numbers, strong ones like forests, tight organization, and management are extremely well-tuned. Maybe it can.

From the actions of Ji Dihong, we can see that the ambition of the Dahuang Tianchao is determined by the world. Nowadays, the Dahan Dichao wants to run against him?

"What do the six think?" Gu Hai looked at the six.

"Wish to hear from your Majesty!" The six said at almost the same time.

At this moment, the heaven-sent opportunity, how can we let go of the land, so that once the Dahan emperor was promoted to heaven, he may not have less rights than before.

"Well, so far, how about the six troops entering the town and waiting for the commander Mo Yike to dispatch them?" Gu Hai looked at the six.


"I've seen Mo Shuai!" The six said.

Mo Yike nodded with satisfaction. Sima Changkong also smiled.

Everyone trusts the six people so much, not only for their demeanor, but also for their manipulation. All the relatives of the Lord of the Six Powers have all moved to the borderless city of Heaven. Protect their families. However, if it is double-edged and three-edged, this will also make them jealous.

Moreover, as a six-person, trying to confuse the masters of other forces, it can make the major forces incomprehensible.

Explained everyone's affairs. Gu Hai also retired the ministers, leaving only the ancient Qin to accompany him.

"Is all Chi You's body checked?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes, Chi You's body is scattered around. Master Kong has received a positive answer from Chi You, Chi is responsible for Chi You's hands and legs, while father, who is responsible for Chi You's head and body, Chi You's head, is suppressed in 'Blood Maple ', Chi You's body was suppressed in' Bagua Mountain '! "Gu Qin said.

Then, Gu Qin took out a huge map. In the map, it is Blood Maple Forest and Bagua Mountain.

"Both of these places were not far from Chiyou City in the past, one west and one north, and now both are covered with fog, which is obviously a huge trap. Father carefully!" Gu Qin worried.

"Well, you step back, I'll take a look again!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

Gu Qin nodded and retreated.

Gu Qin retreated, but Gu Hai frowned slightly, and carefully looked at the location maps of 'Blood Maple Forest' and 'Bagua Mountain'. After a while, Gu Hai sighed.

Because Gu Hai understands that if Ji Dihong is ambushing, the terrain is only second, mainly people, formations and soldiers.

For the ambush at the two places, Gu Hai also knew before, but there are still many unexplainable.

Taking a deep breath, Gu Hai's hand waved, and the door to the study opened. The trap knife flew over from an instant.

Holding the trap knife, Gu Hai turned slightly.


There was a sudden void in front of him, and a black hole appeared slowly.

The infinite capital of the heavens was laid out by countless chess moves in the ancient sea. At this moment, it was slightly adjusted with a trap knife, which instantly opened the passage to the earth's fairyland. At the same time, he went outside the study and was covered by the chess pattern, making it impossible to perceive everything inside.

Although outsiders were confused, no one dared to break in.

Gu Hai stood at the mouth of Heidong and looked at the other end of Heidong: "In Xia Guhai, if you have any questions, please see the people's palace, senior Huangdi!"

The sound went deep into the black hole. The black hole trembled slightly.

There was a calm inside, and after a while, it seemed that a yellow figure came out.

But it is a middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe. The man's appearance, with his own majestic air, is out of step, with a very unusual calm.

Seeing the ancient sea, the man is not happy or sad. Just a small gift: "Meet Mr. Gu!"

"I've seen the senior Huangdi!" Gu Hai solemnly saluted.


The black hole disappeared instantly.

"Is this your Six Immortals? Mr. Gu would even invite me to come?" Huang Di laughed.

"The senior Huangdi laughed, and Guhai is honored to be here! And, this time, there is still something to ask for, and I hope the senior will not hesitate to enlighten me!" Guhai laughed.

Huang Di nodded: "You can do everything you can, but you can't help it! But can you show me these six immortals?"

"Senior, please!" Gu Hai invited.


Outside, the study formation in the study was abruptly withdrawn. Gu Qin and others who haven't gone far are all curious.

The next moment, I saw that Gu Hai stepped out of the study, and at the same time, a man of extraordinary style stepped out of the study.

"Well? Who is this person?" Gu Qin said in surprise.

There was no one else in the study just now.

And, looking at it, my father was very polite to him?

Mo Yike and others were slightly surprised. Although curious, they didn't say anything.

In the Noble Palace.

When Da Riru had originally helped Shangguanhen and others recover from their injuries, Da Riru frowned suddenly: "Hey?"

Immediately left the crowd and stepped out of the Noble Palace.

From a distance, I saw a man in a yellow robe at the entrance of Shangshufang, and he looked out into the distance with the ancient sea.

"Huang ...?" Dayi Rulai was surprised.

However, when I got to my mouth, I still hold back. Step on, and arrived at the entrance of the study.

"Mr. Gu, have you invited another person?" Da Riru laughed.

Huang Di looked at Da Riru, his expression moved slightly, then smiled and nodded slightly.

Day Sun Rulai folded her hands and returned a gift.

"Darri Rulai, I remember, you have‘ his heart communication ’in Buddhism?” Gu Hai looked at Dari Rulai.

"Yes, a little Dole!" Da Riru nodded.

"The trail has the benefits of trails. The seniors are curious about the situation of the Six Immortals, can you use his heart to pass on what you know to the seniors?" Gu Hai looked to Da Riru.

Da Riru nodded and said, "It's impossible!"

With your eyes closed, a wave of the probe spreads a light spot on your fingertips. Then, as if a lot of text, pictures and shadows appear strangely around, pouring into the light spots. But it is the day that Rinari gathered the news that it knew.

The detective hand was delivered to Huangdi.

Huang Di also seemed to know that he was in the know, and did not refuse to let the light spot enter the eyebrow.


It seemed that countless messages exploded in Huang Di's mind, one after another. Huang Di closed his eyes instantly and accepted this huge information base.

It took a while before Huangdi opened his eyes.

"A good six heavens!" Huang Di said in surprise.

"Each has its own strength!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Ji Dihong, Dahuang Tianchao? Oh, he didn't do anything, he did it all!" Huang Di lamented.

"Right and wrong, please don't blame the seniors, I know there exists between you ...!" Gu Hai was a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Gu need not do this. He is him, I am me, not the same person. How can it be involved? Besides, does Da Ri Ru Lai not help you to deal with Jiang Ru Lai, Ren Ru Lai, Tian Ru Lai? The leader fights. Ji Dihong has some correspondence with me. He and I are concentric, and we can be friends with him, but if he is different, he is my enemy, and Mr. Gu and us are the united front. I naturally stand by you. Here! "Huang Di lamented.

"Thank you senior!" Gu Hai thanked.

"However, he is better than me. He is really better than me. I am only ninth in the Heaven Palace now, and I ca n’t break through the Heaven Palace, but he is different, not only the Heaven Palace, but also the gods. Is it complete? It is even more difficult for you, the witch clan, to resist it! Moreover, its power is superb and its character is tough. I can't compare it, but why are you looking for me? "Huang Di wondered.

"Seniors rest assured, I'm not asking you to take a shot. I'm asking you to come this time, just to ask you something! About Ji Dihong!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Oh, Mr. Gu, I and he are not alone. Did you ask the wrong person about the matter? I do n’t know everything about him. Why did you ask me?" Huang Di smiled puzzledly. .

"Not necessarily, there are some things that have something in common, such as Biao said that the fairy sword, such as the Buddha's palm in the palm of your hand, is in the palm of your hand." Gu Hai solemnly said.

But it is the two immortal swords of the Heavenly Master, separated by two immortals, both of which exist. The same is true of Rugao's palm on the day of the Sun and Rugao's palm on the ground of Jiang Rugao.

"Oh? What do you want to ask?" Huangdi curiously.

"Xuanyuan sword!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Huh?" Huang Di wondered.

"Ji Dihong ’s Xuanyuan Sword can cut Chi You, whether or not Chi You has a Witch secret, this Xuanyuan Sword is a key. Xuanyuan Sword has very little information, and it is difficult for me to find out Xuanyuan Sword. There are only two Two Xuanyuan Sword's sword records, both of them are extremely amazing. For the first time, 800,000 years ago, Xuanyuan Sword slayed the Jinshen body of six true kings. At that time, the Jinshen body held the holy sword, Kendo. The world is the first, but Xuanyuan Sword wins. The second time, it defeats Chiyou. Moreover, Xuanyuan Sword ranks fifth among the sixteen ancient magic weapons. We must know that the Seven Swords of Xianxian ranked only seventh. It is also a sword, which can be placed in front of the Qixian Seven Swords. It must inevitably overwhelm the Qixian Seven Swords in the essence of the sword. I have no bottom against the Xuanyuan Sword. Remember, the same is true of your Xuanyuan Sword? Although I do n’t know whether your Xuanyuan Sword and Ji Dihong are strong or weak, they should have something in common! I want to know the secret of Xuanyuan Sword! ”Gu Hai solemnly said.

On the side of the big day, curiosity appeared.

Huang Di unexpectedly looked at Gu Hai, and then sighed slightly: "Mr. Gu, it is really keen and extraordinary. Xuan Yuan Sword is really different from other swords. My Xuan Yuan Sword is definitely not as good as him, because Xuan Yuan Sword is related to the National Games, his Dahuang Tianchao, but much better than me! "

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

"Do you want to know Xuanyuan Sword? Yeah! I know everything, I just hope it will be useful to you!" Huang Di nodded.

PS: Going out, the update is unstable, forgive me. Two more!


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