Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 48: Writing the Decree

Qinghe Sect!

Song was sitting in the gazebo, listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"No news? You said no news?" Song Sheng looked at his subordinates coldly.

"Yes, I haven't seen traces of Gu Hai and 3,000 wicked people!" The subordinate respectfully said.

"Stupid, do you have to wait until Gu Hai arrives in front of me, and then notify me? Search for me, keep searching!" Song Shengsheng angered.

"Yes!" Said the subordinate.

Since getting the battle book of Gu Hai, Song has been paying attention to the Quartet in his life, but has been down for so many days without any news?

That ancient sea is deceitful! Song Guo and Dafeng Gang were planted in his hands.

Now Gu Hai said he was in trouble, but he knew nothing about his whereabouts?

Can Song's life not be annoyed? ——

Song Jiazong.

Fu Xue looked angrily at the mine of Lingshi Mine. The mine has long since collapsed. No, it should have been collapsed. According to this mine, it is unknown at all where the ancient seas fled.

"Search me, 3,000 people, it's impossible to just disappear, search me!" Fu Xue roared at Song Jiazong's disciples around.

"Yes!" Song Jiazong disciples yelled around.


The demonized people rushed around.

Fu Xue was in a hurry to return to the case.

Soon, he reached a cave in Zongnei.

On Thursday, there were bloodstains on the beach, and some of the corpses' Song Jiazong disciples were kicked back slowly.

"The ancestor!" The demonized people respectfully said.

Fu Xue didn't bother, but quickly reached the inside.

Inside, there are three altars. On top of the altar, a red net of energy is released, passing three men through the body.

The three men are all with their upper bodies on their backs, with a golden dragon on their backs, and their nephews.

The three were not others, but the three servants who followed Long Wanqing in the past.

Fu Xue rushed in, and the three also saw Fu Xue, all of them sneered.

"Slap!" Fu Xue slapped at a man's face.

"Say, what did you divulge out?" Fu Xue growled and glared.

The man vomited blood, but didn't speak.

"Twenty years ago, what did you get? Where is the dragon vein!" Fu Xue yelled, staring.

"Xiao Hei, kill us if you have the ability? Hahaha, this time, but you're trying to die! My master won't let you go. My master orders that the world is big and you have nowhere to hide!" He laughed.

"Slap!" Fu Xue slaps the man's face again, anxious.

The three were smelly and hard like stones in a pit.

Fu Xue had no time to talk nonsense with them, stepped out of the cave, and waited for news from the Quartet to search--

Outside Song Jiazong, a school yard outside the city. There were a large number of garrison troops stationed there. When Gu Hai and his party arrived, they immediately surrounded them.

"Bold, barracks must not be trespassed!" Shouted the first general.

"Blind your dog's eyes, I don't even know?" Chen Tianshan stared.

"Ah? Who are you?" The man apparently didn't recognize everyone.

"Take the imperial decree!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Chen Tianshan answered.

The detective took out a decree.

"This is the decree of Chen Liangyi. If you are optimistic, immediately notify the owner of the city of Quartet. There are monsters in this place. In order to avoid living creatures, organize people to move away from the south and move northward!" Chen Tianshan called.

"Ah? People in several towns are missing recently, you know?" The general was surprised.

"Don't make nonsense, do it, this is the imperative!" Chen Tianshan stared.

The general took the decree and looked up carefully. At a glance, his face changed. Is it really the decree?

"Yes, the Order of the Admiral!" The general answered.

"Sir, will Fu's blood be found?" Scar looked at Gu Hai.

"They shouldn't find us, but ..." Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

"Adult worried, that Fu Xue was so angry that he killed him directly in the ancient palace? The two sons are still in the ancient palace!" Gao Xianzhi's face changed.

"What should we do? Even if we rushed back to the ancient palace with all our might, we couldn't keep up with the speed of Fu's blood!" Chen Tianshan looked ugly.

"It's too late to pass the flying pigeons, and now there is only one way to inform them!" Gu Hai frowned.

"Oh? Is there any way faster than Fu Xue?" Chen Tianshan was surprised.

Fu Xue is a dragon above Yuan Ying Realm. How can there be faster than Fu's blood?

"Where is the beacon!" Gu Hai asked the general.

"What are you doing?" The general's face changed.

"Beacon? Use Beacon to deliver the message to Huolaoguan as fast as possible?" Chen Tianshan's eyes brightened.

Beacon is the fastest means of transmitting messages during wartime. There are wolf smoke during the day and beacon during the night. There are beacon towers from cities around the city to Chaodu. Ignite a beacon or wolf smoke and pass messages one after the other, very fast.

"What are you going to do? Beacon fire can only be activated during a national disaster!" Said the leader, who stopped drinking.

"Where is the beacon?" Gao Xianzhi glared.

"The beacon, the heavy weapon of the country, you ca n’t move it, you can only use it when the country is in trouble. What qualifications do you have? There is no general order or imperial edict, and no one can touch it. Come, come! .

Suddenly, a large number of soldiers rushed up.

"Bold!" Chen Tianshan glared angrily.

"I want to ignite the flames and step over my body!" The general sighed.

"Yes, with integrity, I will report to my ancient house in the future. I will accept it in a general like you!" Gu Hai smiled.

The general's eyes glared, for unknown reasons, but they were still the blockers.

"Want the imperial edict, did you? Gao Xianzhi, you write!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Gao Xianzhi answered.

What about the general for a moment?

But when Gao Xianzhi took out a blank imperial edict, his subordinates ground it, and Gao Xianzhi wrote quickly. Soon, a decree was written.

"You, you preach the decree?" The general exclaimed.


Gu Hai threw the imperial edict to him, and ran toward the camp.

A lot of wicked men opened their way, and these ordinary soldiers couldn't stop it.

"Is the Imperial Seal of the Royal Seal real? How is that possible?" The general said in surprise.


Beacon Tower, Gao Xianzhi lit wolf smoke, a pillar of black smoke, soaring into the sky.

"Whew!" "Whew!" "Whew!" ……………………

In the distance, it seems to be responding to this beacon. The blast of smoke is skyrocketing, and the news is rapidly passing in the direction of Hulong Pass.

"Gao Xianzhi, write ten more edicts to him, and let them take the edict to the Quartet city and migrate the people, one can be saved!" Gu Hai ordered to Gao Xianzhi.

"Yes!" Gao Xianzhi answered.

In the general's bewildered gaze, Gao Xianzhi once again took out ten blank imperial edicts, each with the seal of the Imperial Seal. It is the true decree of Chen Guo.

"How is that possible? How is it possible!" The general looked at the scene blankly.

"Drive!" "Drive!" ...............

After writing the ten imperial edicts, Gu Hai took three thousand evil people quickly toward the ancient government, leaving the general with a holy imperial decree, watching the crowd leave with a blank expression--

Song Jiazong, Song Jiadian.

"No? It's been two days, and you don't have any news?" Fu Xue stared at the demonized people.

"Yes, they seem to have evaporated!" A demonized man cautioned.

"Waste, all waste!" Fu Xue stared.

All the demonized people didn't dare to talk.

Fu Xue suddenly glanced: "They've got the news? What information must Gu Hai have got? Where is Gu Hai? He must be caught!"

"The subordinates don't know, but, the subordinates, the subordinates know where Gu Hai's home is, maybe we can use Gu Hai's family ...!" A demonized man whispered.

"Oh?" Fu Xue's eyes lit up.

"From now on, seal the mountain for me and open the golden armor crystal array. No one is allowed to come in and no one is allowed to go out!" Fu Xue stared.

"Ah? What about the brothers outside?"

"Before, they gave Guhai a chance because they were going to come back! Let them wait outside and don't allow them to come in. Don't you want to eat people? Just go around and catch people?" Fu Xue stared.

"Yes!" The demonized people answered.

"You, take me to the ancient mansion and tell me where the ancient mansion is. I will go to the ancient mansion immediately!" Fu Xue clutched the previous demonization road.


With that demonized person, Fu Xue flew out of the hall, and flew out of Song Jiazong in an instant.

He flew out and quickly flew towards the north.

However, it didn't take long to see the sky raging into the sky.

"Not good, ancestor, this is a messy messenger, maybe ...!" Said the demon with wide eyes.

"Waste, can't I see it? Hurry up!" Fu Xue stared.


On an official road, three thousand horses were racing fast.

"Gao Xianzhi, are you sure they are?" Gu Hai asked on a dark horse with a deep voice and asked Gao Xianzhi next to him.

"Yes, sir, we went in and found the three servants of the church owner, but, within a short time, we could not take them away, nor found the church owner. The subordinates managed to win them, and they asked us to find the master of the fleeting year! Gao Xianzhi groaned.

"Where is Master Liunian?" Gu Hai wondered.

"They said that some time ago, the unborn came. The master Liuli followed the unborn to enter the underworld, looking for the soul of the mother of the church master, so the master of the fleet left the church master!" Gao Xianzhi explained.

"Hell?" Gu Hai stared.

"Yes, that unborn person can communicate with the two realms of Yin and Yang. Listen to them. In the past, the infertile stump disappeared. The unborn person suddenly disappeared and entered the underworld. We hurried in the underworld. He said to us, "His way, we can't go!" Gao Xianzhi explained.

"Hell? This is the soul of Long Wanqing's mother?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.

"Those three said that there was a stone in the place where the church owner lived. It should be inconspicuous. It was left by the unborn. Just go and break it. Back at the stone, let's break the stone! "Gao Xianzhi explained.

Gu Hai nodded. Take a deep breath.

Fighting Fu's blood with big battles was a trick, and he was able to retreat from the whole body. It was completely a fraud at the end, otherwise, he was not his opponent at all.

The spirit stone has also run out, and it is very difficult to deal with Fu Xue and Song's life. If you attract masters of the fleeting years, maybe ...!


Everyone was sprinting fast.

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