Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 15: Since the war

Tiandu, the borderless city, go to the study!

A group of dignitaries stood before Gu Hai's case.

"Sir, according to the report from Jin Yiwei, Hou Qing now frequently attends some of Ji Dihong's core meetings. Hou Qing should have initially gained Ji Dihong's trust!" Meng Tai respectfully said.

Gu Hai and Sima Changkong looked at each other and nodded.

Hou Tu's request, Gu Hai did not tell everyone, but others were depressed.

"Ji Dihong's control of the human heart has already informed the major forces?" Gu Hai looked at Sima Changkong.

"Your Majesty, we have sent missions to the major forces and explained everything to them. Most of the major forces approached the DPRK ambassadors with enthusiasm. However, there are several schools and imperial dynasties, but ... ...! "Sima Changkong's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What's the matter?" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Maybe one step too late! There are two Zhongzong gates, one imperial dynasty, which is already under control!" Sima Changkong said with a complex expression.

"Sure?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, it is almost certain that although the concealment is very good, the last time His Majesty explained to us some of the methods of detection, they still worked! And the two emperors and one emperor suddenly spoke and slandered us, saying that we were alarmist. At the same time unite other forces, want to engage in alliance! "Sima Chang said in a hollow voice.

"Where are the three forces?" Gu Hai Shensheng asked.

"All are close to the Dahan Emperor Dynasty!" Sima Changkong explained.

"Since it has been determined, then there is no need to wait, Zhen Guojun, go to war!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Huh?" The ministers froze slightly.

"If there is no human heart control, I will wait for a while, but now it will not work. Human heart control, although it is very secretive, but it means that the Huanghuang Tianchao has already sent troops. In this case, there is no need to cover up!" Gu Hai Shensheng Road.

"Father, the two emperors and one emperor, although they were controlled, did not declare war on Dahan publicly. How can they use this excuse to send troops?" Gu Qin worried.

"Rest assured, Mr. Mo and Mr. Sima will definitely think about it!" Gu Hai said.

The next day, a message from the Emperor Dahan shook the world.

The three groups of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty died tragically in two major gates and a big dynasty. The ancient sea of ​​the Dahan Emperor was furious. He accused the two emperors of conspiring with Dahuang, killing my messenger, provoking Dahan, and planning to send soldiers northward to divide the Dahan emperor's dynasty, causing life to be smeared and the people displaced. At this point, the town's national army was established.

Mo Yike is the head coach of the town ’s national army. Gao Xianzhi, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Sima Changkong, Chen Tianshan, and Dragon God are the deputy commanders of the town ’s national army. From now on, they will send three forces.

The army swiftly attacked, and the world was uproar.

The two great gates and the great emperor suddenly stood up and shouted. The messenger Dahan disappeared when he left, not a tragic death. Moreover, they did not collude with the rhubarb heaven. The Dahan Emperor's dynasty was all slander.

Unfortunately, facts are facts. Although there is no evidence from outsiders' perspective, the Dahan Emperor's troops were too strange, but these three forces have become the wings of the Dahuang Emperor. They must invade the Dahan Emperor.

With the facts already in place, there is no need for Gu Hai to look for evidence. As long as this fact is affirmative and no evidence is found for everyone to believe, create an evidence for everyone to believe.

send troops! Quickly attacked the two emperors by thunder--

Xuanyuan City, study.

"How can this be true? Gu Hai did not play cards according to common sense. When he said he sent troops, he sent troops. My rhubarb army has not settled in those three forces, and before the three forces had time to deploy, he started playing! What evidence does he have in Gu Hai, Do you dare to risk the world and be an aggressor? "Kong Di exclaimed.

Cangjie said aloud: "Conte Emperor, Gu Hai seems to have discovered the anomalies of the three main forces. Now that you find out, why do you need to show evidence to the world? Evidence? Sometimes it is important, but sometimes it is ridiculous. He sent troops Early, we can deter other forces. "

"Gu Hai also informed all the forces of the 'control of the human heart'. In this way, we will have difficulty in controlling the masters of other forces!" Kong Di said angrily.

"Declaring that the Dahan Emperor is not as powerful as imagined!" Cangjie laughed.


"The Lord of all the forces told by Guhai just didn't want to be against all forces!" Cangjie explained.

"So what? Now, what kind of town's national army is extremely insidious. It doesn't go straight to the Zongmen station or the capital of the DPRK. Instead, it captures one city and one city and destroys the three forces first." Kong Di frowned. Road.

"Zhen Guojun? Things are really stable, and they are forcing us to take action!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.


"Going straight into the capital and going directly into the Zongmen station not only has to pay a large price, but it can also provoke a strong rebound from other forces, because one case, one country, is instantly destroyed, what to do when the next day comes to them Every major force must be heartbroken. Conflicts and counterattacks against the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, but now different, one city and one city charge. Although it is slower, it keeps other forces from being disturbed, and it is also convenient for other forces to explore. The real situation of 'human manipulation'! "Cangjie explained.

"I asked the Lord of the Three Powers to immediately send envoys to all major powers to stigmatize the Dahan Emperor? Say there is no 'human control'? He has no evidence at all. Is he referring to the deer as a horse?" Kong Di stared.

"Send a mission, do you think Mo Yike will not send a mission? Mo Yike is resourceful, and he must think of you in this area. The two parties have been fighting for a long time, and it will only make the three major forces lose more!" Sound channel.

"But, what if some forces believe in us?" Conte said.

"You're right, maybe some forces believe. After all, Gu Hai only said that the three major forces and the Dahuang Tianchao alliance did not prove the existence of manipulation of the human heart. Since Guhai said, then whatever he wants, I will give directly to Dahuang Tianchao. The three major forces dispatched troops, and you, Conte, set about slandering the ancient seas at other forces! "Cangjie nodded.

"Yes, the town's national army has shot, we don't have to hide it, holy!" Kong Di looked at Ji Dihong.

Ji Dihong tapped on the desk with his finger and was silent for a while: "Just do what Mr. Cangjie said!"

On the second day, there was news from the Dahuang Tianchao saying that the Dahan emperor's slander against the Huanghuang dynasty was a provocation against the Huanghuang dynasty and that two emperors were vilified and invaded by the Dahan dynasty. , Town Xiaoxiao!

A large number of soldiers from the Huanghuang dynasty traveled directly to the three major forces by flying boats.

Beginning at this moment, the Huanghuang dynasty and the Dahan emperor officially met.

Although it was only a preliminary contact with soldiers, it still shocked the world.

The rhubarb dynasty is one of the two most powerful dynasties in the world, no, there is no one. In everyone's eyes, the Dachao dynasty is not as good as the Dahuang dynasty.

The Dahan Emperor, the most powerful emperor in the world, is the true name of the emperor, although it is the name of the emperor. Two thousand cities, even the rhubarb dynasty can't compare.

It used to be only at the rumor, dialogue, and conspiracy stage, but now it is officially fighting through the three major forces--

The borderless sky, go to the study.

"Ji Dihong really knows nothing?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Your Majesty, the leaders of the six major powers who dedicated the country and their ancestors last time led their respective troops to the frontiers of the three major powers, but the shock to the forces was huge. Ji Dihong wanted to mix the water, but he did It ’s not, but another sect master may be manipulated by the human heart! "Sima Changkong frowned.

"That ’s nothing to say. Thunder means, strike. The demon army of demons has been handed over to you, personal fighting, repairing for strength, the war of the kingdom, although personal strength is important, but a large number of backbones are also important. , Can they resist one city, ten cities, one hundred cities, thousand cities? "Gu Hai laughed.

"Your Majesty, Dahan has already come before everyone. Don't say that in the face of these four forces, even if all the forces in the north of Shenzhou are at the same time enemy of Dahan, the town's army can all suppress it!" Mo Yike solemnly said.

"Which is the case, then speed up the progress, the Thunder strikes!" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The two should yell--

In the north of Shenzhou, an emperor's study room. The emperor looked at the ministers in front of him.

"Two ancestors and one emperor? No, this morning, Emperor Dahan said that another ancestral gate was controlled by the hearts of the Emperor Huang, and that the Dahan ambassador died tragically. It was regarded as the enemy of Dahan, and he began to send troops in full. The fourth force! "Said a minister.

"This Dahan Emperor Dynasty is too ridiculous. The Dahuang Tianchao said that the ancient sea is lawless and wanton, and it seems to be true! This refers to the deer as a horse, who will arrest anyone and destroy it. One day, sooner or later, it will fall on us. ! "

"No, what if someone really controls it?"

"It's ridiculous, lord, what kind of human manipulation have you heard of before?"

"But, the Dahuang Tianchao army assisted these four forces, and they came too strange!"

"Anyway, the ambassadors of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty must be well protected, and don't go wrong!"




The ministers were restless, looking together at the emperor sitting behind the desk.

The emperor looked at a minister next to him: "Liu Aiqing, who do you think are Ji Dihong and Gu Hai who are telling the truth and who are telling the truth?"

Everyone looked at Liu Aiqing, who was the first conspirator of the emperor. For many things that could not be resolved, the emperor would consult his opinion.

"The minister feels that Rhubarb and Dahan have already met each other, and then the words of Gu Hai and Ji Dihong cannot be believed!" Liu Aiqing said in a deep voice.


"Your Majesty, you underestimated the Dahan Emperor Dynasty. Do you think that the Dahan Emperor deliberately appeased us? However, Chen feels that even if we fight against all the forces in our north at the same time, the Dahan Emperor Dynasty is not afraid of it!" Road.

"What?" The ministers were surprised.

"Remember the old days of Dagan, the Dragon Warring States?" Liu Aiqing asked.

"Huh?" Everyone looked.

"What do you think, Dahan Emperor, compared to Dagan?" Liu Aiqing asked.

"Dahan Emperor Dynasty? Although it is an emperor dynasty, it is only stronger than Dagan Heavenly dynasty. Except for Gu Haixiu, it may be a little worse ...!" A number of ministers frowned.

"Gu Haixiu is bad? How many years has Gu Hai been able to defeat the Master of Heaven and kill Jiang Rulai? Do you think he is bad? It ’s been so long after that, Gu Hai is bad, why did Ji Dihong dare not annihilate himself? Did he? Not long ago, in the West China Sea, the ten successful battles in the Heavenly Palace, you all know, why Ji Dihong did not appear, it must have been pinned down by the ancient sea! "Liu Aiqing said in a deep voice.

"Well, we admit that the Dahan Emperor is stronger than the Dagan Heavenly dynasty! There may be king shortcomings, but overall it is stronger!" Said a minister.

"Will Dagan Tianchao be afraid of our forces?" Liu Aiqing said lightly.

"Eh!" Everyone froze slightly.

Will Dagan Tianchao be afraid? In the past, the days of the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom were all empty. The three holy places and the two heavenly kingdoms were not in the eyes. The Dragon Warring States dared to kill the heavens.

Today, the Dahan Emperor Dynasty is even more imposing than the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty. Will it scare us?

The ministers were shocked, and they made such a mistake.

"Then how should I deal with it?" The emperor also solemnly said.

"Your Majesty, the minister feels that we should not be disturbed at this time, just watch it change!" Liu Aiqing solemnly said.


"The Dahan Emperor has actually been on the side of morality since its growth. Although it cannot be proved this time, Chen believes that this is the case. The ancient sea is a broad-minded man. ? "

"Not long ago, the Lord of Six Powers of Gu Hai!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is Gu Hai telling us all that the Dahan Emperor Dynasty is not insatiable. The Lord of the Six Powers does not take into account the past. You can see the openness of Gu Hai. If you study the history of Gu Hai carefully, you will find that Mongolia Thai, Kong Xuan, Dragon God, Sima Changkong, Mo Yike, Gao Xianzhi, Mosquito Taoist, Ao Sheng. Which of these was not the enemy of the ancient sea, the enemy? But the ancient sea still accepted them. The wicked person! The same is true of the masters of the six forces. Gu Hai will not use any means to achieve his goal! "Liu Aiqing said in a deep voice.

"And Ji Dihong, although this person seems to be open-minded, but Chen always feels that this person is wide-bodied and not as good as the ancient sea. We are already helping the Dahan Emperor without the alliance with the Huanghuang Heavenly Dynasty, so, As long as we watch it change, Dahan will not embarrass us. The rhubarb dynasty ca n’t reach us. It ’s impossible to deal with us. They have Guhai, the most troubled opponent. Even against us, we can even call for Guhai. Chen believes that Guhai ’s heart will Help us! "Liu Aiqing said.

The ministers were surprised. Then look at the emperor together.

The emperor was silent for a moment, and finally nodded: "Watch the changes!"


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