Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 35: It's easy to be abused by the people, and difficult to deceive in the sky!

In Nothingness!

Skeleton Gu Hai battled Xuanyuan Sword Ji Dihong for more and more time. With the passage of time, Xuanyuan Sword's avatar power became weaker. Even after being struck by the killing knife again and again, a slight wound appeared on his body.

Xuanyuan Sword was anxious for a while. However, the strength of the ancient skeletons can be continuously extracted from nothingness, and Xuanyuan Sword was extremely desperate.

How to do?

Go on like this, and you're completely done.

Besides, I can't find the way back, there is nowhere to run?

More importantly, nothingness can cut off all connections.

Although the ontology and the avatar are the same consciousness, as soon as they enter the nothingness, they automatically cut off the connection between the two bodies. That is, the ontology and the detached thinking cannot be shared for a while and cannot be synchronized.

Only by returning to the Six Immortals can the thinking and consciousness of the ontology and the avatar be synchronized and shared again.

Therefore, the ancient sea of ​​skulls cannot be related to the ancient sea itself. Xuan Yuanjian's avatar is also unable to contact Ji Dihong's body.

Divine Land.

Ji Dihong's body in retreat is also very anxious at this moment. Because, for Xuanyuan Jian's avatar, I can't feel it. The specific situation is unknown. Fortunately, the golden dragon of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty has not yet returned. This shows that Gu Hai's avatar has not yet won.

Only two people can fight.

As for the ancient sea ontology, it has confidence in the skeleton avatar, because its consciousness is its own consciousness. The skull avatar can absorb the power of nothingness. Such a perverted ability, can't it kill a sword by itself?


When Xuanyuan Jian's avatar became weaker and weaker, the ancient skull of the skeleton suddenly squinted his eyes, as if the time he had been waiting for, finally appeared.

"Slaying the illusion!" Skull Gu Hai growled.

The killing knife suddenly burst out a hundredfold **** general.

Xuanyuan Jian's avatar also changed his face, and hit a sword cricket with all his strength.

When the swords collided, Xuan Yuanjian's avatar felt a little bit uncomfortable, rolling red light, and suddenly drowned himself.

A mighty majesty came with a wave of devastation.

This is the ancient sword of the skull? Destroyed?

"No, I still have the righteous spirit, burst!" Xuanyuan Jian's face changed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud collision, a huge impact, was drowned in the billowing red light. Then, the endless rays of light converged, as if they had disappeared into nothingness.

Were they all gone together? ——

I don't know how long. Xuanyuan Sword woke up.

After waking up, the whole body of pain and strength in his body seemed to be dying while he was quickly dissipating. However, after all, it is still active.

Not far away, there are some broken corpses. It is the broken corpses of the ancient sea of ​​skulls, floating in the nothingness, and slowly decomposed by the decomposing force of nothingness.

"Dead? It's good, it's good!" Xuan Yuanjian smirked.

But he laughed for a while, Xuanyuan Sword showed a trace of despair, because, in the vast nothingness, he was already weak to the extreme, without energy supplement, he will be as old as a skull and an ancient sea, and slowly decomposed and died.

"Gu Hai? You are so cruel, death will pull me!" Xuan Yuanjian showed a look of despair.

But in this despair, not far away seemed to emit a hint of light.

Xuan Yuanjian turned his head and looked up, there were still stars in the light, twisted and deformed planets.

"Six Domes of Heaven?" Xuan Yuanjian's avatar smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha, Gu Hai, you want to pull me to the depths of nothingness, but you don't want to, we have been on the edge of Liudaoxianqiang, drifting for so long, I am back again, ha ha ha!" Xuan Yuanjian ecstatic.

His body fluttered, dragging his sick body to the Six Immortals Vault.

When flying into the Six Immortals, Xuanyuan Sword's clone was about to die, but not long after entering, Xuanyuan Sword's clone suddenly absorbed the rolling energy between heaven and earth like a sponge, with infinite power.

Soon, Xuanyuan Jian's injury was much better.

The injury was better, and Xuanyuan Jian's clone did not hesitate, and went straight to the land of Shenzhou from the starry sky.

"What's wrong with the main body? Why can't I sense the main body?"

Not only that, the luck of the rhubarb heaven also collapsed.

"What happened?" Xuanyuanjian exclaimed.

call out!

The speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for him to reach the realm of the rhubarb heaven.

At this moment, the rhubarb is facing all directions, the smoke is rising, the cities are destroyed, the people's bodies are scattered all over the place, and they are in a disaster.

The major cities of the Huanghuang dynasty were breached, and on each of them, a large 'han' flag was planted. All the way Dahan's army arrived in the Huanghuang dynasty, breaking through the city and killing countless.

Every scene of human tragedy made Xuanyuan Jian's body cold.

"Dahan's army, broke my rhubarb dynasty? Impossible, it's impossible! What about the body? Mr. Cangjie? And Aoying them!" Xuanyuan Sword showed horror and went straight towards Xuanyuan City.

Xuanyuan City is even more tragic. No, it's more thrilling.

But I saw that all the luck on Xuanyuan City had collapsed and everything was gone.

Outside Xuanyuan City, there are hundreds of huge pillars. On top of each pillar, a corpse is nailed at this moment, and it is allowed to be exposed to the scorching sun.

These corpses, not others, were the civil and military officials of the Huanghuang dynasty.

Cangjie, Aoying, Xiong You, Mr. Wu Xiong, Li Mu, Feng Bo, and Conte all had cruel faces and were nailed to the pillars.

On the front pillar, it wasn't the other person who was crucified, it was his own body.

"No, it's impossible!" Xuan Yuanjian's avatar showed panic and almost collapsed.

Xuanyuan Diankou.

The ancient sea was carrying Kong Xuan, Shangguan Hen, Ao Sheng, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God, and other officials. At the moment, it is accepting worship without hundreds of people.

"Long live Your Majesty, live long live!" No hundreds of people suddenly worshipped at the ancient sea.

"People are flat, and you must treat you well, not as violent as Ji Dihong!" Gu Haishen said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Miscellaneous accounts, I am still here, why wait to worship the King of the enemy country?" Xuan Yuanjian stepped into the air, showing his fierce face.

Everyone's eyes suddenly looked at Ji Dihong.

"Ji Dihong? He's not ..., ah, this is the Xuanyuan Sword clone that entered the void!" Exclaimed Kong Xuan's face.

"Xuanyuan Sword, he is Ji Dihong's Xuanyuan Sword, with a trace of Ji Dihong's obsession?"

"Ji Dihong's clone?"




Countless people immediately recognized Xuanyuanjian's avatar.

However, expected public support did not appear.

At this moment, the people of Xuanyuan City suddenly looked at Xuanyuan Sword with hatred.

"The demon is back?" A common people exclaimed.

"Demons, demons, evil trolls, you must not die!"

"Xuanyuan Devil, I don't wear it with you!"

"Xuanyuan Demon, return my son!"




The people in Xuanyuan City roared in anger.

Xuan Yuanjian's face changed, and he looked at these people in an incredible way. Are they crazy? Why look at me like this?

But Gu Hai and others at Xuanyuan Diankou smiled coldly.

"Ji Dihong's avatar? Actually come back, okay, then I will help you notify all the people?" Gu Hai sneered.

During the talk, a large number of officials took out the piano figurines and arranged them one by one. The figurines communicated with all the cities in the Huanghuang dynasty, and used the sound reinforcement array method in each city to amplify the sound of the ancient sea to the whole city.

"The people of the original rhubarb dynasty, Jiu Guhai, have already destroyed the Ji Jihong, the demon head. Now, Ji Dihong's clone, Xuanyuan Sword, has returned, and is located above Xuanyuan City. Dare you ask me, where should I go? .

The sound instantly spread to all the cities in the huanghuang dynasty.

All the rhubarb people were excited, and then everyone showed hatred.

"This devil, kill him, kill this devil!"

"Ji Dihong, you demon, the devil of heaven and earth, I don't wear it with you!"

"Kill my parents and brother, Ji Dihong, you devil must not die!"




Countless sounds came from all the cities in the Huanghuang dynasty. The scenes of excitement, the Xuanyuan Sword that listened to them, were excited. Shows thriller.

Qian Fu refers, Wan Fu scolds? No, this is the curse of hundreds of billions of people and the indignation of hundreds of billions of people. How terrible is this shock?

The eyesight of Xuan Yuanjian's avatar, but see clearly, is not Gu Hai's intentional fraud, but true, all the people scolded themselves.

"How can this be? How can this be? I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Xuan Yuanjian yelled unwillingly.

"You don't believe it? The people won't lie, Ji Dihong, you don't recognize those things you did?" Gu Hai sneered.

"What did you do? What was you doing? What did you do?" Xuan Yuanjian screamed in avatar.

"Dahan and Rhubarb's national war, you and I are just fighting. Why do you want to involve the people? You have been defeated in succession, but you should never make people's ideas. You use the" human heart control "to control you. All the people, whether they want to or not, manipulate them to the battlefield, as long as the people resist, they will immediately destroy their nine groups. A heartbroken! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Human mind manipulation? Impossible, to manipulate all the people, but it is hundreds of billions of people, human mind manipulation can not do!" Xuanyuanjian screamed in screaming.

"But, you did it in the end. You controlled the people and let the people you control kill the disobedient people. The army of the Dahan has not yet arrived. Your rhubarb dynasty has killed 30% of the people, nearly 100 billion yuan. Man. You are not the devil, who is the devil? In order to stop my army, you are doing everything you can, so cruel to the people, can the people not hate you, hate you, this demon holy? Do you think the people can stop them? Huh? No, my army of Dahan is a division of righteousness. We do not fight with the people. We directly attack you. If the people are tortured and slaughtered by you, who will be loyal to you and ca n’t wait to eat your meat , Drink your blood, gnaw your bone! "Gu Hai said coldly.

"My body, actually did such a thing? How could it? How could it?" Xuanyuan Sword showed his despair.

Today, in all the cities, hundreds of billions of people continue to yell at Ji Dihong. The hatred, hysteria, and hundreds of billions of accusations are like Ji Dihong is the incarnation of a monstrous demon. To nail him to the pillar of shame of the demon.

"Xiamen is easy to abuse, God is hard to deceive, the demon Ji Dihong. You are the source of all evil!" Gu Hai drank suddenly.


Above Xuanyuan Sword's avatar, all of a sudden, righteousness emerged from the body, and the ‘Haoran Righteousness’ from the old minds of all the people in the world of the Huanghuang dynasty was detached from the demon Ji Dihong.

Not only came from the hatred of the people, Xuan Yuanjian was in his heart, but also completely shaken his ‘justice’.

The heart of the people is the heart of heaven!

It's easy to be abused by the people, and difficult to deceive in the sky!

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