Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 51: Re-enter the Hungry Ghost Road

The borderless city of heaven, the mouth of Shouyuan Palace!


There was a tremor in the void, and the three men in Shangguanchen took Bei Mingshou back from underworld.

Skull Guhai, Chen Xian'er, Long Wanqing and others are waiting.

"Your Majesty, fortunately no shame!" Shang Guanhen threw Bei Mingshou, happy.

The unborn man immediately stepped forward and looked around.

"Yes, it is Bei Mingshou, Shangguan Supreme is hard!" Weisheng laughed.

"Well, now that everyone has brought it, quickly open the secret state of the Hungry Ghost Road. Brother-in-law's body is over there for several years, it must be dangerous!" Long Wanyu said anxiously.

The unborn person nodded: "His Majesty, several other shou masters are in the Shouyuan Hall. The secret method is very complicated, and it is not easy to perform in front of you. I took Bei Mingshou into the Shouyuan Hall and closed it. The entrance urged to the entrance of this hall, and the door remained until His Majesty returned! "

"Good!" Skeleton Gu Hai nodded.

The secret way of life is not easy to show people, and the ancient sea has not forced it. At this moment, the most important thing is to open the entrance to the reincarnation of the Hungry Ghost Road. Nothing else matters.

The unborn took Bei Mingshou into the Shouyuan Hall.


The gate of the hall closed.

Just for a little while.


A black-and-white light penetrated the gate and shot at Shouyuandian Square. Then, the black-and-white door seemed to form a pattern of tai chi yin and yang fish and slowly rose up.

"This is the door to the secret place of the Hungry Ghost Road?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"Wan Yu said, internally, how much strength is based on the strength of the courage. Although Er Xiu ’s cultivation is extremely high, and even the Heavenly Palace is complete, once you enter it, the rules are different and you may not be able to exert power. Enter once, and then immediately come out, if the physical body can reach more than a thousand feet, then you can find the body of the cricket, otherwise, all come out! "Skeleton Guhai ordered.


A large number of powerful people have stepped into the gate of Taiji Yinyang Fish.

As soon as I entered it, I jumped out.

"How could this be? I got into it, and my body was less than 500 feet?" Kong Xuan said with an ugly face.

"Five hundred feet, it's already powerful enough, because you can go to the heavenly palace with great perfection, and you can nourish it with the spirit of the pinnacle for a long time. Otherwise, you won't exceed three feet when you first enter it! Six reincarnations, each cycle has its own Special rules! And great power! "Long Wanyu explained.

Soon everyone came in and out.

Mosquitoes, Long Wanqing, Chen Xian'er, Long Wanyu, and Da Riru all came in vows, but when they came out, they looked depressed.

"Your Majesty, the minister is undisturbed, the minister can find you!" Shangguan marks happily.

"Not affected?" Everyone said in astonishment.

By unaffected, what does it look like on the outside and what it looks like on the inside? The rules inside can't suppress Shangguan marks?

"Shangguanhen practiced eight or nine mysterious exercises. The physical body, the three souls, and the seven souls have been merged into one body, and regardless of each other, it cannot be suppressed!"

Gu Hai nodded his head.

"Your Majesty, although I have only two feet in my body, I want to try it!" Ao Sheng said.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked puzzled at Ao Sheng.

"I have Zulong Dragon Ball. Just now, I can release some magical powers, and maybe help Shangguan Supreme!" Ao Sheng solemnly said.

"Okay! You two should be careful here." Skeleton Guhai nodded.


Shangguanhen and Ao Sheng stepped in.

"Gu Hai, don't you go inside yourself?" Da Riru wondered.

Skeleton Guhai looked at Xuanyuan City, shook his head and said, "I will not go in. I believe that the ontology can persist for a few days, and it will be no problem. Shangguan marks will only guide the way. The ontology will soon come out. It's up! "

The ancient sea didn't go in and looked towards Xuanyuan City. Everyone thought that the ancient sea defense had a surprise attack on the Rhubarb Heavenly Kingdom at this time, so they didn't say anything.

However, no one saw it. Gu Hai's eyes flickered and he turned his eyes to the direction of Shou Yuan Dian—

In Shouyuan Hall.

There are eight altars in a circle. On each altar, there are pictures of gossip and chains.

Chunshen Shou, Dongfang Shou, and Nangong Shou each penetrated the lute bone with a chain, and were restrained by the whole body, locked on a gossip altar.

All three were dying at this moment, showing despair.

In the center of the eight altars, there is a ball of light like a tai chi ball floating in mid-air. The light slowly beats and is extremely dreamy.


The door of the temple opened. The unborn entered the hall, carrying Bei Mingshou in his hand.


The gate of the hall closed.

"Another one, giggle, giggle, and the unborn have captured Bei Mingshou?" Dongfang Shou said with a hint of sternness.

The unborn went straight to a gossip altar, put Bei Mingshou on it, chained it through its lute bone, and quickly banned a lot. When Bei Mingshou patted his neck, Bei Mingshou was able to speak immediately.

"Unborn, you, you use the power of the Dahan Emperor to arrest us? The vow of the ancestors you violated, my ancestral teachings, you must not use external forces to attack each other, you violate the vows of the ancestors, you must not die! "Bei Mingshou growled.

No one smiled coldly.

In a sneer, ignoring the crowd, the detective urged the black and white light ball like a tai chi ball.


The ball of light suddenly shot a black and white light, and went straight to the gate of the hall. In a blink of an eye, the gate of the main hall of Shouyuan Temple appeared above the square, forming the entrance to the secret place of the Hungry Ghost Road.

Gu Hai and his entourage from the outside world had been paying attention to the entrance and exit, but no one would disturb the unborn at this moment.

"Giggle, no one, in fact, you can open the entrance of the Hungry Ghost Road reincarnation a few days ago, and you set up the opening steps a few days ago, but you just do n’t open it, you do n’t save the ancient sea, In order to catch a few of us, you really took great pains to ignore the life and death of Gu Hai at all! "Nangong Shou hated.

"It's no use knowing too much, you have all been captured by me!" Weisheng sneered.

"What are you doing to us? You, you want to cultivate that evil skill?" Bei Mingshou growled.

"Evil work? You have no courage. How can there be evil work in this world? This is the most impartial work from Fu Xi!" Weiren said coldly.

"Fu Xi listed it as a forbidden practice and is not allowed to practice!" Cried Bei Mingshou.

"After all, it was passed down from Fuxi, didn't it?" Weisheng sneered.

"I should have thought that Simon Shou and Qiu Fengshou, you two would pass Shou Xiu to one person, that would be an uprising, and that would break the balance!" Dongfang Shou hated.

"It's not to break the balance, it's just to make Shouxiu more perfect. Fu Xie's evil deeds can't be done. It's deceiving. My existence is the best proof that he has wrong time!" Weisheng sneered. .

"Perfect? ​​Shou Xiu has four lives and four deaths. Those who live in life have excess vitality and look like juveniles. Those who live in death have excesses of life like old age. But we are still human, after all, half of you, half old, Still one person with two voices, neither human nor ghost, extremely disgusting, you still call perfection like this? I'm thinking about how the old and immature body parts are connected and how disgusting! "Chun Shenshou sneered.

"I don't have people or ghosts right now, but this is not the final form. When everything is done, just fine. Why did I abandon the names of" Ximen Shou "and" Autumn Fengshou "and named them unborn? You know? "Weisheng sneered.

"Because, the truly perfect me has not yet been born! Therefore, my name is Weisheng. You can watch it if you want to see it. This day, it's not too far!" Weisheng sneered.

While speaking, the unborn person slowly sat on a gossip altar.

"That is the altar of Simon Shou?" Chun Shenshou wondered.

"Yeah, Simon's altar, because I can master the four lives now!" Shen Weisheng said.

While talking, he slightly urged the altar.


The altars of the unborn, Dongfang Shou, Nangong Shou, and Bei Mingshou all lit up.

But when I saw that the unborn person urged the secret method, the chains of Dongfang Shou, Nangong Shou and Bei Ming Shou were strung, and an electric arc was suddenly released. Up.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"

Dongfang Shou, Nangong Shou and Bei Ming Shou suddenly screamed in pain. During the roar, one after another in the three bodies, like souls, went straight to the unborn through the chains.


The surface of the unborn human body also brightened up. It seems to be extremely enjoyable.

The other three were roaring in pain.

"Unborn, you must die!"

"Take my life, you want to destroy all my eastern veins!"

"Unborn, you broke the ban, Fuxi inherited, and will find your account sooner or later!"




The three big shouts roared in pain. However, everything does not help, prisoners below the ranks, how can we talk about resistance? ——

Hungry ghost road reincarnation!

Cangjie, Ji Dihong and Ao Ying stepped into it.

"That's it, holy. At that time, the minister saw all the five hungry ghost kings coming here. The ancient sea should not be able to escape. Even if it didn't die, it should be imprisoned! And, there is a hungry ghost base here. Only one third, and two thirds! "Cangjie looked forward to.

However, what the three saw was a mess in front of them, the mountains and rivers were flattened, and the flat land seemed to hit numerous pits.

The previous Hungry Ghost Base was completely gone. It's gone.

"How can this happen?" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Sir, it's not the same as you!" Ao Ying said in amazement.

Cangjie looked at the Quartet, and the Quartet was a battlefield for thousands of miles. It was a mess.

"There is a ten-hungry ghost!" Ji Dihong said.

"Come here!" Cangjie yelled. With a big sleeve, the ten-foot-tall hungry ghost was immediately drawn in.

"Ah, forgiveness, forgiveness, little passing!" Exclaimed the little hungry ghost.

"What about the Hungry Ghost Base here?" Ji Dihong asked in a deep voice.

"I don't, don't know!" The little hungry ghost was afraid to speak.

"Say!" Cangjie stopped drinking.

The little hungry ghost was excited.

"I don't know, I just know that a big battle was set off here six months ago. The five Hungry Ghost Kings killed each other. A black dragon took advantage of the five Hungry Ghost Kings to kill all the Hungry Ghosts at the Hungry Ghost Base, and it was not my responsibility It's none of my business! "The little hungry ghost said in horror.

Ji Dihong's face sank.

"Gu Hai dispatched the five hungry ghost kings to fight each other? He touched the fish in muddy water?" Cangjie took a cold breath.

PS: Going out today, the second is about an hour later, forgive me!


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