Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 121: Bloody Sun

Ten days!

The world has undergone earth-shaking changes. As soon as ten days have passed, Yuanshi Tianzun is about to undergo a major cleansing, and countless powerful men in the world are waiting for that major cleansing time.

At the moment, Wutian Tiandu Square is full of emperors and suzerainers from the major forces in the sun, but now it has become a marquis of the Dahan Heavenly Dynasty. Except for the first four upper marquises, the others are all below the middle marquis.

In front of everyone, there is a figurine, listening to the news from the whole world.

The ancient statue of the sea uses air transport to form a large light curtain, condensing the scene in the direction of the Yuanshi Temple to everyone.

Gu Hai stood in the Chongtian Temple Square, accompanied by civil and military officials, and the Lord of the forces of the world stared, while on the other side, there was a group of forces from the world of the underworld.

The forces of the underworld, after all, did not participate in the unified world conference. The feeling was not so strong, and they were also skeptical. However, there were messengers in the Dahan heaven to quickly go, invite the messengers as guests, and take them to the world. The way.

There are a few influential leaders who are willing to go in person, and most of them send important courtiers.

From the ancient city of Yin to the Yang, all struck by the pattern of the Dahan Heaven.

The Qin figurine's message also made the forces in the underworld find themselves too far behind. Qin figurines can reach the world. The early people even sent some people to check the news elsewhere.

At this moment, everyone is waiting for the movement of Yuanshidian.

"Holy, in addition to the two forces of Wanshou Taoism and seizing the temple, 60% of all the remaining territories have joined my Dahan and Dalai dynasties." Sima Changkong explained.

"60%? Then 40%?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, most of the emperors have arrogance and cannot be all willing to surrender. Some lords of power are still reluctantly awaiting the trial of Yuanshi Tianzun. Some lords of power are more willing to surrender to the country and sect. Anyone! "Sima Changkong explained.

"The founders did have groundbreaking ambitions. Unfortunately, the situation is stronger than others. They have not been able to quickly make their heads appear on the peak, and they have lost the right to groundbreaking. I can do what I have already done. They themselves! "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Sima Chang nodded.

But at this moment, in the picture of the ancient sea gods condensing with the power of luck, the gate of the Yuanshi Temple opened suddenly.


The door opened, and Yuanshi Tianzun stepped out of Yuanshi Hall. His left arm was wrapped around Jinlong, and his face was still so cold. This icy cold saw a lot of cold forces in the underworld.

Yuanshi Tianzun stood in Yuanshidian Square, slowly glancing across the world.

Although most of the luck has flowed to the Dahao and Dahan dynasties, there are still countless forces to adhere to it. There are dynasties, xiazongmen, emperor dynasties, and zhongzongmen, all holding a lucky attitude, as if waiting. A miracle happened.

"Leaving Qi Yun in the capital, the emperor hid? The prince hid in the shadows? Is that all right?" Tianshi Zunyuan sneered.

The sound of sneer passed instantly to all the people participating in Qi Yunhai, and also passed into the ears of countless masters and emperors who were hiding.

"It's useless. Fortunately, there is a deep connection with Er and so on. As it happens, the deity can find this connection!" Yuan Shitianzun eyes a cold.

Between words, Yuan Shizhang flew out again.


In the beginning of Yuanshi, a large amount of chaos sword flew in an instant. When Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the world, it seemed that he had locked all parts of the world.

"Go!" Yuan Shitianzun said with a cold drink.


The huge chaos of sword air suddenly felt like a tide, and instantly passed through the clouds and mist and entered the world.

The great emperors and suzerains in the borderless heavenly capital suddenly felt a cold heart, because this scene was just seen ten days ago, and the forty-two forces were so devastating.

But I saw a lot of chaos sword qi, sprinkled to the world where there is still a sea of ​​qi and luck.


The imperial palace in each place was crushed to pieces instantly, all the main halls of the ancestral gates were completely destroyed, and the chaos sword air passed through the sea of ​​Qi Yun, like the emperor and the ruler connected by Qi Yun.

"Oh!" "Oh!" .........

Coming out of Qiyun Yunhai, he shot in all directions in an instant.

There are old forests in the mountains, deserts, and rivers and lakes.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" ………………

Horrified screams were heard everywhere.


The emperors and suzerains who had been hiding one after another were all beheaded and killed.


All luck and cloud suddenly collapsed, lost everything and disappeared.

In one move, the blood washed the world?

For a time, there were only four seas of fortune in Yangjian, Dahao Heavenly Dynasty, Wanshou Taoism, Seizing the Temple, and Dahan Heavenly Dynasty.

Others, regardless of the imperial dynasty, imperial dynasty, Xiazongmen, and Zhongzongmen, all collapsed, and one was left alone, all cleaned by the blood of Yuan Shitian.

Soaring to the entrance of the palace, a group of lords of the forces of the sun, the terracotta warriors in front of them constantly heard reports, all of which were the main body of a certain subject, and so on.

A quick summary, everyone understands that all the recalcitrant forces have been washed away.

The Lord of the forces of the Yangtze all took a cold breath, while looking at the ancient sea, a flash of gratitude flashed.

Although forced into the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, the masters of all forces did not blame Gu Hai, because Gu Hai provided a refuge for everyone. Although he is no longer an emperor and a suzerain, his rights in his hands have not diminished much.

Gu Hai will use and dare to use people. As long as they have the ability, they will also give great power to those who are devoted to it, and there is countless room for improvement. It is Yuanshi Tianzun who really forced their respective countries to be lost and lost.

The lord of the influence in the Yang Dynasty is now an official and aristocracy of the Dahan Dynasty.

The forces in the underworld had witnessed everything at this moment, and deeply sucked in the cold air, stunned by the fierceness of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Of course, the forces of the underworld must explore the authenticity of everything, but the news from the terracotta warriors from the side has been able to listen to it, and this can't be wrong.

In the picture, Yuan Shitianzun looked around the world in a circle, his eyes still cold.

Suddenly, Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Wudu Tiandu and Honghuang City.

"The ancient sea and the urn, after 20 days, the deity will kill the forces of inferiority. You will collect it as soon as possible in the sun. If you have resistance, you will not be able to accept it for a short time. Yuan Shi Tianzun solemnly said.

Yuan Shi Tianzun also understands that Gu Hai and Xi are helping themselves, so they are kind to the two.

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

In the same way, at the mouth of Honghuang City and the Temple of God, He nodded, "Okay!"

Yuan Shi Tianzun looked at the world of Yangjian with satisfaction, turned his head, and walked towards Yuan Shidian slowly.


The gate of Yuanshidian was closed.

It's over, and Gu Hai has removed the picture.

However, the waves in the hearts of countless strong people around were unable to calm for a long time.

Especially the forces of the underworld, many people suddenly lost heart.

Not playing like this? The foundation business that I managed to lay down, which makes people embarrassed?

"You Aiqing!" Gu Hai looked at the major forces that surrendered to Yangyang.

"Holy!" The Lord of the forces respectfully said.

"During this time, Chen Tianshan is fully responsible for the scheduling of officials from all parties, and I hope everyone will cooperate fully!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes, rest assured that the Lord must cooperate fully!" The crowd cried immediately.

"Secondly, Sima Changkong is responsible for collecting those who have no power. They will recruit soldiers and horses from each of you, and will even consider your previous identities. You are invited to be a lobbyist. You are good at cooperating!" Gu Hai said again.

"Sure, the minister must cooperate!" The crowd cried immediately.

The sun is coming to an end.

There are also a large number of scattered forces, which are not so easy to collect. It may even take less than half a year and a half later, but Dahan Tianchao is still orderly combing. As many maps as there can be in the end, there are as many as possible.

This is a busy period. Except for some necessary strategic areas where troops will be forced, most of them do not need to use force. After all, Dahan ’s sudden increase in territory is too late to control, and he has no energy to do anything else.

The loyalty of the forces of the world has also led to the flood of air transport in the Dahan Dynasty.

The accumulation of luck has made the ancient sea and the Baiguan statues bigger again, and inside the Yunyun sea of ​​sounds, there seems to be a continuous sound of dragon chants, as if more wicked gold dragons are to be born.

Gu Hai asked Long Wanyu what was going on, and Long Wanyu himself was not clear.

"Dear friends in the underworld, you know about the situation in the underworld. The yin and yang valley is open to everyone for five days. In these five days, you can come in and out at will. If you do not want to go back, you can also ask Jin Yiwei to bring a letter for you, or you can go back by yourself! I will not accompany you anymore! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes, thank you, Lord Dahan!"

"Thank you, Lord Dahan!"




People from the underworld forces came to salute one after another.

When Guhai sent people to invite themselves, everyone felt that Guhai was going to use their own means and wanted to seize the power, but now they found that Guhai didn't need to seize it. Come or not, it's all on your own!

For a time, the masters of the forces of **** revealed their bitterness--

Underworld, holy land of gods, Yin Temple.

Hei Wuchang returned to Yin Temple and reported to Bai Zilai the condition of the underground blood city.

White comfortable, impermanent, and Scorpio Heavenly Demon frowned slightly.

"Jiuding wins the curse of God? It turned out that they did it!" Bai Zizai said ugly.

"Master, I remember that in the Battle of the Lich, the four chiefs of the demon clan, the Supreme Dragon's supreme strength was the most fierce, right?" Bai Wuchang frowned.

"Yes, when Qinglong was the most powerful, he fought with generals. Although he was not an opponent of generals, he was able to retreat from the whole body. Even though he was the No. 1 monster, he suddenly passed out inexplicably. Chaos. The deity went to investigate at the time, but he could n’t find out why. Qinglong was unconscious, and he was unconscious until he woke up inexplicably later, but the demons had already gone, and he had lost his vitality. He said before his death that his coma was Because 'Jiuding wins the curse'! It turns out that this Jiuding wins the curse! "Bai Zizai's face sank.

"Even the Qinglong Supreme can't stand it, Gu Hai certainly can't stand it, right?" Hei Wuchang expected.

Bai Zizai's eyes narrowed, and he paced back and forth in the Yin Temple.

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