Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 60: Killing Demon gains


"Kill him, kill him!"

"He ran there, hurry, stop!"

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!"




A scream screamed outside the array.

With 20,000 people cheering and cheering, in the hearts of the people, the ancient sea at this moment has already become the strongest hero. One after another applauded the ancient sea.

Hundreds of practitioners, at the moment, were whispering air.

"It's only half a year, has Gu Hai just stepped into the a priori?"

"Is there nearly 2,000 screams? Did Gu Hai kill them all alone?"

"The demons are generally five times stronger!"

"A person?"




Listening to the screams in the large array, the practitioners can understand the fierce fighting.

If it weren't for Gu Hai alone, everyone would not have guessed the internal scene, but at this moment the practitioners could not guess. How evil should this ancient sea be?

After an hour. The sound of Jinjia Crystal suddenly stopped. It's as if the battle stopped.

On a small hill, the ancient sea was covered with sword wounds, his clothes were broken, and his shawl was radiating. He was wrapped in black gas, holding a knife in his hand, and his face was bleak. .

Above the dead bones on the ground, Gu Hai looked around coldly.

Around the hillside, the demonized man besieging the ancient sea suddenly stopped, his face showing horror.

At the last moment, the group of demons returned to the city, but it seemed as if the critical point had been reached. When the ancient sea was found to be invincible, all the demonized mentality changed.

Half way, Gu Hai has already killed half the demon.

Looking at the surrounding bones, all the fierceness in the demonized people's heart is gone, and all the murderous spirit in the heart has been washed away. All hopes were instantly dashed.

"He can't kill, he can't kill?"

"His energy is endless, and his sword is getting more and more brutal!"

"Can't stop at all, we are going to die!"




A group of enchanting people looked at Gu Hai in horror.

The morale thing is sometimes so mysterious, the morale is strong, the combat effectiveness is skyrocketing, the morale is weak, and the combat effectiveness is sharply reduced.

From this moment, Gu Hai has passed the most difficult moment.

The most difficult process of death is over, and the next step is to harvest arbitrarily.

"Run away, help!"


More than two thousand demonized people smashed away, and no one wants to fight again. There is no result at all. No, there is a result. The result is to go to death by yourself?

When not afraid of death becomes afraid of death! That was almost unintentional, and the consciousness of the city failed to defeat Gu Haihe. Now, which is the Gu Hai opponent?

"Now you still want to run? You demons!" Gu Hai stared, and rushed up with a cheeky expression.


"Don't kill me, ah!"

"Help ..., ah!"

"Don't chase me, don't chase me, ah!"




When the demonized people fled, the terror continued. At this moment, it is no longer everyone who chases and kills Gu Hai, but Gu Hai one person chases and kills all demonized men.

"呲, 呲, 呲, 呲!"

A series of swords have been cut, just like harvesting wheat. They are continuously beheaded by the ancient sea, and skeletons are constantly being born.

More and more skeletons appeared, more and more demonized people were killed, the atmosphere of fear became more intense, the demonized people became more panic, and there was less courage to face the ancient sea.

Only escape!

Run away!

"The exit is blocked? No, why is it blocked?"

"Come on, get out!"

"Not good, here comes the ancient sea, here comes the ancient sea, ah!"




When the ancient sea chased and killed, the demonized people had no time to get through the blocked exit. Can only be scattered while running away.

The ancient sea became more and more brave, and the simple slaughter was much easier than before, as long as it ran around the Song Jiazong array.

"It's over. Untie the big team. How do you untie it?"

"Only the Sovereign can unravel the battle, we cannot unravel!"

"Force break, try to break!"

"Boom!" "Boom!"




Everywhere the demonized people are anxiously impacting the golden armor crystal array, but no one can break it.

The golden armor crystal formation, the pride of Song Jiazong in the past, the five gates of the Jiuwu Island, the strongest formation.

Today, it looks like the grave of everyone. Can't break at all.

Can't escape and was caught in the ancient sea slugs.

Kill, kill, kill, kill!

Gu Hai showed no mercy and was beheading all the way. At this moment, Gu Hai seemed to have forgotten everything, just a killing machine, kill, kill, kill!

More and more demonized people were killed.

Gu Hai seems to be completely tired. Everywhere he went, the ground was dry.

More than two thousand demonized people. After an hour, there were less than one thousand left.

Fewer people are becoming scared and scared.

"No, don't kill me, what should I do?"

"Master, help!"

"First ancestor, save me!"




The demonized man has been frightened and can't escape, but can only be slaughtered by the ancient sea?

"No, let's get together, get together again, ah!" Some demon shouted in horror.

Perhaps more people can be bold.

The demonized people reunited again.

However, when there were the largest number of people, and when the consciousness became the most popular, the ancient sea was not afraid. Would you not be afraid of the timid and cowardly group?

"Gather better, save me running around, hum!" Gu Hai snorted and rushed up.


Rushed into the demonized crowd, and immediately slaughtered.

For a time, the black gas became larger and larger, and more and more demonized people were chopped into the air by the ancient sea. On the way, they had turned into a pile of dead bones and fell down.

"Oh!" "Oh!" ………………

A scream, a bone falling, this is the bell of death, beaten again and again, accompanied by the countless despair of demonizing people.

"Don't kill me, I don't eat people, I don't eat people!"

"I'm not popular anymore, I'm not popular anymore!"

"I don't eat human flesh, let me go, I don't eat anymore!"




A group of demonized people kept begging for mercy, accompanied by miserable screams, hundreds of practitioners listening to the outside world were bewildered.

Twenty thousand people do n’t know why. They do n’t know the strength of the ancient sea, but hundreds of practitioners know it.

From the beginning, the group of monsters chased and killed the ancient sea, and now the group of monsters beg for mercy, and all the practitioners who listened were dizzying.

What happened inside? How did Guhai do it?

For a time, the battle between the masters of the fleeting years and the blood of Fu Longfu was no one's attention, although their battle was more fierce, and although their battle was more destructive. However, everyone is only focused on the big battle.

The screams were extremely dense.

Increasingly intensive, and soon, the screams slowly became bustling, with fewer and fewer screams.

Until the end, in the large array, there was a quiet moment. There were no more screams.

No sound at all?

Countless practitioners are even posted on the large array, listening to it, but there is no sound inside.

"In the end what happened?"

"What's going on inside?"




A group of practitioners showed anxiety.

Inside, Gu Hai's deadly knife post was on the ground, long panting. Looking around, Song Jiazong was in a mess, in all directions, with a dry bone scattered all over the place, looking like a ghost town hell.

At his feet, it is a hill made of dry bones.

"Oh, Song Jiazong?" Gu Hai smiled complexly.

Once upon a time, Gu Hai never expected that he would slaughter the entire Song Jiazong one day.

At that time, when I was in heaven, I prayed to Xianmen everywhere. In the face of Song Rong Zong Weiran, it was even more unattainable. Now, this giant peak has collapsed?

All disciples, slaughtered?

Hundreds of wounds were left on the body, and the heaviest one was almost cut open. Fortunately, there was a dead knife, and a lot of strength poured into the body, constantly nourishing the body, and the injury recovered quickly.

However, after so many demonized people swallowed up, Xiu Wei has not yet broken through? It is not that the strength is not enough, but it seems that a critical point has been reached. This force is gathered in the body, can't let myself break through again?

The ancient sea frowned, staggering down the Dry Bone Mountain, and slowly walking towards the previous valley.

Above the valley, a dark sphere is absorbing the black gas emerging from the corpses of the people below.

"What a cruel evil!" Gu Hai frowned.

One slash, chopped sharply at the black sphere.


Guibao trembled violently and was cut out of his mouth.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The black gas of the deadly knife suddenly wrapped it, and billions of small skulls devoured the small sphere frantically. As if enjoying the weird power inside this little ball.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Guibao seems to be struggling, or even fighting back, but in the face of the deadly knife, there is nowhere to go, and he can only be surrounded in the center and constantly eaten.


Rolling force poured into the ancient sea.

Suddenly, the ancient sea had a kind of uncomfortable feeling of rising, strength gathered, unable to break through, it was a very uncomfortable feeling.


Suddenly, Guibao trembled, and the sorrowful air was completely swallowed by the dead knife. A crystal sphere emerged, suddenly turned into a pile of powder, and flew up against the wind.

Outside the battlefield, Xiaolong's face suddenly changed: "Has something happened to Guibao? Ang!"

Xiaolong growled, set off a more violent wave, and swept towards the master of fleeting years.


Within a large array.

Gu Hai felt uncomfortable with the strength of her whole body rising, her face flushed, some crusted wounds were even cracked in her crotch, and a trace of blood overflowed.

"Absolute knife is not perfect, too much power, if not fully absorbed, it will be a burden on me!" Gu Hai blushed, bitterly.

As he was about to leave, he turned to look at a corpse in a valley.

The detective took a few coffins filled with gunpowder from the small token space and buried them on the mountainside. ignite.


Two large mountains collapsed all around, burying the bodies of all the people in the valley.

Form a super grave.

"Well, you are also free from evil, eaten by demons, but I have helped you kill all the demons, and all the demons have died under my sword, and they will set a grave for you, and you can rest in peace! Gu Hai sighed slightly.

The ancient sea was at his disposal, turning his head as he was about to leave.

Suddenly, it was as if a breeze was blowing into the ancient sea.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" ............

That wonderful feeling is here again.

Gu Hai's face changed, and she turned to look at the giant tomb.

The ancient sea is invisible, but among the giant graves at this moment, there are 129,600 human souls, looking at the ancient sea, kneeling down in gratitude.

"Thank you very much!" "Thank you very much!"

The ancient sea can't see the human soul at all, but this huge feeling is continuously flowing.

One hundred and twenty-six thousand merit, that is, one yuan of Qi.

A whole amount of energy flowed into the ancient sea.

That mysterious feeling suddenly stimulated Gu Haidantian.


There was a loud noise all over Gu Hai, and an airstream swept out.

"Congenital, ninth? I broke through?" Gu Hai was surprised.

The swollen sensation previously disappeared, and so inexplicable all turned into the true Yuan, helping the ancient sea break through.

The ancient sea did not leave, but looked around in amazement. Although it could not see anything, it could be calculated to the cause.

"Qi Qi? Is it Qi Qi? I killed these demons, helped them bury them, and received their gratitude. Every gratitude is a merit. I am accumulating me? I am accumulating me? Part of merit is not only obtained from the living, but also from the dead. Qi is actually useful for Qi? "Gu Hai sighed.

Looking at the huge grave in front of him, Gu Hai gave a small gift to the giant peak.

ps: I beg you to collect this book! Collect it!

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