Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 142: Unwilling Zhu Zhuwu

The ancient sea itself left with Kong Xuan, the Scorpion, the Demon, and the Nine Kings!

Although the DPRK has its own careful arrangement, so that all forces are balanced, there will inevitably be others. Therefore, the first thing to think about getting rid of the difficulties of the ancient sea is to stabilize the DPRK. After all, the DPRK is the foundation of itself.

One party of Gu Hai's body left, but it was clearly seen by the two Suzakus in the dark.

Zhu Sisi and Zhu Wuwu had just been defeated and fled. They did not go back, but lurked in an island in the distance and stared at them.

"Damn Bai Zunzai, what does it mean that there is only one ancient sea avatar, why are both ancient seas there?"

"Yes, the strength of the ancient sea itself is really strong. No wonder Lao Liu was defeated by one finger with him, so powerful, it seems to be awesome!"

They were depressed for a while.

"Look, Gu Hai, how many people did he take with Kong Xuan?" Zhu Wuwu was surprised.

"Gone? Why? Why didn't the skeletons leave?" Zhu Sisi's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Because of the heart of the candle dragon?" The two stared at each other suddenly.

"Four brother, there is no ancient sea body now, only that skeleton clone, do we want to ...!" Zhu Wuwu's eyes flashed a look of expectation.

"No, once you go back, the ancient sea itself will go back!" Zhu Sisi shook his head.

"But, let's just forget it? And, the heart of the candle dragon!" Zhu Wuwu resigned.

Zhu Sisi was slightly silent, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, the ancient sea has become a climate, and even Bai Bai dare not move, you and I go, it's ..."

"Bai Zizai is a coward, and you don't know it. He frightened to hide from the battle of the Lich!" Zhu Wuwu reconciled.

"Also, you just saw the battle just now. The strong one is Gu Hai's body. The skeleton of Gu Hai is not powerful. The last time Bai Wanchang went to the ancient capital of Yin, the skeleton Gu Hai and he could only draw a tie!" Zhu Wuwu Still dare not say.

"Don't go, wait for the master to come back!" Zhu Sisi still shook his head.

"Well, all right!" Zhu Wuwu lamented--

Heavenly Demon Holy Land, Yin Temple.

Black returns with impermanence and reports everything to White.

He listened to the words of impermanence, and his face was ugly.

"That ancient sea, really good luck? Such a mortal situation, can go out of a avenue?" Bai Zizai Shen said.

"It's true, no subordinates can say anything!" Hei Wuchang smiled bitterly.

"Unfortunately, the scorpion and the demon do not know how to advance and retreat, and the enemies of other peak masters, it is even more difficult to report!" Bai Mochang in the white mist sighed.

"No, Lord, and the boss, me, I think ...!" Heichangchang's face changed for a while.

"What do you think?" The two looked at Hei impermanence.

"The ancient sea is invincible!" Hei Wuchang said bitterly.

"Invincible?" The two frowned.

"Yes, Gu Hai, the more the war, the more courageous, the more killing and the stronger, whoever wants to fight against him, will eventually be stepped on by his bones. He seems to have a kind of fortune, this fortune, no Comparable, I ca n’t fight him anymore! ”Hei Wuchang smiled bitterly.

"Second, are you crazy? How do you say this frustrated word? But the gods are fulfilled, and you have gone from the ancient times to the Lord, what are you afraid of? What do you say today?" Bai Wuchang said in a deep voice.

"Boss, Lord, I am really afraid!" Hei Wuchang smiled bitterly.

Bai Wuchang: "……………………!"

Bai Zizai looked at Black Impermanence with his eyes narrowly. Black Impermanence has followed himself for so many years, but he has never been afraid of anyone, even the general, and Black Impermanence will not show cowardice, but today, it seems as if all the courage was scared by the ancient sea.

Bai Ziran couldn't understand the feelings of black impermanence, and Black impermanence couldn't express his feelings to the two, so he had to helplessly smile.

"Nothing, black impermanence, you are too tired, take a rest these days!" Bai Zizai said.

"Yes!" Hei Mocao nodded.

When the black impermanence departs, Bai looks at the black impermanence's back with ease.

"Master, second child ..." Bai Wuchang worried.

"Wait a minute!" Bai Zishen said quietly.

"Yes!" Bai Wuchang sighed slightly.

The two turned their heads and looked at the South China Sea of ​​the Underworld. At this moment, the ancient sea body quickly left with everyone.

"The ancient sea is gone?" Bai Zizai was surprised.

"Skulls and ancient seas devoured the heart of the candle dragon. Perhaps there is some great fortune. Unfortunately, unfortunately, such a good opportunity was actually a mess made by the blood elder elder. It is really a waste!" Bai Zirong said coldly.

"What do you do now?" Bai Wuchang sank.

"There are two Suzakus, they are hiding in the dark, they must be unwilling, I hope they can ...!" Bai Zizai expected.

But after a while, Zhu Sisi and Zhu Wuwu did not take any action.

"They are afraid too!" Bai Wuchang said in a deep voice.

Bai Zi was silent for a while.

"Gu Hai's body is really so powerful? Yes, last time at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, one finger defeated Zhu Liuliu, alas!" Bai Wuchang sighed slightly, but also felt helpless.

"There must be some secret in the ancient sea. That finger is intended to open the axe. The axe is only controlled by the Dragon Warring States. It must be related to the Dragon Warring States. What's going on?" Bai Zizai was in deep thought.

"Master, the second child said just now that the third child is dead. What should the fourth child do? Just watch him caught by Gu Hai!" Bai Wuchang worried.

"I don't know how to move forward, Hei Wuchang asked him to leave, and he still wanted to go alone, really asking for it, hum, let him reflect on the ancient sea!" Bai Zishen said quietly.

"Okay!" Bai Wuchang nodded.

Bai Wuchang understands that the Scorpion and the Demon were captured, but now he can't help it--

At the bottom of the South China Sea, there is magma interlayer space.

Chang Ming sat cross-legged, with candlestick ‘heart blood’ floating on his brows. In the space of his brows, Chang Ming ’s ‘God’ was playing against the elder ’‘ God ’!

After some fighting.


With a loud noise, Chang Ming suddenly glowed endlessly, and a huge breath burst out.

"The Heavenly Palace is a great success? Chang Ming is blessed because of misfortune!" Long Shen narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, there is always a chance to succeed in the Heavenly Palace following the Holy Spirit!" The Mosquito sighed.

But at this moment, Chang Ming's heart screamed.

"No, I don't believe it. I am stronger than you. Why did I lose to you, and I lose to you!" The elder voice of the elder came from Chang Ming's heart.

"I forgot to tell you, I'm very lucky, and I have been called" the people of heaven "before!" Chang Ming said lightly.

"No, it's almost, it's almost, why ... don't erase my consciousness, don't, ah ........." The elder scream came again.

"This time, I won't be soft-hearted and die!" Chang Ming snorted.


His eyebrow burst again.

Chang Ming's blood was even worse.

What's more, the "heart blood" outside his brows was slowly inhaled by Changming.


Chang Ming trembled, like this drop of heart blood, suddenly had a great supplement to Chang Ming.

Chang Ming's skin was red.

Open your eyes.


Two blood rays emanated from Chang Ming's eyes. In all directions, a sea of ​​blood suddenly appeared out of thin air, and Chang Ming sat in the sea of ​​blood and manipulated the sea of ​​blood.

"Huh, a good deal of blood! Old thing, you are really stupid. This blood is really a great supplement to our gods, ha ha ha!" Chang Ming showed ecstasy.


The sea of ​​billowing blood was converged by Chang Ming and absorbed into the body.

Standing up, Chang Ming walked in front of Skeleton Gu Hai, kneeling on one knee.

"Thank you holy!" Chang Ming said gratefully, and his whole body shook again comfortably.

"Chang Ming, how do you feel now?" Skeleton Guhai asked.

"It's great, it's really great. This drop of" heart blood "actually fits my soul. Not only has the Heavenly Palace been completed, it seems that the human soul and earth soul that are washing me are strengthening. Chen feels that as long as the retreat is a little longer, maybe, there may be a big breakthrough! "Chang Ming was surprised.

"That's good!" Skeleton Gu Hai nodded.


The last loud noise on the ground not far away was that the heart and bones of the candle dragon were all eaten, and all the little skulls shivered with excitement.


Black gas wrapped all the small skulls, and all poured into the ancient body of the skull. The ancient body suddenly trembled and was extremely comfortable.

"Fortunately, there is no daring to break in, and we should go!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" The three of Chang Ming answered.

The three looked around and had nothing else. As the ancient sea rushed out of the small space, they went out of the underworld to the South China Sea and reached the surface.

"The three of you go back first!" Skeleton Gu Hai ordered.

"Holy, don't you go back together?" Dragon God said in surprise.

"Hey, there's something else, you go first!" Gu Gu, a skeleton, looked above the stars.

Just devoured the heart and bones of the candle dragon, the whole body has undergone qualitative changes and has been qualitatively improved. It is like a container, and the container has suddenly expanded innumerably, which is the best opportunity to collect the power of nothingness!

"Yes!" The three of Chang Ming answered, and shot into the distance in an instant, disappearing in front of them.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls strode, soared into the sky, and headed towards the depths of the starry sky. The ancient sea of ​​skulls will go to nothingness and absorb the power of nothingness. At this moment, I can't wait, I feel that I can swallow infinite nothingness at once.


In a blink of an eye, entered the starry sky.

Zhu Sisi and Zhu Wuwu, who were hiding in the dark, glared with surprise.

"Gu Hai is crazy? Where is he going? Go deep into the sky, ah, that speed has not slowed down at all, is it going to go to nothing?" Zhu Sisi was surprised.

"The opportunity is here, Si, I'm going to kill him!" Zhu Wuwu stared.

"Fifth child, don't make trouble! Let's go to that underwater space just now, and then come back with me!" Zhu Sisi cried.

"I don't want it. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I can't lose it!" Zhu Wuwu said unwillingly.

Zhu Sisi looked ugly for a while, but also found that there seemed to be no danger. At least, the ancient sea of ​​the skull was much weaker than the ancient sea itself, and once in the void, it should be able to cut off all connections.

"Well, you can go, but promise me that once you are in danger, you will come back in the first place, and you will not be allowed to do so!" Zhu Sisi said in a deep voice.

"Good!" Zhu Wuwu said excitedly.


Zhu Wuwu chased the ancient sea of ​​the skull straight into the starry sky, but Zhu Sisi went to explore the previous undersea space.

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