Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 146: Master of the Six Immortals

"Although, I don't agree with you, but since you have come here in person and Long Aotian owes you something, I naturally have no reason to stop!" Jiang Chen nodded.

"Thank you for taking the Lord of the Temple!" Gu Hai laughed.

The minister looked to Long Aotian.

"God!" Long Aotian stepped forward respectfully and took over a ball from Gu Hai.

"Power of the extreme wind? Reiki?" Long Aotian looked at Gu Hai.

"Yes, this is the‘ Secret Fairy Vault ’of the Scorpio Demon. I ’ve already stored countless spirit stones in it. You can take them and cooperate with your extreme wind power to open up a small space!” Said Gu Hai.

"I try!" Long Aotian nodded.

Suddenly flicked the void.


Suddenly a palm-shaped spiral of blue air flow. At the same time, a large number of spirit stones were taken out, releasing the aura sealed in it, and rushing to the ball.

"Booming ...............!"

Suddenly, the ball made a loud noise. After a short while, he shivered suddenly, Long Aotian stopped sweating.

"On the ancient Saint, I'm so fortunate!" Long Aotian gasped.

The ancient sea took the seal ball and carefully sensed it. It really is a small secret fairy sphere. Allows people to survive internally for a short time.

"Great, Long Aotian, you go on!" Gu Hai pointed at the big box next to him.

"Continue? What continues?" Long Aotian's face changed. I have a bad feeling.

"It's all about closing the ball here to make a small space!" Gu Hai said.

"How is this possible!" Long Aotian exclaimed suddenly.

I opened a road ball that I was sweating all over. There are 20,000 in this box? All done? Not exhausted?

"I will open up to ten more, others, I can't do it, it will exhaust me!" Long Aotian shook his head suddenly.

Guhai frowned slightly.

"You come!" Jiang Chen suddenly said.

"God?" Long Aotian came over unknown.

But he saw that Jiang Chen's right palm was lightly shot on Long Aotian.


It seemed that the wind was violently swept into the hundreds of thousands of winds, and went straight into Long Aotian's body.

"This, this ........." Long Aotian said with wide eyes.

"This is ten avenues about wind. I will help you introduce your body. Go and open up a small space!" Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Ah? Ten avenues of wind?" Long Aotian exulted.

He is the ancestor of the wind stiff, is to study the avenues of the wind system. Nowadays, he has not thoroughly studied one avenue. God actually sent ten hands? This is a great event for myself, but once I get to know it, there will be a big breakthrough.

"Yes, God, I'll go immediately!" Long Aotian was immediately excited.

This time, with the help of the avenue, the speed of opening up the space for the ball was speeded up instantly, and two at the same time, then ten at the same time, and one hundred at the same time.

Long Aotian is constantly familiar with the ten avenues of wind system, constantly opening up small spaces.

"Thank you for taking the Lord of the Temple!" Gu Hai was grateful.

"Thank you for saying thank you. Tell me what you're doing. Shouldn't just let Long Aotian fulfill your promise?" Jiang Chen drank his tea and looked at Gu Hai.

In the past, although General Chen felt interesting about Gu Hai, he didn't care about Gu Hai. However, over the years, the growth of Gu Hai has exceeded the expectations of the generals. So much so that I can communicate with myself on an equal footing.

Of course, regarding the strength of Gu Hai, Jiang Chen has not paid much attention to it, and it is not the Dahan Tianchao forces that brought Jiang Chen on an equal footing with Gu Hai, but the surrender from Cangjie.

Cangjie is a person who sits on an equal footing with himself. He surrendered to Gu Hai, then why do he have to look down on Gu Hai again?

Gu Hai also felt the change in general's attitude. At least, at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Jiang Chen didn't say this to himself so equally.

"There is one more thing indeed!" Gu Hai smiled bitterly.

"Oh?" Jiang Chen curiously.

"After a few days, Yuanshi Tianzun will fight against Liudao Xianren. I want to know your attitude towards Liudao Xianren!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Six fairies?" Jiang Chen frowned.

"Yes, if I guessed right, Liudaoxian, have some relationship with you, right?" Gu Hai stared at Jiang Chen.

Putting the minister down the tea cup, he looked at Gu Hai unexpectedly: "How can I see?"

"I have read the history of 800,000 years ago. Also, I have also gone to 800,000 years ago. I have seen Fuxi, I have met Liu Daojun, and I have known you from other populations. But never intervened, and you do not agree with Cang Tianzheng, and you have an obsession with the power of heaven and earth. Moreover, Cang Tian knows that you are going to be against her, and this disadvantage is ultimately in the six true monarchs! After that, you and Six true monarchs, but no conflict at all! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

General Chen stared at Gu Hai for a while, and after a flash of expression, a horrified smile appeared: "Ha, ha ha ha, I didn't expect it, Gu Hai, you really surprised me!"

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"When you got the heavenly ribs and refined into a skeleton clone, I once suspected that you were the heavenly reincarnation, but after all, it was negative, thinking that you were just lucky. Now, it seems that my negation was too hasty at first. It is resurrected, and, just in your Dahan Tianchao, if I guessed it right, Long Wanyu, the **** surrounded by the heavens and heavens, is the reincarnation of Cangtian! "Jiang Chen suddenly solemnly said.

Gu Hai's face sank, but he did not deny it, and eventually nodded: "Good!"

"It's no wonder, huh, it's no wonder, you can guess, it's not strange!" General Chen sighed.

"Wan Yu has now removed Tianquan. I hope you will not disturb her!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Rest assured, as you said, I just disagreed with her back then. Besides, she has no power now, so I don't need to kill her completely!" Jiang Chen shook his head.

Gu Hai nodded: "From Wanyu's mouth, I analyzed that you have a certain relationship with the Six Immortals! This time, the Six Immortals are about to go out of the customs and dominate the world, regardless of whether Yuanshi Tianzun or me etc. Conflict, so come this time and want to find out. "

"You guessed it, Primary Six is ​​my apprentice!" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned suddenly.

little six? This is the Six Immortals!

apprentice? The Six Immortals are apprentices to generals?

Gu Hai thought of the relationship between the two beforehand, but he never guessed that the Six Immortals were apprentices to the generals. No wonder the sky was able to succeed. There must be a boost from the ministers.

As if guessing Gu Hai's thoughts, Jiang Chen laughed and said, "Xiao Liuni killed Cangtian, I haven't helped you, don't think too much!"

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"I trained Xiaoliu. Actually, when Xiaoliu was a kid, Dragon God has also seen him!" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Have you seen Dragon God? How could this be, he was up to 800,000 years ago ..., er, 800,000 years ago, the two brothers of Dragon God, who had the blood of your generals? At that time, I saw Liu Daojun. When? "Gu Hai frowned deeply.

"You guessed it very well. At that time, I was chosen by many choices. After your return, I sent the then six to ten thousand years ago. I taught him all the skills but did not teach him to fight back. Cangtian, he has a **** on his head, and made his own decision! "Jiang Chen laughed.

"Has anti-bone? Oh, you are happy to see it happen!" Gu Haidan whispered.

Although Gu Hai's tone was bland, his heart tightened sharply. Jiang Chen revealed what he said just now. He did grasp the laws of time and could reverse time? Send six to ten thousand years ago?

"Perhaps, Cangtian's thoughts are too naive. She doesn't know the disaster that will happen next. Cangtian will not fight, and it will only be annihilated. Peace cannot give birth to the strong. Only after experiencing the damage of the storm can she achieve a tenacious life!" Sound channel.

"So, the demons ruled the world at that time, and they were too peaceful. You founded the tribe, letting them contradict each other and torture them like storms?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Isn't it? You have also seen Suzaku Supreme. In peacetime, the four chiefs of the demon tribe, the Suzaku, the top-level existence, do you think, what is the strength of this Suzaku Supreme? Is it comparable today?" Jiang Chen laughed. .

Gu Hai frowned slightly, although he did not agree with the way of dealing with generals, but this was the case. Today's people are much stronger than they were then. At least Suzaku is supreme and must not fight the Dragon Warring States.

"Cangtian wants peace, I want to fight, endless fighting, you may not know my intention now, you will know soon!" Jiang Chen sighed slightly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Oh? Long Wanyu told you?" Jiang Chen laughed.

Gu Hai nodded.

"Speaking, I won't say much more, just you know! If I don't break the situation of peace, Suzaku Supreme is still standing at the highest point of the world, what's the use? The highest point of the world is just one of the aunt Pets. It's me, pushing the world to make progress! "Jiang Chen took a deep breath.

"Well, I'm also alert to you, but what I'm asking today is, what are your plans for the Six Immortals? Will Yuanshi Tianzun fight with him, will you intervene? Perhaps, the Six Immortals will come to me and you will Help the Six Immortals? "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"I won't step in!" Jiang Chen shook his head.

"Huh?" Gu Hai said unexpectedly.

Aren't the six immortals your disciples?

"Don't worry, I won't intervene in any of you fighting. Why didn't I go against the sky and become a fairy myself? Because, if I became a fairy, you will never have the opportunity to stand up again. How can this strong man in the world become Getting stronger? So, I wo n’t intervene, Primary Six? If you have the ability, you can fight with him. I wo n’t intervene, Yuanshi Tianzun fights with him, I wo n’t intervene! Rest assured!

"But the Six Immortals are your disciples after all, Yuanshi Tianzun fights with him, what if the six Immortals are inferior?" Gu Hai frowned.

"That's his life, as if that year, if he failed against the sky, that's his life!" Jiang Chen said very indifferently.

"Life?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Don't you think Xiaoliu has much affection with me, I guess, he may wish to kill me!" Jiang Chen laughed.

Gu Hai: "………………!"

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