Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 154: The Power of Avenues vs. the Power of Beings

The Yuanshi sword was broken, but the right hand of the six immortals shed blood! No one knows who won.

Yuan Shi Tianzun and Liudaoxianren looked at each other even colder.

"Kendo is really good, but it can't win the fairy, isn't it?" Liudao immortal said coldly.

"But this respect hurts you!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"Ignorant junior, dare to speak up, and dare to fight with Dadao at the end of Weidao?" The six immortals said coldly.

While talking, pinch a trick with his right hand.

This time, the Six Immortals did not seek out the strengths of the other party, but directly mobilized the power of the avenue, which was different from the power of the avenue mobilized by the eye of heaven.

This time, when the six immortals waved their hands, the heavens and earth suddenly trembled, and the whole void shook. I saw that behind the immortal, there were suddenly three hundred trees that could reach the sky. No, it was three hundred avenues, which came out with the immortal's method.

As the Three Hundred Avenues shook, countless energy burst out at the fingertips of the Six Immortals, followed by the six Immortals.

"Lin!" The six immortals exclaimed.

This endless power suddenly converges into a colorful avenue, which descends from the sky and suppresses towards the reverence of Yuanshi Tianzun.

The ground around Yuanshidian sank instantly with a force of oppression.


Before the palm arrives, just under the momentum, there will be a huge palm print on the earth. The palm print covers the entire Longevity Taoism. If it were not for the desperate effort to urge the Longevity Taoism to protect the disciples of the Longevity Taoism, at this moment, everyone has become flesh.

In the distance, the ancient sea has a familiar look.

"The appearance of these three hundred avenues is so familiar, isn't it ...?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"This is the three hundred avenues most familiar to the six immortals, and it is also called 'the pulse of Lin'!" Long Wanyu explained.

"Ancient immortal dome, the avenue that devours the flawed immortal dome, is this three hundred avenues, also called 'Lin Zhi'?" Gu Hai puzzled.

"Three thousand avenues have actually been classified in ancient times. There are ten pulses and three hundred avenues per pulse. The first nine pulses are divided into 'Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Zhen, Li, Qian, Xing'! The best thing is 'Lin's Pulse'. Brother-in-law, you also have 'Lin's Pulse', have you forgotten? Your ancient fairy dome has these three hundred avenues. You can use the avenues you master to open five. Reincarnation is the only way to enter. With the pulse of the pros, you can also urge the three hundred avenues in this world. The trick of six immortals can actually be used! ”Long Wanyu explained.

Use the ancient fairy avenue to motivate the outside avenue to exert its mighty power?

The ancient Hai suddenly stared.

"Lin Bing fighters are all moving forward in an array. This is a nine-pulse, and there is one more?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"There is a pulse called 'empty pulse'. The empty pulse has no special attributes, but can be added with new attributes, just like the four avenues of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Before Wenxiu was founded, they were common, but, Once filled with attributes, you can even command the Three Thousand Avenues! Kongmai has no attributes, but it is full of endless possibilities! "Long Wanyu explained.

In the distance, the power of the Three Hundred Avenues represented by Lin's veins gathered in one palm, and bombarded down to Yuanshi Tianzun.

In Yuan Shitianzun's eyes, he learned the appearance of six immortals, and also grasped a method. Under the pinch, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly emerged three hundred avenues.


The avenue is open to the sky, and the ‘Lin Lin’ opposite chamber resists the ceremony.

"Column!" Yuan Shitianzun drank.

Three hundred avenues suddenly gathered rolling power, and also formed a colorful palm, following the law of Yuanshi Tianzun, slammed into the sky.


The place where the two palms collided suddenly ruptured a void fault, scouring in all directions in an instant, and the whole world seemed to be cut across an endless distance instantly.

"The pulse of the column?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"So, Yuanshi Tianzun also mastered the three hundred avenues, the veins of the columns?" Kong Xuan stared.

"This Yuanshi Tianzun is really abnormal. At the time, the veins of the six true monarchs were completed with my help. This Yuanshi Tianzun alone can complete a avenue?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Not necessarily!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Sure enough, Yuan Shi Tianzun spoke in the distance.

"The pulse of Lin? Oh, six immortals, 800,000 years, you are just the same!" Yuan Shitianzun sneered.

"Well, the pulse of the column, this fairy finally understands why your ancestors of Wanshou Taoism have a longer history than the Lich War. It has been low-key practice before. It turned out to have accumulated countless generations and accumulated these 300 roads!" The six immortals chanted.

"Everyone, each other! It seems that the pulse of Lin is just your own strength. Your own strength can't beat me at all, and you don't need Xianyuan?" Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

The six immortals stared at Yuan Shitian for a while: "Oh, this is the power of this immortal 800,000 years ago, but this immortal does not want to wake up now, only use a consciousness to manipulate the body, otherwise, you It's already gone! "

"Is that so?" Yuan Shitianzun exclaimed.

"The immortals see your potential. Now, the immortals give you a chance to surrender to the immortals. The immortals allow you, under the immortals, above all beings! Heaven and earth, Ren Er gallop!" The six immortals said coldly .

The Six Immortals will subdue the Yuanshi Tianzun.

The strong men in the world frowned slightly, but Bai Zongran was covered with cold. I have to agree. I am really dead. The fairy appreciates Yuan Shi Tianzun.

"Oh, that deity wants‘ xianyuan, ’would you give it?” Yuanshi Tianzun sneered.

"Excessive!" Liudao Fairy stared.

"Since you can't bear 'Xianyuan', don't make nonsense!" Yuan Shi Tianzun stared.

"Well, since you're looking for death, that's no wonder that fairy!" Six immortals glared.

While talking, one hand held the tactics, manipulating the palm of the avenue and the avenue of the avenue of Yuanshi Tianzun, and the other hand suddenly took out a white light ball.


As soon as the white light ball came out, the dazzling light illuminated the whole world.

"Xianyuan?" Long Wanyu sank.

That Xianyuan was originally his own. Although Long Wanyu has now let go of her attachment, she was uncomfortable after watching what was supposed to be in her hands.

Xianyuan came out, the earthquake. Void trembled, winds burst.

"Xianyuan?" At this moment, how many people in the world are widened and full of expectations, including Yuanshi Tianzun.

The moment he saw that Xianyuan, Yuanshi Tianzun was also excited. He wanted to get Xianyuan, and the six immortals finally came out.

"Bing!" Six immortals held Xianyuan by hand and drank softly.


Suddenly, three hundred avenues popped up behind him. For a moment, three hundred avenues burst forth into the palm of the six immortal avenues.


With the power of the veins of the veins and the veins of the soldiers, the palms of the Six Immortals suddenly soared countlessly.

In an instant, the palm of the avenue of Yuanshi Tianzun was overwhelmed.

Yuan Shitianzun's face was stunned, and he did not retreat, but his other hand also shook his sleeve.


Suddenly, a golden dragon flew out of his sleeve. Under the control of Yuan Shi Tianzun, the golden dragon went straight to the palm of the road.

Golden Dragon is not a lone person, but a river map that gathers the power of sentient beings.

"What? No!" He Tu suddenly cried.

This is to confront myself with the immortals.

"The power of sentient beings, with the deity's transfer, Hetu, release the power of sentient beings, the deity will kill the six immortals!" Yuan Shitianzun sighed coldly.

"No, don't, Yuanshi Tianzun, I don't ...!" He Tu exclaimed.

"Do you want this deity to destroy your consciousness? Do it yourself?" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"Yes!" He Tu screamed, immediately.

Being annihilated by Yuan Shitianzun, then he is dead.


Jinlong blasted into the palm of Yuanshi Tianzun's avenue, with great power, bursting out.

The palm of Tianzun Avenue in Yuanshi suddenly injected infinite force, and suddenly zoomed in countlessly.


The emptiness around it, under the impact of two giant palms, suddenly burst into the millions.

The palm of the avenue of Yuanshi Tianzun was suppressed toward the six immortals.

The six fairies looked pale.

"Fight!" The six immortals sang loudly.


Another three hundred avenues suddenly appeared, and the power of the fighting veins burst into the six immortals, instantly rebalancing the suppressed palms.

"Continue!" Yuan Shitianzun stopped drinking.


A dragon yin came from the palm of the avenue of Yuanshi Tianzun. Then, there were no hundreds of people's voices.

"Drink! Ha! Open! Broken!" .........

It seems that the shouting of all sentient beings blooms in the palm of Yuanshi. The powerful sentient beings erupted completely. Under the eruption, the two palms that were just balanced once again lost their balance and pushed towards the sky.

The six immortals are astonished: "The power of beings? Yuanshi Tianzun, this is supposed to be the immortal!"

"Now they are the deity!" Yuan Shitianzun stared.

"People!" Six Taoxian shouted again.

"Boom!" Another 300 avenues suddenly appeared.

The violent power immediately suppressed the power of sentient beings.

At this moment, between the palms of the two avenues, the black hole has swept the entire starry sky. Finally blocked Yuanshi Tianzun again.

"Isn't the Six Immortals in charge of Three Thousand Avenues? Why only use one hundred and two hundred Avenues?" Kong Xuan wondered.

"Six Taos are performed in a sleeping body, which has a load on the body!" Long Wanyu explained.

"Load?" Kong Xuan puzzled.


Sure enough, a crack appeared on the faces of the six immortals, a very slender crack, and this crack made Yuan Shitianzun suddenly show great joy.

"Finally reached your limit? Six immortals!" Yuan Shitianzun showed a hint of excitement.

"How about that? The soldiers fighting, the four pulses come out, even if you have the power of sentient beings, it is difficult to cover up the defeat!"

"No, the deity still has the power of the earth! The power of the earth!" Yuan Shitian Zun revealed his face.

ps: Tomorrow! Guess who won!

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