Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 156: Ten-day life

This is the second more! ——

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you lost!"

Speaking of this sentence, the Six Immortals did not have the slightest joy, because the Six Immortals were also forced to be miserable. Just now, they were forced to open their eyes. The loss to the Six Immortals is very large.

The face was cracked, holding the holy sword in his right hand, his chest was torn and opened, his heart was torn, and the Six Immortals were also seriously injured.

But it was miserable, but it was not miserable to Yuanshi Tianzun, who was cut by the holy sword.

"Lose? Oh, I didn't lose! I didn't lose!" Yuan Shitianzun's eyes widened.

"The sword of this fairy has cut off your three souls and seven souls. You have already had vitality and diarrhea, and you are not saved! You are in this state, and you can't keep it for ten days." Six immortals said coldly.

"It's almost, if no one betrays me, you're dead now. Xianyuan is mine. Whoever betrays me, who betrays me!" Yuan Shitianzun suddenly shouted.

In the distant forest, Bai Ziran suddenly excited, watching Yuan Shitianzun's murderous spirit in horror.

In the next moment, Bai Zunzai is also happy, because, after listening to the conversation between them, Yuan Shitian was defeated? Just defeat it, just defeat it!

After Yuan Shitian respected his hatred, he was still unwilling.

"Xianyuan, my fairy source!" The faceless Yuanshi Tianzun, even if the vitality and diarrhea were severely damaged, still pounced on the six immortals.

"Kill him, kill him!" Bai Zizai whispered expectantly.

Since Yuanshi Tianzun was defeated, kill him! Fairy, you must kill him by turning your hands now.

In Bai Zi's expectant eyes, the immortal did not take another shot, but immediately stepped back.

"What?" How many people were surprised.


The spit of blood in the fairy population is going backwards. Under Yuan Shitianzun's culling, he did not dare to fight, and was going backwards.

"The immortal is also injured?" Long Aotian who took the mouth of the temple was surprised.

"The skills of Primary Six cannot be disturbed, so he has been asleep, only to wake up, to achieve a peerless body, but the fierceness of Yuanshi Tianzun disrupted his plan and forced Primary Six to advance Woke up. Yuanshi Tianzun's vitality and diarrhea, Xiaoliu also broke power in an instant! "Jiang Chen slumbered.

"Breaking power? God, what do you mean, the fairy now is also a paper tiger, and there is not much resistance at all?" Long Aotian was surprised.

"Yes, if it wasn't for the informer, this time, Yuanshi Tianzun might really succeed, but unfortunately, all the achievements were lost. Although Xiaoliu failed, he is still a fairy!" Jiang Chen said.

far away. In the eyes of everyone, the immortal backed up and fled.

"Stop, give me Xianyuan, give me Xianyuan, without Xianyuan, how can the elder brother and the third brother wake up, without Xianyuan, what is the use of my 800,000 years of hard work? I will use Xianyuan to resurrect Brother, resurrect the third brother, return me Xianyuan! "Yuan Shitianzun pounced in the face.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's words stunned many people in the world.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, isn't he ruthless and ruthless? How can he get Xianyuan so desperately for the resurrection of Taishang and Tongtian? Impossible, it must be false." Kong Xuan was surprised.

"It should be true!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.


"Although Yuanshi Tianzun, although he is weak, he is right to an outsider. He has his own insistence, that is, the resurrection is too high. Therefore, he can persist for 800,000 years like a day. It looks like a contradiction, but it is It is natural that the resurrection is too high and the sky is his obsession. The longer and deeper the obsession, the stronger his desire for the resurrection is too high, and all the emotions are poured into the two brothers. Naturally, there is no emotion for other people. In order to resurrect Taishang and Tongtian, Yuanshi Tianzun can be at all costs. This is Yuanshi. It's cold and hot! Love and affection! "Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"Get Xianyuan, reverse time and space, save too much? Yuan Shi he was crazy! Unfortunately ...!" Long Wanyu sighed.

In the distance, Yuan Shi Tianzun was desperately rushing towards the fairy.

The fairy opened her eyes, and after breaking the power, she was not too dare to cast Xianyuan easily.

The immortal understood that he could not stay any longer.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, this fairy has no time to consume you to death. You can only support it for ten days at most. Wait for your death!" Liudao fairy drank coldly.


Instantly, the fairy flashed and disappeared.

"Come back, stop, return me Xianyuan, return me Xianyuan, ah ~~~~~~~!"

Yuan Shitianzun roared in despair.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the sky.

"The world, you people, listen, this time, we are waiting to subsidize Yuanshi Tianzun. Benxian remembered that the damage of this immortal was severely damaged. He could have awakened to the peak after half a year, but now he has to wait a year later. Years later, Benxian came back to the top. Do n’t even want to run or escape, Benxian wants you to die! ”A bitter voice of cold retreat spread all over the world.

As soon as the immortal's hate came out, almost everyone in the world was a strong spirit, all over the body.

Take the mouth of the temple.

"The immortal hid? Did he go to heal? God, one year, really? After one year, the six immortals will be able to recover all injuries? Even the injuries caused by breaking power can be recovered?" Long Aotian stunned.

General Chen was silent for a while, and nodded: "Yes, this time is very short. I just opened my eyes and used Xianyuan. One year, it can really be restored!"

"But, if so, that Yuanshi Tianzun battle is not a white battle? The fairy has no loss!" Long Aotian said blankly.

"No, he would have been able to wake up half a year later, but now he has been dragged on for a year, how can there be no loss?" Jiang Chen laughed.

"Ah?" Long Aotian was at a loss for a while.

Is this a loss? Delayed for half a year. What can you do in half a year? Retreat more than once.

"There is still a year left, Xiaoliu wakes up and drags on for half a year, half a year is too short for some mediocre talents, but for some geniuses, it is not a short time!" Jiang Chen said lightly.

"Ah? Oh!" Long Aotian nodded wryly--

"Come out, come out!" Yuan Shitian respected the world looking for six immortals.

However, the Six Immortals never showed up again. Obviously, if the fairy wants to hide, it is difficult for anyone to find it. Yuanshi Tianzun found it once. That is already a miracle. How can it be found a second time?

Yuan Shi Tianzun searched for a long time, shouted for a long time, but did not respond at all, understand that the six immortals completely disappeared.


Yuanshi Tianzun returned to Yuanshidian Square, showing an unwillingness.

At this moment, Wanshou Taoism has been completely destroyed. The ground is full of countless giant pits, and all vitality is lost.

Only Yuan Shidian, Xun and his four disciples are still there, and the other disciples of Wanshou Taoism are also mostly dead. Only half of them are guarded by Xuan and his four disciples.

"Teach, master!" Shouted bitterly.

Yuan Shi Tianzun didn't bother, but stood quietly at the mouth of Yuan Shi Hall, a little bit lost.

No one found it.

In the distant forest, Bai Ziran, who was just rejoicing because of the victory of the Six Immortals, once again showed despair.

Yuanshi Tianzun can live for ten days? The fairy is hiding?

"Crouch! How could this be? How could this be?" Bai Zi was at this moment, all over the body.

Ten days, ten days is enough for Yuanshi Tianzun to do too many things. It is not difficult, really not difficult, for the whistleblower to investigate by Yuanshi Tianzun. The eyes of heaven can go back in time. I can definitely find myself.

Once found, wouldn't you .........! That Yuanshi Tianzun is abnormal!

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Hei Wuchang curiously asked.

"You go back first, I still have something to do!" Bai Zizai said.

"Ah? Okay!" Hei Wuchang nodded blankly.

At this moment, Bai Zili is going to hide, he must hide.

Looked up at the sky.

"Yes, to hide from nothing, ten days? As long as you persist for ten days, Yuan Shitian is dead, just fine!" Bai Zizuo flew up into the sky with an horror, and instantly entered the starry sky and into nothingness.

Bai Ziwen was worried about Yuanshi Tianzun's revenge, but at this moment, Yuan Shitianzun had no intention to retaliate.

The expectation of 800,000 years, the 800,000 years of hard work fell short, Yuan Shi Tianzun's mood was lost to the extreme, and it was almost a pity, but unfortunately, it was a difficult situation in the end.

"Leader, there is still another year. Let's do it again. Now, see if we can repair the leader's injury!" He said, comfortingly.

At this moment, the world stared at Yuanshi Tianzun and watched the failure of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"The immortals said that Yuanshi Tianzun could not live for ten days, he must be dead!" Kong Xuan said unfortunately.

"No, there is still a chance!" Gu Hai looked intently.

Then Gu Hai suddenly said, "The Supreme Master Yuan!"


Gu Hai's voice instantly passed to the mouth of Yuan Shidian.

"Uh?" I looked at Gu Hai doubtfully.

"Suzaku is supreme and possesses Nirvana. Within an hour, even if the form and spirit are destroyed, Nirvana can be reborn, and it may be able to heal your injury!" Cried Gu Hai.

In the distance, Yuan Shi Tianzun looked up at the ancient sea.


At this moment, in a forest in Shenzhou. Dongling Huohai, with only three Suzakus remaining, suddenly became a stunner.

"Fuck the ancient sea, the ancient sea that was hit by a thousand swords, what did he say!" Zhu Sansan said in panic.

Zhu Sisi also panicked: "Brother, what should I do?"

Zhu Yiyi was silent for a while: "Let's go to nothingness and hide for more than ten days. Yuan Shitian will die and come back!"

"Okay!" The two responded suddenly.

Yuanshi Diankou.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes only lighted for a moment, and finally shook his head: "Useless, they are too weak, Nirvana is useless to the deity!"

Although Gu Hai's words were useless, Yuan Shi Tianzun still looked at Gu Hai with a trace of gratitude at this moment.

At least, at this moment, when he was defeated, only Guhai, an outsider, said he wanted to help himself.

In the distant forest, Suzaku Supreme, even when he heard that Yuanshi Tianzun said it was useless, rushed into the starry sky and fled towards nothingness.

"Useless? You just give up? Xianyuan doesn't want to take it away?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Think about it, think about it!" Yuanshi Tianzun walked back to Yuanshi Hall with a frustration.


The gate of the Yuanshidian suddenly closed.

PS: This is the second update, and today there is a third update!

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