Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 161: From heaven, six angry!

In the sun, above the starry sky, a humble star.

A black gas on the stars surrounds the valley. At this moment, a black heavenly eye is exposed, staring at the Yuanshi Hall below.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, this is the ninth day. You have only ten days to live. Benxian sees how you die!" There was a chilling voice in the valley.

Obviously, this is a trace of the six immortals. Although the immortals have gone in retreat, the Yuanshi Tianzun hurt him too much. How could this breath be easily swallowed? The Six Immortals were willing to reconcile only when they saw the death of Yuan Shitian.

On the ninth day, the last day was left.

I thought Yuanshi Tianzun confessed his fate, but on the last day, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly opened the door and put out two coffins. And threatened to do it again?

"Yuanshi Tianzun, do you want to do it again? Do you think I will come out? If the immortal has not been accomplished, you would have died already! What ...? Wait, what do you want to do? Xian came out? Crazy dog, you are crazy dog! "Said the six immortals, staring and depressed.

Below, Yuanshi Tianzun went to seize the temple.

"Benxian almost forgot, with the presence of generals, how could he ruin the world for you? He's terribly bad, hum, generals? Before that, Benxian was just your chess piece. Now, Benxian has taken over the world and has completely jumped Your palm is up, waiting for the immortality of this fairy to be the day of your death! "The six immortals said coldly.

Below, Jiang Chen easily resolved the heavenly eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"That was the case, Emmanuel? A spiritual pulse, as if you created it, you are fully immune? Huh, what is the power of Ben Immortal, because you are immune, Ben Xian did not look for other" talents "Sure enough, Yuanshi Tianzun was not the opponent of the generals, so he was scared? Huh! Huh? No, Yuanshi Tianzun went to the puppet, why didn't he stop the officials?" Liudao Fairy's eyes stared.

In the eyes of the Six Immortals, no one can stop Yuanshi Tianzun except Jiangchen.

However, the battle below surprised the six immortals.

"How is this possible? There is another hero in the world? This drought can actually block Yuanshi Tianzun?" There was an incredible flash of light in the eyes of the Six Immortals.

But that's the truth, I really forced Yuanshi Tianzun away.

"Huh, huh, huh, all **** people, when Benxian comes out, don't even want to live any of you!" Liudao immortal whispered.

Below, Yuanshi Tianzun forced to the borderless sky.

"Well, what big Han Dynasty? Ancient sea? Is it also a rebel, but this time got a big deal, but actually got 80% of the world? Unfortunately, I don't have the strength, and the world can't keep it!" Look down.

Yuan Shitian Zun asked for luck, relying on his past help, asking for what belonged to himself, but at this moment, Long Wanyu suddenly appeared, but it was a matter of course that disrupted Yuan Shitian Zun.

If Dahan Qiyun is your help from Yuanshi Tianzun, it belongs to you. The sky that created Qiyun is the true master of Qiyun. Cangtian does not create Qiyun. How can Qiyun be provided to you?

Yuan Shitianzun suddenly lost his temper.

The Six Immortals shrank suddenly.

"Cangtian? Cangtian? You haven't died yet? No, you are dead, but you have been reincarnated? Hahahaha, it is really an accidental harvest, Cangtian, you are now doing everything you can, waiting for Yuanshi Tianzun to die, this fairy will destroy you Once, Benxian couldn't get out of the game. Benxian's heavenly eyes are enough to destroy your dregs. Benxian can see how you can escape? Hahahaha! ——

Sky without borders.

He Tu personally confirmed Long Wanyu's identity. At this moment, Long Wanyu's identity could no longer be hidden, and everyone believed it. Believe it is one thing, accept it is another.

Is she heaven?

how can that be?

Dahan ministers, at this moment looking at Long Wanyu looks like a mortal.

"I see. No wonder, no wonder then that the Dragon Warring States, so indulgent in Long Wanyu!"

"She is Cangtian? It turns out that I have the help of Cangtian?"

"Cangtian isn't dead, is he the youngest sister in the Holy?"




Dahan's ministers were shocked, but some important ministers knew it early, but now they were worried.

Because, although Long Wanyu is a sky, it can be repaired but not high enough. The revision is not high, but the meaning it represents is extremely terrifying. From this moment, Long Wanyu will no longer be safe.

At least, the Six Immortals will do everything possible to kill Long Wanyu, not only worried about Long Wanyu's revenge, but also represents an orthodoxy.

If there is no Long Wanyu, the six immortals are heaven and earth orthodox, he is the immortal, he is in charge of heaven and earth, and all the other anti- heavenly people are conspiracy. But with Long Wanyu, the Six Immortals have become rebels. He is a villain to all beings.

Although the sentient beings are weak, it is not worth mentioning, but Cangtian can twist them into one. Not long ago, with the power of sentient beings, Yuanshi Tianzun actually blocked the Sanmai Avenue, which is equivalent to the power of nearly a thousand Avenues.

Long Wanyu exposed her security and eliminated Yuan Shitianzun's resentment.

At this moment, Long Wanyu did not care about her safety for the sake of the ancient sea.

Gu Hai once again protected Long Wanyu behind her, and smiled bitterly: "Wanyu, you don't need to be exposed!"

"It's okay, brother-in-law. I just let Yuanshi Tianzun know that what he did was nothing. Dahan's luck was not what he gathered at all!" Long Wanyu said.

"Well, all of you, protect Wanyu!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Kong Xuan and others answered.

Gu Hai once again took a step to look at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuan Shitianzun's gaze was also uncertain. The previous grievances were completely eliminated.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you can fight against the Six Immortals, and I and the whole world respect you. Your battle proved your brilliance, the world is strong, and you are not weak to anyone. Nine days ago, that was you. Today, nine days later, I also understand that you are doing this for the sake of being too good and the sky. But have you thought about it? Is the leader of the Supreme Being really willing to wake up because of this? ”Gu Hai solemnly said.

"What if you do n’t want to? Today is not working, tomorrow, the deity is about to fall, our three brothers are completely gone! As to whether the Six Immortals are intact, and how much does it have to do with our three brothers? Do n’t use your compassion Come and teach the deity how to do it. The deity does not need it, nor can it be compassionate. I am compassionate to all beings. Who is compassionate to me? "Yuan Shitian Zun said coldly.

Although it is no longer emphasized that luck is his own, Yuanshi Tianzun is still unwilling to die.

"Your three brothers have disappeared? But, your Taoism Taoism will not? Too great, there is Lin Waner's lineage, Tongtian together, there is a lineage lineage, and if you Yuanzhang Tianzun, if you leave the lineage now, you can also let Wanshou Taoism be passed down. Go on? "Gu Hai said.

"Wangshou Taoism?" Yuan Shitianzun looked pale.

"How many generations of Wanshou Taoism have been passed down, haven't you broken down the inheritance here? This is the hard work of the Supreme Master, do you have the heart to let it go?" Gu Hai advised.

Yuan Shi Tianzun was silent for a while, and finally shook his head: "The deity does not care, Wanshou Taoism may have broken the lineage, but the elder brother and the third brother are not awake, the deity can't see it, what's the use? Give deity! "

Gu Hai's face sank.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's will was tenacious enough, and despite his constant persuasion, he remained indifferent.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you have lost. Since you lost, why not leave the opportunity to future generations?" Gu Hai persuaded for the last time.

"Oh, ha ha ha, why leave it to future generations? Gu Hai, the deity doesn't care if you are standing behind the sky. Today, the deity wants you to be lucky, you have to pay if you pay, you have to pay if you do n’t. Decisions will never be compromised! "Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's whole body, once again a burst of chaos Jianqi, a wave of murderous rush to the borderless sky.

"I will never compromise!" Gu Hai also said coldly.

At this moment, Gu Hai lost his patience, and changed ‘I’ to ‘朕’. The word “出” showed that Gu Hai was no longer persuading to use violence to control violence!

"You don't compromise? Well, you don't compromise! Today, I am looking for you Dahan Tianchao, promised the world, you have 80% of the territory, but, what about it? Can your strength be maintained? Ninth Heaven Palace Heavy? Even if there is a trend in the world, you can't keep it! "Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

"Dahan's power in the world? No, I have no intention of using it. If you want to see your power, I will always be there!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh?" Yuan Shitianzun suddenly stared.

What tone is this ancient sea? No luck in the sea of ​​clouds? Do you have that ability?

General Chen, Ye, and even the Six Immortals all showed unexpected colors. In the eyes of the four people, it was absolutely unexpected that Gu Hai dare to challenge Yuanshi Tianzun in this way is to mobilize the power of Dahan, and it is impossible to be Yuanshi Tianzun's opponent.

But what does this ancient sea say? Can you deal with Yuanshi Tianzun without the potential of Dahan? real or fake?

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and looked carefully at Gu Hai again.

"You? No luck? Ha, ha ha ha ha, you?" There was an unbelief in Yuan Shitianzun's eyes.

"The ancient sea is not talented, you can try it!" Gu Hai Shen said.


Suddenly, the chaos sword spirit in front of Yuan Shitian Zun suddenly became irritable, and the sword pointed at the ancient sea together. It seemed that only when Yuan Shi Tianzun gave an order, all the swords were released.

"Slaughter the chaos of the world's chaos? Unfortunately, your Yuanshi sword has been broken, and only these swords are left. The sword's air can't hurt you, and your flesh is already out of reach. So let's stretch your fingers and see you Can Chaos Sword Qi cut through the real body! "Gu Hai poked a finger to the sky.

A finger?

Not only Yuanshi Tianzun, but also the court officials, the six immortals, and the grandmother all looked at each other, this ancient sea is so arrogant. One finger, do you want to deal with Yuanshi Tianzun with one finger? What are you kidding

Especially the six immortals, at this moment, all eyes are full of anger, Gu Hai is looking for death, and Yuanshi Tianzun, who has been severely damaged, is not a finger to you?

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