Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 12: Intentional Fuxi

Take the mouth of the temple!

The minister grabbed his soul and stepped back.

There is a large light curtain at the entrance to the deity hall, which is the image of the generals who had previously cast Dafa and projected the East China Sea.

Although General Chen went to the East China Sea, Long Aotian and others were still taking the temple and watching the picture.

In the picture, Su suddenly appeared, holding Fuxi and Hetu together!

"God, is that really Fuxi? Fuxi was caught?" Long Aotian was surprised.

"He's Fuxi, but trying to catch him is not that easy. Even me, I might not hold him!" Jiang Chen shook his head.

"But there was a sound in this light curtain just now. Isn't Fu Xixiu doing it just because he is not born? He is too weak now, is Heaven Palace ninth?" Long Aotian said blankly.

"You forgot, Fu Xi's deduction ability?" Jiang Chen shook his head.


"Shouxiu, the most powerful thing is not Zengren Shouyuan, but the deduction of the future. In order to grasp the spirit of Fu, Fu Xi can deducate the length of 800,000 years. Do you think that he can not deduct the appearance of Xi? Surely.

"Ah? Then why was he taken away?" Long Aotian was surprised.

"He has his plans!" Jiang Chen looked slightly puzzled.

While talking, he stepped into the Temple of Deprivation.

"I have important things to retreat, and no one should be disturbed!" The voice of generals came from the Temple.


The gate of the hall closed suddenly--

In the underworld, Gu Hai chased the direction in which he left.

This time, he had a contradiction, and Gu Hai didn't want to pull other people in. After all, he was too destructive.

As soon as he entered the underworld, Gu Hai, the skeleton, saw a flash of light in the distance.

Gu Hai chased after the moment, and in a short while came to the land of the South China Sea. At this point, I was actually gone.

"Well, this place?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

This place is so familiar and familiar. Wasn't it an underground blood city? The sea where the heart of the candle dragon is?

"The breath of 妭, Fuxi, and Hetu disappeared here, and they entered the bottom of the sea?" The ancient sea looked slightly.

Stepping into the sea, the ancient sea entered the bottom of the sea, but the pace was too fast, and three of them could not be found for a moment.

The ancient sea suddenly entered the depths of the sea floor, the space underneath the heart of the former candle dragon.

The underground space is still huge, and now it is empty, leaving only tumbling fire magma.

Suddenly, the ancient sea saw a golden dragon scale in the place of the ground fire magma.

"This is the dragon scale on Hetu? It seems that you are really here? What are you looking for?" Gu Hai looked solemnly.

Last time, I didn't take a closer look. I thought that the candle dragon's heart absorbed the fire. There was nothing special, but at this moment it certainly is not that simple.

Gu Hai strode toward the depths of the fire. Earth fires burn earth and rocks to form countless magmas. There are more than ground fires, and the magma area is huge.

Soon, Gu Hai caught up with the center of the fire.

I thought that the ground was getting hotter, but the more it got to the bottom, it became colder. Gradually, the magma disappeared. Instead, it is a strange layer of blood.

A huge sea of ​​blood, the previous ground fire, was actually formed by the energy evaporated from the sea of ​​blood.

How could there be a sea of ​​blood under the ground?

The ancient sea looked around, but the sea of ​​blood is too large, and the sea of ​​blood is surrounded by earth and stones. Occasionally there can be some caves leading to other places. Although only occasionally, the sea of ​​blood is huge. Endless.

There are too many places to fork, and Gu Hai didn't know where to go for a moment.

"Blood? Blood?" Gu Hai's face sank slightly, and suddenly his face brightened.

Stepping on, Gu Hai quickly returned to the original road and returned to the outside sea.

"Chang Ming, come here quickly!" Gu Hai said.

Gu Hai's current strength, where he wants to spread his voice, is a breeze, reaching the ancient capital of Yin in an instant.

Chang Ming is at the headquarters of Xueyiwei, listening to reports from a group of subordinates.

Suddenly, the voice of the ancient sea came, and Chang Ming was suddenly shocked.

"Sir, this is the case, my blood cloak needs to continue ...!" A subordinate asked respectfully.

Chang Ming waved his hand, preventing him from speaking.

"My official wants to go out, and I will continue to discuss it!" Chang Ming stepped out of the hall.

"Sir, these documents need your decision!"


Chang Ming ignored it, and rushed out along the voice of the ancient sea.

Just in an instant, arrived on the South China Sea.

"See you!" Chang Ming said respectfully.

"Follow me!" Gu Hai stepped into the South China Sea.

Chang Ming didn't ask much, and soon arrived at the bottom of the sea. He was surprised that the underground space he came from last time was quickly brought into the magmatic layer, and then reached the blood sea area below the ground.

"This is it?" Chang Ming was surprised.

In surprise, Chang Ming felt his eyes closed for a moment, and suddenly he shivered. The face was horrified.

"Holy, this is the blood of the candle dragon's heart, no, it should be the blood of the candle dragon diluted countless times!" Chang Ming exclaimed with excitement.

"I just grabbed Fuxi and Hetu to enter this place. You repair your blood, can you find the whereabouts of the three of them!" Gu Hai explained.

"Fu Xi?" Chang Ming was surprised.

"Unborn is Fuxi, Fuxi is unborn!" Said Gu Hai.

"Ah?" Chang Ming was startled.

Although surprised, he didn't ask much.

"Try it!" Chang Ming nodded suddenly.

Closing his eyes, Chang Ming sensed the whole sea of ​​blood, and the **** of brows trembled slightly. Chang Ming suddenly opened his eyes.

"How?" Gu Hai asked.

"I don't know what's going on, I suddenly have a familiar feeling!" Chang Ming frowned.

"Familiar? You?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Later on, there are countless passages of blood in all directions. The minister should be able to find it, wait a while!" Chang Ming solemnly said.

"Huh!" Gu Hai nodded--

He grabbed the river map and Fuxi went directly to the underworld, reached the South China Sea, and passed through the ground fire area, directly into the sea of ​​blood.

"Here, where is this? The sea of ​​blood, a big sea of ​​blood!" Although He Tu was scared, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

"Fu Xi, don't you seem to be afraid of me?" Xi looked at Fu Xi with a narrow eyes.

Fuxi's expression was dull and not tense.

"It's already like that, I'm afraid, is it still useful?" Fuxi smiled slightly.

Squinting eyes at Fu Xi: "Do you think I dare not kill you? Is there any fear?"

Fuxi shook his head: "I didn't say you didn't dare to kill me. You should ask me, but you don't want Gu Hai to know your purpose, so you deliberately turned around with Gu Hai?"

"I'm asking for you? Oh, worthy of Fuxi, and you really expected things like this, you also expected this moment? Now that it is deduced, you should know what I am going to do!" Wu looked coldly at Fuxi.

"You tell me, I know!" Fuxi shook his head.

"I want to find the earth's heart and fire, but the sea of ​​blood runs through the world, endless, I searched for days and nights, and there is no end. You know how to calculate, you can deduct good luck, you help me find it!" He groaned.

"Focus on the earth?" Fuxi frowned slightly.

"Why, is there a problem?" Lu said coldly.

"You begged me, not me!" Fuxi smiled slightly.

"Hum, do you think I dare not kill you?" He narrowed his eyes.

"I can deduct fierce luck and help you find the earth's heart and fire. No one in the world can figure it out except me. If you ask me, at least have a begging attitude, let me go first!" Fu Xi laughed .

"Fu Xi, do you really think I dare not touch you?" Xi looked coldly at Fu Xi.

Fuxi smiled slightly: "I have mixed my body, corresponding to sixty-four hexagrams. The whole body can be deduced in good condition. If it is broken, the hexagram does not become a hexagram. I want to help you calculate it, and it can't be calculated!"

Fu Xi is a complete threat. After eating it, I couldn't find my heart.

He stared at Fuxi stubbornly, and finally sneered: "Okay, okay, okay, I don't move you now, it doesn't matter, I move him, okay?"

妭 Suddenly looked at Hetu.

Hetu: "………………!"

"I'm innocent!" Hetu said poorly.

I let go of Fuxi, clutching Hetu with one hand, and tearing with one hand.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

He Tu screamed suddenly. In the scream, a large dragon scale was ripped off, and slammed in all directions.

The dragon scale was torn, and the huge pain made Hetu's tears fall instantly.

"I am really innocent, Dasao. It hurts, master, help!" He Tu watched Fu Ling crying.

Earlier, I knew that I was still beside Long Wanyu, how could I be so unlucky?

When Fuxi saw the pain of Hetu, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

"Fu Xi, not I beg you, but you have to help me find it, now, let's start deduction!" Wu said.

Speaking, tearing again and again.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

He Tu screamed again, and a large dragon scale was torn again.

"Master, I'm going to be scaled, save me!" He Tu wailed.

There is no delusion, and it is self-inflicted. He Tu was distraught.

Why am I so unlucky?

"As soon as the scales are empty, I will unload his claws and horns! Pump his tendons and keels." He threatened.

He Tu's eyes stared, showing a horror. This woman is perverted and she is finished?

"Master, master, please, he doesn't ask you, I ask you, please hurry up, I can't do it, master!" He Tu cried in despair.

Fuxi looked at the river map and looked at him again, and finally smiled bitterly: "You don't have to tear his dragon scales, I will take you away!"

I glanced at Fuxi, and finally nodded.

At the request of Fu Xi, Fu also lifted Fu Xi's prohibition. After all, in Fu's eyes, Fu Xi could not escape his palm at all.

Fuxi waved his hand gently, and his palm seemed to have a pattern of sixty-four hexagrams. The sixty-four hexagrams slowly rotated, very mysterious.

Fuxi pointed in a direction, and he and the two rushed to the sea of ​​blood instantly, entering a channel at the bottom of the sea of ​​blood, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, Gu Hai also found a dragon scale thrown by Xun from the outside, and chased into the sea of ​​blood. Unfortunately, Gu Hai arrived, and the three men had left—

Deep underground, a dark misty area.

Among the dark fog, there was only a faint light. In the light, a humped old man with messy hair was holding a snake-head crutch above his head. At the moment, a lantern was hanging and he was walking slowly.

If Black Impermanence is here, you must know that when you went to the underground blood city to curse the ancient sea, this is the way that the humpbacked old man led. The old man was the guide of the old underground blood city.

Everyone thought he died in the Underground Blood City, but didn't want to, he actually appeared here.

The humped old man slowly walked to a dark hall. Look up.

But I saw that on the plaque of the main hall, there were three big characters, 'Jiuyin Hall'.

"Master!" The old humpback knelt respectfully at the entrance of Jiuyin Hall.

"Come in!" Came a voice from the hall.


The old man with a humpback got up and slowly stepped into the hall.

Inside the main hall, there is a throne, on which is sitting a man with closed eyes. The man is not a stranger, but the Jiuyin ancestor of the former Yen Diankou, who sat on the same level with the generals, and aunt.

I sit on the throne. Seems to be training with eyes closed.

The hump-backed old man knelt down in great respect: "Master, just now, I entered the ground again! And, this time, I seem to have found two helpers!"

Rin didn't open her eyes, but smiled slightly: "It's good to come, now she's sent!"

"Master, she's looking for the earth's spirit, the underground passages are complicated. Would you like to be guided by slaves?" The hump-backed old man respected.

"No need. With her patience, the helper she finds will be extraordinary. She will find the earth's heart and fire. Moreover, when I gave her the magical power, I specified everything in the magical power. Come on her own! "I smiled.

"Yes!" The old humpback respected.

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