Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 18: Five hundred times the power of nothing

The void in the palm is a world of nothingness that the ancient sea came to realize through the Buddha in the palm!

In the past, Zhu Wuwu pursued the ancient sea of ​​skeletons into nothingness, and was completely wiped out when he was applauded by the ancient sea.

At that time, the void in the palm was not perfect. It is much stronger now than it was.

"Holy, they, they are in your palm? That's Yuanshi Tianzun, but that's awkward!" Chang Ming looked at Gu Hai's right palm in surprise.

Gu Hai put away the killing knife and looked at the huge candle Jiuyin in front of her, a pity flashed in her eyes.

Just cast it, but I am going to put it in the palm of my hand together with Zhu Jiuyin.

However, Zhuan Jiuyin stood still and was not affected in the slightest.

"Perhaps this candle has nine shades, may it be really powerful?" Gu Hai flashed.

Looking down into the palms of black air.

"The power of nothingness? This is impossible! No one can manipulate the power of nothingness!" He narrowed his eyes and looked at the power of nothingness in surprise.

During the step, I will bring out the old man with a humpback, and that Yuanshi Tianzun will also hold the Yuanshi sword in a split second.


Gu Hai snorted, and suddenly, the palm of his heart turned quickly.

During the rotation, the black gas seems to condense quickly, and the force of nothingness is increasing in a geometric multiple.

It can be seen that the chaotic sword qi that overflowed from the Yuan Shijian was all decomposed in an instant. The power of horror's disintegration of the nothingness is the three people inside.

"Master, save me!" The old humpback cried in horror.

The hump-backed old man braved countless moths around, resisting the rolling force of decomposition, but, even so, it was too late to see that the hump-backed old man's skin was rapidly melting.

The same is true of Yuanshi Tianzun. The power of emptiness poured into the body, and the hair and clothing of Yuanshi Tianzun disappeared rapidly.

However, Yuan Shi Tian Zun is also extremely fierce. In his hands, Yuan Shi Jian suddenly cut out the mighty power. One sword soared into the sky, as if to tear open this void.

"Huh, two hundred times the power of nothingness is not enough, then condense again, five hundred times!" Gu Hai's eyes glared and he shook his hand suddenly.


There was a sting in the palm that was held, it was the Yuanshi sword! However, Gu Hai could feel that the Yuanshi Sword was quickly decomposed and eliminated.

"Ah!" Yuan Shitianzun screamed from inside.

But under the power of five hundred times nothing, it can't resist. To be buried in emptiness.

The ancient sea surface was overjoyed, but he did not dare to let go, and continued to hold the time for a stick of incense. Constantly agitating the imaginary power of the palm.

After a full incense stick, there was no movement in his hand, and Gu Hai quietly opened his right hand.


But at this moment, a loud noise suddenly opened a big hole in the void.

A blue light burst out instantly.

But it was the moment when the ancient sea opened his palms that I fled.

暝 At this moment, the shawl was circulated, the clothes were torn and ragged, and there were several wounds on his body.

Beneath his dreadful sleeves, there was a dying hump-backed old man.

"What?" Gu Hai's face changed.

A scent of incense, did not die?

But Zhu Wuwu is finished in an instant. How can this persist for so long?

Escaped? Escape can be endless.

Gu Hai stretched out his right hand, ready to come again in the palm of nothingness.

"Zhu Jiuyin, Three Thousand Avenues!" Wu suddenly sang loudly.


But looking at that candle Jiuyin, she opened her mouth suddenly.

As soon as the mouth opened, a horrible suction went straight to the ancient sea and Changming.

The void in the palm of the ancient sea also produces a suction, but the suction in the palm of the void is not comparable to the large mouth of Zhu Jiuyin.

When the mouth opened, the suction was vast, and Gu Hai and Chang Ming couldn't resist it.


At a sip, Gu Hai and Chang Ming were sucked into the mouth of Zhu Jiuyin.


The whole cave suddenly became quiet.

The hawk shed his hair, and he stood on the top of Zhu Jiuyin's head in a trembling, panting a few breaths in surprise.

It ’s so dangerous, it ’s really so dangerous just now. If there were no candles and nine shades, we would have a big heel in Gu Hai ’s hands today.

"Master, the power of nothingness is horrible just now. If you did n’t use Yuan Shitian Zun to stand in front of us, maybe, we will ... Fortunately, there is a master who uses Yuan Shitian Zun to block the force that breaks us down. The power of nothingness. But Yuanshi Tianzun, it was completely eliminated. If we wait for a while, we are all in danger! "The humpbacked old man was in doubt.

"Huh! It's really dangerous. I underestimated the people in the world." There was a feeling of the rest of his life in his eyes.

"They were eaten by Zhu Jiuyin, will they also escape?" The humpbacked old man was a little worried.

"In the belly of Zhu Jiuyin, there is a heaven and earth oven. They only have to wait for death, and they will soon be refined!" There was a chill in his eyes.

"That's good, that's good!" The old humpback exclaimed.

"Three thousand avenues, nine candles in the candlestick, ovens in the heavens and the earth, calcination of demons!" I yelled loudly.


Zhu Jiuyin's belly came with a roaring sound, but they were burning the skull Gu Hai and Chang Ming.

The ancient sea and Chang Ming were swallowed into the stomach, naturally attracting the strongest force to attack, I do not know whether it was a flame or a liquid, washing the two, and immediately made them feel corroded and burned. Incomparably domineering.

But this is hardly the ancient sea.

When Gu Hai waved his hand, a rush of nothingness emerged, resisting the strange forces around him.

Although resisted, the consumption of nothingness is extremely horrible.


Gu Hai and Chang Ming seemed to be lit with three thousand lights, as if the three thousand avenues were forming an oven. The two were being calcined, consuming the nothingness.

"Build a heaven and earth oven with three thousand roads? A candle and nine shades!" Gu Hai's face sank.

At this moment, under the great power of Zhu Jiuyin's body, Gu Hai even had difficulty in acting.

However, Gu Hai naturally couldn't sit still, holding a knife in his hand, and wanted to move little by little.

"Holy, me, I heard the voice of Zhu Jiuyin again!" Chang Ming suddenly surprised.

"Huh?" Gu Hai looked at Changming in doubt.

But he saw that Chang Ming actually extended his hand out of the scope of the power of nothingness to touch the power of the oven on that day.

"Be careful!" Gu Hai cried.

However, after Chang Ming just stretched out his arm, the arm did not corrode and calcinate by the force of the heaven and earth oven, but seemed to become transparent.

"This is it?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Holy, I feel that I can form a reaction with Zhu Jiuyin, it seems to have something to say to me!" Chang Ming said with a hint of expectation.

"what did you say?"

"Chu Jiuyin seems to have a touch of spirituality. I can establish contact with it. It needs my help!" Chang Ming said.

Gu Hai looked surprised at Changming.

Is there any relationship between Zhu Jiuyin and Chang Ming?

Gu Hai pondered for a moment, and nodded: "Okay, I must have thought that we were buried in the candlestick, and then you sensed and waited for you!"

"Yes!" Chang Ming smiled.

But the next moment, Chang Ming's face changed: "Holy, the strength in the candle nine's body does not hurt me, but to you ...!"

"I still insist on staying, you continue to sense it! Candle Jiuyin seems to have a mighty power, if you can, it is best to have it!" Gu Hai looked forward.

"Yes!" Chang Ming suddenly stepped out of the ancient sea's protection circle, fully absorbed in the power of the heaven and earth oven, closed his eyes, and sensed the connection established by Zhu Jiuyin with him.

Gu Hai also sat cross-legged, waiting patiently.

Chang Ming had this great fortune, and Gu Hai was also happy for him. Although the power of nothingness would consume countless things, he would be able to make up for it in the future when he returned to nothingness. Gu Hai was not in a hurry.

Moreover, the ancient sea itself is also on its way at this moment.

For 暝, deal with it slowly! ——

In the cave.

Zhu Jiuyin slowly fell asleep again.

I glanced at Zhu Jiuyin's abdomen and secretly sighed. It was really dangerous just now.

"I failed to refine the candle Jiuyin a day, and one day it will be a variable. Now, give me a hard look at the place where you are, and if necessary, guide her and find a lot of hearts and minds!" Wu Shensheng ordered.

"Yes, my master, my moth, has been watching!" The humpbacked old man respected.

I nodded and looked at the dead corpse of poisonous ice toads for many months, taking a breath.


The bodies of the rolling moon poison ice toad were all swallowed into the mouth and swallowed.

These Jiuyin Zong disciples have become a gluttonous ration.

The old man with a humpback was on the side, but did not dare to talk.

"The disciples of Jiuyin Sect are all my family members. Since they are dead, there is no need to waste them, but your slaves are really lucky, but none of them is dead!" Said Leng coldly.

"Thanks to the master Hongfu!" The hump-backed old man respected.

"Notify all the minions in the other underground palaces, all come back!" Shen Shen said.

"Yes, I'll let you know right away!" The humpbacked old man respectfully said.

"Huh!" I nodded.

暝 Gently flicked the robe, but saw that the worn-out robe was quickly repaired intact, and the injuries on his body were recovering quickly with the naked eye. The long hair gradually became soft and flowing.

"In case of an accident, I'll wait here, and there is Zhu Jiuyin. At any moment, I can stand invincible, just waiting for the day of Huahua to come!" I slowly sat cross-legged on the dragon's faucet. Above.

"Yes!" The old humpback respected and worshipped, and then quickly retreated—

Under the ground, a place where the heart is energetic.

I once again swallowed a sun-like terrestrial fire. At this moment, the spherical flame enchantment around the body was getting thicker and thicker, and the outline became clearer and more eye-like.

"Mr. Fu Xi, let's go to the next place!" He looked at Fu Xi.

At this moment, Fuxi looked at the sixty-four hexagrams with beating palms and frowned slightly.

"Master, what's wrong?" He Tu curiously said.

"I calculated a hexagram just now and found that Gu Hai arrived at Jiuyinzong ahead of time!" Fuxi frowned.

"He? How could he find it?" Wu surprised.

"It's not clear. The hexagram is very vague. Forget it, don't think about it. Gu Hai can go there. It's also a great help to us. At least, that cricket made me calculate very hard. He is very dangerous!" Fuxi said in a sigh.

"Sir, don't you say that with me, can you get back to your peak? Now that you have calculated the future, what else do you have to worry about?" He laughed.

"No, the future is changeable. Otherwise, I didn't need to set the overall situation in order to seize the soul of the uncle. We also have the possibility of victory this time, as well as the possibility of failure, not careless!" Fuxi shook his head.

He frowned slightly and nodded solemnly: "Teached!"

"Come on, go to the next place!" Fu Xi pointed in one direction.

"call out!"

The three men quickly passed through the tunnel.

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