Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 21: Dragon Warring States return

This is the second more! ——

There are cracks on the face of Hook, the seeds of the zombies in the water system above his head, and he is devoting all his efforts. He hooked the water of the East China Sea with suicide, and poured himself into the sky, ready to drown nearly as many Wancheng ponds!

The flood of water that flooded countless galaxies, the massive flood of despair.

Suddenly, was a gourd inhaled into the ancient sea?

The East China Sea was emptied instantly, and only some fish were struggling under the sea. The waters of the South China Sea and the North Sea were pouring down, making up for the vacancy in the East China Sea.


In a forest.

"Lord, I said, this ancient sea is invincible, we still don't mess with him anymore, he is even more terrible than Yuanshi Tianzun!" Hei Wuchang said with his original fright.

"Water of the East China Sea? But it is the water of the East China Sea. Why is the gourd so capable?" Bai Wuchang exclaimed in surprise.

Bai Zilai was silent for a while. There was also a sway in my heart, on the one hand, the fairy, and on the other, the invincible ancient sea. now…….

Sky without borders.

"Putting a gourd? No wonder it's called a dressing gourd, so much water in the East China Sea that can be tiled down to even cover the entire land of Shenzhou. Actually, all the gourds are loaded?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"How big is the internal space of the gourd?" Chen Xianer also exclaimed.

Land of the East China Sea.

Jing Wei and others looked at the countless islands like a mountain peak, and they were also shocked.

Just now, everyone was desperate. Although the floods are not harmful to everyone, once the floods wash over Shenzhou, how many civilians will be drowned.

Covering the sky, going up into the starry sky, and descending into the earth, as if the waters of the world, there is a sense of powerlessness at a glance.

But, on this big water, was it suddenly collected by the ancient sea?

Everyone was dismayed, and there seemed to be great excitement in their hearts.

Only a tick.

Looking at his own moves with the same goal, he was instantly resolved by the ancient seas, leaving only despair in his eyes.

"How could this be? How could this be?" Wu Gou panicked in trembling.

The first time that the ancient sea was faced was in Huangquanhai, and Hougo didn't look at the ancient sea at that time. At that time, he thought that a blood elder elder could destroy him.

The second face of the ancient sea was in Dongling Huohai. The ancient sea could actually compete with Jiang Lianshan's Vulcan and show its strength, but it made Wu Hou alert.

The third time, now, Hou Go saw a deep sense of weakness from Gu Hai.

I have all gone together, but the ancient sea has been lightly resolved?

"Is the sky going to perish my Wu clan, my Wu clan, doomed to be overthrown?" Wu Gou said with despair.

"What are you looking at? You haven't won yet?" Gu Hai shouted with a load of gourds.


The ancient sea yelled loudly. Everyone stunned and suddenly rushed to the hook. At this moment, Jingwei, Xingtian and Houyi were all screaming.

Suddenly, everyone rushed to the hook.

How much energy is there at the moment when Donggou has been exhausted by the hook?


Jing Wei shot it with a palm, and suddenly Gou hit an island peak.

"She's gone?" Jing Wei smirked on his face, and flew over.

Suddenly, the hook was held by Jingwei, and quickly blocked the strength of the whole body, and wrapped with fire to prevent his healing from recovering.

"Catch it, thank you, Dahan!" Jing Wei grasped the hook and immediately thanked him.

"Thank you, Dahan!" Houyi and Xingtian also said.

Gu Hai looked at the three and nodded: "Don't have to thank him, I'll give you a gift!"

"Ah?" Everyone didn't know why.

"Three still go back to the DPRK first, soothe the congregation, wait for the return of the concubine, and then discuss!" Gu Hai said to the three.

The three looked at Gu Hai, and finally nodded. From the words of Gu Hai, you can hear that there must be some misunderstanding between Gu Hai and Xun. When Xun was absent, Gu Hai did not want to go too deep into the exchanges with the courtiers, and decided only when Xun returned.

The three left instantly.

Gu Han and others also quickly approached Gu Hai.

"Holy Father, is the water in the East China Sea filled with this gourd?" The ancient man exclaimed.

A lot of powerful people are naturally surprised by this gourd, but that is the water of Nuo Da East China Sea, and it actually has this little gourd? Even the ordinary "Little Fairy Sky" cannot be achieved.

More than that, the ancient dome of the ancient sea can no longer hold the water of the East China Sea.

But this little gourd did it.

"Hey let it out now, and you protect it all around!" Gu Hai said.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"Let's go!" Gu Haiyi urged to install a gourd.


For a while, the water of the East China Sea poured down and fell towards the depressed East China Sea.

As soon as it fell, countless floods suddenly overflowed.

However, the overflow at this moment is within the capabilities of a group of strong men.

Kong Xuan's wings flickered, causing a strong wind to blow the overflowing water back.

The black mosquitoes of the mosquitoes, the scorpion tail of the **** scorpion and the scorpion of the **** scorpion, and the water control ability of the queen lady, the dragon **** stampedly casts the wall, and quickly throws water into the east sea.

After being busy for a long time, the East China Sea finally recovered, but there were countless waves, and it was not a short time to be calm.

"Go back!" Gu Hai ordered.


"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Everyone stepped, rushing to the borderless sky. In a blink of an eye to the entrance to the sky.

"Brother-in-law, your pretend gourd, lend me a look, I haven't seen it yet!" Long Wanyu cried suddenly.

Gu Hai put the huge gourd in the hands of Long Wanyu: "Thank you for reminding me, this gourd is called gourd? Isn't it the 15th in the ancient 16th magic weapon?"

Long Wanyu gently sensed: "What a big space, my consciousness, can't actually go to the end, it is indeed the magic weapon of the candle dragon! Pretend to be a gourd!"

"The magic weapon of the candle dragon?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Yes, brother-in-law, you are so lucky. I thought that the pretend gourd was completely broken!" Long Wanyu sighed and returned the gourd.

"Well, now that you're saying terrific, I won't divide it back into five!" Gu Haishou collected it.


The pretend gourd suddenly entered the ancient sea and was carried on its back by Vulcan.

"Fu Jun, did you give it to the grandma? Then she still has the seeds of the zombie ancestor in the water!" Chen Xian'er frowned.

Gu Hai was silent for a while and said, "This Fuxi resurrection, after all, what I did was not appropriate. This stubborn trick is also considered as a gift of sacrifice!"

"Okay!" The girls nodded.

"There's something going wrong under the ground. I want to go over and help!" Gu Hai looked at the crowd.

"Condition? Husband, your avatar is over there, isn't it enough? Isn't there 妭 and my dad?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

"This shit, it's not easy! I have to go in person!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Father, baby go with you!"

"Holy Lord, I will go with you!"

"Holy, willing to go!"




A crowd of heavenly palace strongmen rushed to the battle.

"No, you stay in the center to prevent mutation!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes!" The crowd was helpless for a while.

"Dragon God!" Gu Hai looked at Dragon God.

"Chen is here!" The dragon **** suddenly blinked his eyes, thinking that he would take himself to the holy place.

"On your house, keep a treasure. During your absence, you will help me to protect you!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Eh? Yes!" Dragon God nodded blankly.

treasure? What treasure?

Although others were curious, Gu Hai didn't explain to others and it was not easy to probe.

"I'll be back soon!" Gu Hai said to the crowd again.

"Huh!" The crowd nodded with anxiety.

The ancient sea stepped to the valley of Yinyang, one step into the underworld, and then quickly moved towards the south sea of ​​the underworld.

Everyone watched Gu Hai leave, and a flash of worry and blessing flashed in his eyes.

After all, how difficult it is for the skeleton and the ancient sea to be unsure.

However, Dragon God said goodbye to everyone and immediately returned to his mansion.

"Master?" The steward watched Dragon Shenxi curiously.

"Have you been here before?" Dragon God asked.

"No?" The steward said blankly.

Dragon God frowned slightly. The steward was at a loss, indicating that the Holy Lord had never been here before, but since the Holy Lord had emphasized, the family must be different.

"Okay, it's okay, you go down!" Dragon God said lightly.

"Yes!" The housekeeper nodded in doubt.

Dragon gods step into the house. Taking a closer look at the Quartet, I suddenly saw a hall in the center.


This is the largest palace of the Dragon God's Mansion. This palace is never used by Dragon Gods, and people are not allowed to approach. As a filial son, the gods have been carefully preparing the temple.

At this moment, the gate of Gandian was closed tightly.

Long Shenzhang remembered that the gate of Gandian was always open, and no one was allowed to approach, how could it be closed?

Suddenly, Long Shenyu thought of a possibility. In his heart, he immediately went to Gandian quickly.

At the entrance of Gan Dian, Long Shenyi pushed the door with his hands. He was a little nervous and didn't dare to push hard.

"Wait? Not coming in yet?" A voice came from Gandian.

The voice was not loud, but Dragon God shivered, his eyes were reddish, and he was extremely excited.


Dragon God pushed the door open. But inside the hall, a figure was sitting on a sofa, looking at the volumes of books.

"Father, father!" The dragon **** shouted suddenly.

The dragon **** shivered into the hall and closed the door suddenly. Fear that everything in the hall was exposed.

Holding the scroll in his hand was the Dragon Warring States.

The Dragon Warring States wore a suit and leather shoes that were extremely shiny. On the side was a business coat that was taken off and looked extremely casual.

"Father, you, when are you coming back? Baby, baby gave the father a hoe!" Long Shenxi stepped forward in excitement and wanted to kneel immediately.

The Dragon Warring States smiled slightly, and a force held up the Dragon God.

"Forget it, you don't have to kneel, and you don't have to be so nervous. Since Gu Hai turned his face with Liudao Xianren, I don't need to help him hide it anymore. Outsiders know that I'm still alive, it doesn't matter much!" Smiled.

"Yes, father!" Long Shenzhen said with excitement.

"The Great Heavenly Palace is complete? Yes, following Gu Hai these years, it is not nothing!" Long Zhanguo laughed.

"The child is dull, all thanks to the holy blessing!" Dragon God chuckled.

"Of course, don't be too proud of it. Gu Hai's son, who has recently made great progress, must catch up with you, or it won't be too long. You must work hard and don't embarrass Lao Tzu!" Long Zhanguo laughed.

"Ah? Father, which prince are you talking about?" Dragon God said blankly.

"It's not a prince, it's Gu Hai's own son, Gu Taiji. I practiced for a few days in the main **** space, and now it's a good practice. Some time ago, Shen Wu also fought with him. The pick-up broke through! "Explained the Dragon Warring States.

"Ah? Gu Taiji is almost the same as the third brother?" Long Shenxi was surprised.

Dragon Warring States nodded: "I will come back soon, time is too late, ancient Tai Chi will return, you may all fight side by side."


"I just looked at the information that Guhai gave me. The whole world is now almost divided up by the Dahan Heavenly Kingdom, the Dalai Heavenly Dynasty, and the Heavenly Demon Holy Land? What's the matter, tell me!" Dragon Warring States curiously said.


PS: After two changes, my friend's house moved to a banquet, and he went to a banquet today. Updated in advance, today is gone!

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