Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 28: Divide Candle Nine Yins

Geocentric Space!

All my consciousness was completely consumed by the void in the palm of the ancient skull.

"Boom Kaka Kaka!"

暝 Before he died, he even broke the candle Jiuyin, and even if he could not enjoy it, he would not let anyone get it.

Candle Nine suddenly broke up.


The will of sentient beings and heavenly will collided for the last time, and then there was no stalemate. Fuxi waved his hand, and He Tu suddenly fell from his life line, cut off the connection with the atmosphere and the sea, and completely cut off the surge of sentient will. Come.

As soon as Hetu became agitated, he suddenly became sober, but at the moment Hetu was weak and slumped to the ground.

"Master, is it finally over?" He Tu said indignantly.

Fuxi ignored it, but urged Shouzhen again.


At the moment when Shou Zhen was bright, the river chart was a stimulus of conditioned reflection.

"Also? No!" He Tu exclaimed.

He Tu thought it was going to be unlucky again. The result was a fright, his eyes rolled, and he fainted again.

However, this time Fu Xi did not toss the river map any more, but swept his hand, a huge array of life, like a large golden net, rushing towards the candle Jiuyin.

Fuxi jumped, stepped on the Shou Zhen big net, and rushed to Zhu Jiuyin.


After being broken, Zhu Jiuyin's body collided with various forces and exploded instantly.

Above the back, three thousand inverted roads, trembling, seem to collapse. At the same time, six dragon ghosts of different colors emerged from the body.

"Three thousand inverted roads are the three souls of Zhu Jiuyin? These six colorful dragons are the six souls of Zhu Jiuyin?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"The ancient sea and the urn, the candle nine yin collapses, and its three souls and seven souls are about to disappear, so take advantage of this opportunity to quickly collect!" Fuxi yelled loudly.

I finally managed to control the body.


With a loud noise, I suddenly stepped out of the left eye socket of Zhu Jiuyin, and was still shining in anger, turning to look at Zhu Jiuyin's right eye.

Above the right eye is the eye of the flesh, visible to the naked eye, a huge ice-colored toad.

Seeing his body, his face was annoyed. Since Li Tianchao, he has never experienced such an atmosphere.


Opening his mouth, he took a swift sip, took the ice-colored toad into his mouth, took a sip and swallowed the flesh.


The body of the toad's ice toad contains no less chill than the fire intent, and suddenly a layer of frost and snow emerges from the body's surface.

However, because of the coldness, I also suppressed my anger, and I instantly calmed down countlessly.

"Two, Zhu Jiuyin and Three Souls, I want them to restore their strength. You three souls are all fulfilled, naturally you don't need such nourishment, I'm not polite!" Fuxi shouted loudly.


The golden net that Shoujin turned into was a package wrapped upside down on Three Thousand Avenue.


Those roads to be disintegrated are bound up by Shou Zhen instantly.

At this moment, Fuxi was the first to compete for the three souls.

Neither Guhai nor Jiu were obstructed. Although they all knew that the three souls of Zhu Jiuyin would be extremely powerful. Even if they practiced in this way, they would also be Dabu. However, no one fought with Fu Xi.

Because this time, Fuxi's output is also the largest. If it is not Fuxi, Xi has been ridiculed. If it was not for Fuxi to restrain, even if the ancient sea came, it would be too late. Zhu Jiuyin is 10% invincible, and no one can beat it.

Fu Xi's life array, wrapped in three thousand avenues, suddenly shrank.


Three thousand avenues wrapped up Fuxi, and immediately condensed into a cocoon with colorful streamers. Fuxi was inside, and quickly absorbed the three souls of Zhu Jiuyin.

I swallowed my flesh, chilled all over, and turned to look at the six colorful dragons.

That is the six souls of Zhu Jiuyin, which contains the infinite power of Candle Jiuyin. The six souls of Candle Dragon correspond to the six reincarnations. The six souls of Zhujiu Yin can link at least six reincarnations, and there are also six reincarnations.

I want to get it, but still look at the ancient sea.

"We want the seventh spirit, the flesh!" Gu Hai looked at him.

Gu Hai's opening was considered to have completely divided the body of Zhu Jiuyin, looked at Gu Hai, and nodded.


With a loud roar, I once again swallowed at the six colorful dragons.

"Boom! Boom!" ...

One giant colorful dragon was swallowed into the mouth.

妭 The whole body also emits countless colorful lights, and the whole body breathes, and the countless gravels are swung away instantly.

The ancient sea ontology did not take action.

Candle Jiuyin's body was broken and opened, and the ancient skulls and Chang Ming were exposed.

"Chang Ming, quickly, charge Zhu Jiuyin seventh spirit!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Ah? Me?" Chang Ming stared in surprise.

How strong is Zhu Jiuyin's seventh spirit? Not to mention the volition of the heavens formed by the Three Thousand Avenues. At least there is no one here. Nobody can compare it, but that is the embryonic form of the seventh soul of the candle dragon. In other words, it is also the crystallization of Zhu Jiuyin's consciousness, even if it has been refined, but there must be some inheritance of Candle Dragon inside.

Give yourself to the Holy Ghost?

"Hurry up, once Zhu Jiuyin and the seventh spirit collapse, it will be useless!" Gu Hai commanded.

Chang Ming looked at Gu Hai, and was extremely grateful: "Yes!"

Chang Ming suddenly rushed to Zhu Jiuyin's brows.


Zhu Jiuyin's eyebrow flew out a white long dragon ghost, which is its seventh soul. Chang Ming instantly merged into it, merged with the white dragon, and suddenly burst out countless bats, wrapping himself and the white dragon ghost inside.

Hundreds of millions of bats helped Chang Ming to quickly absorb the rolling power. The seventh spirit of Zhu Jiuyin is a rare treasure in the world.

Chang Ming swallowed the candle and nine Yin seventh spirit. The ancient sea of ​​skeletons waved his hands, and the black gas rushed out.

In the dark air, countless small skulls were quickly biting at the corpse of Zhu Jiuyin.

These broken corpses were all from the candle dragon.

In the underground blood city, Jiuding is transformed by the candle dragon's bones. However, the part of the candle dragon bone represented by Jiuding is a **** here.

Jiuding is the remnant of useless bones donated by Xun. This candle Jiuyin is most of Xun's collection. Where can we compare?

Not only bones, but also flesh and blood, as well as dragon horns, claws, are all left by the candle dragon.

Can't put together a candle Jiuyin?

No, it is scattered in this way, but it helps the ancient sea of ​​skeletons so that it can be absorbed and divided.


The ancient sea of ​​skulls felt the rolling force pouring into the body. The last time, it can make a big breakthrough in physical fitness, this time more natural breakthroughs.

Skeleton Guhai feels that if these canthosaurus fragments are swallowed, the container of the flesh and body will be filled with nothingness, at least a hundredfold, no, more than a thousandfold.

饕餮 feast. Take what you need.

In a blink of an eye, the cave was illuminated by the light emitted by everyone.

The ancient sea itself stepped in the cave, but defended the law for everyone.

He Tu, who had just been fainted, woke up slowly.

When he woke up, Hetu saw everything inside.

"Chu Jiuyin was divided into corpses? On the ancient saint, we won? Did you win?" He Tu asked with excitement in his weakness.

Gu Hai turned his head, looked at the river map, and nodded: "Yeah, win, I have already stunned, the three souls of Zhu Jiuyin are absorbed by Fuxi Refining, and the right eye and Liu Po ​​of Zhu Jiuyin I am absorbed in refining, my physical body is being refined, and the seventh spirit is being refined by Changming. "

"Then what?" He Tu stared at Gu Hai, staring.

"What then?" Gu Hai wondered.

"What then?" He Tu's eyes were covered with a grievous mist of water.

Guhai still doesn't understand.

"You, you, have you divided up the candlestick and the ninth? Are you all divided up?" He Tu burst into tears.

"Yeah, the division is over, what's wrong? What do you mean then?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Then what about mine? What about mine?" He Tu cried angrily.


"I, mine! I was almost stunned by the will of all beings just now. I worked for destruction. I died for all sentient beings. There is no merit and some hard work. Why not give me points, why not Give it to me, mine, then mine! "He Tu growled angrily.

"You just passed out!" Gu Hai said truthfully.

Hetu: "……………………!"

I fainted and you forgot me and left me? The river map is even more sad.

"You are too much, I fainted, and forgot me, mine, and mine, how can I be so unlucky! Wow!" He Tu burst into tears.

At this moment, all the grievances within Hetu broke out.

Why is it my own luck? Why is it my luck?

He Tu was crying in sorrow, and that crying heartbreaking made the world move!

"Well, don't cry, this is still a bit!" Gu Hai said.

"What?" He Tu lamented.

"This humpbacked old man, it seems like a moth monster, was chopped and the corpse is still there, you see, it has now become a moth corpse, so huge, it is still shining, it must be a great tonic No, you try! "Said Gu Hai, pointing at the huge moth carcass.

Zhu Jiuyin can't get less than one, but only one moth? He Tu's grievances broke out again.

"You don't want it? Don't forget it, the uncle's avatar, swallow it all together!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"No, I want it, I want it, and no one wants to rob me. This is for my life!" He Tu opened his mania suddenly, swallowing the halves of the moth carcass in one gulp.

Tears while eating.

I ’m so wronged, I ’m so unlucky, I ’ve done so much, and I only eat one moth in the end?

The more I eat, the more I feel sad, and the more I want to be sad. Why are you so unlucky?


Suddenly, the space in the center of the earth trembled slightly, and some broken stones fell above the head.

The ancient sea looked up.

"Not good, this geocentric space is going to collapse! Let's go out soon!" Gu Hai's face sank.

Inside, Fuxi, Xi, and Changming all reached the most critical moment of refining. The little skulls of the black mist spilled from the ancient sea of ​​the skulls had eaten less than one ten thousandth of the gravel of the candle. In sight, the cave was about to collapse.

Gu Hai made an immediate decision and explored a move.


The ancient immortal dome opened, and all the people were put into it instantly.

"call out!"

Stepping on, Gu Hai swept quickly through the tunnel that everyone came along.

The moment Gu Gu left with everyone.


The earth, rocks, and magma falling from above instantly buried the cave.

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