Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 9 Chapter 50: Invincible ancient sea

A pair of meat palms blocking the palm of the road?

Nearly all the strong men in the world are fluffy.

Earlier, the borderless heaven and capital had prepared for sacrifice, but at this moment, the return of the Holy Spirit was naturally ecstatic. After the ecstasy, only the cold air was left.

This is the palm of the road, the power of three thousand roads. Obstructed by a pair of holy palms?

The starry sky is even more shrinking. Some can't believe it.

"Impossible, Three Thousand Avenues, but the might of the three souls of the candle dragon, was actually blocked? He couldn't do it!" He stared at the fierce ancient sea, revealing a hint of haze.

Outside Cangjie.

Just now, when the six immortals slayed the slaughter with one palm, the realm of Cangjie Mansion broke open instantly.

At that time, when Gu Hai was walking out with three people, that strong breath, even Long Aotian was shaking. General Chen also showed a look of surprise.

Because, the breath of Gou Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng is okay, but the breath of the ancient sea has instantly made Jiangchen know that its breakthrough is huge.

This huge breakthrough cannot be known intuitively, but Jiang Chen knows it very well, and the ancient sea at this moment is very strong.

Until just now, Gu Hai used a pair of meat palms to block the palm of the avenue, and Jiang Chen finally knew how strong he was.

"God, me, me, am I seeing an illusion? Is this true? Gu Hai blocked the Three Thousand Avenues solely by the flesh? This is impossible. The three thousandth Avenues are invincible!" Long Aotian was shocked. Road.

"Who says that Three Thousand Avenues is invincible?" Shen Chen said.


"Three thousand avenues are just the three souls of the candle dragon. Although the heavens and earth, although extremely powerful, are only three souls, they are only part of the candle dragon. The power of the candle dragon surpasses the three thousand avenues. Alas, it can also block three Thousand Avenues! "Shen Chen said.

"Ah?" Long Aotian appeared blank.

"I can also block the Three Thousand Avenues!" Jiang Chen flashed a firm voice in his eyes.

"Ah?" Long Aotian looked at the general in shock.

In the distance, Guhai did it.

A pair of fleshy palms stood against the palm of the avenue, his face staring openly and looking at the fairy in the distance.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, the most important group of people themselves will be destroyed.

I am now dead, and I am dead?

"Six Immortals? But I told you, Dahan, you stepped in once, and you cut you once!" Said the ancient sea surface.

"Impossible, Gu Hai, you, can you stop me by virtue of your body alone? Impossible!" Exclaimed the six immortals.


The ancient sea roared suddenly.

The hands holding on to the palm of the avenue suddenly burst violently.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~!"

The huge avenue palm was suddenly torn apart by the ferocious force of the ancient sea.


There are countless officials and people in the borderless sky. When they saw Gu Haisheng tearing the palm of the road, they all roared and excited.

This is the Holy Greatness of the Great Han.

What about the fairy's palm? The Holy Spirit can tear it apart.

"Impossible, how can you strengthen so much? The gods are consummated? You have already fulfilled the gods?" The six immortals stared at Gu Hai in shock.

"Yes, the gods have been completed, so six, you should die!" Said Gu Hailu.

At the moment, Gu Hai shouted throughout the world.

"Dalai Tianchao people, I, Guhai is out of customs. This time, I saved Dahan by destroying the country. The ancient sea was late and I couldn't treat him. I killed the immortal to revenge!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


The voice of the ancient sea instantly spread across the world of the sun.

The Dalai Lama dynasty, the Dalai Lama people who were originally sorrowful and sorrowful, suddenly looked up and looked in the direction of Wudu Tiandu.

Although it is not so clear, Gu Hai's identity can be determined.

"Kill the demon!"

"I beseech the Dahan to slay the immortals and take revenge on the saint!"

"Kill the fairy!"




A sorrow sounded in the east.

The ancient sea tore the palm of the avenue, stepped out, and headed straight for the six immortals.

Gu Hai's first hand did scare the six immortals. The Six Immortals suddenly backed up countlessly.

"Gu Hai, the gods cannot be so strong in perfection. How on earth did you do that?" The six immortals exclaimed.

In anger, especially not convinced of the strength of the ancient sea just now, another palm of the avenue banged.


The vast palm seems to have the power to destroy the world.

Gu Hai turned his hands, with an extra Pangu axe in his hand.

"Cut!" Gu Hai shouted.


The axe light suddenly illuminates the heavens and the earth, and the momentum of opening up the world suddenly greets the palm of the road.

At this moment, the ancient sea has been able to fully implement the Pangu axe. There is no need to mobilize the trend of the past. With its physical body now, it can actually give out the pangu axe power.

The mighty mighty power seemed to split the heavens and the earth apart, the axe light soared to the sky, and the endless stars shattered instantly.

The gigantic avenue palm exploded and burst open. The remaining waves hit the immortal.


Immortal flew upside down suddenly, a large piece of blood burst out of her chest.

"No, no, it's impossible, how can the axe have so much power?" Exclaimed the six immortals.

With a wave of hands, this time, it wasn't the palm of the road, but the three thousand roads swarmed towards the ancient sea, and seemed to block the ancient sea.


Pangu axe came out, a avenue of virtual shadows chopped in half.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The sky axe out, the sky is falling apart, one by one, the avenues of the road are continuously chopped and opened.

These avenues are the ghosts of the avenue. They are gathered together with strength, but now, in front of the Pangu axe in the ancient sea, they are like rags, one after another.

The ancient sea is getting closer and closer to the immortals.

"Opening the axe? Is it so powerful? The avenue is in front of it, as if it was a piece of clothes?" The distant general minister's eyes were surprised.

"No, no, this is not a sky axe, it is a Pangu axe, the Pangu ax over there?" The stare on the starry sky froze suddenly.

Suddenly, she stared at Gu Hai with a stare in her eyes, and a look of horror flashed in her eyes.

"It's impossible for anyone to urge Pangu axe. Lao Tzu can't do it. It's not because he can't reach this power, but Pangu axe doesn't listen to Lao Tzu and Shakyamuni. Can't cast at will, Pan Gu axe will only recognize one person, this person is Pan Gu? "Su suddenly looked ugly.

Staring at the ancient sea below.

Holding the axe in his hand, God blocked the killing of God, Buddha blocked **, singing all the way, killing the Six Immortals, even if they have a avenue? What about Sanqian Avenue?

In front of Pangu axe, everything is like ragged clothes.

The power of the three thousand avenues that the six immortals are proud of is just so ridiculous. Disruption Avenue, who is fighting?

The ancient sea is getting closer and closer to the Six Immortals.

The Six Immortals also showed a shocking look.


The Six Immortals think about their original anti-sky, their original self, but how many twists and turns, and how many plots they used. Deceiving the whole world, exhausted their hearts, and even destroyed the nine bodies before killing the fairy.

Moreover, even if the sky is deceived out of the heavens, both defeats will be hurt, and the consequences will be endless.

But today, the ancient sea is also against the sky.

Gu Hai's anti-sky is too scary.

Not many conspiracies. Only strength!

That terrifying strength!

Axe out and destroy everything.

What about the fairy? cut!

What about the avenue? cut!

Three thousand Avenue? Cut it all!

The situation is like a bamboo shoot, and it will be cut in front of the eyes.

The six immortals showed a deep regret.

What kind of pervert did you cause?

Ancient sea? If he had known that he was so perverted, he would have killed him before, at all costs.

Let him become a climate, this climate is his own end?


I do not know how much ancient sea power.

Once the breakthrough, it immediately reached its peak.

The same is true of the gods. How is the fulfillment of the gods of others different from the fulfillment of the gods of the ancient sea?

The white gods and the black and white impermanence of the borderless heavens are the gods' consummation. At this moment, they look silly.

At this moment, the three deeply realized the kindness of Gu Hai.

Gu Haixi ** forced himself to surrender, and he was definitely showing great compassion.

I am also the gods, and so is the ancient sea, but compared to the ancient seas, my gods are perfect!

As soon as the ancient sea **** power came out, the world shook.

The generals were shocked.

The fierce and invincible situation, even if the generals feel inaccurate, of course, generals are more happy.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, okay, ancient sea, no wonder Cangjie died for you, you will surely become your enemy, your enemy!" General Chen shouted with excitement.

Above the stars.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at Gu Hai constantly. After being shocked, he was silent for a while, then trembled with anger again.

"Pangu? Pangu? You, an old, immortal thing, aren't you dead?" His face was exposed, his eyes flashed with horror.

Qiongxian Qiong, in the past, only Pangu was the existence of Jiu fear. Of course, in the end, under Kui ’s efforts, everything in Pangu was captured by Pan, and Pangu was destroyed by the power of Qi .

But now Pangu is resurrected?

No, in front of me is the ancient sea!

Guhai seems to be Pangu reincarnation? Otherwise, why did Pangu axe just listen to him?

The strength of Gu Hai has not yet reached the level of panic, but Gu Hai's identity has made him tremble for a while.

"Pangu? Huh, even if Pangu is at its peak, it's not my opponent now, I've already broken through the past! Huh!" He snorted coldly.

Although I am not afraid of Pangu now, the two words Pangu are still my nightmare, which makes me unable to let go.

In the distance, Three Thousand Avenues is not an opponent of the Six Immortals at all.

The Six Immortals are about to lose.

"No, San Qian Da Dao, move with me, six reincarnations, come out as many as you can, and defeat the enemy with me!" Roared the six immortals.

Xianyuan trembled in his hand, mobilizing all strength.


Once again, the Three Thousand Avenues floated out, and the six reincarnation Tianzhu appeared again.

The Six Immortals once again slammed a palm. This time, the palm of the avenue was just the palm of their extinction just now. The power is already as high as five thousand avenues.

The immense power, even the cricket, instantly killed, and now once again struck the ancient sea.

"Six Immortals? It seems that you are just like this, then it's over!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"End? You break my palm before you say!" Six immortals slammed in one palm.

"Xianyuan? Transfer Sanqian Avenue and Liudao Reincarnation? But now, Sanqian Avenue is not exclusive to you!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"I'm not alone, can you also mobilize Three Thousand Avenues? It's ridiculous!" Six immortals disdain.

"Chess road, imprisonment!" Gu Hai detective waved.

Among the three thousand avenues controlled by the six immortals, suddenly the rules of chess are bright, and they are generally controlled by the ancient sea. Then, the rules of chess are trembling. There are 750 avenues that are not moving. , Also withdrawn instantly.

"What?" Liudao Fairy's face changed.

"Qin Dao, imprisonment!" He suddenly yelled, but it was Gou Chen standing in the borderless sky and waving.

"Book Road, imprisonment!" Ziwei yelled beside.

"Draw the road, imprison!" Changsheng yelled.


The Six Immortals instantly lost control of Three Thousand Avenue.

At this moment, the control of Sanqian Avenue has become Guhai, Gouchen, Ziwei, and Changsheng!

"Impossible, my three thousand avenues? You are Wenxiu, Wendao? I have collected all the rules of Wendao, why?" The six immortals exclaimed.

"You just use Xianyuan to seal the connection between the four avenues of Qinqi, calligraphy, painting and calligraphy, and all beings. However, the four avenues are still between the heavens and the earth, and others cannot contact the avenues. Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng also thoroughly analyzed the avenues of piano, books, and paintings. You can never seal us! Gu! "Gu Hai shouted loudly.


Three thousand Avenue is completely motionless.

In the palm of the avenue of the six immortals, only the power of six reincarnations remains.

The palm of the avenue at this moment is worse than the three thousand avenues. Where is it better than Gu Hai and his Pangu axe?

"Open the world!" Gu Hai shouted.


Pangu's axe chopped down, and the vast power instantly cut off the palm of the avenue. The axe was fierce, but it did not weaken much, and immediately came to the six immortals.

"Dead!" Gu Hai shouted.

"No ~~~~~~~~~~~~!" The six immortals roared with a stare.


Pangu axe split the six immortals in an instant.

PS: When you are out in the field, the update is unstable. This is the first change!

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