Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 10 Chapter 1: remorse

Gu Hai led the Baidu Tiandu Baiguan and solemnly saluted to him, thanking him for his previous help!

When is going to say something.


Above the starry sky, there was a sudden wave of power.

However, when Xianyuan was crushed and broken, it drove the Three Thousand Avenue and immediately caused a void of strength.

Few people can sense this ripple, but Gu Hai's current strength is still extremely sensitive.

He turned to look at the starry sky.

Just when I saw the starry sky, Zhu Sansan's fingers broke the point of Xianyuan. Then, before the six immortals had time to escape, they inserted their fingers into the six eyebrows.

"Suzaku? Nirvana?" Gu Hai's eyes brightened.


Without hesitation, the ancient sea strides up to the sky.

The Manchu culture and the military all showed a faint color, and looked in the direction of the ancient sea.

"Six Immortals? Killed by Zhu Sansan? This is impossible. When was Zhu Sansan so strong? Xianyuan was also broken?" Bai Zizai was surprised.

Xuanyuan City.

Xuanyuan City was restored to its original state under the cast of the general.

Originally, those who were going to take a group of subordinates to recapture the temple suddenly felt that the courtier felt something and turned his head to look at the sky.

Suddenly, Jiang Chen saw the puppet above the stars! Hold a finger and point into the brows of the six immortals.

"Primary six?" Jiang Chen burst into an angry eye.


The prince rushed to the sky in an instant, and went straight to the star.

Six Immortals? At this moment, he is a very weak body. Even Zhu Sansan, who is not possessed, can destroy six immortals by himself.

One finger was inserted into the eyebrows of the Six Immortals, which instantly wiped out the consciousness of the Six Immortals.

At this moment, I suddenly became pale and turned to look down.

But they saw that Gu Hai and Jiang Chen were almost at the same time, soaring into the sky.


There was a sigh of cold hum, and the step blasted away in the other direction instantly.

卅 Now it ’s just a divine thought. Even if the body has a mighty power, it ca n’t play much at the moment. It is obviously unwise to be against the ancient sea and generals.


In an instant, Gu Hai and Jiang Chen reached the stars at about the same time.

At this moment, I just flew away, the six consciousness annihilated, and his figure slowly fell down.

"Isn't that Zhu Sansan?" Gu Hai looked at the general and asked.

"Yi's **** thought of possession, just like the previous possession of Zhu Yiyi, led away from Laozi!" Jiang Chen explained.

"Huh?" Gu Hai suddenly raised a brow.


Without hesitation, the ancient sea blasted away and chased after him.

However, at this moment, the general minister, only looking at the ancient sea that left, no longer pays attention to the escape of the puppet, but immediately probed his hand and raised the six immortals to fall.

"Primary six? Primary six?" Jiang Chen's face was a little anxious, and he urged a force into his body.


The six immortals trembled.

At this moment, Bai Zizai, Gu Han, Long Aotian and others have arrived on this star.

"Six Immortals? Jiang Chen, what are you doing, and you want to save him?" Bai Ziren glared angrily.

Jiang Chen ignored it, and continued to urge a colorful force into the body of the six immortals.

"God, are you the power of time? Reversing the time of the Six Immortals and reviving him?" Long Aotian wondered.

Jiang Chen still ignored, staring at the six immortals.

The bodies of the six immortals trembled, and the whole body was covered with colorful power during the tremor.

"Ah? Nothing is awkward. A ray of divine thought can destroy everything in Xiaoliu and cut off his timeline?" Jiang Chen's face was gloomy.


The eyes of the Six Immortals slowly opened, but at this moment they were extremely weak, and their eyes were dimly looking at the general.

"General Chen? You saved me?" Liudao Xianren looked at General Chen with some disbelief.

"Little six, this time, I can't help it. Unless I devour and refine the puppet and absorb everything from him in the future, I can only keep you alive for a while!" Jiang Chen showed a gloom of discomfort.

"Oh, so you can't save me? If you can't save me, don't fake compassion. After all, you never cared about me!" There was a smirk as the Six Immortals died.

The ancient Han and others saw that the Six Immortals could only live this moment, and they did not aggressively force the generals.

But looking at the puppet that Gu Hai chased.

卅 Now there is only one kind of divine thought. Naturally, I know that I will lose to the ancient sea, and I will be caught by the ancient sea.

卅 A trace of 狰狞 revealed: "Ancient sea? Hahaha, okay, just let me see how much power you have recovered, how much worse you are than Pangu!"


With a loud noise, I suddenly felt like a meteor falling to the ground and instantly plunged into the ground below.

"Huh!" Gu Hai snorted, and followed without hesitation.


Exploding a large piece of earth and stone, the ancient sea also chased into the earth instantly.


I saw that there was a strong uproar in the land. Obviously, Gu Hai and Qiang were quickly chasing under the ground.

Gradually, the ground tumbling became smaller and smaller.

"Holy chasing Zhu Sansan went deep into the ground!" Bai Wuchang's face sank.

The ancient man was slightly silent: "Father will come back safely!"

"It is true that the strength of the Holy God today is invincible in the world, so which one is Zhu Sansan's opponent?" He Wuchang smiled.

"That's not Zhu Sansan!" Bai Zizai said with a dull expression.

"Not Zhu Sansan?" Everyone looked at Bai Ziran.

"That breath, that breath, like 卅! 卅 的 神 念?" Bai Ziyan was frightened in his eyes.


Everyone looked at the calm ground with surprise.

The earth is calm, but everyone understands that the battle between Gu Hai and Yan is more intense, because the two have reached the depths of the ground, the deeper, the smaller the external movement.

Everyone was worried, waiting quietly at this moment.

Aside, Jiang Chen held Xiao Liu, showing a sadness.

"Little Six, do you know? At the beginning, I really wanted to use you, and I was very strict with you. I thought that I was selfish in my life, and I was born just to kill you. In my heart, except for killing me, I ca n’t hold anything else. But I did n’t expect to see you grow up a little bit under my teaching, but I realized the feeling of raising children and raising children. The more I put my heart and soul on you, the more mortal I feel about my son. When you died for the first time, I just had a slight fluctuation in my heart. When you died for the second time, I was completely determined. At any cost, I would resurrect you. By the third time, did you not find out? For the third time, I have already started to pamper you, even if you disobey my will, even if you hate me, I have never blame you, sinner, and son! I never thought I would kill you! Jiang Chen showed a sad look.

"The first death? Haha, the second death? Admiral, do n’t pretend to be false. The loopholes are full, and I am already dead now. Would you say this again, is it interesting? Is it interesting? The second death I was dead that time, how could there be a second one? "In the weakness of the Six Immortals, he stared at the general with a strong hatred.

"Twice, you didn't know it yourself. Before you, I taught two Primary Sixes, did you forget? Or did you remember the memory of the two previous births? Only once?" Jiang Chen looked at the Six Immortals.

"What are you talking about? The two little six I died before were both me? Impossible, impossible, you lied to me? Haha, you lied to me!" Six immortals stared at the general with a deep unbelief in their eyes.

"You don't know? Then how do you say you have died? Then why do you hate me?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and felt something wrong.

"Don't pretend, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" The Six Immortals didn't believe it.

"I still have the memories of your two lives here, you see for yourself!" Jiang Chen said with a hint of shock.

During the conversation, gently touch the broken brows of the six immortals.

Two blu-rays entered six fairies.


The six immortals shivered.

With a trembling, the eyes of the six fairies glared sharply. Then it seemed like a flash of light, a lot of information flashed in my mind.

"Why, how? The two little six are me? You, you have resurrected me twice?" The six immortals revealed a hint of confusion.

"Don't you know these two memories? Impossible, you should keep them when you reincarnate!" Jiang Chen frowned.

"No, these two memories are mine, but they were sealed by an inexplicable force, so that I never knew that, they were sealed by a force! Huh? Huh?" There was a wave on the face of Liudao Fairy. Startled.

"Your first two memories have been sealed? Then how do you know that you have died? Because of your own death, so resentful to me?" Jiang Chen seemed to smell a conspiracy.

The six immortals looked at the general, and there was a complex flash in his weak eyes.

"Let go of your memory, let me read your memory, don't resist, let me go!" Jiang Chen took an eager path.

The Six Immortals instinctively resisted the generals, but at the time of dying, they couldn't resist at all. Moreover, the Six Immortals also doubted at this moment.

Putting the minister's hand on Liu Dao's brows, a sudden red light poured into Liu Dao's brows.


The minister slowly closed his eyes, and carefully investigated the resentment of the Six Immortals to himself.

After a short while, he turned his eyes into a frown.

"In the reincarnation of heaven? That time, you actually died? Impossible, impossible. In the reincarnation of heaven, I gave you tenfold protection. That time, you can never die, and you are the second time. After death, I no longer demand you, how could you die? Resurrection from death, did you save you? Impossible, did not save you. Is your conspiracy? Your conspiracy! "Jiang Chen shouted suddenly. .

At this moment, there was a blast of anger on the surface of the subject, and under the anger, the whole star under his feet was shaking.

"Is he? Ha, is he conspiracy?" The six immortals also showed a look of despair.

When the minister read the memory of the Six Immortals, he also transmitted everything he had originally arranged into the minds of the Six Immortals. At this moment, the truth of all things became clear.

Yes, I deceived the six immortals. This time, instead of killing the six envoys, I slaughtered the six enemies, marrying them to the generals, resurrecting them, and planting a seed of hatred for them. Because of that, the six temperaments changed greatly.

"Ah, aw!" Jiang Chen shuddered in anger.

Liu Dao was getting weaker and weaker at this moment. Looking at the general, he showed a guilty feeling: "I'm sorry, Master!"

The minister looked down at the Six Immortals.

The Six Immortals are getting weaker and weaker, their eyes seem to be weak, but the corners of their eyes are falling down with two tears, and the mouth keeps on: "I'm sorry, Master, the disciples are not filial, sorry, the disciples are not filial ........."

In a burst of guilt, the six immortals were completely out of breath.

"Primary six ~~~~~~~!" Jiang Chen hugged Xiaoli with a sorrowful roar.

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