Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 10 Chapter 21: Power of the Promise

Deep in Nothingness!

The spit out beast looked coldly at the ancient sea!


The beast was fierce and slammed to Gu Hai in an instant, and a huge axe appeared in the palm of his hand, chopping down towards Gu Hai.

The axe might be fierce, it seems to have the power to open up the world, just look at it, all the beings in the world are shocked.

Obviously, the strength of this beast is equivalent to the strength of the beast that dropped the two immortals.

Gu Hai was cold in his eyes, and the detective took out the killing knife.

The killing knife came out and immediately collided with a giant axe.

Although there is no space ripple in the nothingness, the golden energy flame and red illusion are still erupting.


With a loud noise, Gu Hai's body regressed and he stopped.

However, the shape of the egg beast retreated a thousand feet before stopping.

After a collision, he made a judgment.

Gu Hai's strength is even better.

In the distance, squinting his eyes: "Skull body? Sure enough it is stronger than your body!"

"It's enough to be stronger, you egg, not my opponent!" Gu Hai sneered.

During the talk, his body slammed forward, killing the sword, and the blood flashed all around.


The sword and axe collided, and the endless fierce light bloomed. The strength of the ancient sea immediately won the cheers of all beings, because the beast was defeated by the ancient sea's killing sword.

"Invincible in the Holy!" The six sentient beings shouted anxiously.

Watching the beasts fail in succession, I sneered: "You are better than my baby, but, it's just a little bit, I have only one baby! What if there are ten?


He opened his mouth and yelled, and his mouth was brewing.

"Alas, alas, alas ........."

A series of nine giant eggs spewed out.

The dome ruptured quickly. After the rupture, some turned into dragons, and some turned into human figures.

"Kill!" I asked coldly.

"Roar!" The Nine Egg Beasts flew to the ancient sea instantly.

For a time, Gu Hai was faced with ten peerless powerhouses. The balance of the victory and loss instantly tilted towards the beasts.


After repeated collisions, Gu Hai was suddenly knocked out by the top ten beasts.

The sentient beings looked at Gu Hai's defeat, and were suddenly shocked in their hearts. Is the Holy Spirit defeated?

Only a few people suddenly blinked their eyes at this moment, showing great joy.

As the ancient sea was blown down, the sharp-knife tip of his hand was bravely black. Black gas was linked to the Ten Eggs.

Black gas?

Everyone who knew the ancient sea skull's ability suddenly blinked.

Sure enough, in the dark air, there are small skulls mixed in.

Although Gu Hai was knocked open just now, at that moment, he opened a mouth on the ten big beasts with a slayer knife.

As the mouth opened, countless little skulls swarmed towards the wound.

"What?" The faces of all the beasts changed.

Gu Hai smiled coldly. At this moment, he is no longer fighting alone, but is accompanied by hundreds of millions of small skulls.

"Ah, it hurts! What!"

"Asshole, asshole, get away!"




The top ten beasts slammed the small skull on their bodies while fighting against the ancient sea. Although the power of these small skulls is not great and there are not many bites, but the wounds will be more and more, and the small skulls will follow more and more, just like a small flame fell on the dry grassland.


In the battle of the ancient seas, more and more skeletons biting the top ten beasts.

"Ah!" "Asshole, get away!"





It didn't take long for all the beasts to be completely drowned by the little skull.

The beast was spit out, and its body quality was extremely arrogant. It was only one level worse than the candle dragon. So much flesh was eaten by the small skeletons, and it suddenly turned into a rolling force into the ancient sea.

Instead of no loss, Gu Hai has more general strength.


It didn't take long for one of the beasts to be cut in half by a slayer, and the rest of the beasts fell back on their side.

"Ah, it hurts. My skin is gone!"

"Bite my bone marrow!"

"Master, save me, master, save me, ah!"





A group of eggs and beasts fled towards the puppet in terror. But Gu Hai's killing knife blocked them all. For a time, Gu Hai killed the Quartet. The world ’s sentient beings were instantly flushed.

"Sacred power!"





All living beings are not allowed to cheer. The previous beast was already terribly capable of extinction, but now there are ten, what a terrifying power, but it is a one-sided slaughter before the Holy Spirit.

The change is too fast, and when everyone looks at the ancient sea, it is also exulting.

"Kill me!"

"Kill the demon!"

"Sacred power!"




Countless shouts. All the eggs and beasts were only half eaten.

Only one paid the price of being cut off and one arm in front of the uncle. The others, all died under the killing knife of the ancient sea, and then were constantly consumed.

Hyun's face was gloomy, clutching the escaped beast, and pinching his hand. A strange power burst into the beast.


All the little skulls exploded instantly, and then disappeared.

"Huh?" Gu Hai suddenly changed his face in the distance.

How can you deal with these black mist skeletons?

The black mist skeletons were scattered, and the shape of the egg and beast came out.

"Thank you, Master, thank you!" The beast thanked with a touch of panic.

"An ancient sea can't be dealt with, it's really waste!" Falcon looked cold. Point your finger.



The beast screamed and exploded into numerous fragments.

"He is your child!" Gu Hai frowned in surprise.

"I don't have such a **** child!" Tong Leng said coldly.

Gu Hai thought for a moment, this was really cold-blooded.

"The power of Ju Wuji? Hehe, this is the magical power realized by Candle Dragon when it was born. It was given to Cang that year, and he was unwilling to pass it to me. If I could n’t get it, I would put 'Ju Wuji' in the Cang body. Li 'has been sealed, but I never thought that you would have got the power of the Promise? "He revealed a trace of ice.

"Ju Wuji Power?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

This little black mist skeleton is called Ju Wuji Power?

"I see now, why did you come here so fast that it was not broken down by the force of nothingness. It turned out that it was the power of the infinite, ha, candle dragon was preparing to restrict my ability. Unfortunately, I It's not that old time anymore! "I saw a trace of icy road.

"Really? Didn't you come back then? Then you dare to try my knife?" Gu Hai sneered.

卅 Looking at Gu Hai, she chuckled: "Although I wouldn't gather this power, but do you think that I really dare not step out of this extreme area?"

"Huh?" Gu Hai sank.

"Giving you my child will only make you stronger, I know it! However, this mighty power will not hurt me! If you want to hurt me, unless you swallow both of the immortal vaults Now, you come to destroy the world! "I sneered.

"You dare not come out!" Gu Hai continued to anger.

He's cold in his eyes, stepping on his feet, and his body fluttered suddenly.


Suddenly, Xun flew out of that extreme area, and at a speed that the ancient sea could not avoid, came to the ancient sea in an instant.

"What?" Gu Hai's face changed.

卅 Can you leave that area?

The sentient beings of the two immortals also changed their faces, because everything was too fast, and they saw a flash of light in the picture, and Xi has reached the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's killing knife waved, but he couldn't keep up with the speed of Xun. He twitched, and clawed at Gu Hai's eyebrow with a palm.

Too fast, no time to react to the ancient sea.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Slap Gu Hai's head with one palm.

"No ~~~~~~!"

The sentient beings of the two immortals suddenly screamed.

To be annihilated?

That palm, you don't need to guess, understand that it must have the power to destroy the world, and a palm shot on the head of the ancient sea, can the ancient sea still live?

Sure enough, with a palm shot, a mighty cataclysm flooded Gu Hai's body instantly.


Gu Hai's head, Gu Hai's whole body, instantly burst into pieces.


All sentient beings in the world are suffocated, watching the defeat of Gu Hai in horror.

Instant defeat?

Now, what terrible strength should there be?


I returned to the pole area again. Just a moment ago, the twelve Rainbow Bridges trembled. I returned and stabilized it. I really can't leave this area. Suddenly killing the ancient sea can only be short-lived.

"Ju Wuji Power? Oh, but so!" I sneered.

The commander of the two immortals, was so destroyed?

At the moment when Yi revealed a touch of satisfaction, not far away, the ancient sea mist that had just exploded unexpectedly slowly reunited.


The figure of the ancient sea appeared again.


The cheers of all sentient beings suddenly sounded in the two heavens.

Gu Hai is not dead? not dead?

Everyone's eyes are filled with rejoicing.

He looked coldly at the ancient sea that had just reunited: "Po Wuji?"

There was a bruise on the forehead of the ancient sea. Obviously, the palm just now had a hard time to restore the ancient sea, but the ancient sea survived.

"There is more than nothing, I can't die, alas, you can't kill me!" Said Gu Haiming.

卅 Looking at Gu Hai's recovered body, there was a faint tinge of color: "The power of gathering together? Haha, the old thing of candle dragon, so amazing, you didn't pass it to me, which caused me to almost fall in the nothingness. mine!"

Gu Hai stood in the distance, far away from Jiu. This time, Gu Hai did not rush up again.

卅 The blow that I just made made Gu Hai see his horrible power. With one palm, he broke himself up.

There is more than nothing, and I am immortal. This is what Gu Hai talked about. Even the candle dragon who created this magical power will die. Will he not die by relying on this magical power?

Gu Hai didn't want to come a few more times for that devastating blow.

"Well, you can't kill me. Similarly, the meat **** you spit out are not my opponents. I ca n’t help you now, but from now on, these meat **** you spit out, do n’t even want to go Two immortals, hum! "Gu Hai grunted.

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