Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Unexpected sneak attack

"Go bright and go out? Hahahaha!" Ding Rui sneered at the opposite ancient sea!

"Gu Hai, do you dream, just you?" Ding Dong coldly yelled.

Gu Hai took a step forward, glanced at the practitioners around him, and saw Tu Sheng Qi Wang, Tu Sheng Qi Wang carrying a black robe woman, without saying a word.

"Ding Dong, you want to be the enemy of Yipintang, you want to be the enemy of the host and grandfather. Have you ever thought that all disciples of Ding Longzong have the same thoughts as you?" Gu Hai said coldly.


Ding Longzong's disciples immediately whispered.

"Gu Hai, you countered Ding Dong before, but now you want to provoke Ding Longzong's disciples? Are you just doing this?" Ding Rui sneered.

The disciples of Ding Longzong were silent for a while and did not speak.

"I'm not provoking Ding Longzong's disciples, but at this moment, I need to know who can be the enemy and who can let it go!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Uh?" The practitioners gave a slight meal around.

What does Gu Hai mean? Who can let go? Do you think you have the initiative now?

Ding Dong was panicked, and Gu Hai has now been fearless. Will Grandpa Long Wanqing really come?

"Let it go? Who do you want to let go of? Are you frightened?" Ding Rui looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai without understanding.

"A disciple Ding Longzong? A disciple of the rudder? There are other practitioners. Now, it is my grudges with Ding Rui and I do not want to visit this muddy water. Please stand on both sides to avoid accidental injury. I can assure you, Regardless of the result, you are all right! "Gu Hai began.

The Quartet practitioners showed a daze.

The more than one thousand practitioners brought by Gu Hai took a strange look at Gu Hai, silent for a moment, and slowly retreated to both sides.

Entering the Ding Longzong, it is indeed the inheritance of the ancient sea. However, it has not yet reached the point of fighting for the ancient sea. Nowadays, there is a big fight in the interior of Yipintang. Everyone naturally does not want to go to the muddy water and retreat to both sides.

Tu Shengqi Wang, with his disciples, slowly retreated to both sides.

Ding Rui and Ding Dong looked at Gu Hai in doubt, disciples of Ding Longzong and disciples of Yipintang's rudder, but they were still in shape.

"What? You really have a rescuer?" Ding Rui said coldly.

Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai, a flash of worry flashed in her eyes.

"Teacher, bring me the three tables next to me!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Eh?" Everyone around showed a daze, and moved the table?

Although Long Wanqing was sealed and repaired, there were still some strengths. The three wooden tables were not heavy, and they moved quickly.

Gu Hai slowly superimposed three tables.

In the puzzling eyes of everyone, Gu Hai slowly stepped onto three tables.

"Gu Hai is crazy? What is he doing?"

"At this time, still playing climbing the table?"

"Where is he?"




The practitioners all around looked blank.

Standing on the high platform, Gu Hai looked coldly at the opposite Ding Rui and Ding Dong.

Ding Dong has always been nervous. Although he has stood on Ding Rui's side, his heart is still panicking. He won't choose the wrong team, right?

After all, Ding Longzong's disciples followed Ding Dong with a complex look.

Ding Rui, however, was on guard against Gu Hai. Although Gu Hai Xiu was considered to be very low, Dafeng Gang and Song Jiazong were eventually destroyed in his hands, and he had to be careful. Each of his actions may have profound meaning.

However, when seeing Gu Hai climbed up to the three-table platform, Ding Rui really had a sense of incomprehension. What's this for?

"Gu Hai, at this time, what else do you have to install, immediately catch it, otherwise ...!" Ding Dong stared.

"Master Ding, do you know? That was the tone of Dafeng's help with Li Wei at the beginning. Later, Song Jiazong's Song's life was also this tone, and Qinghe's Li Qinghe was also this tone. Do you know their end?" Gu Hai said in a cold voice. .

"Huh?" Ding Dong's face changed: "You also destroyed Qinghe Sect?"

"The head of the Qinghe suzerain was cut by myself!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"No way, how could you be Li Qinghe's opponent?" Ding Dong coldly sang.


Suddenly, Gu Hai turned his hands and grabbed a human head.


The monk's face suddenly changed around, who would have thought that Gu Hai suddenly grabbed a human head?

"This is, is this Li Qinghe?" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Why are there so many snakeheads on Li Qinghe's head?" Someone exclaimed.

"The demonized person? Fu Xue actually demonized Li Qinghe?" Ding Rui was surprised.

"Master Ding, don't you believe it now?" Gu Hai said with a smile.

Ding Dong's eyelids jumped wildly.

"Don't believe it? I can ask Li Qinghe, he can answer you, how did he treat me crazy at first, then how did I cut off my head!" Said Gu Haimian.

"Ask?" Everyone showed blankness.

My head has been cut off. How can I ask?

Even Long Wanqing stared at Gu Hai with her eyes widened. Isn't Gu Hai crazy?

"Li Qinghe, tell them!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


But they saw that the little snakes on Li Qinghe's head slowly moved.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Under the urging of Gu Hai's qi, the snake made a clicking noise. Li Qinghe's face was also shaking.

"Live? How is that possible?"

"That snakehead, that snakehead is so fierce!"

"Li Qinghe's head has been cut off and he hasn't died yet?"




Numerous practitioners were horrified by this thrilling scene. Some practitioners couldn't help taking a step back, which was too weird.

Disciples of Ding Dong and Ding Longzong all felt scalp scalp, staring at Li Qinghe's snake head without blinking.

Ding Rui and all his subordinates were also in shock.

"Li Qinghe, his head has been cut, it is impossible to survive to this day!" Ding Rui showed a cold path.

"You see clearly, is he alive!" Gu Hai cried.

"Huh, the demon confuses the public!" Ding Rui snorted coldly, as if to shoot.


Suddenly, Li Qinghe opened his eyes.

"He opened his eyes!"

"A lot of red light, why is there red light in Li Qinghe's eyes?"

"Li Qinghe is alive?"




The Quartet practitioners were suddenly surprised.

The head of the snake suddenly burst into countless red light. The red light was directed in the direction of Ding Rui, Ding Dong and a group of subordinates. Those ancestors had been previously arranged to both sides by the ancient sea, and they were all avoided.

Gu Hai was standing on a high table with three tables in order to have the best view so that thousands of people across could see Li Qinghe's eyes, otherwise he would stand too short and the eyes of the people behind would be blocked by the people in front.

He said a lot of words just to catch everyone's attention.

For a time, countless red lights burst out.


Thousands of practitioners were recruited in an instant, as if the 3,000 wicked people were shrouded in red light for a moment.

"Not good, there is a problem with the red light!" Ding Rui shouted as her face changed.

Ding Rui and Ding Dong looked the most carefully. Where would they think that Li Qinghe's eyes would still open? There will also be a curse of red light, and almost instantly, they both won.

"Ah!" A crowd of disciples of Ding Longzong screamed.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Numerous disciples of Ding Longzong became stiff all over, his body was gray, and he was rapidly petrifying.

"No, no!" Ding Dong screamed in horror, trying to struggle, but Ding Dong's strength was not enough in the end, and he was in the process of rapid petrification.

A group of fire rudder disciples are also in petrification.

Red light burst for a short while, and Gu Hai put away her snake hair.


Gu Hai jumped from the high platform.

Long Wanqing stared at the practitioners who were constantly petrifying on the opposite side.

There was a moment of silence in Youran Valley. Everyone took a cold breath. Looking around, almost everyone has turned into stone?

"So, what's going on?" Long Wanqing was surprised.

Thousands, after all, some people avoided the red light and looked at the people around them again.

"What's going on? Brother, brother, how did you turn into stones?"

"Stone? Don't, don't, why did it turn stone?"




The people who avoided the red light looked around in horror. Thousands who still had a big advantage just now are mostly turned into stones. Stone statue? How could this be? A horror rushed all over.


The practitioners who were called to the two sides by Gu Hai stepped back in horror, all turned stone? How could this be? For a moment, everyone looked at Gu Hai and was suddenly frightened.

Gu Hai jumped to Long Wanqing and looked coldly at Ding Rui and Ding Dong. These were the two biggest threats.

Ding Dong has turned into a stone statue, but Ding Rui hasn't yet, but he has half a body turned into a stone statue, as if struggling with his own strength and curse.

"Gu Hai, you lied to me, ah!" Ding Rui growled in dismay.

"No, Ding Rui's petrification is fading!" Long Wanqing's face changed.

"Tang master, stay still, I'll kill Ding Rui!" Gu Hai stared, and was about to shoot.

"Kill me? Huh!" Ding Rui shouted.


Take a guqin from the small space of the token.

"Be careful! Don't go!" Long Wanqing's face suddenly changed.

On the Guqin, there was only one string, and that string was plucked and stuck there by a fine needle.

But he saw Ding Rui's hand picking out the fine needle.


The strings returned in an instant, and a sound suddenly appeared.

Along with this harp, the endless sword energy erupted out of nowhere.


Like a storm, the sword gas rushed into the four directions.

"Cross wipe!"

The stone statues all around were blown up in an instant.

"Ah ah ah!"

The practitioners quickly retreated, and the sword qi was centered on Ding Rui of the harp, forming a ball diverging towards the four sides. Everywhere I went, everything was destroyed.


Gu Hai took out a long knife and cut it off.

Suddenly, the sword was smashed by sword gas.

Gu Hai's face changed, with Long Wanqing jumping quickly towards the periphery.

"Ah, rudder master!"

The subordinates who did not turn into stone statues suddenly screamed and jumped towards the periphery.

Most of Ding Longzong's disciples turned into stone statues and were instantly shredded. Only a few escaped, watching the scene in horror.



"Do not!"




Everyone screamed, but it was too late, including Ding Dong, to be smashed instantly.

The power of the sword storm is too powerful.

Thousands of men were still awesome just now, and in a blink of an eye there were only over a hundred people left.

In order to protect himself, Ding Rui did not care whether these stone statues could be resurrected.

"In that guqin, a piano sound was sealed. The piano sound contains endless sword energy, but you can protect yourself for a short time and you can't approach! Not Ding Ruifeng, she doesn't have this ability!" Long Wanqing's face changed.

Gu Hai took out a long bow and shot an arrow at Ding Rui, wrapped in her qi.

"call out!"


Instantly, the long arrow was smashed by countless swords.

"It's useless, the vibrato has been trembling, and the Jianqi field formed is too strong!" Long Wanqing's face changed.

"Living people, take me to the ancient sea! I will break the curse immediately, don't run away for them!" Ding Rui shouted.

Dozens of Ding Longzong disciples did not move, and dozens of rudder disciples showed a little worry, and they were about to step forward.

"Mr. Gu, we help you!" Suddenly a practitioner jumped out.

After all, it was Guhai who told everyone not to participate just now, and the people hid on both sides to avoid turning into stone statues. Otherwise, they died just now. This is not a commitment, but a life-saving grace.


Suddenly, three hundred practitioners jumped out, blocking the rudder disciples.

"Thank you all, no need, they dare not!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Sure enough, there was anxiety on the faces of the rudder disciples. After all, Song Jiazong's example is vivid. In addition, Li Qinghe's head is even more frightening. The disciples of the rudders of the fire just surrounded them from a distance.

"Ancient sea?" Long Wanqing looked at Guhai anxiously.

Gu Hai looked at Tu Sheng Qi Wang who could not see far away, but Tu Sheng Qi Wang was indifferent.

"Huh!" Gu Hai grunted.

Spying his hand, suddenly holding Long Wanqing's waist.

"What?" Long Wanqing's face changed.

"Hug me!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

During the conversation, the body squatted slightly, then jumped suddenly.


There was a loud noise on the earth and numerous cracks appeared, but the ancient sea was like a cannonball. It went straight to the floating island at high altitude. The powerful jumping force made the ancient sea jump to high altitude in an instant.

"Ah!" Long Wanqing held Gu Hai in horror.

Ding Rui hugged Guqin, his face turned wild.


As the petrified area of ​​his body gradually decreased, Ding Rui's face grew colder and colder: "You can't run away, Guhai!"

Around the practitioners looked up at the ancient sea, dozens of Ding Rui's subordinates and humans fought for a while, and after all did not chase them.

The stone fragments of the ground, even if they can recover, these people are dead.

The crowd looked at Ding Rui with a complex expression.


At high altitude, the ancient sea jumped on the floating island and landed on the floating island enchantment.

"Where is it? Dragon veins?" Long Wanqing looked at her feet with a change of expression.

There is a transparent enchantment at the foot, surrounded by clouds and fog, and there are 600 endgame pieces floating around. A huge chessboard fell on the edge of the enchantment.

Gu Hai hurried forward and looked at the chessboard carefully.


Without hesitation, Gu Hai grabbed a sunspot and landed on the chessboard.


Around the floating island, suddenly the clouds and tumbles quickly.

"What are you going to do on the ancient sea?"

"Looks like playing chess?"

"Play chess?"




A group of practitioners are about to vomit blood. At this time, there is still leisure to play chess?

"No, Ding Rui's petrochemical is about to break through, leaving a little bit under his feet!" Someone exclaimed.


At a high altitude, the ancient sea fell again.


Suddenly, there are ten endgames bursting out.

"Huh?" Ding Rui sank.

The ancient sea is breaking?

From ,!

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