Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 18: The Second Battle

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Two days later, Songcheng! Genius shines.

"You gangsters, just grab my old property on the Ming Palace and rob me of the jade shop? My master won't let you go! Ah, my jade Ruyi, that's what the old man named, don't grab Ah, no! "

A scream broke through the sky. The Songcheng people, who were originally sleepy, were almost at the same time.

Almost at the same time, no hundreds of people quickly rose up from their sleep.

"Sister-in-law, that was the voice of the boss of Yupu just now? Isn't it the ancient palace noodle industry? That's ...?" A man was surprised.

"Not yet hurry up. I didn't grab Sun Ergou last time. This time I won't bring back a Yu Ruyi, the old lady is desperately working with you!" The bed lady suddenly exclaimed.


A series of door openings sounded, and God of Wealth came to disperse wealth again. The last time the people who couldn't grab anything, this time, like crazy, they rushed out without clothes.

The same scene happened in the Song Quartet. As if all of a sudden, a lot of hidden ancient industries appeared in the city. Hundreds of people rushed madly, raging and robbing. Justified snatch.

For a while, screams, quarrels, and beatings were mixed, and the genius was slightly bright, and the smoke was already rolling in some places.

Ancient Hanfu.

"Father, Songcheng has only six hidden industries. Can it mobilize the people in the city?" The ancient Han was a little worried.

"Six places? Enough. People hope that there are many such shops, so many! My heart is moving, and even fewer shops are enough to stir up their ambitions!" Gu Hai drank a tea ceremony.


The robbery continued. The sky gradually lightened.

It was another big gain. Some people are smiling and smiling, but there are still more and more anxious people.

"Damn, it's one step late!"

"I didn't grab anything, is there any, or is there a Guhai shop?"

"Just a bit slower, just a little bit, **** it!"




The six shops are far from satisfying the appetite of the people in the city. A few people grabbed them. Most of them are still anxious. They are so anxious that the God of Wealth scattered money, but they did not grab it?

Hundreds of people didn't return home at this moment, but wandered on the street, their eyes kept shooting around, hoping that there would be another ancient sea shop.

"Bright gold shop, a lot of gold words, if it is also the ancient sea industry!" A common man looked at a newly opened gold shop jealously.

Maybe it's just jealousy, but it instantly caught everyone's attention.

"Ancient sea industry? Yes, it must be an ancient sea industry!" Another person who was more anxious than him suddenly shouted.

"What? Guhai Industry? Damn it, finally caught!"

"Be sure to grab it this time!"

"Grab it!"




The people around seemed to be crazy, rushing to the bright gold shop, as if people on the street found their target in an instant.

The bright gold shop owner's face changed dramatically.

"The bright gold shop is a century-old shop. A century-old shop cannot be from the ancient sea industry. Do n’t grab it. You are breaking the law. Do n’t grab it!"

The owner of Jinpu was knocked to the ground with a scream.

At this moment, the people are crazy, so why bother? As long as one is from the head, it can be robbed. Besides, everyone is robbed. Why should I be a fool to watch?

"It's mine, it's mine, it's mine, don't grab it!"

"Hahaha, I'm rich!"

"Don't grab it from me, hahaha, finally got it!"




"We are a century-old shop, not an ancient sea industry, don't grab it!"




Cries, madness, and frothing.

Not only the bright gold shop, the Songcheng Quartet seems to be lit by fire. In an instant, the whole city is in chaos, and shops one by one become the targets of the people's snatch.

Ancient sea industry? sure? No need to be sure!

As long as someone is jealous and shouts, this is the industry of Guhai, right? Immediately, a group of hungry wolves rushed up.

Grab, grab, grab!

The entire Song City was crazy.

A fire was ignited in all directions, and the people were no longer good people who were safe and secure, but all turned into gangsters in an instant.

Only shop? Do not! Some wealthy families will be looted.


The doors were opened one by one, as if the pirates were rushing into their nests and rushing into the houses of the rich and nobles. Some wealthy people only heard the phrase ‘this is the secret manor of the ancient sea’.


Suddenly, the wealthy family was ransacked.

Of course, robbing wealthy people is only a few, mainly shops.

For a time, all stores became targets of plunder by the mad people. It seems that the entire Songcheng city is full of ancient sea industries.

Grab, grab, grab!

The huge chaos quickly entered the palace, and all the ministers were summoned immediately, and all went to the chapel.

Royal Palace, above the chapel.

Noisy and chaotic.

"Song Chengfu Yin, why is the whole city messed up like this? What about your people? Why not stop it?" King Song thundered on the dragon chair.

An official knelt down to the ground, "Emperor, chaos, chaos. The old minister asked the city guard to take control. However, only a few people in the city guard took orders, and the others also snatched it!"

"What?" Prince Song's face changed.

"Mr. Kai, most of our city guards were absent, and they went to the robbery!"

"Mr. Emperor, there are thirty-six fires in the city at this moment!"




A number of ministers reported anxiously, summarizing the information that no one was available, and most of their subordinates went to rob.

"How could this be? How could this be?" Prince Song grimaced.

"I didn't know what was going on. The last two days were fine, everything was calm, but why did I suddenly go crazy? Suddenly I went crazy!"

At this moment, the Manchu culture and military affairs were in a state of incompetence, and a horror of terror appeared in his eyes.

"Gu Hai? Gu Hai's conspiracy?" Prince Song exclaimed suddenly.


Everyone is a bandit, not only in Song City, but also in Song Dynasty.

Snatch! Mess!

In the world of Song Guo, everyone is a bandit and everyone's heart is chaotic!

border town!

Gao Xianzhi stood on the high platform of the barracks and looked at the troops he had gathered. Actually, most of them had deserted soldiers and went to major shops in the city to rob. Gao Xianzhi was also shuddering.

Houses everywhere were burning in the fire, the smoke was rolling, and the border town was like purgatory on earth, with screams, despair, and snoring.

As if in a while, Gao Xianzhi saw the ancient sea again. At this moment, wearing a battle armor, holding a sword in his hand, the sword pointed in the direction of Songcheng, the capital.

At this moment, almost all the people in the border city have become the army of His Majesty the Ancient Sea. As long as the ancient sea orders, he can command all the people in the border city to kill the Song Dynasty as the capital.

No, it was the people who commanded all the cities of the Song Kingdom in the ancient sea. All the people in the world of the Song Kingdom suddenly became soldiers of the ancient sea. Just by giving an order, the people ignored the Song and destroyed the Song family.

The last time, during the bombing camp, Gao Xianzhi seemed to see Gu Hai commanding his 800,000 army against himself. This time, it was Gu Hai who commanded the entire people of Song Dynasty.

The Eighty Army has made Gao Xianzhi shudder, but now the entire people of the Song Dynasty make Gao Xianzhi like a falling ice cellar.

"Ancient sea? This one person can destroy the Six Kingdoms!" Gao Xianzhi sighed in horror.


Three days later, everything returned to peace. The Song Kingdom was destroyed, and the shops were destroyed. At one time, the whole country fell into an atmosphere of great silence.

People cannot buy anything. The shop owners are crying despair.

A group of people from Qinghezong also arrived at Song Dynasty.

Headed by the Maiden of the Tang Dynasty and the master of Liunian, the ancestors of Qinghe and Songjia were accompany. We went to the border town together and met Gao Xianzhi.

At this moment, Gao Xianzhi stood respectfully in front of everyone.

The host of the girl's hall stands on the high platform of the border city, overlooking the entire border city.

The frontier city is extremely depressed, and the wind is slowly sweeping the streets with the fallen leaves. Occasionally one or two people walk on the street. It's like a dead city.

"His! Is this just a month?" The girl exclaimed with a gaze.

The master of fleeting years is also full of complexity.

"Thousands of miles away, this ancient sea is indeed a wicked sin. Within a month, the people's hearts have been lost!" Master Liu Nian lamented.

Song Jia's lord's face was ugly: "What people's hearts are lost, the people are still there!"

On the side Gao Xianzhi smiled bitterly: "The people are here, but the people's hearts are no longer there, and the people are no longer supporting Song's country!"

"Huh?" Song Jia ruler puzzled.

"The people who have suffered the disaster definitely hate Song Guo for losing everything, and the people who robbed their property also understand that most of what they rob are not ancient seas. They should already be robbers. Although they may not blame the public, but, Do you expect a robber to be patriotic? A robber will throw his head and blood for the country? A robber will go to war? Not to mention that they have lost their loyalty to Song Guo psychologically because they have possessions on hand and are unwilling to risk Fighting dead? And those people who have not been snatched or snatched from beginning to end, they have a bigger gap in their hearts, and Song Guo is unfair. Why can he help Song Guo fight? "Gao Xianzhi said bitterly.

"So, is the patriotism of the people of Song Guo dead?" Qinghe Sovereign said excitedly.

"Although I don't want to admit it, it is true that the soldiers in our barracks can't fight at all! Unless they can go back to the past and set up anyway, but it is easier said than done? The ancient sea has been staring at it!" Gao Xianzhi said bitterly.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Qinghe Sovereign laughed.

"Putting the people into bandits, people's hearts are chaotic! This ancient sea moves too hard!" Lamented Master Liu Nian.

"This, there is no other way?" Song Jia Zongzhu said ugly.

"This is not the most terrible. At this moment, if Chen Guo sends troops, all the cities in Song Dynasty will be utterly utterly unstoppable. At least in a short period of time, no one will resist!" Gao Xianzhi smiled bitterly.

On the one hand, the Qinghe suzeon said slightly: "Uh, five days ago, Chen Tianshan sent me a letter saying that Gu Hai ordered that Chen Wang lead 150,000 troops to the Song Dynasty. At that time, I was not serious, 150,000 soldiers. How can it break into the territory of the State of Song, but I can hear you say ...? "

Gao Xianzhi smiled bitterly: "The ancient sea is not missed. Step by step, it is already planned. One hundred and fifty thousand soldiers should be killed with boundless hatred, but they are facing the paper country of Song. I'm not as good as him, hey! "

"How are the idiots of King Song ruling the country?" Song Jia Zongzhu resentfully resented.

"Gu Hai should be in Songcheng now, right?" Said the host of the girl's hall with excitement.

"I guess it should still be in Songcheng!" Gao Xianzhi smiled bitterly.

"Go, let's go to Songcheng!" Said the host of the Maiden.



Song City is also extremely depressed at this moment. The whole dynasty was dead.

Ancient Hanfu.

Gu Hai drank tea and listened to the ancient Han to describe everything outside.

"The righteous father, the Song Dynasty plan, the first battle, the loss of the army! The second battle, the loss of the people's hearts! It has been successfully completed!" The ancient Han said with excitement.

This month, the ancient Han has thoroughly experienced everything and witnessed everything, and his heart has been surging for a long time. He has not seen his elder father play such a big game for many years.

Taking a light sip of tea, Gu Hai's eyes yelled: "Chen Guo's army has marched towards the Song Dynasty. The army is disheartened, the people are disheartened. Then enter the third battle, beloved!"

"Chin heart?" The ancient man's eyes lit up.

"Yes, who else supports the Song's Jiangshan? The people's hearts have been lost, and some ministers and nobles are still supporting them. If these ministers and nobles' hearts are also lost?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Nobles and ministers should not easily give up their support for Song's Jiangshan for their superior status!" The ancient man frowned.

"No, funeral heart is easier and shorter time!" Gu Hai said with a confident smile.


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