Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 36: Grieved Fairy Fairy

"Ding Ding Ding."

Wan'er Fairy suddenly played her own guqin. As she played, a group of musicians suddenly opened her eyes.

Even the old owner was instantly attracted.

"Shake the Divine Comedy." The old farmer smiled slightly and suddenly laughed.

"It's a shame, what the demon girl played this song."

"It's a shame, as long as those who have the artistic conception of Qin Tao can break away instantly, only for those who have no artistic conception of Qin Tao. Here are all luthiers.

"I heard that the regret song should be integrated into my own heart. If you devote yourself wholeheartedly and not shake others, you will regret yourself, either for you or me."




When everyone was at a loss.

Waner Fairy stared at the ancient sea while playing the piano.

Regretfully, the ancient sea has no artistic conception of Qin Tao. As long as he succeeds, he will immediately shake his mind and the six gods will have no master.


Long Wanqing suddenly looked for a moment, a little flash of confusion flashed in her eyes.

The ancient sea is also at this moment. Suddenly, I feel that the world is changing.

I wasn't walking on a lawn just now, it seemed to appear in the clouds at once, there was no one else, only myself.

A force that shakes the mind, heads for the three souls of the ancient sea, and shocks the ancient sea spirit.

Gu Hai was standing still, staring blankly at the numerous clouds around him, as if he had forgotten how to come, thinking about what was going on.

Ding Ding Ding Ding ……………….

The fascinating sound of the piano sounded, and the ancient sea I listened to seemed to be fascinating. I wanted to lie in this cloud and care nothing.

Recruited in the ancient sea.

On Thursday, there was a hint of doubt among the musicians.

"The demon girl is going to deal with the ancient master."

"Why is the ancient master so fascinated that the ancient master has no mood of piano?"

"How is it possible that Master Gu could have no mood of Qindao, just kidding."




A group of pianists appeared dazed.

Fairy fairy just smiled at this moment, and finally broke through you. Everyone around him began to doubt Guhai's Qindao artistic conception. It was a feeling of exultation, very comfortable feeling.

The ancient sea was drunk.

At this moment, in the space of the eyebrows, the celestial seal of Tianzhen seemed to feel something. It suddenly shocked, and it was suppressed in the sound of the piano. The force rushed straight back.


Gu Hai woke up instantly.

Qinsheng mood was also instantly annihilated by the fly ash suppressed by Tianzhen Shenxi.


Waner Fairy felt that her head was hit by a giant, and a burst of blood burst out.

"You, you, um ........." Fairy Fairy stared at Gu Hai, revealing an extremely incredible color.

"What happened just now." Long Wanqing also woke up with a shock.

"It's dangerous, you are all right, Lord, we just told you to wake up." Master Liu Nian worried.

Turning his head, Master Liunian looked coldly at Fairy Fairy: "Demon girl, you ..."

Master Liu Nian was going to be angry, but she turned her head, but saw Waner Fairy spit a few mouthfuls of blood, and when she came to her mouth, she didn't know what to say.

The calculator, on the contrary, calculates himself so miserably, it is really rare.

The pianist was also a little surprised around.

"Is this Master Gu's counterattack? He bombarded the demon girl's mood with the Qin Dao mood, and spit it out instantly."

"The ancient master really is amazing."

"The demon girl can't help it."




A group of musicians looked scornfully at Waner Fairy.

Only Waner Fairy understands that it was not Qin Tao's mood just now, and Gu Hai didn't know how to fight back.

"You, you, what have you done to me." Fairy fairy spit out blood and looked at Gu Hai in depression.

"Wan'er Fairy, many lines of injustice must confess." Gu Hai said coldly.

It ’s been more than once. I want to embarrass myself like this. Gu Hai is not made of mud. You can knead it. But every time I see Waner fairy miserable end, Gu Hai is silent. It was a miserable situation, and I was embarrassed to start.

"You just have to do more wrongdoing and you will brag about yourself. You have no mood at all, you are a liar." Fairy Fairy's eyes were also aggrieved.

"This demon girl is crazy, and even now says that Master Gu has no mood."

Wan'er Fairy was increasingly depressed and aggrieved.

"Waner fairy." The old owner said with a sigh.

Waner fairy turned her head and looked.

"Qindao is not only artistic conception, you are no better than the ancient sea. This is a fact." The old owner said gently.

Although she was very kind and persuasive, she heard it in Waner's ears, as if she had given her another knife.

It's already miserable. You won't say a bit of good comfort, but you have to insert another knife. What do you mean?

It's okay to add a knife, almost everyone around them nodded solemnly, as if to say that the right knife should be inserted like this.

Looking around, everyone stood on the opposite side. Waner Fairy's grievances magnified a hundredfold in an instant. A person who had no artistic conception even made everyone feel that he was inferior to him.

"Huh, my business, don't care about you." Wan'er Fairy was very angry in her grievances, stepped up, held the piano to the sky, and flew away quickly.

"Uh." Everyone froze slightly.

"This demon girl, her head is broken, for some reason, the old farmer instructed her, she actually accepted it, and ran away with anger."

Gu Hai stretched out her right hand, but there was an extra drop of water on her palm.

It wasn't a drop of water, it was Waner Fairy who just flew up in the sky, and the tears of grievance falling down in her eyes caught Gu Hai.

Looking at the tears on the palm of his hand, Gu Hai smiled bitterly for a moment, and some of his original anger was completely gone.

Waner Fairy is gone, and the vocal masters are back to the same place again. They close their eyes and look for Gou Chen's soul.

Gu Hai and his party proceeded to the Lord of the Shikang Town, not far away.

When He Cheng saw Gu Hai walking, his brows frowned slightly, and he seemed to guess everyone's purpose.

"He Chengzhu, can you take a step to speak." Long Wanqing solemnly said.

"Is there something to say here?" He Chengzhu frowned.

Long Wanqing turned her hands, and she had an extra gold scroll in her palm.

"Imperial imperative." He Chengzhu's face changed.

Long Wanqing folded his hands and put away the decree, solemnly saying, "He Chengzhu, please."

He Shikang was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

The crowd walked towards a corner not far away.

Above the square, Sima Changkong squinted and watched the crowd leave, a little flash of doubt flashed in his eyes.

And just above it, on a distant horizon.

Master An and Fang Minghou drove the flying boat to hunt down the elves, but in the end they found nothing and flew back in the flying boat.

"Oh, wait, Feizhou stops here." Master An narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Oh, Master An, what's wrong," Fang Minghou wondered.

"He Shikang, what is he doing with Gu Hai and his party?" Master An said coldly.

A long distance away, it is vague to see He Shikang and Gu Hai and his party, avoiding everyone around them--

Going to a corner, Gu Hai laid out an ordinary chess pattern with spirit stones, only for sound insulation. After all, all the masters of the piano are here, and the listening is extremely powerful. At this moment, he is more attentive to open listening, and he is not prepared. That is equivalent to speaking in front of everyone.

He Shikang was taken to the corner by everyone, and now there was a hint of irritability in his eyes.

"Holy Decree, haha, dare to ask the Lord of the Dragon Church, what holy Decree is in the end." He Chengzhu frowned.

"Give me the decree on the holy, thoroughly investigate the case of Long Xiaoyue's death, and inquire along the way. Everyone in the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom should cooperate fully, and He Cheng should not take a look." Long Wanqing took out the decree again.

He Chengzhu frowned, and finally shook his head and said, "Forget it, I forgive you not to preach the imperial edict. If you have any questions, please ask."

"It's still a problem that day. He Chengzhu has no clue, or even clue, about Long Xiaoyue's death." Long Wanqing solemnly said.

"No, I said that day, no." He Chengzhu said firmly.

Long Wanqing froze slightly. She had thought that she had changed places and no one was watching. He Chengzhu would tell the truth, why ...

"He Chengzhu, my mother used to play in the past, but you often go there. My mother treats you as a best friend. Now, when your friend dies, you are not a little sad. When you saw my mother for the last time, you did n’t find Abnormal, He Chengzhu, Uncle He, when I was a kid, I heard my mother mention you many times. When my mother is a confidant, you are really indifferent to my mother's death. "Long Wanqing said with red eyes.

He Chengzhu's eyes flashed a struggle, and then he insisted: "I really don't know anything."

"Where is Mr. Huangfu," Gu Hai suddenly interjected.

"Well." He Chengzhu suddenly changed his face and looked at Gu Hai in surprise.

However, in an instant, He Chengzhu suppressed the shock in his heart, and his expression resumed: "Mr. Huangfu, I don't know."

"Oh." Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just now I shouted Mr. Huangfu abruptly, just to see the reaction of He Chengzhu, and sure enough, He Chengzhu knew a little about Long Wanqing's death, and this Huangfu was also a key figure.

"Mr. Huangfu, don't you know He Chengzhu? I have participated in the mother's piano concert with you many times in the past." Long Wanqing eagerly said.

"I don't know, I don't know." He Chengzhu refused.

"He Chengzhu, this array is soundproof. What do you know? Tell me, okay, nobody knows. My mother died so terribly. I really want to avenge my mother. Now only you know a little, please, Okay. "Long Wanqing said with red eyes.

He Chengzhu's tone was resolute, and he finally shook his head and said, "I really don't know. You asked the wrong person."

Long Wanqing was desperate, and Master Liu Nian was ugly for a while, and Shangguan marks were on the side of alert.

"Well, since I don't know, then the Lord of the City can write a guarantee for me, and write a guarantee for the imperial edict." Gu Hai frowned.

"Uh, write a guarantee." He Chengzhu slightly surprised.


During the exploration, Gu Hai turned his hands and took out a table with a writing brush and ink, and a golden silk cloth on it.

"What are you doing?" He Chengzhu said.

"The holy goal is to do this. No matter who is it, we will cooperate with the investigation. He Chengzhu, since you are not sure about it, please write it down and put your official seal on it. You can give it to the Holy Ghost. "Gu Hai Shen cried.

Long Wanqing and Master Liu Nian looked to Gu Hai in doubt, but did not know what ghost Gu Gu was doing, but did not stop


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He Cheng's face was puzzled.

"He Chengzhu, please cooperate, you don't want the church master to ask for the decree again." Gu Hai laughed.

He Chengzhu's face was complicated for a while, but he nodded and said, "Write and write, nothing, don't know, just don't know."

Detective, grabbed the writing brush on the table, spread the ink, and wrote it. Throughout the article, he knew nothing about the death of Long Xiaoyue, and his tone was extremely firm.

After writing everything, the Lord He was silent for a while. At the last time, the detective took out an official seal and pressed it up.


The official seal was pressed, leaving an official print with text, and there was a hint of golden light on the text.

"Let's do this." He Chengzhu Shen Shen said.

"Okay." Gu Hai smiled slightly and carefully closed the golden silk cloth.

"Nothing, then I'll go." He Chengzhu frowned.

Gu Hai looked at the Shangguan mark not far away. Shangguan mark glanced at the sky, and nodded slightly, giving Gu Hai a wink.

"He Chengzhu, I don't know, how much do you know about Luyang King's Mansion, I heard that Corporal Lixian of Luyang Mansion paid great attention to the guests, I don't know if it is true or not." Gu Hai asked with a smile.

"Well." The Lord He shuddered slightly.

Look at the ancient sea by accident, what does the ancient sea mean? Do you want to turn to Luyang King House?

Long Wanqing's face changed, showing an anxiety.

"Pop." Master Liu Nian suddenly grabbed Long Wanqing.

Long Wanqing turned her head and looked away. Master Liunian shook her head and showed a smile. Long Wanqing froze slightly, the anxiety just now calmed down.

He Chengzhu didn't know what he meant, but he also said casually, but the ancient sea seemed to bite He Chengzhu to let go, and asked many details.

After talking for a while, it ended.

He Chengzhu showed a doubt and returned to the square again.

"Gu Hai, you just ..." Long Wanqing curiously said.

"Nothing, Feizhou, let's go." Gu Hai laughed.

Long Wanqing took out the flying boat blankly.

The four flew into the flying boat, helmed by Shangguan marks, and quickly entered the clouds.

As soon as I entered the cloud, I immediately saw Master An and Fang Minghou.

"Ancient sea, Long Wanqing." Master An looked coldly at the ancient sea not far away.

Gu Hai looked at Master An with a sneer flashing in his eyes: "Master An, I have a clear grudge against Gu Hai, and I have targeted the first piano building on this street a few times, but I still remember it, Master An, a big right, ha Haha, great right. "

In the end, Gu Hai's laughter brought a hint of irony.

Two flying boats passed by, and in an instant, the ancient flying boat flew away.

But Gu Hai's inexplicable words made Master An's face glum.

"Guhai, what did he just mean?" Master An frowned and looked at Fang Minghou.

"I don't know, but listening to his tone seems to avenge you." Fang Minghou shook his head and said.

"Revenge me, hum, he deserves it. If it weren't for Mr. Mo's that day, I would have let him die without a burial place." Master An said coldly.

After that, Master An's flying boat flew back to Yinyue Island.

Although hard-pressed, Master An still felt a little embarrassed in his heart. There was always a bad feeling and he immediately found the Lord He.

"He Chengzhu, Gu Hai has been looking for you for a long time and talked." Master An asked afterwards.

"It's nothing, Gu Hai asked Wang Yefu how to treat him, and he did not respect the guest. What would happen if he turned to Wang Ye." He Chengzhu explained.

Master An had a bang in his head, and the whole person was there. Mr Mo was still in his ears. As long as Gu Hai was willing to enter the Prince's Mansion, Mr Mo was willing to help him clear up all his worries, first of all he would be his grandson Down.

Gu Hai's tone just now.

"It's bad, it's bad." Master An's face turned wild—

Flying above the boat.

Gu Hai grasped the guarantee written by He Chengzhu, and looked at it again, revealing a slight chuckle: "Well, it's time to go fishing." The first release of this book comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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