Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 3 Chapter 76: My father is a hero of the world, there is no obstacle in the world

"Hmm." "Hmm."

The two flying boats were chasing quickly one after the other.

In front is Long Wanqing wearing a bucket, and behind him is an unborn person.

The unmanned man manipulated the flying boat, lowered his head, and exuded his murderous spirit all over his body.

"Gu Hai, you can't run away. Seeing that you have found me out of the congenital mess, I will leave you a whole body." The unborn person said coldly.

The flying boat was separated for a long distance, but the unborn voice came strangely into the ears of the people in front.

Long Wanqing wore a bucket, and on top of the bucket, it was covered with Gu Hai's hair, and no one had mistaken it for Gu Hai.

Long Wanqing was determined, naturally he would not respond, and fully controlled the flying boat to fly fast.

"Longer time, fly further, now there is a half column incense, Gu Hai should be able to see that letter, hurry up, run away, I will help you drag on for a while, drag on. Qing shook her fist, bit her lip, and urged Feizhou with all her strength.

"call out."

The speed of the flying boat soared again.

"Escape, you can't escape, no one can escape the person I'm going to kill." The unborn person said coldly.

Between the words, the black gas suddenly burst into the back of the unborn person, and the black gas connected the back, soared to the sky, and stretched out toward the flying boat in front.

"Quack quack."

In the dark air, there was a sound of ghostly crying ghosts. In the midst of the air, the dark air condensed a ghost-like figure with a large head, the ghost's head was exposed, and a black gas tentacle was stretched out toward the front Flying boat extended.

The two flying boats are far apart, but the black gas tentacles are generally connecting the two flying boats.


A black gas tentacle suddenly caught Long Wanqing's flying boat.

Long Wanqing turned her head and looked at it. Suddenly, she saw the horrible and ghostly ghost head. The ghost head seemed to have a regretful power. Long Wanqing looked hairy all over.

"Quick, quick, quick." Long Wanqing shivered in horror.

However, strong thoughts supported myself, and fled in horror for another period of time for the ancient sea.

"Whew, whew."

Two black gas tentacles entangled the flying boat again.

The two flying boats were getting closer.

"Gu Hai, stop now, otherwise, I will disperse the spirit that you hit and the bones will be gone." The dead voice of the unborn came again.

Long Wanqing's soul was shaken by the ghost's head, and now she was trembling with horror, and her eyes already contained tears.

"Dad, mother said you would come to protect us, why haven't you been here, father, where are you." Long Wanqing was terrified, and the former spiritual pillar in her heart shouted again.

However, now there is a feeling that every day should not be called earthly insufficiency--

"Mother, why do my cousin and cousin both have fathers, and I do n’t have a father, my father, I laughed at my cousin today with my sister, and said that we are a child without a father, that my mother stole a wild man, My sister and I said no, and they were ***, oh, mother, am I a child without a father? "

"Xiao Wanqing, don't cry, you have a father. Your father is a world hero. There is no obstacle in the world. He went to a very far place because of something. But one day, he will come back. If anyone He bullied our mother and daughter, and he will take revenge on us. No matter who he is, he will protect us and not let us suffer a little. "

"My dad is a hero of the world, and there is no obstacle in the world."




The scenes of the past are recalled in Xintian. Long Wanqing is lonely and helpless at this moment. After regret, she trembles, always thinking of her mother's previous conversation.

Dad, where are you, my mother is dead, my sister and I are often bullied. Where are you, my mother said that you would protect us from a little grievance. afraid.

Long Wanqing was terrified in tears.

"Stop, for the last time, if you don't stand anymore, you will have no bones immediately." The cold voice of the unborn sounded from the rear.

While talking, a huge black tentacle was stretched out above the head of the black spirit, and the tentacle was like a black whip that swept across the sky, and threw it towards Long Wanqing suddenly.

It was a death tentacle, and the void was trembling everywhere.

The unborn child had a killer, and Long Wanqing was about to be drawn.

A threat of death rushed to his heart, Long Wanqing suddenly exploded his hair, and was originally shivered by the regretful soul, and suddenly felt like falling into an ice cellar.

Death, despair, instantly flooded the whole body.

Long Wanqing was shocked.


Death tentacle slammed on Long Wanqing's back.

In the smash of the back, Long Wanqing showed a stun in his eyes: "My father is a hero of the world, there is no obstacle in the world. He went to a very far place because of something, but one day, my father Will come back. If anyone bullies our mother and daughter, my father will take revenge on us. No matter who he is, my father will protect us and not let us be a little wronged. "


Long Wanqing was smashed out, dying with tentacles, straight into her soul. Instantly, Long Wanqing was entangled with black gas, fell to the ground, and Dou Yan burst open, exposing Long Wanqing with her head bare.


The flying boat stopped suddenly.

Long Wanqing fell on the deck of the flying boat, and a burst of pale green breath suddenly appeared from her body.


Against the backdrop of black gas, three souls seemed to appear, and the three souls wobbled like three transparent dragons Wanqing.

One of the souls suddenly burst open, turned into countless fragments, and scattered around.

The other soul disappeared slightly, and only one soul was still attached to the body.

However, at this moment, the body is also changing like a virtual reality.

"It's you, you're not the ancient sea." Weisheng drank coldly.

"My dad is a hero of the world. There is no obstruction in the world." The last soul seemed to be slightly demented, and he kept saying something.

"Huh, stubbornness, in order to save the ancient sea, even your mother's resurrection is ignored." Weiren said coldly.

"Do not."

A desperate roar from the ancient sea came suddenly.

"call out."

A flying boat blasted from a distance.

"Oh, you dare to chase after me." The unborn person gave a slight glance.

"Wan Qing, Wan Qing, no, no ..." Gu Hai cried in horror.

The unborn turned his palms and hit the flying boat.

With a single stroke, the void gathered a huge black palm.


The flying boat of Gu Hai and his party exploded and opened, and Gou Chen fell down instantly.

But Gu Hai couldn't take care of it at all, and a pair of bone wings suddenly emerged from the back, flying towards Long Wanqing.

"Wan Qing, Wan Qing, you don't want to die." Gu Hai's eyes were red in horror.

"Gu Hai, you dare to come, Long Wanqing's death, blame yourself, Long Wanqing is dead, nobody killed me, no one can survive." No one said coldly.

While talking, the detective grabbed a palm towards Gu Hai.

"Unborn, you are not a person, you are not a thing." Master Liu Nian growled suddenly and sadly.

Eighteen beads from the probe flew out, and Huangfu's Chaoge and Mu Chenfeng also hit the unborn.

"Looking for death." No one hummed.

Grasp the hand towards Gu Hai abruptly, welcoming the three.


There was a super loud noise, and the void shuddered suddenly. The power of the three babies was completely dissipated by the unborn person, and Yu Li was a heavy blow to the three.


Three people spewed blood and flew out.

"I read that you are friends of girls, and I will not kill you, but if you are still stubborn, next time you will be like Long Wanqing, the bones will be completely gone, and the spirit will be scattered." The unborn tone took Sensen's murderous tone.

"She is the daughter of the old church owner." Mu Chenfeng vomited blood in despair.

"She's Xiaoyue's daughter, Xiaoyue's daughter, you blow her soul out, and you have no bones." Huangfu Chaoge roared angrily, covering her chest.

"I only recognize the girl, and I don't know anyone else." Weisheng roared, and his whole body exudes Han Han's murderous spirit.

"Unborn, you are not a person, you are not a thing. How did Xiao Yue think of you and you? Long Wanqing is your daughter, he is your daughter, your daughter, you beat her There is no bones, and the spirit is flying. You are not worthy of being her father. You really are not worthy of it. No wonder Xiaoyue doesn't let you know, she doesn't let you know, she is your daughter. "Master Liu Nian shouted in despair.

"Om." The unborn trembled suddenly.

"What do you say, passing years, what you say, it is impossible, our ancestors, jealous of the sky, widowhood and loneliness, no children for life, and Long Wanqing is only 31 years old. My girl and I have been for hundreds of years. I haven't seen it. "Weisheng said coldly.

"She is your daughter, aren't you a shoushi, wouldn't you see it by yourself? When Gu Hai looked for you, the hairpin, why Xiaoyue kept it for hundreds of years, it was because you sent it, you are not human, you Not a thing, Long Wanqing is your daughter. "Master Liu Nian cried in despair.


No one stunned.

"It's impossible, impossible." The unborn population kept thinking.

However, it was still caught by the detective, and the broken soul in the void was all pulled together.

"This is Long Wanqing's soul, it was broken, it can't be my daughter's." As the unborn man trembled slightly, a strange rune array appeared on the palm of his hand.


On the rune formation, Long Wanqing's broken soul floated, and the unborn person touched it with his right hand.

"Buzz buzz."

Suddenly, the formation is bright, and Long Wanqing's broken soul is also bright.

"My daughter, how could it be my daughter, my daughter." The unborn person settled in the air.

"Wan Qing, Wan Qing, you don't want to die, we haven't become husband and wife yet, Wan Qing." Gu Hai cried in despair, holding Long Wanqing covered in black gas.

"Get off, get off."

The unborn person suddenly appeared in front of Gu Hai with a wave of his hand.


The ancient sea was set off.

"Long Wanqing, Long Wanqing, you are my daughter, my daughter, no, how can this be." The unborn person held Long Wanqing's hand in despair.

Long Wan Qing Soul Fei Mo San


= \ 'background-image: url (/img/1438749209195/32846786/7043572823565065404.png) \'> But there is still a soul attached to the body, in the hazy, glanced at him stupidly.

"Long Wanqing, my daughter, my daughter." Weisheng cried in horror holding Long Wanqing's hand.


In the murmur, Long Wanqing shook off the unborn hand and made a weak voice.

"You are not my father. My father is a hero of the world. There is no obstacle in the world. He went to a far place because of something. But one day, my father will come back. Whoever bullies our mother and daughter My father will take revenge on us. No matter who he is, my father will protect us from any grievance. "

PS: This chapter is suitable for reading twice.

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