Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 31: Sky Knife Life and Death

Worry-Free Valley!

"Master Meng Duo, wait for me!" Song Qingshu shouted in horror.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!"

Fifty monsters followed closely, driving Song Qingshu and his party into the valley.


Song Qingshu rolled down from the mountainside with one foot empty.

Montai took a subordinate of Yipintang to the middle of the valley and watched in horror that the fifty monsters stopped.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" ...............

The sound of monsters in all directions is the sound of monsters on the hills of Sanyou Valley. There are all kinds of monsters, such as wolf demon, leopard demon, snake demon, tiger demon. One figure drove into the valley.

"How could this be?"

"So many monsters? Why are there so many monsters?"

"Let me go. I didn't mean it. I didn't kill anyone!"

"I will immediately leave the congenital mess and let me go out!"




The beasts roared around, and after a group of beasts, all the men in black with flutes were slowly showing their heads.

The flute sounded beautiful, but it sounded to everyone's ears, but it was as unpleasant as a death knell.

"Master of the rudder?" Yipintang disciples looked at Montai anxiously.

"It's going to happen!" Montai said with an ugly expression.

Outside the valley, on the top of a mountain, the mouth of a nine-year-old man in red showed a sneer and looked at the crying man in the valley.

"Nine sons, almost all the people who could be found were driven out. There were a total of 2,600 people!" A man in black respectfully said.

"All here? Good then!" Jiugongzi said coldly.

Stepping, Jiu Gong leaned down and looked coldly.

"Who are you? Disciples of Yitiange, aren't we not involved in our affairs?" Montai exclaimed.

"Don't step in? Huh, that's your fault and you don't understand the rules!" Jiugong said coldly.


Thousands of monsters roared together and stared at the crowd. Everyone also looked at Jiu Gong together, showing anxiety.

"You drove us here, what do you want to do? There are no rules in the innate endgame ..." Montai cried.

"Don't tell me the rules, I like to hear your screams, what's wrong? Don't say I didn't make a way for you. This is a piece of endgame left by the cabinet owner that year, and it is the most obvious endgame map. If you unlock it, , I leave you a way of life, if you can't solve it, let this endgame decide the life and death! "Jiugongzi said coldly.

Speaking, the big sleeves fluttered.


From Jiugongzi's sleeve, a sudden burst of black mist spewed out. The black mist soared into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, the whole square of Sanssouci was wrapped.

Above the dark clouds, there is a hint of light, like stars in the night, dotted the night.

"The endgame left by the old man watching chess?" Montai growled suddenly.

Countless practitioners under the valley suddenly showed panic.

"What? How can the endgame left by the old man watching Qi be solved?"

"The old man who watched chess said the world was the best. Who can solve it?"

"What kind of formation is this? How do I feel a sense of death shrouded?"

"Me too, my hair is all up, as if a knife is hanging over my head!"




The practitioners shouted in horror all around.

"I said, this is not the strongest endgame of the cabinet owner, but it is just the cabinet owner's handwork! However, I ca n’t solve it for you! You slaughtered the residents of Sanssouci Valley in the past, are n’t you crazy? Look at their original despair! "Nine sons sneered in the dark clouds.

"It's none of my business, I didn't kill them!"

"I didn't, let me out!"

"I'll leave right away, please, let me go!"




The crowd shouted.


From the dark clouds, a huge platform suddenly fell down, just in the middle of the valley.


On the platform, there is a huge Go board. A large number of chess pieces have been placed on the Go board to form an endgame. The stars in the dark clouds are spotlighted, and beams of light suddenly go straight down, straight into each piece, Each **** is connected to a star.

"What battle is this?" Montai exclaimed.

"Tiandao's life and death, the winner is born, the loser is dead! You are ready, ha ha ha ha!" Nine sons sneered from the dark clouds.


A monk rushed to the mountain in panic, trying to break out of the dark cloud.


Suddenly, a blade rang, and a chill blew straight into everyone's hearts, and a white light burst out from the dark clouds.

The white light is a huge sword with a length of hundreds of feet. The knife tears the void, cuts out a sharp, shouting sound of tearing wind, and goes straight to the man who broke into the mountain.


The man screamed, and immediately took out his long sword and greeted him.


The long sword stopped in mid-air, and the stab gas passed directly over the man's body, then disappeared.

Everyone stared, staring at the man as if he had been fixed.

Just as everyone stared.


The fleeing man suddenly split in half from the point of his eyebrow, and fell into a pool of blood.

"Ah!" "Ah!" ………………

The cry of some female monks came from the crowd. Just being alone, was split in half by a knife gas?

"Let's make it together, we can make it! We can make it out!" Someone shouted.

"Oh!" Nine sons sneered in the dark clouds.

"In the life and death situation of Sky Knife, there are 9,324 Sky Knives. If you don't believe it, try it!" Jiugongzi's voice came.

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

There are only more than 2,000 people, but there are more than 9,000 days knife?

Looking at the dark clouds, everyone was chilling in their hearts, as if the sky-knife with a handle hanging in the dark clouds was facing himself. As long as there was a slight change, they would be killed instantly.

"No, I don't want to die! Whoops, I don't want to stay!"

"I didn't kill, I didn't kill!"




There was a panic in Tanaka, and many practitioners who were fragile were already crying. Everyone can see the sword just now. Don't say that they are now practicing the innate state, that is, the Jindan state, and they are absolutely dead. Even the Yuanying state ca n’t escape. Now there are more than 9,000 days The knife was hanging overhead, and everyone showed despair.

Mengtai looked ugly.

Song Qingshu stared, revealing despair——

Sanssouci Valley, Lingquan Cave.


Gao Xianzhi made a sudden sound throughout his body, and a ripple rumbling around his body.

"Breakthrough? The second place in the congenital realm?" Gao Xianzhi said excitedly.

However, seeing that everyone was immersed in increasing cultivation, Gao Xianzhi quickly suppressed the excitement in his heart and continued to absorb this billowing aura again.

The ancient pond is in the small pond.

The blue light is the most, that is, the water-based aura is the most vigorous, but Xiaorou's body is like a bottomless pit. The water-based aura is squeezed into Xiaorou's body at an extremely scary speed, nourishing Xiaorou.

Xiaorou coiled around Gu Hai's shoulders comfortably, enjoying this infinite water-based aura.

On the other side, Gu Hai's body is still purple.

The spirit of the spirit mother quickly melted into the ancient sea without any stagnation, as if there is endlessness in this spring. After one hour, two hours, three hours, and four hours, the ancient sea felt better than the last Qinghe monarch used the spirit stone. Help yourself more.


In the ancient sea Dantian, a dragon yelled.

The original drop of real yuan suddenly turned into nine drops of real yuan.


Nine drops of real yuan suddenly merged into one, and became a peanut-sized true yuan droplet. A huge force swelled from the ancient sea's body, and the surrounding springs splashed innumerably.

"Polymerization becomes pearls, the second place of innate state?" Gu Hai opened his eyes, and a bright light bloomed in his eyes.

Without hesitation, Gu Hai closed her eyes again and continued to absorb the aura in the water frantically.

After another full day, Xiaorou's injury was all right. At this moment, while he was swollen with reiki, he was staring at Guhai stupidly. Just looking at Gu Hai, looking at it, his face was a little red, and a sweet smile appeared.

A day later.

The ancient sea stared at the real Yuan beads in Dantian, and filled with aura, and the real Yuan continued to devour, and the real Yuan beads changed from one to nine, and nine peanut-sized real Yuan beads, as if going to the second The two mergers have impacted the third level of the a priori.


The dragon-shaped energetic encircle, seems to be accumulating power, accumulating a greater force, the impact of the third.


Suddenly, Gu Hai's face changed and opened her eyes.

Xiaorou staring at the ancient sea was suddenly startled, and panicked his eyes.

"No more aura?" Gu Hai frowned at the pond.

Sure enough, there was no color in the pond, and the blue and purple light had disappeared.

"Ah? Ah? Oh! It doesn't seem to be!" Xiaorou also found anomalies in a panic.

Aside, Gao Xianzhi and Chen Tianshan also opened their eyes. The two looked at the water in the pond, and a pity flashed in their eyes.

"It's a pity, if only it could be longer!" Chen Tianshan said with a pity.

Gu Hai also felt sorry for a while, but soon revealed a slight chuckle: "Nothing, this breakthrough is enough!"

"Well, Master Po Sheng hasn't woken up yet?" Xiaorou curiously said.

Everyone looked at Master Liansheng strangely. Master Liansheng seemed to be settled and remained motionless.

"Would you like to wake up the master?" Chen Tianshan frowned.

"No, the master has explained before, don't disturb him!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Huh!" The crowd nodded.

"By the way, I seemed to hear screams outside before! No, it seems like a scream comes every other time!" Xiaorou frowned suddenly.

"Oh?" Everyone moved.

PS: I'm going out again today, updated in advance!

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