Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 18: Zhen Cui Tie

Chaoge City!

Before Gu Hai left, there were proper arrangements. Except for major incidents, the affairs of North Korea and China in general did not interfere.

After receiving Daming Wang and his party, Shangguanhen avoided the three men far.

However, Cui Tie among the three found the Shangguan mark again.

On Shangguanhen House, in a gazebo.

Cui Tie visited, and Shangguanhen naturally received it.

In the gazebo, Shangguanhen made Cui Tie and himself a cup of tea.

"Mr. Cui? I wonder what happened suddenly?" Shangguanhen sipped with tea and laughed.

Cui Tie held a tea cup, took a sip, and sneered, "Mr. Shangguan, you're so easy to find. These days, I can't see you anymore? If it wasn't for the God of King Ming reminding me to stop here, I don't know how to find it you?"

"I'm busy with affairs, so I can't find me normal, but you are waiting for the emperor to return, but why are you looking for me?" Shangguanhen laughed.

Cui Tie became serious, staring at Shangguan marks.

Shangguan marks are still light and light.

"Who are you? Why, do you give me a very familiar feeling? Is it a member of my Xuanwu clan?" Cui Tie Shen said.

"Oh, maybe I'm more popular, right?" Shangguan Mark said lightly.

"No, it's not appearance, it's feeling. I have searched your information these days, and said that you are the 7th son of the nine sons who watch chess? But I don't believe it. At the beginning, Miao Chenxing's preparations for mobilizing the masses wiped out the Dahan Dynasty. When I saw you, suddenly Anshun? Who are you? "Cui Tie's face went dark.

Shangguanhen drank his mouth tea and his expression cooled down: "Mr. Cui, who am I, and what's your matter?"

"No, the breath on you is the breath of supreme. The supreme is dead, but why is it on you, is it, is it ...?" Cui Tie's eyes gradually became red.

"What is it?" Shangguan Mark said coldly.

"God? My **** of the Xuanwu clan, Mo Fei ...!" Cui Tiehong looked at Shangguan Mark with red eyes.

Shangguanhen's eyes froze slightly: "Oh, you really want to, but, no matter who I am, what does it do with you? Haven't you already invested in the Sun Temple as a slave?"

"No, my **** of the Xuanwu tribe must have been destroyed by the sky, maybe it is a fragment of the god? Show me!" Cui Tie stood up suddenly, and seemed to pounce on the upper mark.


But when he just got up, Cui Tie's body was shaking suddenly, as if he was about to stand still.

"Poisonous in the tea, are you poisoning me?" Cui Tie stared at Shangguan Mark.

"Mr. Cui, please take care of yourself. This is not your slave after all. I can't kill you, but, if there is any chaos, don't blame me!" Shangguanchen said coldly.

"This is mysterious snake venom. You are indeed a basalt tribe. Who are you? What is your relationship with the Supreme? Is there a fragment of God on your body?" Cui Tie staggered and stared.

Shangguanhen said in a deep voice: "Daming King God? Have you looked at it for a long time, is this your slave? Is it you who want to test me?"

In Chaoge City, on a floating island far away, the God of the Ming Dynasty and the woman in white robes are playing against each other.

"Oh, Shangguanhen? This is a matter for your Xuanwu tribe. I'm not trying to test you! But, I'm also curious, who are you? A fragment of Xuanwu God?" Daming King God said lightly.

Although far apart, the voice of the God of the Ming Dynasty was strangely transmitted to Shangguanhen's house.

"I said no, but you do n’t believe it, but I did n’t expect that Cui Tie had already reached such a situation for the slaves, whether or not I had fragments of the basalt god, he actually provoked the matter in front of outsiders? "Shangguanhen's eyes looked slightly opposite Cui Tie.

"If it is a fragment of Xuanwu God, you are not entitled to have it!" Cui Tie shouted.

"Oh? I'm not qualified, you're qualified? Oh, ha ha ha ha!" Shangguan marks his face cold.

Turning his head, Shangguan marks: "Daming King God, I remember that you owe Xuanwu supreme a favor, right? Why, the Xuanwu tribe is defeated, do you want to go down?"

On the floating island in the distance, the **** in the hand of Daming Wang suddenly had a slight meal.

"It seems that you do have a relationship with Xuanwu Supreme, do you even know this? Oh, you are Xuanwu, and Cui Tie is also Xuanwu. So, I wo n’t intervene in your Xuanwu thing! You and Cui Tie will solve it yourself! "Daming Wang Shen said lightly.

"Oh? I killed this traitor, don't you step in?" Shangguanhen said in a deep voice.

"Don't intervene, but Cui Tie followed me for a while, I don't intervene in his affairs, but, I can help him solve the poison on him!" Daming Wangshen said lightly.

During the conversation, the **** in his hand suddenly threw. The **** was like a meteor, and it suddenly radiated from a distant place, and then fell to Cui Tie in a blink of an eye.


The chess piece hit Cui Tie's abdomen, Cui Tie spit out a green liquid, and his body crashed into a house instantly.


Cui Tie smashed a house with endless smoke, but the smoke was shrouded, but Cui Tie was inexplicably excited.

"Ha ha ha ha, thanks to the **** Daming, the poison has been released, Xuan snake poison? Shangguan marks, I see where you go!" Cui Tie rushed out in the rubble.


A large amount of cloud and mist suddenly emerged from Shangguan's house. But it is the array method of the ancient sea.

"Libashan is so angry!"

The home on Shangguanhenfu will immediately control the impact of Yunshou.

"Hum, this level, still want to be wanton in front of me? Break me!" Cui Tie yelled.


With one punch, Xiang Yuyun Beast exploded and burst open. Not only Xiang Yuyun Beast exploded, but also the entire large array burst open.

"Shangguan marks, can you show me?" Cui Tie turned to look at the ruins.

The Shangguan mark has disappeared.

Cui Tie, after all, is the strength to open the Tiangong Palace. Although it is the Xiatian Palace, it is also the fierce destructive force.

"call out!"

A flying boat flew out of the city.

"Shangguanhen, where do you run!" Cui Tie yelled and chased quickly.

"call out!"

The flying boat was fast, and Cui Tie was also fast. In an instant, the two rushed out of the city.

After all, the destructive power of Kaitian Palace is too strong. If it is to fight in the city, people will suffer.


Suddenly, Cui Tie's figure fluttered and blocked in front of Feizhou.

In the southern part of the city, Cui Tie blocked the Shangguan mark, showing a smirk: "Shangguan mark? I am thinking of you and I are basalts. If you really have a fragment of God, give it to me and I can spare you!"

"Cui Tie? The biggest mistake of the Supreme was to spoil you!" Shangguanhen said coldly.

Speaking, the green mist suddenly appeared around Shangguan marks, and it was obviously a dazed gas.

"Huh! Poisoning? I got my two bodies together and you succeeded. Do you think it works now?"

Cui Tie snorted and fluttered.


Cui Tiehua was transformed into a huge basalt with a height of 500 feet.

The combination of the black turtle and the black snake exploded out of the breath of Kaitiangong, forming a storm. As soon as Xuanwu emerged, dark clouds covered the sky, and lightning flashed. Hundreds of people in the city turned their heads in surprise.

On the floating island in the city, the king of Daming stopped playing chess and looked into the distance.

The black turtle gnaws, the black snake opens its mouth and **** green mist.

"My venomous body, the poisonous sac can absorb even the supreme poisonous gas of that year, which is a great tonic for me, do you continue? Oh? Your poisonous gas does have a sense of supreme flavor? You really have it Xuanwu tribe inheritance? Fragments of God, what do you have? "Xuan snake roared with excitement.

Shangguanhen's face was ugly.

What Shangguanhen has is not a fragment of the basalt god, but a complete body. There are indeed some secret methods of the basalt god, but if it is cast, it will be fully exposed. The most important thing is Cui Tie, a scum of the basalt family.

Force yourself to shoot? If you don't use divine power, you are just Yuanying. But if it is used, once exposed, it will not be a trouble for Cui Tie, but countless monster beasts will take their own **** as the first purpose.

"Cui Tie, this is the Dahan dynasty. Do you oppose me in the Dahan dynasty, do you want to be the enemy of the Dahan dynasty?" Shangguan marks his face coldly.

"Dahan Dynasty? Hahaha, what **** Dahan Dynasty, today, I just want you to surrender the fragments of the basalt god, how can you help me? What about the ancient sea, even in front of me? I have a finger You can pinch him, believe it or not? "Cui Tie said coldly.

Shangguan marks is about to get angry.

Suddenly, a chilling voice came: "One finger can pinch me? Oh, what a breath!"

"Huh?" Xuanshe Xuangui showed a hint of doubt.

"Emperor!" Shangguan Hen suddenly smirked.

"The emperor is back, the emperor is back!"

"The emperor is back!"




Countless worried people and officials in the city suddenly showed joy. After all, Shangguan Mark had poisoned Changming and saved the city. Now it was forced to kill by Xuanwu. All of them were worried about Shangguan Mark, but they were powerless.

"Ancient sea?" Daming Wang Shen said on the floating island.

On the one hand, the woman in white robe stood up slowly: "That's the ancient sea?"

But I saw a flying boat approaching slowly in the distance.

In front of the flying boat, there was a dragon chair, which was sitting on the ancient sea.

The ancient sea has just returned, just came back, seeing the turbulent Chaoge City, had not had time to be happy, suddenly covered with clouds.

Is it a huge basalt in the distance, bullying Shangguan marks?

Gu Hai naturally gloomy commander Feizhou flew over.

"Gu Hai? It's no use returning to you, while staying, this is my Xuanwu tribe's thing!" Cui Tie coldly said.

"Huh, everything in Dahan is your thing, in Chaochao song, insulting Dahan, what do you think?" Gu Hai grunted.

In the cold humming, turning his hand, Tianzhen Shenxi suddenly flew out, and suddenly zoomed in a hundred times.


Suddenly, a long howling should be drunk from the earth's dragon's veins under the ground, and the weather moved suddenly towards the town's seal.

"Huh, a royal imperial seal, also want to town me? The imperial royal seal is almost the same. Joke!"

Mysterious snake's tail suddenly flew away, as if a tail smashed the town's seal.


Above the town's seal, the black chess suddenly gave off a hint of black light.

Qifang Qiyun suddenly poured in countlessly into Tianzhen God Seal, Tianzhen God Seal zoomed in a hundred times again, at the same time, the earth dragon vein suddenly poured out a golden dragon light and shadow, floating high above the sky, seemingly carrying countless mountains, melting Tianzhen God Seal toward Xuan The snake's tail pressed away.

The black snake's tail was instantly broken by Tianzhen Shenxi, and it slammed on the back of the black turtle.


Huge repressive force, the pressure of the ground trembled, and that area sank suddenly.



With the scream of Cui Tie, the turtle shell burst into pieces, and blood spewed out from the inside instantly.

"What?" Shen Ming, a **** in the distance, said in a deep voice.

"Cui Tie has the power to open the heavenly palace. How can Gu Hai ...?" The white robe woman also showed horror.

"Eh?" Shangguanhen also looked at Gu Hai in amazement.

There was also a hint of surprise in Gu Hai's eyes. Just now, he just spurred the Tianzhen God Seal with the imperial tactics of the Great Tragedy of Heaven and Earth, but did not expect the effect to be so powerful?

The power of the great tragedy of heaven and earth?

No, it should be the power of Tianzhen God Seal. Tianzhen God Seal carrying the Dahan Dynasty luck together with the power of the earth's dragon veins, brutally suppressed Cui Tie. Of course, there is more or less the power of black?

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