Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 38: King Wang

This is the second more!


All the practitioners looked coldly at Qin Zibai, and the man in the golden robe that had just shot was also recognized!

"Master Wang? Do you dare to oppose me?" Qin Zi stared with white eyes.

The man in the golden robe looked coldly at Qin Zibai: "Qin Zibai, you first entered Zhongtian Temple, and I also entered Zhongtian Temple. The purpose of Longmai City is to devour dragon veins. Oh, I was surprised before. Are you a disciple of the Qin family in the Yuan Dynasty, what qualifications are there to compete for the dragon veins? Well, the dragon veins I was looking for were all made by you and Xi Yan? "

A group of practitioners looked at Xi Yan and Qin Zibai coldly.

"Who said it was compiled? It was Guhai's jerk, you believe it?"

Kill a nosy halfway through? Qin Zibai was extremely depressed.

"Oh, I don't believe you now!" King Dao sneered.

"You don't believe me? You believe him?" Qin Zibai depressed.

"I don't believe him either!" King Dao said coldly.

"Uh?" Qin Zi frowned slightly.

Indeed, the attitude of King Wu is the attitude of everyone here. He does not believe in Qin Zibai, nor does he believe in Gu Hai. However, Gu Hai said a doubt, but it blocked everyone's heart.

During this trip, is it really just being calculated?

Qin Zi Bai looked coldly at the ancient sea.

Gu Hai chuckled back: "Qin Zibai, do you think you can hide it?"

"Huh, what am I hiding? Gu Hai, you can go ahead and edit them. They can protect you now. When you break your lie, they want to kill you more than I do. Believe it or not?" Qin Zi sneered. .

Qin Zibai was right. If Gu Hai could not give everyone an explanation, then the enemy would not only be Qin Zibai.

Gu Hai looked at the practitioners around him, and all the practitioners looked coldly at Gu Hai.

"Mr. Gu, you said half of what you said just now. Could you please finish it? New Dragon Vein, is it fake?" King Wang chilled coldly.

"How could the dragon veins be fake? It's not my dragon veins at all!" Xi Yan shouted in depression.

This time, Xi Xi didn't lie, it was not his own dragon vein, but nowadays, everyone doesn't believe Xi Xi.

Gu Hai nodded surely.

"Gu Hai, you make up!" Xi Yan stared.

"Oh, blindly? Xi Xi? Otherwise, you call out your dragon veins and show everyone?" Gu Hai sneered.

What if you call it? Nor can it prove that the previous Long Yin was not the dragon vein of Xi Xi, Gu Hai had already thought about the wording.


Xi Yan hummed.

Longmai called out? Just call out, it must have been snatched by this group of people, especially a puppet king. Moreover, the dragon veins of Xi Xi are still in use.

Seeing Xi Xi unwilling, Gu Hai suddenly smiled and didn't care. Gu Hai guessed that there was something wrong with Xi Xi and Qin Zibai, but Gu Hai didn't know the specific thing, but it doesn't matter. If you want to hide it, hide it. I don't know, I can edit it ?

"Gu Hai, there is no dragon vein under this dragon vein city?" Another practitioner said anxiously.

Without dragon veins, wouldn't he run away for nothing? Running hard but getting nothing? Everyone was on fire. They didn't want to believe in Gu Hai. They wanted to dismantle Gu Hai together.

Gu Hai looked at the crowd, shook his head and said, "There is no dragon vein, but under this dragon vein, there is something more precious, ten times, or even a hundred times more valuable than dragon vein!"

"Huh?" The practitioner frowned around.

Qin Zibai and Xi Yan looked pale.

The King of Kings suddenly closed his eyes, because King of the Kings had been paying attention to Qin Zibai and Xi Yan. The sudden change of the two faces suddenly made the King of Kings believe the ancient sea.

"What?" Everyone looked eagerly to Gu Hai.

"Treasure, right? I don't know the specific treasure yet, because I haven't seen it yet. Maybe Xi Yan and Qin Zibai know?" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Oh?" Everyone looked at the two.

"What treasure is there, Gu Hai, don't tell me blindly!" Qin Zi stared with white eyes, and seemed to be shooting again.


King Xi immediately blocked Gu Hai and looked coldly at Qin Zibai: "Qin Zibai? Let Gu Hai finish!"

Qin Zi was annoyed in his eyes. The practitioners looked around guarding the ancient sea. It makes Qin Zibai feel depressed.

"Underground Treasure? Who told you there are?" King Gao looked coldly at the ancient sea.

"Oh, the fire of drought? Everyone, if you have the ability to prove that what I said is false, you can go and see. Who has been there? No? How many years have the Death Grave Valley been here? Valley? "Gu Hai said coldly.

"No, no one has dug it up, because the arid fire is too fierce, right? Secondly, have you ever thought about the city? Why did you build a dragon vein city in a short time? Who made it?" Gu Hailiang Sound channel.

A crowd of strong men frowned, looking at Xi Yan together.

"I came early and saw the soldiers of the former Dahuang dynasty building the city!"

"I came earlier and saw the soldiers of the Emperor Yuan Dynasty who were building cities and then rented them to us!"




Talking, everyone frowned and looked at Qin Zibai and Xi Yan. They were really weird. They came to make the city inexplicably?

"I don't know what's under the city, but I think Qin Zibai should know? Otherwise, you build the city, and use Xi's dragon veins to lie to everyone? What is your purpose?" Gu Hai sneered.

"You fart, I didn't use dragon veins to attract everyone at all!" Xi yelled angrily.

Gu Hai looked at Xi Xi with a sneer and didn't speak, just looked so cold.

Sure enough, everyone didn't believe Xi Xi's words, and believed Gu Hai's words again.

"Oh, Gu Hai, you really can make up, there are treasures underground and in the city? Oh, where's the treasure? You find it for me?" Qin Zibai suddenly angry.

"If you have the courage to find me, how about I find it for you? Do you dare? Dragon vein city, the newly built, there should not be many secrets? Do you dare to find me?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Huh?" Everyone frowned slightly.

If Gu Hai had made it up, how could he have so much confidence? If it was made up, shouldn't Gu Hai want to escape as soon as possible? Could it be that they smashed in and entered Longmai City? Do you still want to escape?

Gu Hai didn't run away, but she also had to expose Qin Zibai's plan. Instead, everyone believed in Gu Hai more.

"Hum, hum, hum, Gu Hai, what do you do if you can't find it?" Qin Zi glared angrily.

On the other hand, the king chuckled coldly: "If the ancient sea cannot be found, I don't need your hands, I will unscrew his head!"

"Uh?" Qin Zi frowned and looked at King Wu.

King Wu's attitude is the attitude of all people. If Gu Hai is just a lie, everyone will not give him a good look.

"How? Qin Zibai, you have a ghost in your heart, dare not find me?" Gu Hai sneered.

Qin Zi's white eyes were reddish, he really didn't want to go to Longmai City for the ancient sea.

However, all the practitioners looked at Qin Zibai desperately. If Qin Zibai did not agree, he would be against everyone.

"Okay, okay, hahaha, okay, what if I let you find it? Treasure? I see how you find a treasure! What you find is only your destruction!" Qin Zibai glared with a cold voice. .

"So, I am not polite, I will look for it with all my strength, only hope that you can cooperate with me!" Gu Hai looked at the practitioners.

King Wang coldly said, "Cooperate with you? Hehe, I will cooperate with you with all my strength, and follow you, if I can't find your so-called treasure, I will twist your head off!"

The practitioners looked at Gu Hai with cold eyes on Thursday and Monday.

There was a hint of worry in Waner's eyes.

"It couldn't be better!" Gu Haiwei smiled.

"Hum!" Qin Zibai snorted coldly.

No matter how angry Qin Zibai and Xi Yan are, Gu Hai is indeed safe now.

All repairers escorted Gu Hai and gained precious breathing time for Gu Hai.

"Waner Fairy, since it's all right, then you can go!" Gu Hai smiled at Waner Fairy.

There was a hint of complexity in Waner Fairy's eyes.

Gu Hai came to save herself. Now she is saved and she is safe. However, Gu Hai was in deep siege? Can't he leave?

Life for a life?

Waner Fairy opened her mouth, but swallowed when she reached her mouth.

"Hum, who asked you to save me? I don't accept your love!" Fairy fairy hummed.


Wan'er Fairy, carrying the figurine, suddenly flew into the sky, flew towards the distance, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Ha ha ha, Gu Hai, you racked your brains to save Waner Fairy and wanted to win the heart of a beautiful lady? Did you see that? She didn't accept you at all? Funny, ridiculous!" Xi Yan sneered.

Gu Hai saw Waner Fairy go away, but exhaled softly and didn't care.

Not far away, above a mountain.

Qingfeng frowned: "Waner fairy? She doesn't lose too much blood! Who wants to be too good in the future? Sure enough, it is absolutely unforgiving!"

The boy in white shook his head and said, "Oh, you are wrong, Waner? She is clever. Only at this time, she will leave with mercy, and then she will have the opportunity to save Gu Hai in turn!"

"Oh?" Qingfeng was surprised.

"Let's go, Gu Hai, look for it?" Qin Zi said coldly.

Gu Hai smiled slightly and didn't bother, but looked backwards and said, "Wan Yu, you can come over!"

"Come here!" Long Wanyu suddenly excited.

"Country master, there is danger, we ...!" Sima Feng stopped Long Wanyu worriedly.

The ancient sea is already in siege, how can you drag the county owner into the water?

"Sima Feng, are you the county master, or am I the county master? Stop me again, where do you come from, and where do you go back. I don't want you to protect!" Long Wanyu suddenly angry.

Sima Feng smiled bitterly for a while, but was helpless. I can only hope that the ancient seas, not to take risks.

Long Wanyu flew on the ancient sea.

Under the supervision of Qin Zibai, Xi Xi, King Xi, and a group of practitioners, they slowly walked towards Longmai City.

The mountain where Li Shenji is located.

"Hidden by him again, hum!" Li Shenji looked at Gu Hai's back with a cold hum, and his heart was agitated.

On another mountain.

The boy in white slantedly glanced at Li Shenji not far away, showing a sneer: "Big Li Shenji? Oh, it's a good plan. Unfortunately, some people are superior to chess!"

"Master, what shall we do now?" Qingfeng frowned.

"Let's go, let's check it out!" The boy in white said in an undeniable tone.

PS: The miracle of staying up late is complete, haha, I am on the road today, and I can rest assured!

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