Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 45: Blood dragon

Dragon vein city.

The gates were closed, and the array was opened. For a while, the blood mist spread over the whole city.

Outside the palace, a lot of practitioners who had just been born by caesarean section have changed their faces.

"No, it's not right!"


Many practitioners rushed to the gates of the city in an instant, even the nearby underground palace, did not care about the general.

"Boom! Boom!"

The nearby Dongchengmen and Nanchengmen soon heard roaring sounds, but it was a group of powerful people who could not break the gate.

King Wu frowned and looked at the sky.

Even if the vitality is severely injured, the power of Zhongtian Temple is also immense.


The chains slammed into a large array. There was a loud noise, and the chain struck back.

"What?" King Wang's face changed.

The practitioners were also gloomy on Thursday and Monday.

"Dragon Vessel City has been sealed? Who?" The practitioner's face changed all around.

That ’s a blow from Zhongtian Temple. This blow is to attack the enchantment of the ordinary city, and it should be cracked, but is it all right here?


Suddenly, there was a dragon yin in the distance.

"The voice of the earth dragon vein? To the west?" Suddenly someone was surprised.


Suddenly, a large number of practitioners rushed towards the west.

To the west, the residence of Qin Zibai and Mr. Dongfang.

At the moment, the **** air was blowing on the west side. But it is a **** dense to liquid area, wrapping that direction. It's like rolling in blood.

The first ten practitioners rushed.

From the **** water area, a faucet suddenly emerged.


The faucet is so large that it is so big that the practitioners rushing in have not had time to shout.


With one sip, it was swallowed by a huge faucet.

"What?" The practitioner in the rear changed his body shape.

But I saw that from the neck of the blood dragon, above the dragon scales, a personal skull came up.

"Is that the Zhang family owner?"

"That is the lord of Qinghai?"




Someone recognizes that it is the ten monks who have just been swallowed. Their transformation has been refined and their heads have turned into blood dragon scales?

"This, this, this is .........?"

"The dragon horns are incomplete, that's right. This is the earth's veins of Xi'an. It can't be wrong."

"Mr. Gu didn't lie to us? It turned out to be true?"




The practitioners' faces turned wild all around.


Blood dragonfly seems to rush forward again. Those who swallowed rushed.

More and more bodies emerged from the blood and water area, and at this moment, there were one skull after another on the dragon scales. There was a chill in the hearts of all the practitioners.

"This is the earth dragon vein? How can it be used to attack?" A monk exclaimed.

"This is a longevity array? Xilong's earth dragon veins have been refined into a fierce creature by a longevity master!" Wang Dawang said coldly.


The blood dragon rushed.

The King of King's face was exposed, and he suddenly slammed in one hand.


The power of the Zhongtian Temple is extremely powerful, and it shocks the blood dragon. Blocked the blood dragon.

"Master Wang, do you say this is Shou Zhen? Are we all in the Shou Shi trap?" Someone exclaimed.

"Xi 焱? Qin Zibai?" 狴 犴 King Wang face exposed.

In his hands, the blood dragon seemed to be more powerful. King Wu also couldn't hold it long.

"Find the Shou Shi, kill the Shou Shi, we can go out, hurry up!" King Dao shouted suddenly.

In the blood and water district, Mr. Dongfang's voice suddenly came: "Giggle, Qin Zibai, what's the use of fighting with me? Still not quick to deal with King Wu? There is something wrong with this. ? "

"Huh!" Qin Zibai heard a cold hum in the blood and water area.

His body fluttered, and he rushed out with a long sword in his hand, slamming his head against the king.

"Huh?" King Wang's face changed.

With a loose hand, the chain greeted Qin Zibai.


The two Zhongtian Temples started fighting, and immediately rolled up a storm.

The blood dragon was relieved and rushed to the practitioners in a roar.

"No, retreat!" Exclaimed the practitioners.


The blood dragon opened his mouth and sucked, and a large number of weak practitioners were immediately sucked into the blood dragon's mouth.

"Come on, help!" The Sifang practitioners retreated in a frenzy.

"Hum, wait for my blood dragon to eat these people, and then eat you, quack!" Mr. Dongfang's voice came suddenly.

"No, don't eat us!"

"Master, help!"

"grown ups!"




There were sounds of shouting in the **** area.

Qin Zi's face changed suddenly: "Mr. Dongfang, eat the outside first, don't move me to deploy, otherwise, I won't care!"

"Qin Zibai, what use do you have for pity now? Hahaha!" Mr. Dongfang sneered.

"Blood dragons eat people outside, maybe power is enough! If you don't allow it, I really don't care!" Qin Zibai growled.

"Okay, Qin Zibai, I'll give you a face, eat the people outside first, hum!" Mr. Dongfang said coldly.


The blood dragon suddenly emerged from the blood and water area, and rushed quickly in all directions. On the back of the blood dragon, there was Mr. Dongfang in a white robe.

Standing on the back of the blood dragon, manipulating the blood dragon, raging all around.


The dragon opened its mouth and sucked. Suddenly, the practitioners fleeing in front of him were sucked into his belly.

"Let's go, quickly disperse!" Countless practitioners fled, terrified.


The whole interior of Longmai City was suddenly chaotic.

"Kill Shoushi, kill that Shoushi!"

The blockbuster avoided the blood dragon and wanted to kill Mr. Dongfang on the dragon's back.

However, as soon as he was close to Mr. Dongfang, the scales and skulls under Mr. Dongfang's feet seemed to be alive, and the neck suddenly extended, like a human snake, bursting out.

Suddenly, the practitioners who came from the hedge bit a bit.

"Ah!" The practitioner was bitten by a head in panic.

It was even swallowed by a weird person.


The practitioner who was swallowed by the scaly skull was quickly digested by the blood dragon, and a new scaly skull emerged not far away.

The practitioners all around suddenly sucked in the air.

As more and more devourers were devoured, the smell of blood on the blood dragon became heavier and he could feel a chilling breath from afar.

And the blood dragon power is getting bigger and bigger.

escape? Ordinary practitioners cannot escape at all.

Not far away, King Wang's face changed.

"Shou Zhen? Superposition of power? You superimpose all the power that devours people in the dragon vein? What are you going to do?" Exclaimed King Wu.

"It's not your turn to take care of it!" Qin Zibai blocked the uncle's cold voice.


Chaos is in Chaos.

The ancient sea and Julu stood in the blood and water area, their eyelids leaped wildly.

"Mr. Dongfang? He's not dead?" Gu Hai's eyes were cold.

"Ah!" Ju Lu suddenly exclaimed.

"Huh?" Gu Hai turned to look.

"Emperor, I just wanted to enter the **** water area, but this **** water seems to be highly corrosive, and my mask cannot resist it," exclaimed Julu.

"Oh?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

The tentacle touched in his arms.


A black light covered the whole body, but it was the piece of black jade that was left to Long Wanyu by the unborn, and Gu Hai tried to touch it. Black light shrouded the ancient sea, blocking the erosion of blood and water.

"You're waiting for me outside!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Ah? Emperor, how are you okay?" Ju Lu was surprised.

Gu Hai ignored it, but rushed into it suddenly.

The outside is chaotic, but the inside is quite neat.

Inside, this is a huge valley. With some buildings, it is quite gloomy. In the distance there is a dark fog area.

On a square not far away.

At this moment, there are 80,000 people, trapped in eight blood-colored spheres, each of which has 10,000 people, with a look of terror.


"Master, I've been following him for many years, and his life is dead!"

"Who will save me, who will save me!"




"Qin Zibai's deployment?" Gu Hai was surprised.

Gu Hai looked at this group of people in surprise, and this group of people suddenly saw Gu Hai.

"Ancient sea?"

"Emperor Dahan?"

"The Emperor Dahan can save me, help me!"

"Ancient emperor, in the past I waited for sins and sent troops to the army for Qin Zibai.

"I am willing to be loyal to the ancient emperor and ask the ancient emperor to save me!"




The crowd immediately prayed with excitement.

Gu Hai was silent for a while, and stepped forward immediately.

He looked at the blood cells and poked lightly with the black light of the black jade charm.


Suddenly, a blood cell exploded like a bubble.

"Ah? Ah? Are you saved?" Everyone cried inconceivably.

The ancient sea was processed in the same way, and the air bubbles burst.


In an instant, 80,000 people were rescued. Ecstasy.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu, thank you, Mr. Gu!" Everyone was grateful to Gu Hai.

"You guys, I remember you are Qin Zibai's subordinates?" Gu Hai wondered.

After hearing Gu Hai's question, everyone suddenly became silent, one by one clenching his fists, and a lot of bloodshots were shot in his eyes.

"I'm blind, follow Qin Zibai!"

"Qin Zibai, the white-eyed wolf, my entire family is loyal to him, and he actually sold us to the life master!"

"Still want to protect us? Eat people outside first? Ha ha, Qin Zibai, he is a sinister villain!"




The crowd suddenly showed extreme grief.

Qin Zibai is helping us to calculate us, regardless of me? Everyone was chilling.

No matter what Qin Zibai thinks, everyone's past allegiance is long gone.

"You guys, I want to find Xi Yan, who knows?" Gu Hai asked.

"There, in the little life array, Xi Xi is not a good thing. He tied all his subordinates to kill them. We had secretly counted Xi Xi as a thing, but Qin Zibai was not a thing! "A monk suddenly showed the way for the ancient sea.

"Oh? There?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Ancient emperor, do you have to deal with Xi Yan? I have a way, we help you!" Someone cried suddenly.

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