Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 36: Cloud Beast

"Is it big?" Jiugongzi sneered.

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" ...............

The monsters roared around, as if the nine sons ordered, they would immediately rush to the valley, tearing the monks in the valley.

The practitioners around the ancient sea showed their fears. At first the practitioners were driven by monsters. Can they escape this group of monsters now?

"It was these four thousand monsters that drove you here. Now the four thousand monsters are still there. What fight do you take? Do you think there is the evil dragon just now? The evil dragon just borrowed the sky knife. Life and death situation only! "Jiugongzi sneered.

"Gu Duru, what shall we do?"

"Master Gu Ruo, how can this be good?"




Everyone was anxious, but Gu Hai was chuckling.

"Indeed, we are not as good as monsters, but why do we fight with monsters?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Gu Hai.

"Dear friends, do you see that person?" Detective Gu Hai pointed at Jiugongzi.

Everyone followed what Gu Hai expected.

"We don't need to fight with monsters, don't treat monsters as enemies. There is only one enemy of ours, which is him, the congenital endgame. Congenital, two thousand to one, will we lose? "Gu Hai cried, pointing at the nine boys to all the practitioners.

"Ah?" The monks immediately became excited.

"Yeah, these monsters listen to him. As long as they kill him, the dragons will have no head!"

"He's dead, and the monsters are gone?"

"We only hit him two thousand!"




The monks who were still scared just now suddenly blinked their eyes and stared at the nine boys all at the same time. As long as they killed him, we would all be saved.

You may encounter obstacles, but hitting one of two thousand is reasonable even if there are obstacles.

Many people pulled out their swords and stared at Jiugongzi.

Above the mountain, Jiugong's face changed.

Gu Hai took a step forward and stared at Jiugongzi: "This lord, from the previous game, I can see the chess style of the old man watching chess. He should be a bright man. It ’s not going to do anything else! ”

Jiugongzi stared at the ancient sea.

"Since we have broken the life and death situation of Sky Knife, then I ask you to take your people and monsters back, otherwise, my group of Taoists will ignore life and death and take you as the ultimate goal, because Cutting you is dead! Cutting you may be dead, but it is also alive! Get back! "Gu Hai said coldly.

Jiu Gong stared at the ancient sea, his eyes were cold, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Threatening me? Boy, you're still tender! Tear them!"

"Roar!" "Roar!" "Roar!" ...............

The monsters roared together, sprinting towards the crowd from the roar.

For the indifference of Jiugongzi, Gu Hai smiled slightly: "Remember, my name is Gu Hai!"


On the side of Gu Hai, a large number of practitioners held swords and rushed towards Jiugongzi.

"Kill, kill him, we can live, otherwise, die!" The first practitioner started up.

"Hurry, hurry, leave that person before the monsters rush!"

"No matter how strong he is, he is innate. We are both innate. He cannot stop us!"

"Do not want to die, give me!"




A group of monks suddenly went crazy and rushed to the nine boys on the mountain peak.

Jiu Gong's face was gloomy and he looked at the countless powerful men who rushed.

People in black all around moved closer to the nine sons, as if to protect the nine sons.

The monsters rushed from the Quartet, but soon stopped spontaneously towards the front practitioners to stop the crazy practitioners.


"Sin beast, give me death!"


The foremost practitioner had already met the monster, the sword and claws collided, a large amount of debris was flying, and dust was rising.

The following practitioners did not hesitate and continued to rush towards the mountain.

At this time, no command is needed, everyone understands that he will be saved by beheading the nine sons, otherwise he will be torn up by the monster, and the practitioners will not flinch. Forward is alive, backward is dead. The fear of life and death, everyone's desire to survive has become stronger.


The war started, and the blood was extremely bloody. A lot of monsters and blood were scattered in the Quartet, and a large number of repairers were also scarred. At this moment, no one was afraid, but kept moving forward.

Keep moving forward, getting closer and closer to where the nine boys are.

There are not many people in black. There are only about a hundred people. Watching the face of each outsider is getting closer and closer, and a group of people in black are also worried. This group of people is completely dead.

The men in black clutched the sword and looked at Jiugongzi.

Jiu Gongzi has his eyes narrowed, looking through the billowing smoke and dust to the ancient sea at the bottom of the valley.

The ancient sea did not move. Watching Jiu Gong coldly. The ancient sea is surrounded by Gao Xianzhi, Chen Tianshan and Xiaorou.

"Lord Master, shall we go now?" Gao Xianzhi asked softly.

"Leave? Why leave? Gao Xianzhi, what do you mean? Isn't the rudder very clear? As long as that person dies, all of us are safe. Two thousand people killed one, and is there any failure?" Staring aside.

Gu Hai did not refute Gao Xianzhi, but took a deep breath: "Somewhat wrong!"

"Huh?" Gao Xianzhi puzzled.

"We don't seem to be gone!" Gu Hai's face changed.

"What do you mean?" Chen Tianshan looked puzzled.

On the other side, Meng Tai covered her injury and was guarded by a disciple of Yipintang.

"Hurry up, the opportunity is not lost, no longer come, just leave here in chaos!" Montai cried.


The disciples of Yizhong Yipin carried Monte and fled towards the rear.

At the forefront, a group of strong men are about to rush to the mountain, and they are getting closer and closer to Jiu Gongzi. One by one, they show their faces and grasp the sword, as if they want to cut Jiu Gong into a sword.

When a large number of strong men approached, the nine sons suddenly had nowhere to run.

"Come on!" Growled the first practitioner.

Jiu Gong sneered, without panic, but suddenly a golden chess piece was sandwiched between his right index finger and middle finger.

"Yitong heaven and earth, congeal!" Jiugongzi sang coldly.


The monk who rushed to the front was suddenly hit by a huge force and flew out, but saw that the 9th son was the center, and suddenly there were countless clouds of gas. Yunqi enveloped the Quartet Valley for a moment.

Compared with the dark clouds of Tiandao's life and death just now, the white mist enveloped everything suddenly, forming a sea of ​​clouds rolling against the ground.


The Yipintang people running away suddenly changed their face, covered by heavy fog, and in a blink of an eye they could not see the southeast and northwest, and they did not know where to flee.

In the direction of Jiu Gongzi, a breath of terror pressed down to the four sides.

"What's that?" Exclaimed Chen Tianshan in the valley.

But he saw a huge tail rushing towards the monks who rushed up the mountain.


"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" ……………………

Suddenly, dozens of practitioners were flew away.

All the practitioners who rushed up the mountain suddenly felt a moment of pause in their hearts, stopped, and looked at the top of the mountain in horror.

The cloud on the top of the mountain is shrouded in clouds, but at the center of the cloud, it looks like a behemoth, as if the previous evil dragon circled on the top of the mountain.

A giant snake condensed by clouds of air, the snake's body is three hundred feet long, but it has nine snake heads.

The cloud-headed Hydra snake opened his body, and the heads of the snakes were exposed, and on the top of the snake head, Jiu Gong half of the body fell into it, and the golden chess pieces in his hands seemed to be placed on the head of the snake, manipulating the huge cloud-qi Hydra-like.

"Roar!" "Roar!" .........

The face of the Hydra was exposed, with a violent gas, roaring at everyone, under a roar, it seemed to form a whirlwind. Blow to all practitioners in all directions.


The storm blew through, and all practitioners were swept towards the center by the storm.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" ………………

A series of screams came, and everyone was thrown down and slammed into the center, even the Yipintang who had just escaped a long distance, was also caught in the storm, and instantly got involved in the center.


The Hydra twisted, and quickly moved to the crowd.

A huge vicious spirit came straight to the people.

Everyone was surrounded by Gu Hai, one by one showing horror.

"What's going on? Isn't it only congenital?"

"What is this?" What monster is this? "




There was panic on Thursday.

"Cloud beast? It is the golden chess piece in his hand!" Montai cried abruptly.

"What?" Everyone looked at Monte Thai.

"Some people have used it before. The rule structure of this innate endgame is an endless situation. There are a lot of golden pieces hidden in this world. As long as you find golden pieces, you can communicate with the world in this world with your own strength. The cloud beast was used to defend the enemy. He communicated with the world through the golden chess piece, and this cloud beast condensed! "Mengtai's face changed.

"What should we do? Master Mengdu, what should we do?" The crowd anxiously.

"I can't help it, unless someone finds another golden chess piece to communicate with the world and condense the cloud beast!" Montai anxiously said.

"Ah?" The crowd panicked.

"Roar!" Hydra roared.

"I said, you can't escape!" On the head of the biggest snake, Jiugong smiled evilly.

While talking, the huge snake tail slashed down towards the two thousand repairers.

The strength of the cloud beast is too huge, and the tail of the snake fluttered, so that everyone was suddenly out of breath, even more fierce than the previous evil dragon.


"I don't want to die!"




The crowd was frightened, and suddenly a big blue palm and a transparent palm appeared from behind the crowd, but it was as big as thirty feet.

The giant palm sang to the tail of the snake.


A loud noise, a tremor in the void, and a huge shock overturned everyone. However, the snake tail was hit back.

"Who?" Jiugong looked cold, surprised.

"Wuliangshou Buddha, Jiugongzi, have to deal with others and be forgiving. The old man who watched chess was unparalleled in faith and faith in Yi Tiange, but don't ruin it in your hands!" A voice came slowly from behind everyone.

The huge blue transparent giant palm also suddenly retracted to the rear of the crowd.

Everyone turned to look, but saw an old monk in a cloak, holding a zen stick in his hands, solemn and solemn, and doing Buddha ceremony with one hand.

"Master Po Sheng?" Xiaorou said in surprise.

"How is that possible? Isn't this the only power that can only be born in the first place? Master Po Sheng can use such great power without golden chess pieces? How is that possible?" Chen Tianshan said in disbelief.

At the top of the Hydra, Jiugong's face changed: "Loving Buddha?"

"Bodhisattva? Is he a Bodhisattva?" Many people were surprised.

Gu Hai is also surprised to see Master Lian Sheng, is he a bodhisattva?

"Poor Bodhisattva, what are you doing here in the continent?" Jiugongzi stared.

Lian Shengbo smiled slightly: "The old man who watched chess promised to take the next thing in the hands of your elders? This time, the poor monk came for this purpose. Nine sons, for Yi Tiange's reputation, you still have to Kill me? "

Jiu Gongzi looked at the merciful Bodhisattva, and in his eyes there was a cloud of uncertainty. Instead, he looked at a group of practitioners, and a flash of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

"Hum, you are lucky today!" Jiu Gong chuckled coldly.

With one hand in his hand, the golden chess piece suddenly reached into the palm of his hand, and the Hydra suddenly disappeared into a burst of mist and disappeared, and a large amount of cloud air around it also burst out suddenly and disappeared into water vapor. In the blink of an eye, it became clear.

"I've seen the merciful Bodhisattva!" A crowd of black men in the distance worshiped respectfully.

The merciful Bodhisattva nodded his head and said, "Here, when he goes back and informs the elder, the poor monk will be here soon!"

"Yes!" Said all the men in black respectfully.

"Let's go!"

Jiugongzi sighed coldly, stepped on top of a monster beast, and seemed to leave with the demon.

"Wait!" Gu Hai shouted in the crowd.

"Huh?" Jiugong frowned and stopped.

Everyone looked at Gu Hai, and the practitioners were grateful at the moment, and they all expressed their worries when Gu Hai shouted.

"Boy, do you want to stop us?" Jiugong sneered.

"Dear friends of Yitiange, in the next sea of ​​Pintang, this time to enter the congenital endgame, not to target you, but to find someone. This world is so vast, looking for someone like a needle in a haystack. This time everyone came and wanted to explore Alone, if you know, please tell me below, or tell him! "Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh?" Jiu Gong narrowed his eyes.

"This person's name is‘ Unborn ’. If you know where he is, please tell him, the master of Yipintang is looking for him, and I will wait at the exit in the last month of this world's closure!” Gu Hai solemnly said.

A lot of people in Yitiange's black clothes showed a daze, apparently they had never heard of it.

"Unborn?" Jiu Gong's pupils shrank.

"Oh? Your Excellency?" Gu Hai suddenly showed a smile.

"Hahahahaha, I know, but why should I tell you? Look for it, look for it, it will never be found, let's go, hahahaha!" Jiugong laughed loudly.


Yi Tiange's disciples, monsters, and Jiu Gong left quickly.

Gu Hai looked at the rolling back, but exhaled a long smile, and smiled: "Finally, finally!"

"Thank you for your compassion!" One of the practitioners quickly worshiped at him, and was grateful for his actions.

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