Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 73: Qin Family and Chang Family

Metropolis, Qin Family!

Qin Zibai was stabbed with blood by Gu Hai and was seriously injured. He was carried back to the house by a group of servants.

"I'm fine, cough, just cultivate yourself!" Qin Zi smiled bitterly.

"Master Qin, are you okay? The ancient sea hurt you like this, you must get justice!"

"Brother, you're all wounded like this. Why is it okay, then Guhai, he must look good!"

"Homeowner, young master is injured again!"




Qin Zibai's feeble burst of bitter laughter, trying to stop, but without strength. The servants kneeled anxiously at a door.


The door opened slowly.

From the inside, slowly came out an old man in Tsing Yi, the old man was extremely thin, his eyes covered with a piece of silk cloth. Hold a bamboo pole in hand and slowly walk out of the door.

"Homeowner!" Everyone respectfully worshipped.

"Let's go down!" The old man said lightly.

"But young master him ...!" Everyone anxiously.

"I know everything, you go down!" The old man said again.

"Yes!" Everyone resigned helplessly.

"Dad!" Qin Zibai leaned on a chair and smiled bitterly.

The old man slowly walked to Qin Zibai's side, his hand pinching Qin Zibai's pulse.

"It's not too bad to be hurt!" The old man in Tsing Yi said lightly.

"I was ... I didn't want to be so cruel under the ancient sea, oh, no matter what, I and his grudges were cleared up!" Qin Zi smiled wryly.

"Liangqing? You think too much, you owe him, it's getting heavier!" The old man shook his head.

"Ah?" Qin Zibai revealed his incomprehension.

"Although my father was blind and the Qin family affairs were entrusted to you, but his father's heart was not blind!" Shen Tsingyi said.

"Yes!" Qin Zibai bit his lip.

"Although I did not go to the battle of Wuyue Academy, I could feel it. Besides, Xikang had made so many faceted mirrors, could I not know? At that time, you wanted to stop the ancient sea, just out of grace? The life-saving grace? "The old man in Tsing Yi said lightly.

"Yes!" Qin Zi smiled bitterly.

"You did something wrong!" The old man sighed slightly.


"Grace, that's when someone else needs it urgently. You're in a hurry. That's called Grace. When the other side doesn't need it, do you force him to call Grace?" The old man smiled bitterly.

"I!" Qin Zi frowned.

"Everyone knows how to deal with people. Some of the old things that have followed the founding of His Majesty have been exhausted. Like me, I still barely live. In the future, it will be the second generation of you. Our old things, haha, Only the kid of the old Mo family is the best! "The old man smiled bitterly.

"Dad, you will live forever!" Qin Zibai called immediately.

"Manshou is boundless? How many years are there in the world, who has no bounds? No one is qualified, how can I do it. Old Mo, old Mo, although old Mo is looking for him, his son is really powerful. Inadequate, but human relationships, wisdom, and means are definitely the first of your second generation. Even the old things of our first generation are inferior to it! "The old man smiled bitterly.

"Mo Yike? Dad, are you upholding him too much? How could he compare to you?" Qin Zibai shook his head suddenly.

"This is where you are worse than him!"


"Lao Mo died, Mo Yike was in Luzhou, but his Mo family's power was scattered by sand, even eaten by our three families. But how long did Mo Yike come back? One year? All the Mohist forces that went out have all gone back. This is the means! You are not as good as him, and I am not as good as him! "Said the old man in Tsing Yi.

Qin Zi frowned.

"If you don't mention Momo, you'll be fine. When you didn't pick it, you owed a lot of love to Gu Hai!" The old man in Tsing Yi said bitterly.


"At that time, Gu Hai could clearly cut you, he kept it!" Shen Tsing Yi said.

"Ah? Impossible!" Qin Zi shouted blankly.

Gu Hai had severely injured himself with a stab, and it was already unacceptable. He even said that he could kill himself?

"Oh, Wednesday? Do you think it was his strongest power? It was covered by Batzu's eight hands, and His Majesty shot. You know, how powerful was the flames of Guhai's body at that time? Although not as good as Batzu, but both defeated, It should still be proactive! "Shen Tsing Yi said.

"Ah?" Qin Zi's face turned white.

Lost both with Batman? How powerful is that? But these words were spoken from his father. Qin Zibai also had to believe.

"Dagan Mission represents Dagan. At that moment, the Dagan Mission was insulted, and Changsheng didn't dare to rush up, but you rushed up, even if it killed you at that time, it is justified. Gu Hai deliberately released you, Oh, isn't this human kind? "

Qin Zibai was silent for a while.

"At this time, Gu Hai could think of engulfing his enemies. Oh, this ancient sea is not a fuel-saving lamp!" The old man in Tsing Yi sighed slightly.

Qin Zi frowned.

"If you have the chance, get closer and closer to the Mo's kid, I will be close, I can't protect you for too long. Hey ~!" The old man in Tsing Yi sighed slightly.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Daddy will definitely break the bottleneck again, and Shou Yuan will increase again! Moreover, what's wrong with my Da Yuan? Why should I protect you with ink?" Qin Zibai frowned.

"I said just now, I am blind and not blind, will Da Yuan be fine? Oh, Your Majesty walked too fast, we can't keep up!" The old man in Tsing Yi said bitterly.

"Your Majesty is walking too fast? Dad, you said that His Majesty's cultivation is growing too fast? Isn't this a good thing?" Qin Zibai said rudely.

"It should be a good thing, but it may not be a good thing. The empire is the time when the yellow and the yellow are not picking up. Your Majesty is repairing a thousand miles a day? Oh, Da Yuan, after all, not a person, but a country! And, Mr. Orient? The old man in Tsing Yi sighed slightly.

"What happened to Mr. Dongfang? Dad?" Qin Zibai puzzled.

The old man in Tsing Yi shook his head without further explanation: "You go to heal!"

Talking, the old man in Tsing Yi turned his head and walked slowly back to the previous house.


The door closed suddenly.

"Dad, haven't you made it clear yet?" Qin Zibai bitterly said--

Metropolis, Changjia! In the main hall.

"Cough cough cough!" A series of coughs came from Chang Sheng.

"Dad, how are you?" Chang Ming said anxiously.

The hall was dark, and there were a large number of people in black robes standing in two columns, watching the constant victory on the throne in the north of the center.

Chang Sheng was pale, with a shawl, and a lot of blood was left on his body and face. In a weak cough.

Standing anxiously, Chang Ming was extremely worried.

The first few vampires in black robes were somber and sneered.

"Dad, how could this be? How could you be hurt like this? Why did the first ancestor hurt you?" Chang Ming showed panic.

"Kekeke, Dad is fine!" Chang Sheng said bitterly.

"It's okay? Three bones have been drawn by the ancestors. It's okay!" A vampire whispered.

"Uncle, what's going on? Why did the first ancestor hurt my father?" Chang Ming said with red eyes.

"Chang Ming, what's your attitude? The first ancestor wants to hurt whoever hurts you, but you can't do the opposite? Besides, this is not the eldest brother who asked for it this time?" Uncle Chang Ming said coldly.

"Brother, you are too. At the Wuyue Academy, the ancestors dealt with those people and let us take the shot. Why did you stop us? Did n’t you deal with the ancient sea? You stopped, the ancestor was angry, and I must toss you, even take us Also let the ancestors be counted! "Another vampire yin and yang strange airway.

"Oh, youngest, what do you know? They are big messengers, Your Majesty can't let them go wrong. I'm here for you, for my sake. Kekeke!" Changsheng coughed for a while.

"Good for us? For Da Yuan? Hahahaha, brother, have you forgotten? We are now blood, a race created by the ancestors, and everything should be centered on the will of the ancestors!" The old third sang.

"What if the first ancestor was wrong?" Chang Ming stood by his father's side.

"Chang Ming, you are still young and don't understand anything. Why was the ancestor wrong? You remember, what the ancestor said, you have to do something, the ancestor wants you to die, it's just a thought!" The old third said coldly.

"I!" Chang Ming was angry.

"So the first ancestor is right, the first ancestor is always right, the wrong person is Gu Hai, the oldest brother of Gu Hai was injured like this!" The old third said coldly.

"Brother, next time, you don't want to be willful any more!" Uncle Chang Ming shook his head and said.

"Oh, huh, this family, should you come or be me? If you want to be the owner, I will give way to you, who do you want?" Chang Sheng suddenly coldly.

The vampires froze.

Changsheng was the first-ranked Grand Duke of the Yuan Dynasty. His Majesty only trusted Changsheng. What's the use of distrust if you change yourself?

Chang Sheng and the ancestor chanted each other. The ancestor of the bat should have killed him, but it was only because of his power that he gave a lesson. Everyone wanted to replace it, but he didn't have the ability.

"You guys, listen to me, big ambassadors, don't bother to go to them, otherwise, I'll rip you up. I will expel Chang's family again. Without Chang's protection, how many people want your life. Huh. Second and third, you have me remembered clearly, you shot, I'm just picking up your skin, don't think I'm joking! "Chang Sheng said coldly.

The second and third faces froze, but they could only be depressed: "Yes!"

"Come on, I'm going to rest!" Chang Sheng Shen said.


All the vampires worshiped Changsheng respectfully and slowly exited the hall.

Chang Ming still held his breath.

My father was pumped with three bones, and he was seriously injured, but he was powerless?


Chang Ming looked at the direction of the ancestor, but there was a hint of resentment in his eyes, but he was helpless.

Exiting the hall, Chang Ming's second and third uncles intentionally or unintentionally said in Chang Ming's ears.

"Well, brother is really miserable this time, all blame that ancient sea."

"Unfortunately, I don't dare to disobey my elder brother, otherwise I will be angry for the first ancestor and elder brother!"




After a series of provocations, Chang Ming suddenly became angry.

"Well, you don't dare to go, I don't believe Dad will punish me!" Chang Ming suddenly got angry and rushed out.

After Chang Ming left. The second and third uncles looked at each other, showing a sneer.

"Your Majesty opened his mouth, the ancestor couldn't handle the ancient sea. We should have done it for us, and that's the eldest brother, huh, he wouldn't let us go, just let his son go!" The third sneered.

ps: go to the field today, updated in advance, two chapters even more!

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