Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 75: Catch and release


Rolling bats wrapped Mofu around. Chang Ming stood at the center of the tens of thousands of bats, staring at Mo Yike with a cold face on the opposite side.

"Mo Yike, where is the ancient sea? Let him come out!" Chang Ming said coldly.

Around Mofu, a stream of air flowed, blocking countless bats.

Mo Yike stood at a gate not far away and looked at Changming coldly.

"Chang Ming? What are you doing?" Mo Yike said in a deep voice.

"Well, my dad was hurt by Gu Hai, I want to get revenge on him, you let go, otherwise, don't blame me!" Chang Ming said coldly.

"Oh? Your father? The Grand Duke of Changsheng? It was Batman who hurt him!" Mo Yike's expression moved, and he guessed it.

"Huh, everything was caused by the ancient sea! You let it go, I won't hurt you!" Chang Ming said coldly.

"Hurt me? Changming, you think too much, I guess, you came to my Mofu today to make trouble. The Grand Duke of Changsheng doesn't know?" Mo Yike chuckled.

"What if I don't know? I avenge my dad, what's the matter with you?" Chang Ming said coldly.

"Revenge? Hahahahaha, who hurt your father? Batman, do you dare to avenge him?" Mo Yike said coldly.

"You!" Chang Ming stared.

Looking for revenge on Batman? Jokingly, he was created by the vampire family, and there is a fear of him deep in his soul.

"Okay, Chang Ming, you can make it all the way, go back, otherwise, your father knows, you are not good at telling me!" Mo Yike shook his head.

"Huh, Mo Yike, although my father has always admired you, but I don't sell your account. Today, you are just blocking it. I will also go in and seize the ancient sea. Stop it, don't blame me. You are welcome!" Chang Ming yelled.

Mo Yike's face became cold.


Chang Ming roared suddenly.

Thousands of bats rushed towards Mofu for a moment.


There was a burst of resistance.

"Changming, can you retreat?" Mo Yike gave a cold drink again.

"The retreat is you, hum!" Chang Ming's eyes glared, a lot of blood glowed from his body, and he rushed into the array.

Mo Yike narrowed his eyes and waved suddenly.


The thick fog rolled out from Mofu, and all the bats around it were covered with Changming in an instant.

The fog was tumbling and no sound could be heard inside.

Counts of people outside the metropolis showed a hint of doubt. What kind of formation?

Only in a distant manor, Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "Twenty-nine heavens and earth?"

In the past, the ancient sea was in Geng Jinzong, condensing a large array of loneliness and defeat, and it required a large number of spiritual stone arrangements. Is that big array in front of me?

Others see this as just a thick fog, but the ancient sea can see the skeleton of the large array.

"Mo Yike? Oh, you have eaten twenty-nine?" Gu Hai smiled slightly.

In the past, when Luzhou met Mo Yike for the last time in Luzhou, Gu Hai accompanied Mo Yike to play a game of chess. In the end, Mo Yike unlocked 29. Unexpectedly, it is now possible to set up an array.

Twenty-nine heavens and earth, is it easy to change? Others are still waiting for the results of the big battle, but Gu Hai has already determined the end of Changming.

Sure enough, Twenty-nine was too costly, and Mo Yike didn't dare to insist on it any more. In just a few moments, he removed the large array, and in the large array, the bats went away. Everything came to peace.

Not far from Mofu, Chang Ming's second and third vampires and other vampires have been paying attention to Mofu's direction. Suddenly everything calmed down, and the vampires were slightly stunned.

"What's going on? Changming?"

"Nothing at all?"

"Go and see!"




A crowd of vampires rushed towards Mofu.

Mo Yike was waiting at the gate, as if guessing they were coming.

In a blink of an eye, a group of vampires came to Mo Yike.

"Oh, what day is today? Another batch?" Mo Yike sneered.

"Mo Yike, what about Changming?" Changming's second uncle immediately drank.


Mo Yike waved.

Suddenly, Chang Ming was **** by chains and brought to the crowd.

"Mo Yike, let me go!" Chang Ming said indignantly.

He thinks that the magic has been accomplished, and Namo also repairs it invisibly, and plans to let him go, but can he be caught by the other person in a blink of an eye? Why are you so unlucky? Why do you lose your face every time you stick to the ancient sea?

"Master Mo, Chang Ming is not sensible, please also put Chang Ming, we must strictly discipline!" The second uncle Chang Ming suddenly called.

"Yeah, Changming is fine, Master Mo, bother!" Changming Sanshu also said politely.

Mo Yike smiled coldly: "Crashing into the imperial residence of the imperial court? Oh, want to let people go in one sentence?"

"So what do you want?" Chang Ming sang immediately.

The second and third uncles were also gloomy.

"Mo Yike, your father and we were just talking to each other at that time. What tone are you?" The second uncle yelled.

Mo Yike smiled slightly: "The second, third, fourth, and fifth children of Chang's family? Ha ha, if you have the ability, you can also break into my Mofu!"

"Hmm!" The faces of the vampires changed.

"Changsheng is not allowed, right?" Mo Yike said coldly.

"How do you know?" Uncle San stared.

Mo Yike's face was cold: "Dagan messenger, your Majesty confessed to my reception. If they make a mistake, should they blame you or blame me? One day, I don't want to mess around, hum!

All the vampires sank.

Turning his head, Mo Yike looked to Chang Ming: "As for Chang Ming, this time, you will ignore His Majesty's life and dare to break into my Mo Mansion. As the official of the same dynasty, I will not embarrass you. . Or, your father often wins to pick you up, choose one of the two, and I let you go! "

"Ah?" The faces of the vampires changed.

Chang Ming's face also froze.

Your Majesty's Purpose? It is impossible at all, if your Majesty knows, it is not bad to blame you for your disobedience. Still want to release you?

Let Changsheng pick up? Everyone in Chang's family changed his face.

Chang Sheng's previous words were still in his ears. Who dare to deal with the Dagan mission, plucked the skin of his body, and then expelled Chang's family.

As for Chang Ming, this is the rhythm of calling parents.

Why did you tell Dad? Don't listen to Dad, come out to find a big ambassador, and get stuck?

For the good-looking Chang Ming, let him die.

"Master Mo, can you have a discussion, Chang Ming is not sensible ...!" The third child smiled bitterly.

"You guys, please come back, just these two. Or else, you tell Chang Sheng?" Mo Yike shook his head.

"No, no, no ........." The third man shook his head suddenly.

Go to trouble yourself? joke?

"Well, you Chang family, who are you to report to Chang Sheng?" Mo Yike sneered at the vampires.

Vampires retreated.

Go to Changsheng? Just kidding, what does Chang Sheng get angry with himself?

Chang Ming looked at the group of uncles in front of him, and kept shrinking.

Even if you lose your face here, do n’t want to report to your father?

The most important thing is that they were so instigated that they said it before, and they just rushed into it. Are they back now?

"Well, everyone please come back!" Mo Yike said off.

A lot of vampire eyes evaded Chang Ming ’s begging eyes, and they seemed to retreat. Only the second uncle left a sentence that made Chang Ming want to vomit blood: “Chang Ming, do n’t worry, Mo Yike will not treat you Yes, you can stay at Mofu in peace! "

After that, all the vampires were gone.

Chang Ming: "………………!"

"Oh, Chang Gongzi, it seems that they don't care about your life or death! Would you like me to send a letter to Chang Sheng and let him pick you up?" Mo Yike laughed.

"Don't!" Chang Ming exclaimed, depressed.

Call my dad over, don't you kill me? Might as well be tied to your house.

In the evening, Gu Hai and his party returned.

Gu Hai and Long Wanqing, accompanied by Mo Yike, came to Changming's imprisonment.

"Mr. Mo, you are imprisoned by Changming, will it not affect you?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Chang Ming broke into my mansion, and I have the right to prison him. Moreover, his behavior this time runs counter to His Majesty's original intention. Prisoning him here also gives him a memory!" Mo Yike shook his head.

"Huh, Gu Hai!" Chang Ming stared at Gu Hai with a gloomy gloom.

How many times? I went to Chaoge for the first time and ate a sullen man in Guhai. He was captured by the army of 500,000 and he was poisoned. The second time he achieved great power to deal with Guhai, he was slapted by his father. The third time, he was imprisoned again.

Are n’t you a dependent? Why did you encounter bad luck when you met the ancient sea?

"Unlucky look, deserve it!" Long Wanyu once again dismissed.

"You!" Changming was dumb and speechless.

"Mo Yike, how on earth can you let me? When we were young, we had played together, so you don't talk like that?" Chang Ming looked at Mo Yike and was depressed.

"Oh, Chang Gongzi, haven't you grown up, or is it your family that made you forget to use your brain? I remember you were very smart when you were a kid!" Mo Yike shook his head.

"Huh!" Chang Ming refused.

"How? You do n’t want to think about it, how did you come here? Are you provoked? Other people can manipulate you to do things for them in three sentences, even if you have a big family, it ’s just a fool. It ’s just a tool! This time I ’ll give you another lesson. Luck ca n’t be eaten for meals. It ’s always a useful day. Use your brain. Wait for your dad to pick you up!

Chang Ming: "………………!"

Calm down, indeed, I just came after the second uncle and the third uncle. I just couldn't think that the second and third uncles knew that they had an accident, but they avoided it far.

"Forget it, Mr. Mo, let him go!" Gu Hai smiled.

"Huh?" Chang Ming looked at Gu Hai for a moment.

"Mr. Gu, you want to let him? He wants to deal with you!" Mo Yike frowned.

Is Gu Hai borrowing his own hand to give love?

"Gu Hai, I don't want you to be kind!" Chang Ming suddenly felt depressed.

"Would you like me to visit Changsheng?" Gu Hai looked at Changming with a smile.

Chang Ming's face froze, but he didn't know what to say.

This is like Gu Hai went to school when he was a kid, and the teacher asked the parents to call him the most shameless thing. If you don't know what to do, I'll pay a home visit. Chang Ming froze instantly.

"Mr. Mo, how are you?" Gu Hai laughed.

Mo Yike frowned, glanced at Changming, and finally nodded and smiled: "Mr. Gu, your hand is so long!"

"So, you need to trouble Mr Mo!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Okay! Changming, let's go!" Mo Yike sighed slightly.

The detective waved.

The chain on Chang Ming's body suddenly burst out.

Chang Ming lifted his ban, Gu Hai was just around, and it seemed that he could catch the general, but Chang Ming did not jump up, but showed a touch of complexity.

"Gu Hai, I won't take your love! Hum!" Chang Ming snorted, stepping out of Mofu. An instant disappeared into the distance.

"Changming this person is used to it! Hey!" Mo Yike sighed slightly.

"Yeah, nature, but not evil!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Brother-in-law, what should Changming do just now?" Long Wanyu was worried.

"Don't you see that Mr. Mo is holding a **** in his hand? Mr. Mo's site, the big array comes as soon as possible! Who can hurt me?" Gu Hai smiled.

Mo Yike smiled slightly bitterly: "Mr. Gu taught!"

PS: Today in the field, two chapters even more!

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