Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 4 Chapter 84: Tai Chi

The power of the Divine Blood Army is beyond everyone's expectations!

Ordinary troops dare not resist at all, because once the blood army of the blood is brought to the attention, even if it attracts a small part of the blood army of the blood, it will be a disaster.

However, despite the shots of the four major families, they are still in danger.

Emperor Yuan Dynasty, is it over?

The people showed horror, because the blood army was not about to attack the city, but to slaughter it. Is one not left?

The strong men in the city also came forward one after another, but the strong men who did not open the Tiangong Temple were useless at all. Can only stare at me.

At this moment, Lord Chengxi Mo suddenly asked Mr. Gu to take a shot?

Mr. Gu? The ancient Mr. Gu who wrote down Xia Kexing and is going to drink? Can he? Scripture? Yes, Mr. Gu's writings are extraordinary, maybe.

Hundreds of people looked forward to the ancient sea mansion.

"Mr. Gu, I ask Mr. Gu to save me and wait!"

"Mr. Gu, Lord Mo says you can do it, Mr. Gu!"




More and more people gathered outside the manor, and begged Mr. Gu to take the shot.

Gu Hai's eyes looked slightly towards the Great Hall.

What is more important than national retreat? Emperor Xiyu is still retreating?

"Ancient sea?" Ram Ram looked at Guhai in doubt.

Why did the people who set up the battles so sure that Gu Hai could help?

"The Emperor Xiyu is not going to shoot?" Long Shenwu looked at the Daxian Hall with narrow eyes.

Obviously, he is also confused about what Emperor Xiyu is doing now.

"Brother-in-law, what do you do now?" Long Wanyu looked at Gu Hai.

"The safety of King Shenwu, Ye Gonggong, and Li Yingzhu, Wanyu Junzhu depends on you!" Gu Hai solemnly looked at the three.

The three nodded.

It was obvious that the three had no intention to take the shot.

"You're going to help Da Yuan?" Li Shenji frowned.

"Mr. Mo spoke, this face, I want to give it. Moreover, the **** blood army will face the city sooner or later, it is better to try it in advance? If you can delay for a moment, let the people of Dayuan be rescued, it is countless. "Gu Hai laughed.

The three frowned and looked at Gu Hai.

"Wan Yu, be careful!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Well, brother-in-law, be careful!" Long Wanyu nodded a little bit worried.

Gu Hai nodded. Step off the floating island.

Under the floating island, Bingji and others also showed concern.

"Emperor, the metropolis is in danger now, do you want to be in Lulu?" Bingji worried.

Julu looked respectfully to the ancient sea.

"Early ground is needed, just in case, Julu, you can excavate a tunnel and go out, it will not be used for the time being!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes!" Julu nodded.

"Bing Ji, go and notify Ziwei and Changsheng, and say my request, please protect Long Wanyu's safety!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Ah? They?" Bingji looked unbelieving.

"Yes, they!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Yes!" Bing Ji nodded bitterly, some of them didn't understand.

"Also, let Changsheng draw a picture, no, how much can be drawn, how much is the kind of painting in the dragon vein city, in case of need!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh, okay!" Bingji nodded.

Arranged, the ancient sea slowly stepped out of the foggy area of ​​the manor.

Outside the heavy fog, a large number of people have already kneeled at this moment, all from all directions, one by one showing horror and eagerness.

Seeing the ancient sea came out, almost everyone was cheering.

"Mr. Gu, also ask Mr. Gu to take a shot!"

"Mr. Gu is out!"




Shouted the people.

The people of Mofu sent eight jade boxes. On each jade box, a position is written. In the jade box, a golden chess piece was placed.

"Mr. Gu, this is the starting **** of the 29-square formation in the Metropolitan City. I will not be able to open it when I am incompetent!" Said the people of Mofu bitterly.

"Give me, Feizhou, take me to the north of the city!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Yes!" The people of Zhongmofu answered.

"Thank you Mr. Gu!" The people around said excitedly.

The flying boat carried the ancient sea and quickly flew to the north of the city. Along the way, no hundreds of people saw the ancient sea flying boat, and immediately looked at the flying boat one by one with gratitude.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Gu, thank you!" No one was grateful.

Feelings turned into merit and went straight to the ancient sea. The people were numerous, accumulated merit, and accumulated into qi. For a time, the ancient sea was full of radiance and countless qi.

In the metropolis, it is right for the four major families to defend the city. The people are not so grateful, and an outsider in Guhai has to protect himself. This is what needs to be appreciated. Clear and countless.

North of the city.


Qin Zibai was once again cut off by the commander of the Second Army.


A spurt of blood spurted out.

"Well, dare to stop me when you first entered Zhongtian Temple? You can't do anything about it. Others, what are you looking at? You still have n’t slaughtered the city? Do I need you here?"

"Yes!" The 400,000 army yelled.


The horse's head turned around, and he immediately slid towards the north of the city.

There is nothing that Qin Zibai can resist at the head of the army. Why worry, go into the city first and kill!

Ten Xiatian Palaces that followed Qin Zibai suddenly saw 400,000 troops killed, and they were so scared that they turned pale and ran away.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, a group of courageous rat generation, ha ha ha ha!" The army of the Second Army killed with a laugh.

Upstairs in the North City.

The ancient sea has arrived.

On Thursday, the generals suddenly looked respectfully, waiting for Gu Hai to dispatch.

In the past, many of these officers and men had captured the Dahan Dynasty. At this moment, when they saw the ancient sea coming, they felt guilty. However, everyone did not dare to disturb Gu Hai.

But I saw Gu Hai taking out a box with the word 'Zhengbei' written on it. Gu Hai slowly took out a golden **** inside.

The **** of the index finger pinched the golden chess piece, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the probe Ling Xu pressed it slightly.


Ling Xu seemed to be knocking.


The north of the city suddenly rolled up in a thick fog.

Instantly blocked in front of the Second Army.

The people and soldiers in the metropolis all stared with wide eyes.

"Twenty-nine heavens and earth bursts? Mr. Gu can really manipulate!"

Suddenly, it was the grateful gush to the ancient sea again.

King Xikang in the south of the city was depressed for a while, and I was desperate. Why do n’t you thank me?

"The fog is the same as in the west of the city? Huh, chess array, Yi Tiange will be there, we must also flatten it!" The tyrants who rushed to the front snorted.

"Kill in!"


The army burst into a large array.


At this moment, there was a sudden Jianming in the large array. Under the Jianming, hundreds of millions of Jianqi burst out suddenly. The fog shattered instantly.

Mo Yike burst into countless bats, and Gu Hai burst into countless swords. All eyes widened.

"Who is Mr. Gu simulating?" No hundreds of people showed curiosity.



The fog dispersed, but it was a humanoid cloud beast slowly exposed inside the old man in white.

"Dugu seeks defeat? I know, Doku seeks defeat!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

After all, in the battle of Geng Jinzong, some spies from the Emperor Yuan Dynasty could still detect some.

"No, I remember the news said that Tokgo is a middle-aged swordsman. This is the old man in white? Who is this?" Someone said in astonishment.

"Don't you be alone?" Everyone looked startled.

Isn't it true that Gu Hai was in Geng Jinzong, simulating the solitary struggle for defeat?

At this moment, all the talents found a weird situation, but the sky full of sword qi surrounds the old man in white clothing, the cloud beast, but it has a weird pattern, and those sword qi surround a huge Taiji map.

"Tai Chi Tu Jianqi?" In the city, Waner Fairy stunned slightly.

Ye Shenzhen and Li Shenji also showed a hint of surprise.

"Gong Ye, you have the most news. Who does this simulate?" Li Shenji said blankly.

"Yeah, it ’s strange, isn't it surprising that Jianyi is full of sharpness? But this Jianyi is extremely round and self-contained Tai Chi?" Long Shenwu frowned.

"I don't know. I didn't know what the last solitary defeat was," Ye Shenzhen said bitterly.

Who does Gu Hai simulate?

"Pretend to be a ghost and let the arrows go!" A general screamed.

"Drink!" Suddenly, the 200,000 **** blood army pulled the bow, and numerous arrow rains shot at the old man in white.


Like 200,000 Changhong, it seems that the huge cloud beast that is one hundred feet high will be shot into a sieve.

The ancient sea above Cloud Beast's head smiled coldly: "Just considering your large number of people, you did not use Tokgo to defeat, 200,000 arrows rain? Good job!"

While talking, the old man in white stepped forward at his feet, and the long sword turned, and he murmured clearly: "He is strong, he is strong, the breeze blows the hills! He is free, he is free, and the moon is shining on the river!"

The old man ’s long sword suddenly formed a strange swirling airflow around his body. When the long sword was pulled by his hands, the 200,000 arrow rains seemed to be dragged by a force, suddenly deviating from the original track, and pulled along the long sword. Spooky spin around the old man's body.

200,000 Changhong, a strange turn, the arrow originally turned north, then slowly turned, the arrow turned, and turned south.

The old man's long sword waved.


Two hundred thousand Changhong rolled his eyes and rushed towards the sprinting blood army.

"Wow!" There was no uproar from hundreds of people in the city.

"Arrow rain turned around?"

"Master Mo's Cloud Beast did not dare to touch the hard arrow rain, and Master Qin could only escape the arrow rain. He was turned by Mr. Gu's Cloud Beast's sword and turned back to shoot!"

"Going back all the way, not losing strength?"

"What kind of exercise method is this? Taiji's sword array? It seems that the old man in white didn't make much effort at all, and 200,000 arrow rain turned back?"




The people were uproar.

The second legion on the opposite side also changed his face.

"Be careful!" Everyone exclaimed.


Suddenly, the arrow rain shot, and the large blood army of the **** blood hit the arrow.

"Ah, ah!"


For a time, people turned their horses, and under the 200,000 long arrows, they were killed and wounded.

"What?" The complexion of the commander of the Second Army in the distance changed.

Qin Zibai, who was seriously injured in vomiting blood, also stared out.

Mo Yike in the distance was also a little surprised. You have to know that until you shot it, the simulated bat ancestor's cloud beast has only shot up to two hundred **** blood soldiers.

At this turn of the ancient sea, nearly all blood gods died? how can that be?

The Quartet fought slightly, looking towards the north of the city.

"Who is this?" Li Shenji even stared in surprise.

"Who are you?" The commander of the Second Army glared.

"Tai Chi, Zhang Sanfeng!" The old man in white turned his sword and stared blankly at the opposite army.

ps: The WeChat public platform ‘aiguanqi’ of Guanqi is organizing a thematic submission activity. Participation is rewarded. Interested book fans can pay attention. Watching chess also participated in the whole process.

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