Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Chapter 52: Monte's lie

"My Majesty, all methods are broken, cut!"

"Libashan is so angry!"





In the fierce collision of the ancient sea, the peafowl of the King of the Ming Dynasty, in the fierce collision in the air, they hit again and again, forming a huge wave that swept the four directions, a huge sound, and almost all the practitioners had eardrum pain.

However, the temptation of Baishou Peach is too great.

Everyone saw that the ancient sea was entangled by the God of the Ming Dynasty. All of them suddenly saw their eyes. This was a rare opportunity.

Previously, the ancient sea was manipulating a large array, and tens of thousands of cloud beasts returned, but now, the ancient sea has been pinned down. The other three are definitely not working.

Baishouhuan peach tree is there, and without the protection of the ancient sea, go?

"Follow me!" Jiugong yelled.


Numerous subordinates manipulated the cloud beast and followed the nine sons towards the other side of the large array.

Nearly a thousand cloud beasts, vast and fierce, fierce. Although Hydra was injured, at this moment it is still full of warfare, and the first one broke into the battle.

"Changshan Zhao Zilong is here, army formation, kill!" A loud drink came out from the clouds.


A large number of soldiers and horses went straight to the nine boys of Hydra.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill!"

The two armies fought, and suddenly fierce fighting began. The fighting was fierce.

"Don't stop, they can't stop it for a long time, punch me!" Jiu Gong shouted.

Gao Xianzhi's face sank, and watching the army attack, he manipulated Zhao Zilong and rushed up: "Huh!"

Zhao Zilong snorted, and the spear in his hand suddenly looked like a sickle of death. The spear pointed at it, and he was insane. He slayed the cloud beast all the way. A large number of soldiers and horses followed Zhao Zilong. For a time, Zhao Zilong was like a meat grinder. , Cloud beasts burst into succession.

Outside, with the first wave of nine sons rushed up. Numerous practitioners couldn't sit still.

"Chong, Gu Hai was pinned down. Whoever grabs Baishou Peach Tree now is who!"



Once again, a huge cloud beast swarmed into the array from another direction.

"Xie Liang Guan Yun is here, army formation, kill!" A loud drink came out from the clouds.


Like Gao Xianzhi, Chen Tianshan maneuvered the army and killed the enemy bravely. Guan Yunchang's green dragon and the moon knife are all wildly cut and invincible.

The outside world broke into more and more cloud beasts. The two wars will almost complete most of the battlefield, as if taking care of Xiaorou, only giving Xiaorou a small part of the battlefield.

"Yanren Zhang Yide is here, army formation, kill!"

Even though Xiaorou faces the fewest enemies, many enemies rush towards Xiaorou after all.

Where has Xiaorou seen this battle? After all, he was only eight years old. In the past, he was forced to fight at the entrance and exit of this world. Later, the Ant Sea was also forced by will. The battle here suddenly appeared panic.

"Ah, don't come over! Ah!" Xiaorou almost closed her eyes in fear.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill!"

Under the control of Xiao Rou, Zhang Yide was also very flustered. Although he still had peerless force, Xiao Rou was too flustered and Zhang Yide's action was also flustered.


More and more cloud beasts burst around, and more and more practitioners fell.

The outside world broke into the large array, most of them were blocked by Zhao Zilong and Guan Yunchang, and a small part of them faced the flustered Zhang Yide, slowly, getting closer and closer to Zhang Yide.

"Ha ha ha ha, that little snake demon, she dare not fight!"

"There is a breach. Quickly, break in before others react!"





The cloud beasts rushing towards Xiaorou became fiercer, and Xiaorou became more and more difficult. Seeing that the beasts of clouds were getting closer to themselves, Xiaorou was about to cry.

"What to do? What to do? En Gong, Xiao Rou is going to lose, woo hoo hoo!" Xiao Rou cried in fear.

This group rushed to Xiaorou's cloud beast, including the disciples of Yipintang.

Montaign followed the crowd with a flash of confidence in his eyes.

"Kill, that little snake is going to die, hurry!" The monks shouted in excitement.


Sure enough, under the sprint of a large number of cloud beasts, Xiao Rou steadily retreated, a large number of soldiers and horses were driven away by the cloud beasts, and slowly came to Xiaorou.


Zhang Yide was desperately dancing snake spears, but Xiaorou had too little combat experience, especially psychological experience. The panic at this moment made Zhang Yide quite embarrassed, and his failure was revealed.

Seeing, Xiaorou was about to lose.

"Engong, sorry, Xiaorou is too stupid!" Xiaorou was crying in fear.

"Hahaha, die, little snake demon!" A lion-like cloud beast slaps one claw at once, as if Xiaorou slaps one claw to death.

Xiaorou is stunned.


With a loud noise, the Cloud Lion's claw did not touch Xiaorou, but the place of his head was suddenly pierced through a hole.


Cloud lion's paw stopped in the air, and the practitioner above turned his head out of an incredible look.

But he saw a dragon's claws piercing the head of Yunshi. But it was Monte Thai.

"What?" The man exclaimed.

"Broken!" Monty yelled.



The dragon worked hard and burst into a cloud lion, and suddenly came to Xiaorou.

"A disciple of Yipintang, shoot!" Meng Tai yelled.

"Roar!" "Roar!" ...............

A large number of cloud beasts roared around, suddenly, no longer attacking the soldiers and horses, but killed from the cloud beast group, killing other cloud beasts, and killing each other like other cloud beasts.

"What? Damn it!"

"What are you doing?"

"Monte, you go against it!"




A lot of roar came from the cloud beasts, and the disciples of Yipintang turned against each other, helping Xiaorou to stop the attack.

"Ah?" Xiaorou showed surprise.

How could Monte Tai save herself?

"Snake girl, are you okay?" Montai asked.

"I, I'm okay, but you, you ...!" Xiaorou's head couldn't turn a little.

"We are like Yihaitang disciples, don't you know?" Montai laughed.

"Ah? Oh! It seems!" Xiaorou nodded.

"Gu Hai puts up a large array. In order to find unborn people, this is the purpose of my Yipintang. We are naturally looking for unborn people. As a disciple of Yipintang, how can we help outsiders deal with their own people? It's just hiding in the crowd, just to get together with you inside and out at the last minute! "Montai laughed.

"Really?" Xiaorou's eyes lightened.

"Of course it is true, Snake Girl, let's fight side by side. When the ancient sea wins, there is no possibility of breaking into this group of small children. Let us block the outsiders together!" Montai cried.

Xiaorou looked at Monte Thai, shook his tears, and answered happily: "Huh!"

Monta smiled slightly, turned his head to look at the intruders outside, and turned his head for a moment, a smirk appeared on his face, thinking excitedly: "This little demon is really naive and deceiving!"



The melee started again.

Yipintang disciples helped Xiaorou to deal with outsiders. Suddenly, Xiaorou's soldiers and horses felt less pressure. Xiaorou is also very happy.

"Hit them, hit their bad guys, that's all right!" Xiaorou was aided, and immediately became quite quiet.


In an instant, Xiaorou's battlefield, Xiaorou slowly took the advantage. Xiaorou is extremely happy.

Turning his head, Xiaorou was grateful to Montai: "Thank you ...!"

But before saying a word, a dragon claw suddenly appeared on top of Zhang Yide's head.


With a loud noise, Zhang Yide's head burst instantly.

Meng Tai has eyesight that many people don't have. When he rushed into the battle, he discovered the extraordinary force of Zhao Zilong, Guan Yunchang and Zhang Yide. In addition to shocking his mind, he also thought about how to use conspiracy and tricks.

Mengtai has been waiting for this opportunity. If he fights against Zhang Yide with all his strength, he may not be able to achieve good results. However, at this moment, he finally waits until Zhang Yide is completely unprepared. on.

With a loud noise, Zhang Yide's head burst instantly, and Xiaorou exploded into the sky.

"Ah!" Xiaorou screamed in horror.


Suddenly, Montai reached out and caught Xiaorou flying in the air.


With a dagger in his hand, Dun jammed Xiaorou's neck.

"Don't move, as soon as you move, your dagger will cut your head off!" Montai sneered.

"You lied to me, you lied to me, whine, you lied to me!" Xiaorou reacted, crying suddenly.


In the distance, Gao Xianzhi and Chen Tianshan suddenly changed their faces.


However, the battlefield in the distance is extremely chaotic, and the two cannot escape at this moment.

"You lied to me, you lied to me, ohh!" Xiaorou was crying in trembling.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, you are so naive, I have never seen such a deceiving person, you believe everything, ha ha ha ha!" Montai laughed.

"Woohoo!" Xiaorou cried poorly.

"Yipintang disciples, stop them for me. I'll get Baishou Peach Tree!" Mengtai laughed, holding Xiao Rou, and walked towards Baishou Peach Tree.

"Engong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Engong, I'm sorry!" Xiaorou kept crying while being escorted.

In another place, Gu Hai and Daming King God fought fiercely. Fang Tianhua's halberd and peacock feathers stand dead in the collision.

The ancient sea is exposed, and across from it, the hat of the King of Ming Dynasty keeps blowing, it seems to fly away.

As if feeling in her heart, Gu Hai's face suddenly changed. Turned his head and looked.

"Engong, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Engong, I'm sorry!" Xiaorou crying in the distance was so desperate.

"Libashan is angry! Get out of here!" Shouted the shout.


Gu Hai and Daming King separated suddenly.

"Xiao Rou has been hijacked? Hell!" Gu Hai's face changed.


Fang Tian painted the halberd and turned to point to the God of the Ming Dynasty.

"You have to fight, and I will fight with you later, if Xiaorou has a length of three and a length of two, I'll knock you alive!" Gu Hai stared and shouted at Daming King God.

If in the past, the God of the Ming Dynasty will definitely erupt more radon than the ancient sea. However, at this moment, suddenly seeing Xiao Rou being hijacked by Monte Thai, the original war will end suddenly.

King Daming stared at the distant voice of Monte Thai: "Look for something dead!"

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