Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 25: Bombard the Lord

"Cut!" Mu Chenfeng shouted!

The disciples of Yipintang raised their swords one after another and were about to be cut off.

"Bold!" Ye Hua screamed angrily.

However, the blasting gun was facing Yehua, and Yehua was hesitant for a while, but no matter how hesitant, he still had to take a shot.

This scene, in the eyes of hundreds of people and guards, was a shock. The new owner of this hall seems to be too strong?

In the distance, Li Shenji's eyes narrowed: "Gu Hai, he's blatantly tearing his face with the Sun Temple, he really dares!"

Li Shenji did not expect that Gu Hai was doing things so cleanly.

The disciples of Yipintang fully listened to Gu Hai's order. It seemed to vent his resentment over the years and raise his sword to be cut off.


Suddenly a loud drink rang out at high altitude, with a loud voice, with a towering anger.

"City Lord!" The city guards reverently said at once.

However, on a flying boat, the owner of Tianchen City quickly arrived over Yipintang with his subordinates.

Tianchen City Lord, an official robe, indignantly, staring at the crowd below.

The lord of Tianchen City shouted, with a sound of deterrence in his voice, and instantly gave the Yipintang disciples waving their swords one by one and looked at the sky frowning.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed, looking up at the sky, and looking at the angry drinker.

A slight sneer appeared: "Who is your Excellency? What is it to break into my Yipintang?"

"Huh, I'm the master of Tianchen City. Everything in Tianchen City is under my jurisdiction. Come to Yipintang. What is it? Are you the master of Yipintang? Oh? You ca n’t hear the voice of the rioters just now? "Tianchen Lord said coldly.

"What is Chuang, now you are Chuang! I think you are the master of the city of Tianchen, I will not hold it for a while, I will immediately leave the sky above Yipintang, I can't take care of you in Yipintang!" Gu Hailiang sighed.

"Presumptuous!" Tianchencheng stared.

Above the flying boat, a group of Tianchen City Lord's subordinates took out the sword soldiers and looked coldly at the ancient sea below.

The people all around looked at the ancient sea suddenly. Where did this ancient sea emerge, and they dared to confront the city owner?

"What are you doing? Kill!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Ah? Yes, yes ........." The disciples of Yizhongtang were frightened.

Although I was so angry before, but never thought that Yipintang could fight against the city master, that is the Tianchen city master. Only the owner of Long Xiaoyuetang dare.

"Tianchen City Lord, Yipintang grabbed my Sun Temple to make it. Is this your way to entertain guests?" Yehua immediately test the pressure on the Tianchen City Lord.

In this way, it becomes a diplomatic event.

Although the Tianchen City Lord has just arrived, I can see it from a distance.

This group of angels took their own blame, and they didn't want to control it, but the Sun Temple and the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom were big forces of the same level, and they had to manage it.

Every day I do n’t want anything to happen, after all, something still happens.

"Stop, wait a minute!" Tianchen City Master shouted again.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at Tianchen City Lord with a cold eye.

All the disciples in Yizhong gave a slight meal.

"You are the master of Yipintang, Guhai? Guhai, this group of angels is the messenger of the Sun Temple, you can't kill them in the heaven, otherwise ..." Tianchen City Lord frowned.

"What matter to me?" Gu Hai said coldly.

The Lord of Tianchen City was immediately arrested. His face was gloomy and looked at Gu Hai: "Huh, Gu Hai, I have talked to you very well. If you still want to go alone, something is wrong, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, trespassing to my Yipintang, this is a mess, I kill this trespasser is to stop the chaos, Tianchen City Lord, you don't want to add chaos, wherever you come, where to go!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Presumptuous, where did the barbarians make trouble in my Tianchen City! I warn you again, and immediately release these angels, otherwise, don't blame me!" Tianchen City's master said coldly.

"Barbaric? Hahaha, I am the master of Yipin Church who was personally consecrated by Dagan Sheng. Where did I come from? Go and ask Dagan Sheng to see how Dagan Sheng told you, hum!" Gu Hai snorted.

"Also, although I just took on any Pintang, but I know that Yipintang is a great force. Now, a group of outsiders assaults and assassinates great forces. As the Tianchen City Lord, not only did you not agree with the outside world, but you helped the outsiders to provocate the great forces. What are you doing, are you the Lord of the City serving the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom or the Sun Temple? Or, are you originally a Sun Temple man? "Gu Hai stared.


There was a sudden uproar among the soldiers and the people around. This ancient sea dared to say anything, even the city owner dare to slander?

"Presumptuous, why not come here, come and take me the ancient sea!" Tianchen City Master stared.

Gu Hai's eyes were cold, and the probe pointed to the sky.

Suddenly, Huntian's muzzle aimed at the flying boat in the sky.

After taking down the powerful men who were about to rush down, they suddenly felt cold. Where did this ancient sea emerge, he dared to use the sky gun to face us, can we still go down?

"Gu Hai, do you want to rebel?" Tianchencheng stared.

"Rebellion? I want to rebel. The owner of this city can hardly blame you. Oh, you broke into the boundary of my Yipintang and left immediately. I said, leave immediately, I counted to three!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Tianchen City Master stared at Gu Hai. This is the first time I have seen such a person. How dare you threaten me?

For a while, the generals looked at Tianchen City Master blankly.

The people and generals were already stunned in the surrounding area.

The distant Li Shenji was shocked.

"What is this ancient sea doing? In order to kill this group of angels, do you hesitate to turn your face with the city master?" Li Shenji stared.

Even Yehua was a little dumbfounded at the moment.

With the arrival of the Lord of the Tianchen City, Yehua knew that he was inconvenient to shoot again. Similarly, his subordinates were also safe. The original personal grievances had risen to the diplomatic events of the Sun Temple and the Dagan Heavenly Kingdom.

In this way, for the relationship between the Sun Temple and the Dagan Heavenly Dynasty, no matter what, the subordinates of his group can't die now.

But who would have thought that Gu Hai was so disregarded? How is this possible?

"Do you dare!" Tianchen City lord said coldly.

"One!" Gu Hai resolutely said.

The disciples of Yizhong Yipin looked at each other, but hesitated. The Yipintang disciple in charge of the muzzle also did not know what to do. Mu Chenfeng quickly turned the person away and controlled the sky gun himself.

"Two!" Gu Hai chuckled again.

"Huh, I'm standing here today, I see you dare!" Tianchen City's forehead gave out a trace of cold sweat, but still facelessly shouted.

The soldiers on the side did not know what to do.

The people nearby had already held their breath and widened their eyes. Looking at the owner of Yipintang, dare to let it go!

"Three!" Gu Hai stopped drinking.

Everyone is a stir.

"Let's go!" Gu Hai shouted.

"Boom!" The booming sky gun operated by Mu Chenfeng suddenly made a loud noise.

A thunderous sky shot above the flying boat and shot out.

"What? Really fired?"






The people suddenly screamed on Thursday and even Li Shenji in the distance changed his face.

Yehua has a big mouth. Is Gu Hai really going to work with Tianchen City?

Hun Tianlei was very fast, and almost instantly reached the flying boat.

"Gu Hai, how dare you!" The master of Tianchen City suddenly changed his face and jumped out instantly.

"Ah!" "Ah!" "Ah!" ………………

A large number of soldiers on the flying boat fled away at about the same time.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The flying boat of Tianchen City Lord exploded over the boundary of Yipintang. Everyone was blown up instantly.

Blasted into pieces and shot in all directions.

A group of escaping soldiers were suddenly covered with blood, and even the Lord of the Tianchen City was also instantly blown out with his shawl and his clothes ragged.

"Gu Hai, you dare to rebel, you rebelled!" Tianchen City Master flew away in anger.

The people in the surrounding area were blown up and down under this explosive current, but it was more horrified. But the Lord of the Tianchen City, who was so high in the past, was blown up?


After the explosion, there was a quiet area around Yipintang. Everyone looked at the ancient sea inconceivably. The only sound was that of another sky-thunder that rolled into the barrel of the sky-gun.

How dare he? Did he really bombard the Lord?

The muzzle was recharged into the thunderous sky, and in the direction pointed by the ancient sea, it was facing the distant Tianchen City Lord.

"This is the boundary of Yipintang, go out!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"You, you, I want to report to the Holy, you are murdering the court officials, and I want to report to the Holy!" Tianchen City Master shouted and pointed at Gu Hai.

"One!" Gu Hai chuckled again.

Count again?

The master of Tianchen City was excited. If he did n’t believe that Gu Hai dared to shoot at himself before, but now, never dare to believe it, he would really release it! Really will.


As soon as he threw his sleeves, he didn't wait for the ancient sea to count ‘two’, and the Tianchen City Lord flew out of Yipintang.

Gu Hai stopped paying attention to the Lord of the Tianchen City and turned to look at the soldiers brought by other Lords. The muzzle shifted with the look of the ancient sea.

"Hum hum!"…………

Instead of counting ancient times, the generals fled from the border of Yipintang.

Everyone walked away, and the people, soldiers, and Jehovah did not return to God.

"Kill!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Don't!" Ye Hua's face changed.

"Yes!" Shouted the disciples from Yizhongtang.

At this moment, almost roaring, roaring the excited trembling in my heart.


At almost the same time, two Zhongtian Temples, more than 50 Xiatian Temples, and more than 2,000 yuan infants flew out of their heads, and blood splashed into the sky.

"His ~~~~~~~~~~!"

Outside Yipintang, almost everyone took a breath. For a moment, a new understanding of Yipintang's new owner was in his mind.

"Gu Hai ~!" Ye Hua's face was sullen.

The sky-high gun was facing Yehua immediately.

"Yehua, here is the world of Dagan, no matter where you come from, no matter who your father is, no matter how prestigious you are, when you are in Dagan, you must abide by the rules of Dagan, and you must be punished by my Yipintang Dare to come forward again, they are your end! "Gu Hai pointed at the beheaded solar shrine strong men coldly.

Ye Hua's fists clenched, and he seemed to be raging with anger.

In the distance, the master of Tianchen City, looking at the ancient sea gloomily, was burning in anger at the moment.

The people of the Quartet looked at the ancient sea, but did not have evil intentions, but instead expressed their respect from the heart. That's right, this is the dynasty dynasty. Regarding who you are, you must observe the rules of the cadre.

As Gu Hai looked at Yehua with a cold eye, the two were confronting each other. Suddenly, an exclamation came from the sky.

"Is he? Gu Hai! Aung ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A dragon came suddenly and saw the ancient sea below.

"Brothers, Gu Hai has come to you. Come on, today, I am going to hold a meeting to kill the ancients, ha ha ha ha!" Shouted another dragon suddenly.

"Ang!" "Ang!" "Ang!" ……………………

For a moment, the roar of dragons came suddenly from the distance, and the dragons shot angrily from the distance. A huge scent emanated from the sky above the hall. The group of dragons gathered, looking at the ancient sea below, with a towering grudge.

PS: Today's postgraduate exam, I wish the candidates who look at the eternal fairyland to win!

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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