Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 29: Faming

"Gouchen, if you do n’t get obsessed with it again, we're welcome. Just now is just the first part of the" Devil's Scriptures ", and then there is the next part. Your" grief "is extraordinary, but, next, it is not your I can bear it! "The woman in white looked coldly at Gou Chen.

"You come, hum, Lingshan Holy Land is amazing? Come again, I don't believe it, Qin Tao, how good are you when you recite the scriptures?" Gou Chen faced and shouted.

The white woman's eyes narrowed, and a chill flickered in her eyes: "Read it, next!"

"Yes!" The five hundred monks suddenly answered.

Five hundred monks clasped their hands and chanted again in their mouths.

"The demon, the Buddha's light is universal, and the evil is turned, the Buddha is on the top, and he is given the holy text, and the sentient beings are ...............!"

The chanting of Scriptures was getting faster and faster. At a time, the five hundred monks in the mouth of the "卍" character became faster and more and more, and quickly gathered on top of the huge 卍 character seal.

Hundreds of millions of golden light slowly bloomed during the rotation of the seal, and the golden light shot in all directions to Tiancheng City, and the sound of Buddha sounds suddenly expanded innumerable. For a moment, it sounded like the whole Tiancheng City.

"Du Magic Book!"

"It must have been a monster!"

"It is not easy for the Holy Mountain Holy Land to display the" Devil of Magic "!"

"The little dumb, I know, is the little beggar in our street. Once he was born, his mother died of delivery. His father was also killed unexpectedly on the way back. His grandparents brought him up, but his grandparents He has also died one after another. Was it all killed by him? No wonder Lingshan Holy Land wants to save him. It turns out that he is really a reincarnation! "

"The violinist is called Gou Chen, who played the piano in our street some time ago. It was not bad. I can't think of helping this demon!"

"It is their goodness to save them in the Holy Land!"




People kept counting around.

Above the square of the Buddhist Temple, the five hundred monks recite the scriptures more and more, and the sounds of the Buddha spread throughout the city. At the same time, the largest seal in the sky was suddenly emitting smoke-like energy.

Gold smoke hangs over the center of Gou-Chan and the boy. Vaguely, transparent giants wearing armor and glaring at each other gathered in the smoke.

"That's the" Demon-Changing King Kong ". Look, it's the" Demon-Changing King "mentioned in the" Devil of Magic ". The D-Changing King appears only when it encounters a huge demon. Forcibly demonize the demon!


The demons King Kong roared to the center and yelled at him.

Gou Chen's face showed anxiety, but the speed at hand was getting faster and faster. Under "Sadness", a fighter in a cloak bravely opposed the demons.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

In front of the demons King Kong, the fighter was overthrown to the ground again and again, but the fighter has a stubborn stubbornness. This is a song of unyielding fate. How would he succumb to a few kings.

"Roar! Roar! Roar! ...............!"

There was anxiety among the monks, and it was clear that this fighter could not surrender the magic diamond, but how could this fighter stand up like he couldn't die. The monks could only recite the scriptures, increasing the number of demons.

Five demons, ten, twenty, fifty.

Under a heavy blow, the fighter had no resistance at all, but Gou Chen refused to admit defeat and kept bouncing. The fighter also held Gou Chen and the young man, using his physical body to resist the shot of the demons.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

A series of loud sounds, as if the demons King Kong was hitting the sandbag.

Gou Chen has reached the end of his dead end, but still guarding the teenager, the two have been confined to a small space, without resistance, can only be beaten.

The demons have played for a while. Although they have an absolute advantage, they cannot lift the fighter's body at all.

In this way, it is deadlocked here, the demons have reached 100, and they are constantly fighting with the sandbag of the fighter.

The people who had looked coldly at Go Chen around all around were frowning slightly at this moment, a little unbearable.

During the five hundred monks chanting, there was a trace of cold sweat on his forehead, and he encountered such a person who was not afraid of death for the first time.

The woman in white face was gloomy, and a monk whispered: "Bodhisattva, this is not the way to go, but this gospel of Chen Qin is good. Although it can't win us, it has been consumed and it is not good for us!"

The woman in white was somber, silent for a moment, and looked around.

"Bodhisattva, you see, the eyes of the people around have changed a bit, the world is dull, and they will always sympathize with the weak, and we continue to do this to our disadvantage!" A monk frowned.

The woman in white nodded her head: "It's okay, Chen Xiuwei just reached the Yuanying Realm. I thought I could use this to promote the voice of my Buddha. I don't want to be so entangled, hum, let me!"

"Yes!" The monk stepped back.

A flash of cold light flashed in the eyes of the woman in white, stepping, and her figure flickered as if she had turned into a white light and shadow.

"The demon is arrogant, treat me to destroy the bamboo!" The woman in white sang loudly.

A purple bamboo popped in his hand and stabbed at Gou Chen instantly, as if he was going to puncture Gou Chen instantly.

The people's complexion changed around the four weeks. Didn't they say that they were good? How did it change?

However, the woman in front of her acted so that the people could only look at it, maybe the devil was really crazy.

Bamboo was only aimed at Gou Chen, and Gou Chen was assassinated. Gou Chen's face turned wild.

"Huh, the piano fights the piano fight, and then the three indiscriminate sneak attacks, shameless, Mu Chenfeng, set off the cannon!" An angry drink rang from the sky.


There was a sudden loud noise, and a black thunderous sky thundered instantly towards the woman in white holding the purple bamboo.

The woman in white was supposed to assassinate Gou Chen, but when the bombardment came out, a death threat suddenly filled the whole body.

The woman in white was agitated, her face changed, and she turned her head to look.

As I looked around, I just saw that Hong Tianlei had arrived.

"What?" The woman in white suddenly changed her face, and the bamboo stick stabbed at Gou Chen turned her direction in an instant, welcoming the thunderous sky.

"Master! Why are you here?" Gou Chen suddenly showed ecstasy.


"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a sudden loud noise, and the whole listening to the Temple Square rolled up a violent storm, and the huge square was all broken in an instant, and countless rubbles soared into the sky.

Five hundred chanting monks were immediately knocked out by the aftershocks.

"Ah!" "Ah!" ……………………

The five hundred monks recite the scriptures and were interrupted instantly. They were blown apart and spread, and the aftermath was huge, forming a violent wind, which even struck the people of the Quartet in an instant.


"what happened?"





Under a series of shouts, the people were immediately turned over by the lifted people.

Listening to the Buddha Temple Square, the monks in cloaks who had watched the development of the field also changed their faces.







The monks in cloaks glared and yelled, blocking the aftermath, and the philanthropic monk clung in the center, also folded his hands, suddenly a golden light emerged from the monk, instantly covering the entire square. The chaos above the square subsided in an instant. All the gravel fell to the ground, all the strong winds disappeared instantly, and all the smoke fell instantly.

The five hundred chanting monks who turned their backs on their horses were instantly safe and sound.

A crisis seems to be resolved.

However, in the very center of Listening to the Temple Square, there is a super huge pit, which is bottomless.

"Zhuzhu Bodhisattva, Zizhu Bodhisattva, are you okay?" A group of monks suddenly screamed at Jukengkou.

Looking down, I saw the depths of the giant pit. The purple bamboo in the hand of the woman who was about to sneak attack on Gou Chen had shattered into pieces.

The white woman's clothes were also scorched and black, and her hair was burned more than half. Her face was covered with bloodstains. The dark clothes were full of blood.

"Ah, cough, huh!" The woman in white, Zizhu Bodhisattva, vomited weakly.

"Zhuzhu Buddha, how are you?"

Monks jumped into the pit and raised the injured Zizhu Bodhisattva.

The Zizhu Buddha shivered and seemed to have lost a little strength, but his eyes were extremely resentful, staring at the sky, the direction of the thunderous sky just now.

The monks saw that the Zizhu Bodhisattva was still alive, and followed the eyes of the people and looked at the sky together.

But I saw that there was a huge flying boat in the air, and about two hundred people stood on it.

Gu Hai and Ao Shun stood at the entrance of the deck, while Mu Chenfeng waited for a group of Yipintang disciples to manipulate the blasting cannon against the Zizhu Bodhisattva.

Hundreds of Yipintang disciples all showed excitement, but the hundred dragons were wide-eyed and looked at the group of Guhai in amazement. Obviously, Guhai actually dared to fire the purple bamboo Buddha?

Ao Shun looked at Gu Hai with a bitter smile. When he got here just now, Gu Hai took out the flying boat and saw the battle below. Originally, he wanted to ask what happened, but Gu Hai immediately ordered and bombarded the Zizhu Bodhisattva.

At the moment, the ancient sea looked bleak, staring at the Zizhu Bodhisattva who was so weak that it was weak.

"Shameless man, who dare to kill me?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"You, you, who are you?" In the weakness of the Zizhu Bodhisattva, the eyes were cold and cold.

"Master, you are here. Master, you have to be the master of me. These bald donkeys will save us. If we succeed, we will be brainwashed and become their slaves. Master, you are here, too. Okay! "Gou Chen cried excitedly.

"Mr. Zheng Faming, look, my master is here, haha, don't worry about it now!" Gou Chen cried excitedly to the teenager.

The teenager laughed and patted with the palm of his hand. However, there was no sound in his mouth.

"Wuliang Shou Buddha, it turned out to be Prince Ao Shunlong. I don't know, where did the Lingshan Holy Land offend the Dragons? The Dragons wanted to do this destruction in my Lingshan Holy Land Palace? Is this a consecration of Dagan Sheng?" Not far away, there was a monk monk The monk around the center gave a questioning voice.

That place is because the monk stared at Ao Shun and showed the master of the voice, but the sentence was spoken by a subordinate on the side.

Talk to someone else? Gu Hai revealed a sneer and said: "The artillery was bombed by me. It has nothing to do with Ao Shun. Your Lingshan Holy Land did not offend the Dragon clan, but offended me. Just now, this **** went to assassinate Gou Chen, but you gave it away? Gou Chen is My disciple of Yipintang, this **** assassinated the imperial court officials in the Daqian dynasty, but was your God Shanshan III Buddha's intent? "

PS: For a while, sorry!

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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