Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 5 Chapter 31: Another bomber

Tiancheng City sneered and looked at Gu Hai, stepped forward, facing the muzzle, as if Ding Gu Hai was afraid to fire!

The Lord of the Heavens City sneered, and the ringing Buddha also showed a slight sneer. The people of the Quartet looked coldly at the ancient sea. Obviously, they thought the ancient sea was afraid to fire.

"Gutang, why not ..." Ao Shun frowned.

"Mu Chenfeng, let go ~~~~~!" Gu Hai shouted.


Before Ao Shun's words were finished, the master of the opposite Tiancheng city suddenly changed his face, because a thunderous sky had already reached the flying boat in an instant.

"Gu Hai, how dare you ..." The main character of Tiancheng City jumped and flew out.

The subordinates above the flying boat also widened their eyes and ran away in horror.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the land of the flying boat of the Lord of Heavenly City exploded with a super huge mushroom cloud, and a super storm swept away in all directions.

Tell the Bodhisattvas to open their mouths, and the Zizhu Bodhisattva to open their mouths. I saw the Lord of the Heavens here before and thought that things were settled.

The monks in the surrounding area suddenly retreated, and hundreds of people were overturned to the ground.

"Impossible, Gu Hai how dare he? Is he going to rebel?"

Few people stood firm in horror.

Ao Shun looked at the ancient sea and showed a bitter meaning. The Lord of the Heavens was not at fault at all. How dare you?

After all, the blasting cannon was only aimed at Feizhou. The admiral of Feizhou was running away, and under a series of screams, all the blood fell.

Although the Lord of the Heavens was not killed, at this moment, his body was covered with blood, and his clothes were black.

"Oh!" The blood of the Lord of the Heavens spit out and fell to the ground.

"Gu Hai, you dare to rebel!" The landlord of Tiancheng landed, hissing loudly.

The ancient sea looked coldly at the Lord of the Heavens, and when it looked cold, Mu Chenfeng again loaded a thunderbolt, and the Heavenly Cannon aimed at the Lord of the Heavens again.

The sky gun once again targeted the Lord of Heavenly City. The ancient sea looked cold. When the Lord of Heavenly City excited, the screaming and curse at the mouth suddenly came to an abrupt halt.

Does he really dare to fire?

"You, you, you, you dare to rebel against the Holy!" The lord of the heavenly city said angrily.

"Huh, Lord of the Heavens, don't fake the imperial edict!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"What?" The face of the Lord of Tiancheng changed.

"What you said just now, it ’s your responsibility to help find someone. It ’s your responsibility, not all of us, but just you. Responsibility, everyone, I ’m obliged. Listen to you? "Gu Hai said coldly.

"Uh, you!" The lord of Tiancheng City stared.

"You are responsible for helping to find, can't find it, when should I wait? Everyone must follow you? Does Dagan Sheng say to everyone that everyone must listen to you?" Gu Hai said coldly.

The lord of Tiancheng City looked cold: "Even if you don't, you are attacking the lord of Tiancheng City openly. Do you want to rebel?"

"I just bombed you, and you went to Dagan Sheng to report me? I just bombed you, what? I just saw you upset, and you dare to be extravagant, I will bombard you again, believe it?" Gu Hai stared coldly.

The owner of Tiancheng City opened his eyes wide and thought that Gu Hai was going to quibble, but he did not expect Gu Hai to admit it, and he admitted it so brazenly. It's up to you to be upset, I'll blast you, what can you do?

"Come here, come here, give me this ...!" The lord of Tiancheng City was furious and was about to order the army to arrest Gu Hai.

"Mu Chenfeng, aim at him, if he says another word, give me a bang!"


When the lord of Tiancheng City came to his mouth, he stopped abruptly and looked at the ancient sea in horror. This is the lawless Lord? Just say a word, just boom?

From Mu Chenfeng's gunfire without hesitation just now, the Lord of Heavenly City firmly believed that if he was noisy again, he would definitely blow to himself.

The ancient sea looked coldly at the Lord of the Heavens.


With a cold hum, Gu Hai stopped paying attention, but turned to look at the ringing Bodhisattva not far away.

But this scene was a shock to everyone.

Is this man crazy? Barbarians? That ’s the Lord of the City of Heaven. Are you really going to kill him?

A crowd of people looked at this ancient sea in horror. At this moment, it was not disgusting, but it was so weird. It seemed like Gu Hai was alone and had calmed down the audience. That day, the Lord of the City was in front of him and wanted to kill?

Even Ao Shun looked at the ancient sea suddenly at this moment.

Ao Shuntian is not afraid of being famous, but he has never been like the ancient sea. Whatever he wants, this is the dynasty's dynasty.

The opposite side warned the Buddha to frown, and originally thought that the arrival of the Lord of the Heavens had settled all the dust, but who thought that the ancient sea was so overbearing? Where did he come from?

Looking at the ringing Bodhisattva, Gu Hai revealed a sneer: "Go Chen, take this boy to the flying boat!"

"Ah, okay!" Gou Chen was excited.

The owner is a cow. It doesn't matter who it is, it should be booming. Looking back at this boom, I also borrowed it to play.

When Gou Chen took the beggar on the flying boat, the Bodhisattva suddenly changed his face, his hands were folded together, and suddenly a golden light radiated from his whole body, expanding suddenly, covering the Quartet instantly, as if forming a mask to block everything.

"Want to go? Huh, this young man must stay!" Said the cold-spoken person who instructed the Bodhisattva.

"Arhat sticks!" The other uncle Monk sang suddenly.


All the monks immediately took out the sticks and circled the flying boat, and a wave of murderous gas radiated from the monks.

The people not far away were amazed and did not understand why the bodhisattvas in this holy mountain holy place were so active. The little beggar must be left behind, is that really important?

"Don't warn the Bodhisattva, here is Tianting City after all, why are you entangled?" Ao Shun said coldly.

Ao Shun stared, as if to block the ringing Buddha.

"Ao Shun, what nonsense with him? Mu Chenfeng, the muzzle is ringing against this mouthless ring, hum, I'd like to see, you can't stop me!" Gu Hai stared.

At this moment, the ancient sea is also moving. From the attitude of all monks, ancient sea understands that they cannot let go. Similarly, this little beggar also seems to have an extraordinary special.

Since the little beggar is willing to follow Gochen, this extraordinary special is the Dahan dynasty. It is a thing of Dahan. How can there be concession?

Ao Shun looked at Gu Hai, smiled slightly, and with the sky gun in hand, Mr. Gu was different. This is too powerful, just blast it out?

"Yes!" Mu Chenfeng's muzzle was facing the ringing Buddha.

Not far away, the Lord of the Heavens City sighed secretly, but his face was gloomy and seemed to want to do something.

Gu Hai turned his head, his eyes flashed a cold glance.


I do not know why, seeing the murderous gaze of the ancient sea, the Lord of the Heavenly City was a spirit.


The Lord of the Heavens could only sigh in a sullen mood, and did not dare to intervene.

"Longevity Buddha!" ​​The Bodhisattva turned his eyes to look at the ancient sea coldly. When his hands were crossed, the whole body emitted a yellow light, as if forming a sloshing shield.

"Arhat stick out, stick out!" Suddenly a shy monk shouted.

"Drink!" A group of monks shouted suddenly, the sticks in their hands suddenly hit the flying boat. For a time, the sky was full of shadows, as if the rainstorm was falling, and the flying boat was completely destroyed.

The ancient sea explorer took out the health knife, and said coldly, "Mu Chenfeng ...!"

When the blasting gun was about to fire, a loud scream broke through the audience.

"Stop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"


A strong air flow swept across the square in an instant. Suddenly the crowd broke up. The golden light blew away. A group of behemoths blocked in front of the rocket.


The two sides who were about to fight were dumbfounded and turned their heads.

But I saw that at this moment there are ten flying boats floating above the listening hall.

On the flying boat, there were soldiers wearing armor. On top of the first flying boat, the word "Divine Martial Arts" was written in a large letter.

"Shenwu King?" Gu Hai frowned.

But on top of the first flying boat, at this moment are standing Long Shenwu, Sima Changkong, Long Aotian and others.

The sudden arrival of Long Shenwu made the people around him one of them.

"Master Wang, you finally came back, that ancient sea, regardless of right and wrong, bombarded me, he wanted to rebel!" The Lord of Heavenly City suddenly flew up to the sky and complained to Long Shenwu.

However, Long Shenwu ignored the Lord of the Heavenly City, but suddenly looked at Gu Hai, showing a smile: "Mr. Gu, the past is a farewell, don't come here!"

The friendly voice of the dragon **** Wu was heard in the ears of the lord of Tiancheng City who came to sue. You guys are in a group?

Sue? Come on! Is this another insult?

"I've seen Mr. Gu!" Sima Changkong also smiled at Gu Hai.

Only Long Aotian looked at Gu Hai and showed a slight disdain.

"The Return of Triumph King Triumph?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, I just came back, but before I returned to the house, I saw the war here. What's wrong?" Long Shenwu wondered.

To a group of monks, Long Shenwu's attitude was quite indifferent. Seems to wait for a monk.

"Lingshan Holy Land, Caution, I've met Prince Ganchan!" Not far away, Caution Bodhisattva made people speak for themselves.

At this moment, Dragon God Wucai turned his head and looked.

"Oh? Caution Bodhisattva? Ha, long time gone, what's wrong? Caution Bodhisattva, come to my heavenly city to fight the sword?" Long Shenwu tone stabbed.

"Don't dare? I just dare to promise us to find someone, but now I have been found, but he was taken away by Gu Hai. He also asked the three princes to decide for me, to get justice for me Decree, look for the majesty you deserve! "Said the man next to the commanding Buddha.

Long Shenwu looked around. Not far away, Zizhu Bodhisattva is still coughing up blood.

Obviously, although Long Shenwu is not waiting to see all the monks, he is still not very clear about the matter at hand.

"Heavenly City Lord, what's going on? Truly Mingming!" Long Shenwu said in a deep voice.

The Lord of Heavenly City reverently reported everything that had happened before, but this time, the Lord of Heavenly City did not dare to add jealousy, and recounted it one by one.

"Oh? Lingshan Holy Land is looking for this little beggar?" Long Shenwu stared at him, looking at the little beggar.

This book's first release comes from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!

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